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Review of The Three Strings  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
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I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

You know the old saying 'we have the right to serve who we want'?

Here we have 3 brother strings trying to get into a bar.

No luck. The bartender says we don't serve string.

Well, the string brothers, try as they might with not success.

The last string brother tries something new.

Love the ending.
The twist on words.
Caught me by surprise.
Clever and well done.

Review of Adiemus  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our character has had a busy day but laying on the damp grass brings comfort.

A coolness that is most needed.

The character wonders how such small pieces of nature seems to be just what is needed.

There are willow branches; green and filled with life just above. The stars are shining.

Over the centuries, one might say, it is a miracle that nature still survives.

We as caretakers haven't done a good job.

Then comes the comparison between heaven and God.
All this amazing tapestry He has created for us is just a glimpse of heaven.
When we treat it with such disregard we are not honoring God.

Heaven will be our new home and God waits with open arms for His children.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Here we have an interview with the sun.

We all know how children are full of questions.

Here we have a child asking the sun where does it go when darkness falls.

Does it go to sleep and where?

Does it move elsewhere to cast its lovely light on others?

A few more questions and then comes the reassurance from the sun.

When the morning comes so does the dawn and it's light again.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author bring us a glimpse of nature and how winter takes charge.

As if there were an artist creating the pure white surroundings.

Strange as it might seem; this artist has very few color preferences.

Cover everything with the purest of white. Even the skies carry a bit of grey.

Should we find fault with this change or embrace it?

One must embrace it to allow a rebirth of the tapestry of the Masters Hand.

When the cleansing takes place; He will begin turning loose the colors we all have grown to appreciate.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

We have a tribute to a man who has passed away.

He was talented and created melody on a steel guitar.

The family will miss him dearly and the steel guitar with retire for a while.

There is hope that some day another family member will carry on as he did.

If you have ever been to a county fair dance or listened to a country band; you will understand how the music from this instrument seems to carry you away.

It is only special times when that guitar will be used during a song.

When there is a break for the singer. Oh, and then, those warm, smooth, relaxing chords are heard.

Listen to Patsy Cline sing Crazy; then you will understand. In the song she loved him and even when he left she loved him.

As with this man and his music. They loved him but he left a type of legacy that helps hold that love in their hearts.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author reflects on what goes on inside a creative persons head.

Sure some are common thoughts and then again they could be way out there.

Someone who has that pulling force inside them to share thoughts and skills with others is truly hard to explain.

Thoughts that might run wild with limitless possibilities, knowing full well, they might not be accepted for the effort put into them.

Then again, the right combinations of colors or words just might reach someone.

Isn't that what we all really want?

To be read and understood.

To be remembered and even have that particular piece read over again.

As with an artist, the canvas might be empty but something will catch the artist's eye and he is compelled to share that memorable moment in time with others.

The mixture of colors and emotions come through as it is viewed.

Thank you for sharing this piece.

Review of Our Poor Mailbox  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Living on a country road is beautiful. There can be unsuspected problems that arise. A snowplough that seems to keep knocking mailboxes down in its wake is causing one family sadness.

In this piece, even mailboxes have feelings too. The fact that the box got mowed down three times is just hard to imagine.

Well the box is history. The pole has been stolen.
Sad indeed.

Thank you for sharing

Review of A Witch's Scorn  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

We all know how tricky politics are. In this piece, we have apposing candidates getting involved in an affair of convenience.

The man thought he would take advantage of a his female opponent.

Well, she wasn't going to let that stand.
A little bit if this and that filling a vial.

We'll see who has the last laugh.
Great new twist.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Reunion  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Two strangers meet in a car close call. Dirty looks are exchanged.

Life has a way of surprising us. Doesn't it. As it turns out they know each other.

One was the other child taken at birth.
The older person dies and the younger does a bit of reflection.
Vowing never to hate again.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

When some people are young they like to pick on someone a bit difference.

They might even form those little groups of obnoxious smart mouths that say hurtful things.

As for our character she embraced her life. She worked hard and didn't waist her energy on pointless banter.

After the years passed, she can look back and see how all her hard work has benefited her and her children.

More than likely, she has come across one of the 'walking mouths' and they might not be doing so well in life.

We all have choices. So decide when you are young to be either a nice person or a 'walking mouth' that amounts to little.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Candleshine  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

What if we had a man that had a friend who was going through some tragic event.

You would offer your compassion and strength to help her.

You would give her your love to help her as well.

So lets suppose we have a young woman whos relative is in hospice.

The family gathered around. There are townspeople lighting candles praying for her in church.

There are candles lit in the sick persons room and this young womans friend can see the light in the window.

At a time like this, one feels helpless. So our character writes her a letter full of love to help her know that he cares and shares her pain.

This is heartfelt and touching.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of The Morning Frost  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

The children play as the day comes to an end.

The night is near and an evil stranger lurks in the shadows.

There is a child missing.

No one knows where he went.

Eventually he is found but the findings and not good.

A good lesson to keep our eyes on our little ones.

They can be gone in just a moment.

Thank you for sharing.

for entry "The Restroom
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Good one.

Plenty of detail and imagery for the reader to become involved in the story.

I actually began to feel frightened for our character. Especially when the load demanding knock came from the door.

No where for her to run or a way to escape.

She left a message in blood on the mirror.

She left this dreadful place with hope.

Then came the ending.
Caught me by surprise.lol
Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

What could have happened.

It was to be a birthday party for a child.
Party hats, balloons, cake and frosting.
A large table to accommodate all the guests.

Then when you look at the mystery surrounding this house.

Open door, phone hanging, party preparations not finished.

One would wonder about the apparent fast exit of someone.

Could it have been a car accident that kept some guest away?

Could they have run to the hospital?

Or another thought.

Could the person responsible for this be hiding in the house.

Perhaps upstairs with all the guests locked in a room awaiting unspeakable danger.

Thank you for the mystery.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Well sometimes people just get what they deserve.

We have a classroom and one little boy who wants help with his spelling.

The teacher is getting irritated and orders him to use the dictionary.

Next time he raises his hand the teacher just ignores him.

Well, while the teacher has been grading papers and not watching the boys.

One is driving the other crazy and making fun of him.

I like the way this ended.

Two people learned a lesson and one little boy found vindication.

A bit of humor for a raining evening.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Oh my goodness.
How beautiful and inspiring.
The voices seem to reach down inside.

Our author reminds us that we should never forget the meaning of the season.

A small baby boy will grow to save our souls.

We think of our families and the memories we all share. When our children were little and even if they are grown; they make our lives rich in miracles.

Thank you for sharing and caring.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

A female soldier is asked a really strange question and responds honorably.

It pertains to choosing a certain war that this soldier would not have to fight in.

The soldier answers honestly and was taught to kill.

Hence, the soldier must be careful.

Because they are taught to take down an enemy quietly and finally; they must constantly be cautious.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

I do believe that is the most polite argument I have ever heard.

Still, each standing their ground. Finding blame in someone else's hands is typical.

Adam contends Eve didn't read the sign.

Eve contends that Adams should have warned her about the snake.

Passing the proverbial buck even back then.

Paradise is gone no matter how the argue over the reason. lol

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Nature's Grace  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Artists for centuries have tried to capture Gods creation with their paint.

Granted the things they do are beautiful yet they can never capture the essence of his love and grace.

This beauty given by God is for us to cherish and to learn from.

Taking care of nature is what our task was.

We were to be caretakers of the earth.

What kind of job have we done?

Our character tries to capture the Hummingbird on his canvas. Yet he falls short.

So delicate, so small, so fast, so busy and so blessed to be one of Gods creatures.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Last breath  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

In the last moments of his life, the priest asked if there were any last word to say.

Obviously the condemned man was furious and had only two words to whisper to the one to give him the last right.

They weren't nice either but might have been words he has wanted to say for a long time.

One must wonder who they were directed to?
The priest or God.

Thank you for sharing.

You did well with the limited word count imposed on the piece.

Review of What is time?  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author reminds that time is an part of life.

The clock starts running the moment we are born and ends when we pass on.

Just think what we can do with all that time.

We could find love and sharing our hearts.

We could make a difference in someones life.

We could learn from our mistakes and do better each day.

Be thankful for the time you are given.

Don't waste it watching that clock as the minutes tick away.

Live, love and treasure this life giving time.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of SantasJob  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

It's that time of year when Santa goes on his run.

Busy is he; with a big smile on his face.

He brings joy to all those around.

This piece is a good prelude to a few weeks from now.

How the reindeer are flying from roof to roof and town to town. A busy night indeed.

Be sure to leave him some cookies a milk cause he does work up a good hungry while working all night.

Thank you for sharing.

Review of Deep Shade  
Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **


I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

I have read this a few times.

As I read I feel there are unsaid things here.

A small girl is sitting very still as her step father takes her holiday pictures.

Fear and insecurity is felt by the reader from the child.

There is something about the step father that isn't right.

She is being hurt somehow and this picture is bringing back those memories.

Think how she feels now. There are times at night when she feel afraid and unsafe.

Read the last paragraph.

She how she found no fear in something as dangerous as a scorpion when younger.

Is that not a hint that something is wrong?

Can't people see the signs?

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Lets suppose we have a man in love with someone but is afraid to take that step.

Certainly knowing full well it could ruin their relationship if they are just friends.

So the letter sets there waiting to be given?
When will it be the time?
How long will he wait?

It probably helped to write it down but still the words and emotions still exist in his heart.

To him admitting his feelings might be like stepping off the ledge of a building; they cannot be taken back and the damage will be done.

Then, suppose he finally gets up the courage to open his heart and finds a willing heart to seize it.

Love is always a gamble but so worth it.

Thank you for sharing.

Review by Yellow Rose
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1874040 Unavailable **

I am merely a reader.
I will not dissect your work.
I will tell if emotions surfaced.
I am not educated enough to do what the other reviewers do.
Hopefully you will find my review helpful in that a person read your work and expressed an opinion.

Our author reminds us that unhappy people aren't happy unless they can spread their negativity around.

To see someone smile, they tend to find some story to take the smile away.

So lets see, you could be sad, unhappy, full of despair and depressed and listen to them ruin your day.

You could take an alternate direction and walk your way in a good frame of mind and love life as it is.

Thank you for sharing and caring.

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