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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1062039 added January 7, 2024 at 9:48pm
Restrictions: None
Ramble on
It's hard throwing together an entry every night with the life I lead. I don't do anything.

I did work on my mouse drawings today. Doing them in just pencil is frustrating a little bit. I might ask JR Pete if i can change them to mixed media. I may even try painting them. It is just so hard. As I have said since I agreed to do this I am just a rank ameuter when it come to art in general and drawing in particular.

I opened the 50/30/20 Raffle today. I started it in order to generate GPs to be able to help out around WdC by spending them in the different contests, activities and shops, not to mention making donations to the worthy causes.
December and doing Secret Santa wiped out the gps in both my personal fund and the group's fund. As I said, I've got the Raffle open again..... It's just doing about as much generating gps around here as my 3 c-note shops....

Mercy, Nobility, Badges.

Mercy - compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm:

Nobility - Noble - having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals:

As far as badges are concerned, if you belong to WdC and don't know what they are yet, you haven't been here very long....

What do these things mean to me? Not much really. I'd like more to see someone have the courage to stand up for their own principles and ideals. Otherwise what are they but mere words? A person with morals is someone to look to for advice and aspire to be like. It's just that the word noble brings to mind those weird people with powdered wigs and fake moles from some or other bygone era.

So much for our prompt. I haven't been doing many of them lately because they either don't apply to me or don't inspire me. Usually both.

I'm doing okay on one resolution so far. I do write for 15 minutes each day. Okay so a couple of times I have thrown it out afterwards but it still counts.

Like I said in the beginning, I have no life really. It's an existence. I need to work on that somehow but right now all I want to work on is sleep.

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