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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
Come on the adventures of a little mouse as she writes about her opinions and her life.
June 22, 2024 at 11:03pm
June 22, 2024 at 11:03pm
How do you stay organized in a life that is unorganizable?

As most of you already know, I have Borderline Personality Disorder. One of the things that lightens the symptoms is having a structured, scheduled life. i have tried to do that here. No go mojo. David (nephew/caregiver) gives us meals and medications at different times depending on the day and what he is doing. That's just or starters...... Terry (sister) has visiting doctors and therapists that can call at any time giving her a 24 hour notice that they are coming. (Terry doesn't go anywhere or do anything so this practice is perfectly acceptable to her.

My appointments are outside of the house and require the catching of a bus. Thus an appointment that lasts half an hour takes three hours with walking to the bus stops, waiting for the scheduled bus, riding for at least 15 - 45 minutes to get to the destination, go to the appointment, go back to the bus stop and take the 15 - 45 minute ride in reverse to get home. We won't mention that the nearest bus stop to the house is four blocks away (at least).

Now there is also the demands on my time that I try to ignore. It would thrill Terry to death if I sat in the living room with er all day staring at the TV cross eyed and drooling. If it doesn't make an idiot out of you it will make you a serial killer or something just as bad. Same with video games.....(Like I have room to talk. I've been hooked on tablet games lately that teach you how to grow and sell weed).

Been finishing up reading "The Witch's Book of Self-Care". I actually read it while in the living room trying to ignore the TV. I didn't do half bad. Next on the reading list is "Stephen King On Writing".... Hopefully I will get a bit of encouragement from one of the masters of the field.

The Book of Self-Care wants me to make another Vision Board but this time for my Spirituality. I had been thinking about doing this for a while now before I ever read about the first Vision Board in the book. It should be interesting .

For those of you who don't know, I am a suspense and horror fan when it comes to movies and TV. I watch things like Criminal Minds, Grimm, Supernatural,...... My favorite movie is 13 Ghosts. That's why it is no big jump for me to wonder about what our fellow man is capable of and it scares me. It's the only fear I have left.

I''m going to go watch my movie.....

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