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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
Come on the adventures of a little mouse as she writes about her opinions and her life.
June 19, 2024 at 6:52pm
June 19, 2024 at 6:52pm
Actually I took it off about a month ago. I was wearing my Dad's wedding ring on my left hand. It was supposed to be a slap in the face to him as I was wearing it as a widower to my girlfriend Lisa...... My parents hated her as we were growing up.

I was a freshman in HS when I met Lisa. Up until then my best friend had been my cousin Alyssha but she had found Jennifer and didn't have time for me any more. Lisa and I clicked right away. We talked to each other about everything under the sun. She fell right in to Mansions (my role playing game) , playing the girls to my guys. She was the only one I felt really comfortable letting my masculine side show and being the male side of a relationship. It was the first time I could let my bisexuality out.
I gave Lisa rings several times but we never officially had a real ceremony.....though we had a few in Mansions.

Okay, now to the bad part....... fast forward to 30 years later through which our families each did their best to keep us apart. So did circumstances beyond our control ( or at least they felt that way at the time). I had moved from Missouri back to Michigan to be with Lisa and I moved in to her apartment. It was everything we had dreamed (except the bed bugs) until her sisters found out. They said she could lose her apartment and her Section 8 if I didn't move out immediately..... (Did I mention that it was better for her brother Rick to be an addict who robbed and assaulted them then for Lisa to be a Lesbian?) They even made me sign papers that I wouldn't come within 100 yds of the apartment ever.

We talked on the phone alot. I had moved to Port Huron and changed residences about four times before I ended up at Terry's Room and Board house. Terry eventually encouraged me to invite Lisa up. I made up this male profile on FaceBook so Lisa and I could talk there. She told her sisters she was coming up to spend four days with him. Luckily they didn't want to investigate who Erik was any further..... She came up and we had a blast...... We went to the mall and for walks by the river and shopping everywhere. Lisa had gottten physically worse though and I had to push her in a wheelchair everywhere. She told me she was asking her sisters for a scooter.

About a month later the phone calls stopped.
A week after that Terry told me that they had announced Lisa's death on Facebook.......
They said she was found on the floor by her couch and she must have fallen in her sleep.....

I found out later that when the phone calls had stopped it was because she didn't want to tell me that her sisters were looking for an institution to put her in........she knew I would have been down there to take her away from them forever.....
The last thing she had posted on Facebook was a rant to her sisters with the ending "I''m telling Mom!!!!'" Lisa's mother had passed the previous December. She came to see me In March. She had made it four months under her sisters' tyranny. I can't blame her for wanting out.....
Though I don't have any proof, nothing can convince me that Lisa did not take her own life.

I took the ring off because it was starting to itch all the time and give my finger a rash. It was telling me it was time to let go.

Lisa will always be my one true soul mate and the love of my life. I will never stop loving her.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/profile/blog/mousethyme/day/6-19-2024