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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1062153 added January 10, 2024 at 8:33pm
Restrictions: None
unexpected gifts
I get unexpected nice gifts in the mail all the time now. Schnujo Enjoyed Colombia sends me packages and notes through the Snail Mail Group. I feel bad that I can't send things back or pay it forward and send stuff to others in the group. I just don't get out much to be able to pick up stamps and they have become so expensive. Sooner or later though I will get this done.

Before becoming a Snail Mail member, I was getting somewhat unexpected gifts from my friend Jersey John. John and I met when I tried to go into the Air Force (which is a whole nother can of worms I won't go into right now) back in 1986. Since then, John have been through all kinds of ups and downs to the point that he says I stoled his soul and keep it in a bottle around my neck. He has gotten married and had a daughter since we met, but nothing seems to be able to break the bond we share. There is a special link between us that transcends friendship and even love.

Council on Aging was here this morning to ask some questions about income and such. I will have to see if I can get into the Social Security website and see if I can print off proof of income. If not, than she is SOL on obtaining mine from me. She is going to be back to bring us a load from the food pantry.

Terry and David want me to create a sign for the front of the house asking that people use the side door. David was just explaining to me how to hang it like I was some kind of doofus. I hate it when he does that. It is worse than when he would treat me like a child.

Will probably add more later.

It's later.

Write what you want. There's a loaded prompt if I ever heard one.

Some of the things I really want too write about in my blog here I either don't know if I can or I'm pretty sure I can't because of the rating. Then again I'm not sure. The WdC rating system has always boggled my mind. There are some pretty smart kids out there that know a whole lot more than what we think they do. Then there are some .... adults..... who are shall we just say easily offended. I always go by my old standby that I heard somewhere "When in doubt, up the rating."
There's a second part that goes "If you think it might belong in a higher rating, you're probably right." Anyways I hate anything that puts a limit on where my writing can take me and that includes ratings.

I don't feel like writing any more than that.

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