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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1062560 added January 17, 2024 at 8:35pm
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TV Commercials and Ads in general......

I don't know. I don't watch that much TV, or I try not to. Terry always has the TV going. Lately she's stuck on ION.

You see, we have ROKU and I think it plays different ads than regular TV. They seem to be longer and more boring.

The latest John Cena Hefty commercial almost got us into an argument. Terry says that she would tell him off for telling her to wash her dog. I said I would tell someone if their dog smelled. She said she would then tell me to wash the damn dog... I let it go before it turned into one of those things that causes tension in the house all day.

There hasn't been much going on. I think I am getting cabin fever. I feel like pretty soon I'm going to go running out the door screaming. I was going to go to Clubhouse but I changed my mind when I thought about the four block walk to the bus stop and then having to walk back from the bus stop when I came home. Besides, I have fallen every winter for what is going on six years. Four years ago I managed to break my ankle. ....

There's something around here that's been bothering me lately. It seems lately that they are making a really big deal about reviewing here on WdC. Now while it may help some people, I don't seem to get anything out of it. I didn't come here to read other people's stuff.......but then again I do want opinions on mine.......or at least I used to. Now I could care less...... I don't know it is just bothering me because I keep seeing more and more stuff on here that requires you to review to participate.

I feel like a cynic. I don't like to review but I expect others to review my stuff. I'm here to write but lately I can't get myself to write anything more creative than a blog entry. I just don't know anymore.......

I found out one of the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease is Apathy. The more I learn about Apathy the more it fits me to a tee. I don't know for sure if I have Parkinson's....I have not been definitively diagnosed by a doctor...... but the more I learn about it the more it describes what I am going through most days....... I need to get in to my doctor but then they're probably going to refer me to a specialist and then I'll have more reasons that I have to drag my butt out of the house......

Now that we have gone through the loop and back again I'm going to stop before we get lost in some parallel dimension.

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