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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1063097 added January 28, 2024 at 9:25pm
Restrictions: None
Mind Fog
my mind is in a fog and everything I try to look at this morning doesn't make any sense. I can't tell what I am supposed to do, especially for Dragon Vale. My poor dragons are going to remain eggs forever......

I don't feel right today. Every time I move my head the room decides to take a spin. My brain is numb. My sinuses are active. I feel like crawling back into bed and covering my head.

It doessn't help that I hate the diamond painting Ilm working on. It's supposed to have all these details in it that are just not coming through. I can't tell where I am going wrong .I swear it is the graph that is screwy. Oh well. Sooner or later I'll be done with it and I don't even care how it comes out anymore.

I'll write more later....

It's later...

I'm getting depressed about my writing. I told myself (and others) in Habit Heroes that I was going to add a chapter to one of my novels this month. I was just looking at RoE and THTW and they both look like confused crap to me. I want to trash them and start fresh. I guess I'll look at my other projects under construction and see if I can write something on one of them.

What's in a name? Let me tell you a quick story.
When I turned ten I told myself I was going to be a best selling author when I grew up. I was going to use my initials as my pen name. KAB I started writing little stories about my stuffed animals and their adventures. They were mostly gibberous about them hiding how they could move and talk when they wanted.

At twelve, I chose a better pen name. Kristy Parkers. I don't know where it came from. It just popped in my head as a decent pen name.

Now here's the thing. When I was sixteen my Mother told me that my name was supposed to have been Kristen but my Dad didn't like it. He said it sounded too much like a boy's name. It was a surreal moment for me.

Khola Mousethyme is my Witch name. I don't know where Khola came from either. Mouse is my spirit animal and Thyme is an interesting herb. It is used for cleansing, protection and healing. Khola just always reminded me of a koala bear.

Anyways there are my names.

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