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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1067344 added April 1, 2024 at 8:12pm
Restrictions: None
April Fools Goals
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

That is going to be my saying for this month.....

I joined in on Habit Heroes again. I made goals to make weekly goals... Check in at Dragon Vale every day......Do my blog every day.... Keep up with The Cave as best as I can..... and to add either an entry to a novel or a static item to my port this month......

I made weekly goals along the same lines. To check in with Habit Heroes every day...... Check in at Dragon Vale.... and to write my blog.....

I'm hoping that checking in with Dragon Vale every day will help me grow my dragons.... I keep getting this "they're going to be eggs forever so why should I even try" attitude. but every little bit gets me one centimeter closer......

I am so tired and I promised Sally today that I would go to clubhouse tomorrow. I really do need to go. She also wants me to research more about Silver Sneakers at the YMCA. I just feel like I can't make commitments to a lot of things away from the house. Not with Terry being in the shape she is in.....

Of course, I don't know if I am going to continue with Wire Wrapping group. I brought wire home to practice and watched a YouTube video on how to do it. I tried. It was a disaster..... I also want to get started on a project for crochet but I don't like the yarn I have so I'm trying to wait until my new yarn comes in from Temu. (I can hear you booing the quality of things bought thru Temu but I reserve my right to hope).

I am just trying to do things for me..... It seems like when I start being made happy by outside forces something happens......

I still haven't heard from Steve.... I have come to the conclusion that I won't until we run into each other again. It's heartbreaking but there's really nothing else I can do short of stalking his apartment complex... and I'm not even sure what apartment he is in.

So there's the emotional pain.....
I stayed away from the physical pain because I'm tired of discussing it......
And the mental pain is coming back..... I'm getting depressed again even though I promised myself I wouldn't.....

All I can do is try to keep busy and hope fate smiles on me again......

Forget it!!!! There are too many requirements to checking in at Dragon Vale to get points!!! They can stay damn eggs!!!!

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