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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1068468 added April 10, 2024 at 8:14pm
Restrictions: None
SNAFU getting ready
Don't know w hat to say today.....

Got up at 10:00 am figuring I had plenty of time to get ready so I lazed about getting coffee and toast and just waking up.....

Then I went to help Terry.... This turned into an all out production. First she wanted to lotion her body. I told her "no she needed to shower first". So she proceeds to strip and get in the shower. ( So much for me having time to take one. ) While she was in the shower I snatched out some clothes to wear for the day (I had planned on putting more thought into picking clothes). After the shower Terry had to have me help put cream on her rash spots. Then she had to put anti-perspirant in her sweat nooks. Then I had to help her get dressed (which she decided to put on the PJs I bought her instead of her hospital night gowns she had been wearing since she broke her arm). Then she needed help brushing her teeth and fixing her hair. (She is not noticing but I am grabbing my stuff soo I don't have to go looking for hers and when we're done with it I am slam/throwing it back in my room).
by this time it is going on noon. I throw my clothes on and quickly do my hair before settling her in the living room. I grab my glasses, socks, shoes, purse, bag and jacket. Terry comes off with "Oh you're going out today?" I told her six times yesterday.
I take my pain pills and anxiety meds, throw everything on, grab a sandwich and run out the door.

I just barely made my bus. I did remember to grab my glasses and phone but I forgot to charge my phone last night so it died on me while I was out.........

Wire wrapping was fun. We got the stones placed in the wires and I struggled through making the tree.....Keith has been helping everyone a lot but seems to do more for me; probably because I told him about my Parkinson symptoms. My hands were killing me so bad this morning I almost didn't go. I'm glad I did. It did lift my spirits for a little bit.
Oh quick note. There's a member there who's name is mine, same last initial, and we are the same age. I adore her, and Helen is there from Clubhouse (she said to tell them she reached out to me) . We make a nice little group ......

Don't feel like writing anything else. Nothing much else happened today anyhow.

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