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Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #2311223
2024. Going anywhere inside my little world.
#1073100 added June 23, 2024 at 10:19pm
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good day I guess
Spent a good part of the day reading.
I finished "The Witch's Book of Self-Care" , though I don't think I will ever be done trying to implement a lot of the suggestions into my life.
I restarted reading "Stephen King On Writing". I was getting more inspired this time than the first time I read it. He has so much in there that is encouraging.

I think my inner muse is split between Stephen and Larry (Lawrence Block). Stephen is the encouraging side and Larry is my inner non-editor. Larry's favorite thing to say is "We'll fix that in the next draft". As long as I keep pen to paper and writing they are mostly content.

I'm missing the main muse though. The big one. The one where the ideas come from..... That one hasn't named themselves yet but it has been working as of late. Little snippets of ideas have been coming to me while I'm watching TV (which the other two try to drag me back to my room to write), while I'm working on diamond painting...(which then we all get into arguments about that being me time) and a lot of the time while I've been reading. (which shuts the other two up because it is something semi to do with the writing process) I really need to learn to stop more and write these ideas down. Big muse gets mad at me a lot because when I sit down to write for the day I don't remember what it gave me. (For some reason I keep wanting to call it a she).

Spent some of the day Diamond painting. I split the third section in half so I am not so overwhelmed and get to the satisfaction of finishing that part a lot quicker. I was happy that for the past two days Terry (sister) has been coming back to the craft room and painting her Indian statue she got for Mother's Day from her son James. It doesn't feel so empty back there and we talk a little bit.

I have an appointment in the morning so I really need to get some sleep.

Merry Meet and Blessed Be
then Merry Meet again!

Just another signature imag

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