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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

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Other Blogs and Journals
containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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May 19, 2008 at 11:31pm
May 19, 2008 at 11:31pm

I want a date with art.

The local libraries exhibit the works of local artist. The exhibit is free to anyone going into the library. You don't even have to have a library card to look at the pictures. There is a guest book that you can sign and complement the artist on his or her work. Two of the libraries even have art museums inside, these charge a fee for entry to the museum, but it's worth the price to see the exhibit.

In Las Vegas there are several different places to look at art. There are museums on and off the Las Vegas Strip. On the Strip in some of the hotel-casinos there are shops that sell art. You can go into the shops and just look around. There is art in the restaurants and even in the coffee shops. Las Vegas may be a desert, but it isn't a cultural desert. There is art everywhere, you just have to know the type you want to see and where to find it.

Las Vegas is more then just gaming, it is an adventure in art and beauty.

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May 19, 2008 at 10:52pm
May 19, 2008 at 10:52pm
I want "Invalid Entry. This journal sounds like the perfect journal for me because I like carrying a pen and paper journal with me when I leave the house. Just today while waiting for the lab tech at the doctors office, I started a poem about waiting in a health clinic. Tomorrow I plan on starting a poem about the blow dryer effect (or is that affect),

The winds pick up tomorrow and the temperature in Vegas is in the triple digits. I think the weather person said the temperature at McCarran reach 108 and he expected it to get to about 109 before sunset. This is early in the year for temperatures to get this hot here, but they won't last. Wednesday or Thursday we're supposed to drop back into the 80s or 90s.

Hot weather is a good writing subject. There are all sorts of approaches to the heat, especially in Vegas. The hot weather homeless shelter opened its doors for the first time today. The shelter will be open during the day until Wednesday, when the temperatures begin to drop. The day shelter will open again when the temperatures reach the triple digits again. That shelter provides cold showers, a cool place for the homeless to stay and water during the hottest parts of the day.

Another interesting aspect of Las Vegas and triple digits is how cold it gets in the malls and restaurants. In some of the malls it gets so cold that you have to wear a sweater. Inside the buildings the cold penetrates the marrow of your bones, but when you go outside the heat just sucks the cold out of you.

I could really use a Moleskine journal to write about the temperatures and the way people react to triple digits. This year is going to be especially interesting, with gas prices rising and cars with air conditioners. When you run an air conditioner in a car it cuts down on the gas mileage. Today I saw a lot of people with their car windows down and applying the four forty air conditioner. You drive forty miles an hour with all four windows down.

If I had a Moleskine journal, I could set at the long stop lights and compose poetry.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **
May 18, 2008 at 2:52pm
May 18, 2008 at 2:52pm
He is "Invalid Entry
as I walk the path of daily accounting
His words echo through my mind
and I wonder
did I make today better then yesterday
for someone else or myself.

He is the last thing on my mind
as I attempt to sleep
when all the world is wandering
the roads of strife and fear;
I read His revealed words
and recite the prayers He left behind.

He is the last thing on my mind
as I intone God's most great name
and wait for sleep's approach;
I wonder if I can make
tomorrow better then today.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **
May 18, 2008 at 2:14pm
May 18, 2008 at 2:14pm
"Invalid Entry according to dictionary.com has four meanings. It means (1) "to express earnest disapproval of", (2) "to urge reasons against; protest against", (3) "to depreciate; belittle" or (4) "Archaic. to pray for deliverance from. Since I don't watch weird sex stuff, I'm probably not qualified to deprecate it.

At this moment, I'm qualified to deprecate my Internet connection which seems to be flaking out on me at weird moments. There isn't a reason for the connection to do this today. There is no wind to speak of and the temperature outside hasn't reached 100 yet today. Because my connection is flaky today, this is the second time I've started this entry. All right, I know enough to save an entry every two or three lines or paragraphs, but I didn't.

The first entry I attempted to make had to do with me not being qualified to deprecate porn or weird sex stuff, my phobia and The Midnight Cowboy. Since my connection is still yo-yoing, I'll just write my comments about The Midnight Cowboy.

The last movie I saw, that even resemble porn or weird sex stuff was The Midnight Cowboy. I didn't like the movie because it didn't have a plot, which was the same reason I didn't like Laser Blast. The truth is I couldn't see why any actor (good or bad) would agree to be in either movie, except for the money. The actors had to be paying off back taxes or gambling debts, because those were the only logical reason for making those movies.

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May 18, 2008 at 1:22pm
May 18, 2008 at 1:22pm
Jamál (Beauty), 2 'Azamat (Grandeur), 165 B.E. - Sunday, May 18, 2008 about 10:10 AM PDT

Today is Sunday, May 18, it is the first day of a new week; it is Jamal, the day of Beauty and the 2 of Azamat, the month of Grandeur. On Friday night I had the dry heaves and pain in my gut that lasted about 24 hours. Last night about 8:00 pm, I ate my first meal. I have breakfast this morning and I will eat one or two meals today. I can't eat after 7:30 or 8:00 pm because I have a doctors appointment on Monday morning for lab tests and I can't eat 12 hours before.

I have figured out that my illness was due to (1) food poisoning, (2) dehydration, or (3) something going around. It left as suddenly as it appeared so I'm not sure what it was, nor do I care now that it's gone. Probably not the best way to look at the situation, but I feel better and have decided that it couldn't have been very much because I'm alive and I didn't have to call a ambulance to take me to the ER.

If I get a chance to talk to the doctor tomorrow I may mention it and I may not. I can't afford the charge for the lab tests tomorrow much less any other she might want me to have. Life without health insurance is a pain in the gut, but I have survived and I will survive, if I can figure out a way to pay the medical bills.

I didn't post to any blogs. The only journals I entered anything in was my Gratitude Journal and Writing My Spiritual Journey. Since I did make entries in those journal, I couldn't have been all that ill. I'm feeling much better and I'm repeating myself. Since I didn't get any blog entries Friday or Saturday, I have catching up to do today.
May 16, 2008 at 12:03am
May 16, 2008 at 12:03am

I opened a chain letter today. I didn't realize it was a chain letter when I opened it. It pretended not to be a chain letter, rather it promised blessings if I would do what it said. I realized it was a chain letter when it said I had to follow the instructions and send back the prayer rug in the postage free envelope. The reason I had to send the rug back was so that it could be sent to someone else to receive the same blessings and prophecies. It asked me not to open the prophecies for my life until I had placed the paper prayer rug back in the envelope and sent it back, with seed money for the blessings and prophecies was to receive. It even promised another gift if I asked for it.

I contemplated following the instructions, it was then I realized I have a tendency toward superstition. It was the tendency toward superstition that frightened me. Therefore, I did what it told me not to do. I opened the prophecies and read them. Then I wrote about them in Writing My Spiritual Journey Journal. It is interesting that the prophecies it promised were things I already knew how to receive through prayer and meditation. Things that fall into everyone's life who believe and follow the their own spiritual path.

I am going to fight being superstitious. I am not going to send anything back and I am going to list all the blessing I receive in Writing My Spiritual Journey Journal.


I think I'm becoming a hypochondriac. It isn't that I don't have health problems, I do. However, today I decided that I had more wrong with me then I really do or the doctor thinks I have wrong with me. I'm going to hold judgment on how sick I really am until after the lab test on Monday.

I do have a spot on my forehead, but I didn't think anything of it until the doctor told me the possibilities. I'm having some facial treatment and she said that might have exasperated a slight cut. If the place isn't healed by the end of next week, then I'll cancel the next treatment and see a dermatologist. I hate the thought of becoming a hypochondriac.

I am going to fight becoming a hypochondriac and write all my fears in Writing My Spiritual Journey Journal.

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May 14, 2008 at 11:44pm
May 14, 2008 at 11:44pm
Istijlál (Majesty), 18 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. - Wednesday, May 14, 2008 about 8:41 PM PDT

I went to the doctor on Monday and while I waited in the examining room, I looked at a fashion magazine. It struck me that all the models looked like emotionalless creatures. Beautiful and without any emotion showing in their eyes or on their faces. Beautiful Zombies staring out of the pages at me. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this yet, except make this blog entry, but I'm going to use it in something. Maybe a short story or flash fiction.
May 13, 2008 at 8:31pm
May 13, 2008 at 8:31pm
Lead entry for "Follow the Leader"   [13+] by mood indigo

I read a story once about a man who saw a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis. He watched the Lepidoptera struggle to escape. The creature was having a great deal of difficulty emerging. He felt sorry for the butterfly so he decided to help it escape. He gently helped the creature out of the chrysalis and watch as it moved across the ground and the plants. However, the butterfly's wings were never able to lift it off the ground. It spent the rest of its life crawling in the same garden it emerged. Only after he helped the creature emerge from it chrysalis did he realize that the struggle to escape helped the butterfly in its next stage of life.

This story came to mind the other day, when I watched a child learn to walk. She wanted to hold onto everything, but if she continued to hold on, she would never learn how to walk for herself. Her mother could only help to a small extent by letting her know she was there backing her daughter up without giving so much help that the child never learned to walk on her own.

I think what I am trying to say is that we need to help people who are in trouble. However, we have to be careful that we do not enable them to become dependent upon us and not stand on their own or learn to solve their own problems. Where do we draw the line, do we give a person a fish or do we roll our sleeves up and teach them to fish.

I think sometimes we want so much to help that we do not look at the type of a help a person needs or wants. We need to start asking, what do you need and what type of help do you want. An individual needs to ask him/herself the same questions. The individual needs to ask what do I need to get through the day, the week, or the month; what type of help do I want. If an individual does not know the answers to those questions, then he/she may up getting the wrong type of help and allowing him/herself to be enabled. The struggle makes the individual strong and enables a person to fly beyond the walls of self and fear.

May 12, 2008 at 11:33pm
May 12, 2008 at 11:33pm

A smile is a rainbow shining through the clouds of dawn.

No matter how difficult things get a person can always find something to smile about. Sometimes we have to look for the joy in the world around us, but there is always something in our environment to make us smile.

make people wonder
what you're up to.
Old American Saying

I work with special children and every morning when they come into the classroom all of them are smiling. These are children you wouldn't think had anything to smile about, but they smile. Their physical difficulties don't keep them from being smiling. In fact, I can always tell when one of them isn't feeling good because they don't smile.

I read to them and they smile while I read. They smile at everything. If one of them isn't smiling and I smile, then that child smiles back at me. Once you get the child to smile then that child acts as if she is feeling better.

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May 11, 2008 at 8:49pm
May 11, 2008 at 8:49pm
I think "Invalid Entry is a good answer, but I like the answer a friend of may gave when rude people asked her or her husband "Don't you know how that happens?" She would look the person straight in the eye and then give a knowing smile and a wink. After a short pause she would say "Well, we didn't know what was causing it at first. Then when we found out, we were just having too much fun to stop." She and her husband would then turn and walk away followed by their six children.

There are a number of advantages to having a large family. One of them is driving a car. People with several children never have to worry about whether or not they can take the carpool lane. No matter what time of day or night they drive, it's always legal for them to drive in that lane. Another advantage is on the income tax return. The more children the more deductions, all though I don't think a couple starts married life thinking about the income tax return in relation to the number of children they want.

Children are blessings. Children are the future of humanity.

Rude people don't deserve an answer of any kind, because it is none of their business how many children a couple produces. However, if a person is going to give them an answer it should be an answer that generates either thought or shock.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **
May 11, 2008 at 8:07pm
May 11, 2008 at 8:07pm
Well, "Invalid Entry, but I probably did stepped on it, eat it or cut myself with it. I am neither fidgety nor fussity. I do not get up in the middle of the night and clean house. My grandmother would clean house when she could not sleep, but she never cut her finger when she opened a can of anything.

Just a few days ago I cut my thumb on a can of either peas or corn when I opened the can. I have a scar on my right ring finger where I cut myself on a wire hanging from a cloths line (I was playing Jane). I stepped on a nail when I attempt to catch a chicken (this was several years ago and hundreds of miles away from where I now live) and drove myself to the hospital emergency room.

As children, my siblings and I (I think I instigated this) covered white bread with chocolate syrup, ran water on it and then ate it. The interesting thing is that I still do uncool things and I do not act my age sometimes. When we were growing up my grandmother would tell us act your age when we did something we were not supposed to do. I never could figure out what she meant.

I am not sure where this entry is going. I think I am attempting to say children will be children whether they are 6 or 61. We all have a child hiding within us trying to get out. Some of us are a little better at hiding that inner child then others, but we all do things that make other people (especially our mothers) do a double take. At least, once in our lives all of us can say at least I didn't break it.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **

May 10, 2008 at 6:45pm
May 10, 2008 at 6:45pm
Jalál (Glory), 13 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. - Saturday, May 10, 2008 about 3:37 PM PDT

Tomorrow is Mothers' Day. I received a pay check yesterday, true it wasn't a big one because I didn't work three days in the last pay period, but it was a good amount. I'm going to take Mom out for prime rib. At least, I think that's what we're going to do. If my brother calls before 11:00 AM and wants use to go somewhere with them, then our plans will change, but right now we're planning on going out for prime rib.

Last year Mom was in the hospital or the rehab center during Mothers' Day and we didn't do anything. I don't remember celebrating Mothers' Day last year. This year we are celebrating. I'm going to enjoy myself and I hope Mom enjoys herself. I don't know how long we will be out, so I'm going to attempt to get some writing achieved before we leave the house. I am of course going to take my pen and paper journal with me, just in case I get an idea or two while we're out.

I'm still working on a Mothers' Day poem for Mom. I also want to get her a blank book so she can write her memories in it.
May 9, 2008 at 11:26pm
May 9, 2008 at 11:26pm
"Invalid Entry to get a ladder in order to climb into the branches of a tall tree. Once on a branch it jumps out of the tree and glides to the nearest field so that it can attack unsuspecting and innocent people. Which brings me to the subject of assumptions and/or misconceptions.

I have made numerous assumptions and acquired numerous misconceptions during my 61 years of life. Most of these have either been proven wrong or are in the process of being proven wrong. I am enjoying the process of having them proven wrong. I may as well enjoy it because I cannot stop the process.

There was a time when I thought you could not cook a turkey in a microwave oven. I was wrong! Then I assumed you could only cook small (5 or 10 lbs.) in a microwave. I was wrong! Neither the size of the bird or the size of the microwave matters when you go to nuke the bird. You can cook a 15, 20, 25, etc. lb. bird in any size microwave. The important thing to remember here, is to carve the bird before you nuke it. This means you have to make sure the turkey is defrosted, once you have defrosted that sucker then you cut him up. After wards you can put the appropriate sized pieces into the microwave and cook them each separately.

As I write this, I realize that I can apply this lesson to any problem in my life. Simply because the problem seems too large to handle does not mean it has to stay that way. I can carve the problem the same way I carved the 20 lb. turkey up so that it would fit in my microwave. So there goes another misconception i.e. a problem is much too big for me to handle without assistance. After all, I did cut that 20 lb. turkey up and nuke him in the microwave, which was big enough for only a 5 lb. bird..

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **

May 8, 2008 at 7:46pm
May 8, 2008 at 7:46pm
I drive "Invalid Entry, which is a 1991 burgundy (at least I think it's burgundy) Toyota Camry. It has a sunroof that doesn't work and doesn't completely close because when it rains a tiny bit of water comes through the sunroof.

The window on the driver's side works when it isn't raining. The window won't close when it rains. I drive with my window down because the door won't open from the inside. To open the door I have to reach out the window and open it from the outside.

The car is a 4 door, but only three of the doors will unlock. The rear door on the driver's side is permanently locked. I can open both the trunk and the gas cap cover from inside the car. This is fortunate because I have only one car key since I attempted to open the trunk with the spare key and it bent so that I couldn't use it in the ignition. Needless to say I always open the trunk from the inside of the car.

I have four new tires, but no spare. This is because in January I had to get four new tires. I had one of the old tires put on the spare. In February the wind took the elm tree out in the front yard and it cost $100 to get the tree removed. Then in March someone cut too close in front of me and I hit a curb blowing two new tires on the passenger side and running a rim (wheel).

Fortunately, I had gotten the new tires at Discount Tire so it only cost me $40 to have them replace, but because I had just laid out $100 for tree removal I couldn't afford a new rim for the spare. I hope I can get a wheel for the spare at the end of May or beginning of June. In the mean time, I'm going to have to get the car washed so that I will actually know the color of my car.

I can't wash the car in my own yard because of the water shortage I will get a ticket for wasting water. I'll have to take it to a car wash or figure out how to wash it in my garage without having water run down the driveway. However, my garage door won't close because it needs fixing. I could close it manually, but the door is too heavy for me to open and close it that way every morning and evening. The garage door will remain open until I can get it fixed.

I have to drive to work because my job is 2 miles from where I live and since I only work from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM catching a bus or walking to work takes too long. Beside I get reimbursed .49 per mile for gas and with gas prices the way they are every little bit helps. In addition, before I get the car washed I'm going to have to clean it out and remove all the aluminum cans from the trunk and under the seat. It isn't that I drink a lot of soda when I'm in my car, but I pick up the cans other people throw out because I can sell them for gas money.

Even though my evil necessity makes odd noises, has a small round hole in the front window and needs a battery cable replaced it gets me where I'm going. Also, since I can't go very fast with it, it uses less gas driving at 25, 35 or 40 mph then the new cars going down the street 60, 65 or 100 mph.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **
May 7, 2008 at 11:04pm
May 7, 2008 at 11:04pm
"Invalid Entry is difficult! Growing up is process of learning that all our actions have consequences. Maturity comes when the individual realizes that her or his actions have consequences and some of those consequences have legal ramifications.

A 14 year old is too young to realize the consequences of sex.
An 18 year old may be too immature to understand the consequences of sex.
The legal system is flawed.
A 14 year old girl should not be dating an 18 year old "man".
A 14 year old girl in love doesn't think beyond the point of pleasing the person she loves.
An 18 year old male doesn't think beyond the point of getting what he wants.
All of these are valid points and all indicate to a deeper rooted problem, which neither laws nor criminalizing behavior can solve.

If a law is on the books then it should be enforced, but enforcing a law doesn't solve a deep rooted problem. Enforcing the law only brings the problem into the light of day where the reason for the problem can be discussed and solutions can be found.

Solutions to teen pregnancy or children killing someone doesn't come from congress or laws. The solutions come from the grass roots level and community actions. Congress and state legislatures can make laws that deal with these problems, while law enforcement officers can enforce the laws. It is the citizens themselves that must find permanent solutions to these problems.

We can bitch about a law being wrongly applied all we want to, but until we are willing to roll up our sleeves and look at every component that went into the problem that got the law on the books, we're not going to solve the problem or effect the way the law is applied.

Those are my thoughts on this subject. I hope that I didn't offend anyone. I hope that I may myself clear.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **

May 6, 2008 at 10:32pm
May 6, 2008 at 10:32pm
"Invalid Entry We'll attempt to salvage what we can and let the rest sink to the bottom of the ocean. It will sink to the bottom of the ocean where it will be covered by layers silt and debris. After a thousand or so years it will become fossils, which after another few thousand years will rise to become mountains and create new islands and continents.

Holding onto things, situations and emotions, after there time has passed is something I and almost every human being has a problem with periodically. It is the holding on that is the problem. We hold on, we feel the emotion or items slipping away and we hold tighter. The tighter we hold to the situation, the tighter we hold to the emotion, the tighter we hold to the item, the more it drags us down and holds us back.

Figuring out when to let go is difficult. If we let go too soon then we give up any chance to salvage. If we let to too late then we drown. There is a point in every relationship, in every situation, that is the optimum time to let go. The problem is that in many cases a person is too close to the situation to see the point of no return. The point when letting go is the only way to survive.

I listen to the words echoing through my mind as I write.
I realize I am talking to me.
I realize I am lecturing myself through a blog entry.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **
May 5, 2008 at 11:21pm
May 5, 2008 at 11:21pm
Well, "Invalid Entry either. All though lately I've been wondering if I have some type of dementia. Today I got off at 12:30, came home and checked the bank accounts. Then we went to the bank and Mom cashed a check. After that I decided to drive across town to see when my appointment was for the chemical peel. We got there at 2:30 and it turns out my appointment was today at 2:00. I had the chemical peel and then we went to Blue Berry Hill to eat.

Going to Blue Berry Hill on Decatur was the idea of going across town in the first place. I thought the appointment for the peel was next week and I was going to change it because I have a doctor's appointment either 12th or the 13th at 3:00 PM. I'm going to have to call and find out when I have the appointment. That's what I'm talking about. I can't seem to get my appointments straight.

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I've been spacey and scatter brained. Maybe it's because I need to get back on my meds. Maybe it's because my allergies are acting up. Maybe it's because I've been worried about finances. The reason could be any of those plus half a dozen other explanations. All I know is that my memory seems to play tricks on me.

I have to do something before I wake up with amnesia, wondering who and where I am. I saw a T.V. show about a man who woke up with amnesia and didn't know who he was. I think it was a Twilight Zone episode, but I'm not sure. I saw the show a long time ago.

Right now I'm going to blame my memory tricks on needing my meds. If things don't get better after I see the doctor and get a prescription, then I'll figure it's something else. However, the meds or lack of them is probably the culprit.

This entry is getting boring and I haven't mentioned Muse or any other rock band. Of course, if I mention any rock bands that I remember I'd be dating myself. Perhaps that's what I need to do, take myself out on a date and relax with a couple of cups of mocha java or Turkish coffee.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **
May 4, 2008 at 2:34pm
May 4, 2008 at 2:34pm
Prayer works "Invalid Entry for me. I find that if I'm worried or stressed I can't solve my problems. Under stress I focus so much on the problem or the situation causing the problem, that I can't see the solution. However, if I stop and say the prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah I become calm and can focus on solving the problem or letting the solution into my life.

I have two or three prayers I say under these conditions. One of them is a simple two line prayer that I have memorized.
He who puts his trust in God, God will suffice him.
He who fears God, God will send him relief.

The other two are longer. One is called the Tablet of Ahmad and the other begins with Dispel my grief. Of these two prayers the longest is the Table of Ahmad, which I have memorized.

It's interesting that I know the shortest and the longest prayers by heart. I'm not precisely sure how this came about. The only explanation I have is that I repeated to two prayers I memorized aloud several times over several months. In addition, I actively set out to memorize the prayers. I think I'll try that with "Dispel my grief".

Memorization helps keep the mind active and at 61 I need to keep my mind as active as possible. Then there is the fact that "Dispel my grief" helps me put the situation in God's hands, so that I can focus on the solution and moving on. There is a line in this prayer that says "...bless my affairs, and redeem my debts, and satisfy my needs." The prayer covers every situation that could cause worry and stress.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **
May 3, 2008 at 7:03pm
May 3, 2008 at 7:03pm
Jalál (Glory), 6 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. - Saturday, May 3, 2008 about 3:47 PM PDT

Tomorrow the blogging fun begins. The first leading entry in "Follow the Leader is scheduled. I'm looking forward to reading and responding to the entries. Each time I enter the contest I think that I'm going to be more creative then the last time. I don't know whether I achieve that goal or not. I don't think I achieve it, but I'm way too critical of my own writing.

Actually I'm too critical of everything I do. I don't think that I do anything good enough. Sometimes I think that's part of my problem. If I could just accept that I'm doing the best I can at this moment in time then I would be less critical of myself. I know that improvement is always occurring, but I don't look at the little improvements. If I can't see that a big change has occurred then I don't think any change has occurred.

There are times when I'm less critical of myself then at other times. These are few and far between. I'm setting some goals for myself this time around. Not that achieving goals is my strong suite, I seem to have difficulty at that. However, I'm too stuborn to give up setting goals all together.

*Note*Have fun
*Note1*Listen to my gut feeling when responding to the entries
*Note2*Be creative
*Note3*Read each leading entry twice before responding
*Note4*Meditate on the leading entry before responding to it
*Note5*Have fun (it helps when I repeat something)
*Note6*Attempt to take a different approach to the entry
May 2, 2008 at 10:36pm
May 2, 2008 at 10:36pm
Istiqlál (Independence), 5 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. - Friday, May 2, 2008 about 7:21 PM PDT

I think my printer is possessed. Ever since January 1, it has been acting oddly. For about a two week I couldn't scan anything because it couldn't find the software. It wouldn't copy or scan anything. Then for about a week it wouldn't print anything at all because it thought it was out of paper when it wasn't.

Now it copies, scans and prints, but it won't print more then one page at a time. If I try to print multiple pages it jams. This is going to get irritating because there are times when I want it to print more then one page at a time.

I tried printing a free copy of my credit report off last night and it jammed. I got a copy, but I can't print it off. I think I'll wait a couple of months and order a credit report from one of the other agencies. I can get one free credit report a year from each agency. I would rather print it off myself, but I can't seem to get my printer to print without jamming unless I print one page at a time. My printer is possessed and I'm wondering what it's going to do next.

Life is wonderful full of ups and downs, tests and difficulties and irritating little surprises. I suppose this thing with the printer will clear up or I'll eventually figure out what the problem is.

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