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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

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Other Blogs and Journals
containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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May 1, 2008 at 10:52pm
May 1, 2008 at 10:52pm
Istijlál (Majesty), 4 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. - Thursday, May 1, 2008 about 7:44 PM PDT

I'm a bit down this afternoon. I'm not sure why. It could be I need my meds or it could be something else. I have an appointment on May 12 to see a doctor and an appointment on May 2 to see a lawyer. I'm not sure if the lawyer thing is a good idea, but I'm being harassed by a specific creditor and I can't take it anymore.

There are other reasons for me being down. Today I paid the water bill, the phone bill and the Internet bill. I uses gas to drive all over Las Vegas and the gas prices just came up. It might be cheaper for me to start paying these bills on line rather then drive all over town using expensive gas.

The wind has caused my allergies to act up. I'm feeling like I do just before I come down with a cold or bad allergy attack. I am working with children now, so I could have caught something from one of them. If I did well that's just too back because I'm going to continue working with kids as long as possible. I like being called Grandma.

Maybe I just need to buy a dozen or so jalapenos and that will drive away what ever is causing me to feel down and ill. At least the peppers will open up my sinuses. I bought some ranch dressing today, so I have something to dip the jalapenos in.
April 30, 2008 at 9:55pm
April 30, 2008 at 9:55pm
‘Idál (Justice), 3 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. - Wednesday, April 30, 2008 about 6:44 PM PDT

I had an interesting encounter yesterday when I took the trash to the curb. A dog, puppy actually, was running free in the neighborhood. He was a friendly thing with a collar and tag. His people were looking for him and when his owner road past the corner on a bike I got his attention. The dog got back to his people alright and everyone was happy and unhurt.

We don't get a lot of dogs running free in this neighborhood. Those that do get out by accident are friendly and, in most cases well trained. The puppy wasn't trained yet, but I suspect he soon will be.

Anyway it got me to thinking about an idea for a children's fantasy story. What would happen in a neighborhood if a friendly baby dragon got loose? How would the neighbors react to the dragon? Is there something that a story like this could teach children? Who would have a dragon as a pet? Would a dragon consent to being the pet of a human or would it think of the human as its pet? This scenario brings up a lot of questions.

All right, I'm a Foster Grandmother now. This new job is effecting my muse. I'm now thinking of writing more children's stories. I think children's stories should have a lesson in them. When I was growing up most of the children's stories had lessons.

April 29, 2008 at 10:45pm
April 29, 2008 at 10:45pm
Fidál (Grace), 2 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. - Tuesday, April 29, 2008 about 7:38 PM PDT

I am a foster grandmother. I was going to wait until Mother's Day to write this, but I can't because I'm so excited about it. I now have people calling me Grandma. I now read books to children and they sit on my lap.

I saw the flyer and decided to investigate. I went for the interview. I passed the physical. I passed the background check. I went to the orientation. I got my assignment last week. I am a foster grandmother. I love it.

I think I've written in another blog entry that I gave a daughter up for adoption. I turned 61 and realized I would never see my grandchildren. At 61 I wanted grandchildren. I'm not sure whether it's a woman thing or what, but I wanted grandchildren. When I saw the flyer I realized I could help some children and I could be a grandmother, even if it was only a foster grandmother.
April 28, 2008 at 10:24pm
April 28, 2008 at 10:24pm
Kamál (Perfection), 1 Jamál (Beauty), 165 B.E. - Monday, April 28, 2008 about 7:15 PM PDT

It's about sunset here in Las Vegas. As I look out my living room window, I can see the setting sun reflecting off the clouds scattered across the blue sky. I just finished dealing with one folder in my yahoo e-mail box.

I'm in the process of uncluttering my e-mail and my life. I had e-mail in that folder from 2006. Looking at the stuff I deleted caused me to ask myself a very important question. Why did I keep all that junk in the first place? I've been getting rid of a lot of stuff lately I don't know why I kept in the first place.

The uncluttering process has caused to look at some of my ideas about myself and what I can or cannot do. Old e-mail in a folder is like outworn thoughts and ideas in the mind. They just take up room, but don't contribute to success. The stop a person from attempting to go beyond them. There for one has to get in and delete the concepts because they just cause one to procrastinate out of fear.

Sunset lights the evening clouds
outlines there edges with bright white light
and shadows the middles with gray.

It reminds me
that sunset is the time of accounting
the time to review the day
and decide what can be done better tomorrow.

April 27, 2008 at 10:00am
April 27, 2008 at 10:00am
Jamál (Beauty), 19 Jalál (Glory), 165 B.E. - Sunday, April 27, 2008 about 6:52 AM PDT

Journal Writing Prompt for Saturday, April 26, 2008: If I looked under your bed what would I fine?

All the socks I have ever lost over the past 61 years. There is an interdenominational portal under the bed, which sucks socks into to. It doesn't take both socks only one sock. That is why I can go to bed wearing two socks and wake up with only one. I haven't figured out where this portal sends my socks yet, but wherever it is they don't come back until they have holes in the heels or the toes.

There are a thousand new species of dust bunnies under my bed. Dust bunnies travel from bedroom to bedroom through the portal that sucks socks into it. Dust bunnies don't wear or eat the socks, they just travel through the portal. They move from house to house and country to country through the sock sucking interdenominational portal.

Another interesting thing about this portal is that it doesn't take useless items. I can prove this because a key, which I can't use in my car is lying under the bed. It's been lying there for months and the portal hasn't taken sucked it in. However, the portal did steal my reading glasses. I don't know where it took them, but I don't expect to find them until I get my prescription changed and don't need them anymore. The glasses will reappear when I no longer need them or they are broken.

April 22, 2008 at 9:13pm
April 22, 2008 at 9:13pm
Fidál (Grace), 14 Jalal (Glory), 165 B.E. - Tuesday, April 22, 2008 about 6:02 PM PDT

Beginning on Wednesday, April 23, I am going to work outside my home from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM. I am looking forward to this because I have not worked outside my home for over two years. This is going to be interesting for several reason.

I am working with young people and I am a Foster Grandmother. I should not say working, but I am not sure what other word to use at this point. Working sounds so boring and joyless. That is why I am not sure it is the right word. What I am doing is nether boring or joyless.

Other events in my life have to do with the Triquatrain I am working on for the Stretch Your Style 2 poetry challenge. I have decided to write about two weather related phenomena from my childhood that brings me the most joy. Those two phenomena are lightning and rainbows. I know it sounds odd to put those two together in the same poem, but I am going to attempt it.

Today I feel as if I am beginning my life over again. Of course, it is evening and today was an eventful day. However, I have dealt with a range of emotions from tears to happiness. My mother is doing well, she does the laundry and washes the dishes. She is talking about sweeping the floor and mopping it. I would rather she cleaned off the dining room table (still in the living room) and the little black table (which goes in the breakfast room, but is in the dining room with the hospital bed). However, I am not going to tell her what to do. I am going to praise her efforts.
April 16, 2008 at 9:21pm
April 16, 2008 at 9:21pm
‘Idál (Justice), 8 Jalal (Glory), 165 B.E. - Wednesday, April 16, 2008 about 6:14 PM PDT

I've been going to an orientation for the past few days. Today's video was on hand washing. It demonstrated the proper method of washing you hands. I'm glad to know that I've been washing my hands properly for the past few years. Actually, the only thing I don't do, when it comes to washing my hands, is to dry them on a disposable towel (except in public restrooms).

Another thing I don't do is to leave the water running when I dry my hands and then turn the facet off with the disposable towel. This keeps you from getting germs back on your hand from turning the facet off. When you turn the facet on your hands are dirty and you get germs on the facet. If you turn the facet off using the towel you just dried with between your facet and clean hands, you don't get germs back on your hands.
April 13, 2008 at 8:13pm
April 13, 2008 at 8:13pm
Jamál (Beauty), 5 Jalal (Glory), 165 B.E. - Sunday, April 13, 2008 about 5:01 PM PDT

I did something new this year, instead of doing my *Smile*my tax return on line and sending it over cyberspace I *Bigsmile*filled out a hard copy and am going to send it snail mail. Doing my own tax return isn't new, I've did them myself for the past two years. The new thing is doing the hard copy and using the postal system to send it in.

The returns are done, in the envelops and ready to mail. I'll take them to the post office tomorrow between morning job training and afternoon chemical peel. Oddly enough I'm not stressing out over the returns. I figure if the Internal Revenue Service wants more information they will contact me. It's not like I'm difficult to get hold of, True I spend most of my days on-line using a phone hook-up to the Internet, but I do get off line to eat, clean the cat litter and go to the bathroom (not necessarily in that order or at the same time).

I have an answering machine to take messages when I'm not home or answering the phone. Contrary to popular opinion, I do eventually get back to people who leave both a polite message and a phone number. Sometimes I even get back to people who leave an impolite message and a phone number.

April 12, 2008 at 9:24pm
April 12, 2008 at 9:24pm
Jalál (Glory), 4 Jalal (Glory), 165 B.E. - Saturday, April 12, 2008 about 6:19 PM PDT

March winds
Bring April showers
That bring May flowers

The winds came in February this year
blowing down trees all over Las Vegas
and downing power lines in parts of town.

The little rain that's came
is just enough to keep the weeds happy,
but does nothing for the desert landscaping;
the cactus may not bloom this year.

April is half over
with only the promise of clouds
that make the unusually cool weather
even colder.

Summer is coming
and we're still paying off the winter power bill,
the weeds in the yard are growing
even in the unusually cool temperatures.

If this weird weather is the result of global warming
then I want to move to a planet
with warmer temperatures and normal weather.

April 10, 2008 at 8:59pm
April 10, 2008 at 8:59pm
Istijlál (Majesty), 2 Jalal (Glory), 165 B.E. - Thursday, April 10, 2008 about 5:44 PM PDT

I look at the blank page and wonder what to write. Maybe I should write about wandering through the paths of memory. Write about walking down the highways of my youth's discontent. Write about strolling through the forest of my middle age illusion. Write about hobbling down the side walks of my old age.

Wait a minute I'm not old. I'm not young either, but I'm not old. Perhaps I'm middle aged. Of course, that means that I will live to be about 120 years old. I'm not sure if I want to live to be 120. Maybe it would be nice if my living that long pissed somebody off. It would be nice to live that long if someone was encouraged or pissed off enough to want to live longer.

One thing about living to be 120 you can do all sorts of weird things, like doing a strip in front of the living room window with the curtains open or now curtains at all. I could do that and everyone would just pass it off as part of the aging process. I probably wouldn't do a strip though, I've seen myself naked in front of a mirror. I wouldn't want anyone to see me naked.

Well I've gotten over the blank page problem. I'm almost tempted to delete this and start over. Perhaps make it private, at least then no one would see it. I'm not sure, but I suspect what I've just written sounds a bit crazy. It's funny when I was growing up, it worried me that people would think the things I did were weird. However, the closer I get to the big seven-oh, the less worried I am about that.

April 9, 2008 at 6:59pm
April 9, 2008 at 6:59pm
‘Idál (Justice), 1 Jalal (Glory), 165 B.E. - Wednesday, April 9, 2008 about 3:58 PM PDT

There are shadows
so somewhere there must be light
bright brilliant rainbow colored or white light;
without light shadows cannot exists.

The deeper the shadow
the brighter the light
so the light shining on me
must be blinding.

April 8, 2008 at 4:28pm
April 8, 2008 at 4:28pm
Fidál (Grace), 19 Baha (Splendor), 165 B.E. – Tuesday, April 8, 2008 about 1:20 PM PDT

I find myself missing Oklahoma, but I don't think it's actually Oklahoma I miss. I think I miss the carefree days of my childhood. I miss not having to worry about an overdrawn bank account. I miss not having to worry about the price of gas. I miss not having to worry about where my next meal is coming from. I miss not having to worry about being not worried because I'm not worried.

I miss the storms of Oklahoma. The charcoal clouds promising the lightning of a thunderstorm. I miss going Easter Egg hunting around Easter. I miss almost everything in my childhood that I thought I wouldn't miss when I grew up and could make decisions for myself. I don't think it's actually Oklahoma I miss, I miss not having responsibility.

When I was a child I looked forward to the responsibility of being an adult. Now I want the carefree existence of not having any responsibility. When I was a child I thought I would be happy with the responsibility an adult has, I was sure wrong about that one. Of course, my opinion could change in the next few days or weeks. However, right now I miss the carefree existence of my childhood with my grandparents.
April 7, 2008 at 10:04pm
April 7, 2008 at 10:04pm
Kamál (Perfection), 18 Baha (Splendor), 165 B.E. – Monday, April 7, 2008 about 6:58 PM PDT

There is something about a spring evening
when the wind blows through the trees
and the neighbor's flowers are in bloom
that brings back memories of Oklahoma.

Maybe it's because I'm getting older
and I remember the good times more
then the bad times,
but there are things about my childhood that I miss.

I miss the storm warnings in Oklahoma,
going out of the house to watch the clouds
knowing that somewhere within those charcoal beauties
a tornado was blooming.

It's odd to think about a tornado blooming
like flowers in a garden
or lilacs on a bush,
but that's how I visualize them
now that I'm over the age of 60
and living outside of Oklahoma.

April 6, 2008 at 5:49pm
April 6, 2008 at 5:49pm
Jamál (Beauty), 17 Baha (Splendor), 165 B.E. – Saturday-Sunday, April 5-6, 2008

Sometimes I wonder where my head is at. I have several folders in my yahoo e-mail box with nothing important in them. The problem is that among the unimportant are e-mails I want to save. I know I can't unclutter all the folders in one day. I'm approaching it one folder at a time.

When the yahoo e-mail box is uncluttered I still have the intermind box and the writing.com. I think I'll do one more folder in the yahoo and then move on today. It takes so much time and its tedious work.

I still don't know where my head was when I named the folder or put the stuff in them. Some of the e-mails it's obvious why I kept them, but others make me question my sanity at the time. The bright side of all this is I have at least several dozen journal and blog entries.
April 5, 2008 at 9:59pm
April 5, 2008 at 9:59pm
Jalál (Glory), 16 Baha (Splendor), 165 B.E. – Saturday, April 5, 2008 about 6:51 PM PDT

White clouds,
patches of blue sky peek through
variable wind
on an early spring evening.

These aren't rain clouds,
they neither promise nor threaten anything
except a pleasant day.

The heat is off
and its too early to turn the cool air on,
but with highs in the 80s
and lows in the 50s
the center air unit is unnecessary
for the next few week.

There is something sad
about a day with variable wind
playing through the limbs of stone pine trees
or perhaps my melancholy
is the results of too little sleep
and too much imagination.

April 4, 2008 at 5:31pm
April 4, 2008 at 5:31pm
Istiqlál (Independence), 15 Baha (Splendor), 165 B.E. – Friday, April 4, 2008 about 2:19 PM PDT

My brother has a blog, all right one of my brother's has a blog. He's had it for some time now. Today's entry has to do with whether or not there is intelligence life on earth. The title is Is There Intelligent Life on Earth, or Do We Only Appear That Way? This is a question I've often asked myself, especially when driving in Las Vegas, but then driving a car in Las Vegas and intelligence doesn't appear to have much to do with each other. All right, maybe I'm being a little hard on Las Vegas drivers. I drive a car in this city so that question may be my intelligence under the microscope.

My brother's blog (that sounds like a good title for a short story or poem) is title Eclectic Writer. The subject of today's entry is beauty and the ability of a computer to recognize it. I enjoy my brother's blog entries because they always make me think. This one is especially thought provoking because once you boil beauty down to a set of zeros and ones in a computer memory, then you can boil other things down as well. Scary, isn't it? It also suggests of number of fiction approaches to the subject.

I'm adding my brother's blog to my off site blog list.
April 3, 2008 at 9:00pm
April 3, 2008 at 9:00pm
Istijlál (Majesty), 14 Baha (Splendor), 165 B.E. – Wednesday-Thursday, April 2-3, 2008

I went to a doctor today, it was a physical for a 20-25 hour a week volunteer program that one receives a stipend for. I suppose I passed, I hope I did because it sounds like it is interesting. I don't have to report the money I receive and it is working with children or young people.

The doctor I saw didn't charge me and gave me the phone number of a clinic that won't charge me or will charge very little, This clinic will take anyone without insurance. I'm calling tomorrow and make an appointment. I sick and tired of feeling sick and tired (All right, I've always wanted to use that phrase).

My afternoon was spent in a clinic waiting room. There was a child with her parent waiting to see a doctor. The child was singing the A B C song, it brought back memories of my own childhood.
April 1, 2008 at 6:40pm
April 1, 2008 at 6:40pm
Fidál (Grace), 12 Baha (Splendor), 165 B.E. – Tuesday, April 1, 2008 about 3:37 PM PDT

A list of the top 100 April Fools’ Day Hoaxes of All Time found at http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/aprilfool/P0/. Here are the first five, it’s just my way of celebrating April Fools’ Day. Some of these are funny and some are just plain weird.

*Smile*The Swiss Spaghetti Harvest – Apparently, in 1975 spaghetti grew in tress in Switzerland.

*Smile*Sidd Finch – In 1985 the Mets signed a new pitcher who could throw a ball at 168 mph. Mr. Finch learned his skill in a Tibetan monastery.

*Smile*Instant Color TV – In 1962 in Sweden you could convert a black and white T.V. into a color T.V. by putting a nylon stocking over the screen.

*Smile*The Taco Liberty Bell – In 1996 Taco Bell announced it bought the Liberty Bell.

*Smile*San Serriffe – In 1997 a British Newspaper ran an article on the San Serriffe Islands in the Indian Ocean. Apparently these islands are shaped like semi-colons. The two main islands were called Upper Caisse and Lower Caisse, while the capital of these islands was Bodoni and their leader one General Pica.

March 30, 2008 at 8:29pm
March 30, 2008 at 8:29pm
Jamál (Beauty), 10 Baha (Splendor), 165 B.E. – Sunday, March 30, 2008 about 5:16 PM PDT

I have finally overcome the "I'm afraid to look syndrom". I now check my bank balance twice a day. I check once in the morning and once in the evening. I still get butterflies in my stomach, because of what I might see i.e. the dreaded balance. However, I am facing my fear of the problem squarely. I'm no long getting physically ill when I see red so I guess that is an improvement.

You would think at 61 going on 62 I'd know how to make the income and the outgoing come out even. Apparently I have a ways to go for this. I think I wrote a poem called Complaint to my Overdrawn Bank Account. I'll have to find that poem an post it in this journal or in my port. Posting it in my port may be a better idea, because I can get feed back.

The advantage to having online access to my bank account is that I can see the balance anytime day or night. Since a gallon of gas cost more then some of my mother's medication, that is a cost savings. Now I don't have to go to the bank two or three times a day to check the balance (not that I ever did), but at least this way I'm not surprised when I go to the bank.

Now if I could just get all the income coming into PayPal, I could transfer it directly into my checking account.
March 27, 2008 at 1:14am
March 27, 2008 at 1:14am
"Invalid Entry sounds like the newest dialect of the alphabet soup language Americans have used for the last fifty or so years. I don’t think using it caused me to be the poor speller I am. I don’t remember using the LOL or IDK acronyms when speaking, but I have used other acronyms.

The acronyms I’ve used are SASE, ASAP and SOP. In fact, I used the SOP in a conversation once and the person I was talking to didn’t know that it meant Standard Operating Procedure and she was close to my age.

I remember an episode of Route 66 in which one of the characters got stopped for speeding. He asked the officers “GTF, Sir?” The motor officer (a CHP trooper) replied “No, FTL.” And text messaging wasn’t used then because we didn’t have the technology readily available.

I suspect there are other more dangerous aspects of texting to worry about then poor spelling. For instance if a passenger on a CAT bus is SMSing at the same time she or he is getting off at a bus stop the person could miss his or her step and fall down or even get caught in the closing bus door. I’m not even going to mention what could happen to a person driving a car and sending a text message at the same time.

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