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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

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Other Blogs and Journals
containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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July 16, 2008 at 10:42pm
July 16, 2008 at 10:42pm
‘Idál (Justice), 4 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Tuesday-Wednesday, 16, 2008 about 7:38 PM PDT

It finally rained. Sixteen days into July, sixteen days into the monsoon season, we got rain in Las Vegas. Liquid water falling from the sky dropping onto our houses, our streets and any tourist foolish enough to be outside.

Beautiful wet rain
descended onto Las Vegas
leaving puddles in driveways
and slowing traffic in spots.

I heard thunder, but saw no lightening. I heard the rain dropping onto the cement outside my house. I stood in my open front door and watched the water fall from the sky. I watched the water drip from my open garage door and from the roof of my house. I did not go out and walk in it. All though, considering how little rain we have received this year, perhaps I should have. I may not get another chance to walk in the rain again this year.

I left my car in the driveway and it rained on my car. I missed my chance to go wash my car without the water police giving me a ticket for washing my car. All though, they would probably have given me a ticket for polluting the street with soap. All right, maybe the last sentence was a bit of an exaggeration.

July 15, 2008 at 8:42pm
July 15, 2008 at 8:42pm
Fidál (Grace), 3 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Tuesday, July 15, 2008 about 5:35 PM PDT

It keeps threatening rain here in Las Vegas. The clouds gather, white fluffy clouds that hide the sun and the sapphire blue sky. The humidity raises and sometimes it even sprinkles a little bit, but it never rains. This is monsoon season here. This is the time of year it is supposed to rain.

I am acquiring a heat rash from all this humidity. I want to see rain. If I am going to have a heat rash, the least mother nature could do is give me a little rain. My car needs washing. It is setting outside all the time. If I could put it in the garage it would rain everyday, but since I have to park it outside there is no rain.

When I wake up of a morning, I want to look out my living room window and see the black top shining because it rained during the night. I want to sit out on my enclosed patio and hear the rain hitting the tin roof. I want to smell the rain striking the oleanders. There is no use having oleanders until you can smell the rain falling through there leaves. True, most of the time I don't want oleanders around. However, when it rains the scent of the rain in the oleanders is something special.

I want to smell wet pine needles in the early morning. I want to sit on my patio with a hot cup of coffee and watch the rain. I want to sit on my couch in the afternoon and watch the rain through the picture window. I want to walk out into the middle of the street when it rains and just stand there getting wet. I want to watch the rain. I don't necessarily want to drive in it, but I do want to walk in it. I want to feel cold drops of liquid hitting my bare arms.
July 14, 2008 at 8:14am
July 14, 2008 at 8:14am
Kamál (Perfection), 2 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – -Monday, July 14, 2008 about 5:06 AM PDT

I have decided to work with a them from Sunday, July 13 to July 30. The theme is words; I am hoping that this theme will inspire my muse and me to focus on writing. So far it has worked well, but I have only been doing it for one day. I should wait until I Saturday to see how well it works. However, I need encouragement.

I went to the Feast of Words at 7:00 PM yesterday. I picked the readings for the Feast and everyone seemed to find them inspiring. One person asked to take those I printed out home with her; I gave them to her. I always save a copy of all the Feast readings I select, at least when I select them using the Oceans program. Most of the time I use that program to select the readings because I can pick a theme and search for it. Then all I have to do is copy the readings into MSWord and print them out.

Why am I happy?
The setting sun penetrates
monsoon season clouds.

Mom enjoyed herself at the Feast last night. The lady who provided refreshments made a cake (from scratch) with whipped cream (also made from scratch). I like cake and whipped cream made from scratch; it reminds me of my Grandma Newland. Grandma made cake and whipped cream that way for years. I used to make cakes from scratch, but not any more; now I use a mix and the microwave.

A lot of things have reminded me of my grandparents lately. Perhaps that is one of the advantages (at least for a writer) of getting older; you have so many memories both good and bad that can be used as a starting place for writing.

July 13, 2008 at 1:26am
July 13, 2008 at 1:26am
Jamál (Beauty), 1 Kalimat (Words), 165 BE – Saturday, July 12, 2008 about 10:22 PM PDT

The sky was cloudy all day, but it didn't rain. The humidity is up and it's muggy. The air conditioner hasn't turned on very much because with the clouds it's cooler, but it feels hotter then usual. To me it feels hotter, but the humidity doesn't seem to affect Mom like it does me. I think I'm breaking out in a heat rash.

The Feast of Words is scheduled for July 13 at 7:00 PM at the Baha'i center. Since sunset is around 8:00 here, the Feast of Kalimat (Words) will be held on the first day of the month. I'm going to pick out the readings, but I don't know what the theme is as yet. I'll select the reading first thing in the morning, after I've had a couple of cups of coffee. I can't seem to do anything without coffee anymore.

If I don't have my coffee in the morning, I may as well stay in bed. I just can't seem to get going without at least three cups of coffee. It doesn't matter how hot it is, I have to have a nice hot cup of coffee in the morning. I drink my morning coffee black, no cream and no sugar.

A Blues Song

I want to listen to a blues melody,
the wind weeping through the cottonwood trees;
mourning doves crying because of love.
July 12, 2008 at 10:21am
July 12, 2008 at 10:21am
Jalál (Glory), 19 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Saturday, July 12, 2008 about 7:19 AM PDT

My coffee maker has a 12-cup carafe to hold the coffee. I learned this morning that blogging before drinking the entire carafe, isn't a good idea. I have two off site blogs on blogger.com that I keep consistently. This morning I decided to make an entry in the transformation blog; however instead of clicking on that blog, I clicked on the writing blog and maid the entry. I didn't notice it was the wrong blog until after I posted the entry. I didn't copy the entry from that blog to the other or delete the entry.

I posted a separate entry to the transformation blog. However, I didn't get the trash taken to the curb today, which isn't a big problem. I have 2 or 3 plastic trash bags in the garage that are half full, I'm going to have to fill them before I can take them to the curb anyway.

Anyway I shouldn't blog until after I've drink an entire carafe of coffee. I still can't figure out where they get the 12 cups from. When they test those coffee carafes for size, they must use dainty little tea cups or something, I use large coffee cups, the kind that are meant to drink coffee out of, and I have never gotten 12 cups in the years I've had the coffee maker. Two of us drink coffee from that carafe, so we should get 6 cups a piece, but we don't. In fact, were lucky to get 3 cups each before I have to make coffee again.

July 10, 2008 at 8:14pm
July 10, 2008 at 8:14pm
Istijlál (Majesty), 17 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Thursday, July 10, 2008 about 5:11 PM PDT

There is a thunderstorm warning for Southern Nevada and parts of Arizona. The weatherman, who happens to be extremely good looking (of course, all Channel 3 weathermen are extremely good looking), played it down and said Las Vegas probably wouldn't get any rain. There is always the possibility of rain when we get a warning.

I'm looking outside my living room window at the clouds in the sky. They look nice, even though it means high humidity. I like looking at the clouds. Thunderstorms always bring back memories of Oklahoma. In Oklahoma, when there was a thunderstorm warning there were also tornado warnings.

When I was growing up, my Grandmother never allowed us to watch T.V. during a thunderstorm. She never let us set in front of a window either. In fact, she didn't even want us to pet the dog in a thunderstorm. Of course, my sister always ignored Grandma's advice. Actually, both my sister and the dog was afraid of thunderstorms. During a storm, when the lightening flashed and the thunder roared, my sister and the dog would huddle together. My grandparents could never separate them.
July 9, 2008 at 10:24pm
July 9, 2008 at 10:24pm
‘Idál (Justice), 16 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Wednesday, July 9, 2008 about 7:21 PM PDT

I had a senior moment or perhaps it was an attack of C.R.S. anyway, someone asked me for the URLs of my blogs and I couldn't remember them. Actually, it was a bit frightening. I mean one of them I make a little money off of periodically, so you would think I could remember the address. I'm printing all my URLs off and taking them to her tomorrow. I hope she comes to work.

I think I've had too many senior moments recently, so I'm going to have to unstress. One thing I'm doing that helps is morning prayers. I've started spending thirty minutes to an hour in the morning meditating and praying. This is a new routine and I hope I can keep it up. However, lately I've been waking up about an hour or so before the alarm goes off. Since I'm the only one up at this time, the house is quite, which gives me a chance to say my prayers and meditate undisturbed.

I'm going to see how the morning prayer and meditation works to unstress. I'll give it about seven day and then see if I have to add something else. I'm considering making the morning session about 30 minutes, taking about 15 or 20 minutes at midday and another 30 minutes in the evening. Evening meditation sessions are difficult because I can't find a place where I can be alone for more then 5 or 10 minutes at a time. Perhaps the back patio would be a good place, I'll put a light on the patio tomorrow after I get home from work.
July 8, 2008 at 5:46pm
July 8, 2008 at 5:46pm
Fidál (Grace), 15 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Tuesday, July 8, 2008 about 2:41 PM PDT

The world is full of annoying little pests
tiny red ants that sting
and burn when the get on my flesh
acting as if they have the right
to enter my territory.

The world is full of annoying little pests
wanting share my meal
without out asking
and without paying for the food
they eat.

The world is full of annoying little pests
who want free room and board,
who move into my territory
and expect me to just let them be.

The world is full of annoying little pests
who ignore the rights of others
and don't say please or thank you
for the items they take.

The world is full of annoying little pests
who show no respect
the rest of the creatures in the universe.

July 7, 2008 at 3:13pm
July 7, 2008 at 3:13pm
Kamál (Perfection), 14 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Monday, July 7, 2008 about 12:11 PM PDT

I changed the bandage today. I did it like the nurse demonstrated on Friday. I took the old bandage off, I cleaned the would (or rather what hadn't healed yet), I put the antibacterial salve on, and I dressed the wound. Because the antibacterial salve is so strong, the nurses have been changing the dressing three times a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. However, this week they go down to once a week, on Friday; this means I have to change the bandage on Monday and Wednesday.

I'm going to have to get the bandage changed earlier on Wednesday. I didn't go to work today because I took off to take Mom for a follow-up with one of the Doctors that cared for her in the hospital. The only appointment I could get was 11:00 AM today, so we had to take it. I go back to work on Wednesday, so I have to get the bandage changed before 8:00 AM.

I'm praying I did a decent job of changing the bandage. All right, I'm a worrier. If I don't have anything to worry about, then I find something to worry about. Mom gets so upset with me because I worry and she doesn't think its necessary. She's right of course, worrying doesn't get you anywhere and it just makes finding solutions more difficult. Still I worry, I worry less when I have something to focus on rather then the problem or situation causing the worrying.

I changed the bandage today, I probably did a good job. I'll keep an eye on it today and tomorrow. I'll change it again on Wednesday, I'll do a better job on Wednesday. It isn't difficult, I just have to clean wound, put the salve on it and put a fresh bandage on. That's not difficult. It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon to do; so I did a good job.
July 6, 2008 at 9:53am
July 6, 2008 at 9:53am
Jamál (Beauty), 13 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Sunday, July 6, 2008 about 6:47 AM PDT

It's a good morning in Las Vegas. My day started with prayer, making coffee and putting a load of cloths in the washing machine. I used the fact that my washing machine dances in the spin cycle to write an entry in one of my off site blogs. In addition, Mom is up, chattering away and singing. She is in a positive mood this morning.

Mom's mood could have something to do with her sleeping in her own bed rather then the hospital bed. I took her to the doctor on Thursday, July 3, and he said her leg was healing great. He was happy about the progress the healing process is making, so I moved Mom back into her bed.

Mom's mood could also be the result of her chanting again. She chanted God's Most Great Name last night before she went to bed. This is something she hasn't did in a long time. Mom chants so beautifully, she has a better chanting voice then I do.

I still may have to have her evaluated for something or other, but I'm going to watch her mood. I can understand her being depressed after all she's been through, still at 87 there is a lot that I need to watch for. Mom wants to live to be 100 and I would like her to enjoy those years. Our next project is to take her for glasses I think this will help. I know I need glasses myself, so she must need them as well.

Last night, before I went to bed, I bought a premium membership. Thanks to Anonymous and a lot of reviewing, I had enough GPs for a two-month premium membership. So I went for it, I'm still going to have to do a lot of reviews. I'm going to have to build the GPs up enough to get another month or two, but if I go for extending a month or two at a time I'm sure (or at least I think) I can keep the premium membership.
July 5, 2008 at 10:43am
July 5, 2008 at 10:43am
Jalál (Glory), 12 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Saturday, July 5, 2008 about 7:40 AM PDT

I sit in my living room last night
listening to the Fourth of July,
listening to firecrackers and bottle rockets,
listening to pops, cracks and whistles.

I sit in my living room last night
and looked out the window to see
the red, white, blue, gold, and silver
of pyrotechnic displays.

I sit in my living room last night
listening to the Independence Day celebration
and realized
that I do not enjoy it as much now as I did when I was a child.

I sit in my living room last night
listening to America's birthday proclamation
and realized
that trust in God means going to bed knowing
that your neighbors are igniting illegal fireworks,
which could cause damage to my property and house
and still not worrying about it.

July 4, 2008 at 10:18am
July 4, 2008 at 10:18am
Istiqlál (Independence), 11 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Friday, July 4, 2008 about 7:14 AM PDT

I'm planning on staying home today. We have enough food in the house to eat and I don't have to work. I have things to do. I have reviews on writing.com to do. I have writing to catch up on. In addition, some of the neighbors use illegal fireworks and I have absolutely no intention of leaving the house tonight. When I take prayer breaks today, I'll focus on prayers of protection, in addition to the other prayers I say.

I have enough GPs for a two-month premium membership right now. I've decided that the only way I'm going to get the membership I want is to use the GPs in my account. Either late Sunday evening or early Monday morning I will purchase either a 2-month or a 3-month premium membership.

My negative voice is working overtime right now. It's telling me that it's impossible for me to get enough GPs in that short a time for the length of membership I want. Also, it is telling me that even if I do get enough GPs, I will never be able to extend the membership when it comes due again.

I've decided to deal with the negative voice in two way. The first is prayer; I'll recite the Remover of Difficulties whenever the voice manifest itself. The second is writing what the negative voice is saying. Recently I realized that if I write down the negative thoughts, I can deal with them much better. The act writing them down shows me how silly (I'm not sure his is the right word) they are.
July 3, 2008 at 6:58am
July 3, 2008 at 6:58am
Istijlál (Majesty), 10 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Thursday, July 3, 2008 about 3:55 AM PDT

I woke up early again today. This is the fourth time this week, that I've risen before the alarm and the sun. I didn't go to bed that early last night, I think I went to bed about 9:00 PM. I don't go to bed before 9 PM because Mom has a pill she has to take at that time.

I have to be at work by 8:30 AM, but that doesn't explain waking up so early. I can get ready to go to work in about an hour and a half; quicker if I have to. The advantage to getting up early is the ability to make blog entries. I've made entries to my off site blogs early the past few days. Another advantage is saying prayers and making coffee, I get both done before the sun comes up.

Mom has an appointment with a doctor today, so I'll have to get off a bit early, so we can get to the doctor. Tomorrow is the Fourth of July, so I have that day off. I'll have Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off. Mom has another appointment with a doctor on Monday morning. Monday's is the only time he's in his office, so she has to see him them. The rest of the time he's at one or the other of the hospitals.

I printed directions to the doctor's office today, I'm not worried about finding the one next Monday because he is on Gold Ring and that office is close to two hospitals. However, office we're going to today is on Box Canyon, which is off Tenaya and Cheyenne. I don't know that area very well, so directions are essential.
July 2, 2008 at 8:12pm
July 2, 2008 at 8:12pm
‘Idál (Justice), 9 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Wednesday, July 2, 2008 about 5:08 PM PDT

I'm taking baby steps. I'm working on my procrastination problem instead of procrastinating about working on it. I'm focusing on getting my edition of the Fantasy newsletter completed before I get the message that says it's due.

I'm taking baby steps. I'm ignoring the fact that Mom only drys half a washer load of cloths at a time. If I look in the washer and find cloths still in there after Mom has started the dryer, I cloths the lid of the washer and go do something else. True it worries me that she does this, but it's not worth saying anything to Mom about it. It's not worth me worrying about it

I'm taking baby steps. I'm attempting to let go and let God. I'm attempting to learn the difference between things I can do something about and things I can't do anything about. I'm not sure how good a job I'm doing at this. I can only hope that I'm taking action when necessary and letting it go when necessary.

I'm taking baby steps. I'm getting my sense of humor back. I've stopped attempting to kick myself in the butt; it's physically impossible anyway. I'm listening to my gut feeling more.

July 1, 2008 at 7:34am
July 1, 2008 at 7:34am
Fidál (Grace), 8 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Tuesday, -July 1, 2008 about 4:28 AM PDT

On the first of July, I got up at 2:55 AM said prayers, turned the computer on, made coffee, took my thyroid pill and made the mortgage payment. One of the great things about 21st century technology is that all I need to make most business transactions is an Internet connection and a computer. I don't have to worry about when the bank or the mortgage company opens, I don't have to worry about the time. The only thing I need to know is when the payment is due, when the check will be in the bank to make the payment and when I want the transaction to occur.

Mom is still asleep or at least I think she is asleep. Sometimes she doesn't get a lot of sleep at night, so if it looks like she is still sleeping when I get up I don't distrub her. She has an appointment with a dentist today at 2:00 PM, when I made it yesterday I made it for 1:00. However, when the reminder call came in the nurse said there was an opening at 2:00 so we changed it. Now I don't have to get off work early.

Mom is doing much better, but I'm still worried about her. An incident occurred in the dentist office yesterday that bothers me. However, since I didn't tell her where I was going perhaps I don't have anything to worry about, when I returned to the reception area, after seeing the dentist yesterday. Mom had started to go out to look for me; I was gone a long time and she said she thought I had left without her. So from now on, I'm going to tell her where I'm going and that I will be back for her and this is the first time something like this has happened, still it bothers me.

I haven't discussed a lot of my concerns about Mom with my siblings yet. I think I will wait until I have taken her in for an evaluation. There is no use worrying them, if there isn't a problem. One of my brothers has a tendency to go off the deep end anyway. He is like me, in many ways, he presumes the worst before it actually happens. Therefore, there is no use saying anything to him or to any of the others before I know what we're dealing with.

I go back to work today. Mom is usually all right when she knows where I am and when I will be back. Yesterday I didn't tell her I was going into the dentist office when the receptionist called me, I'll remember to always tell her from now on.
June 30, 2008 at 8:21pm
June 30, 2008 at 8:21pm
Kamál (Perfection), 7 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Monday, June 30, 2008 about 5:06 PM PDT

I finally went to a dentist. He advised me that with my gums in the condition they are in, it would be best if he pulled all my teeth. I'm going to get a completely new set of teeth. True they are artificial, but they are a new set of teeth.

I'm not worried about getting used to them or having trouble with them. My grandmother and grandfather, both had full sets of dentures and never had any trouble with them. I don't think I'll have all that much trouble.

It will be nice to chew my food up completely. I can't do that with the teeth I have left in my mouth. I have only 4 1/2 teeth in my bottom jaw and about 10 or 11 in my top. Having a full set of teeth again is going to be nice.

For the first time in my life, I'm looking forward to going to the dentist and having teeth pulled. No more tooth aches. That will be nice, not that I notice the aching of my teeth much now, but sometimes I notices them. Sometimes the ache is a dull continues feeling, especially after I eat something extremely cold or hot.

August 6 is the day the teeth start coming out. I have until then to say good-bye. I'm going to miss my natural teeth, but I'm going to have fun with my new teeth. I think the first thing I will do is take them out for prime rib.

June 29, 2008 at 2:14pm
June 29, 2008 at 2:14pm
Jamál (Beauty), 6 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Sunday, June 29, 2008 about 11:12 AM PDT

I need a short vacation. I need some time away from my mother. I need some time alone, by myself with just my prayer book, prayer beads and pen and paper journal. I need some time to renew myself, with no one else around.

I need some time to myself. I need some time without worrying whether Mom has taken the pills I laid out for. I need just two or three hours or days, without anybody else around. I need to get completely away from other human beings.

What brought all this on? The answer is simple, my mother is very loquacious. She talks all the time, from the moment she wakes up in the morning until she goes to sleep at night, not to bed but to sleep. My mother has always been loquacious, so this isn't something new.

Mom has always talked to herself when she did housework, laundry and dishes. It never mattered if someone else was in the house or not she always talked to herself or whoever was in the room. However, lately it seems to have increased. Perhaps it's that I'm home more and notice it more then I used to. I don't know.

I suspect her talk has become more negative then it used to be. However, since I spent a lot of time away from home and in the work force, I'm not sure. The negative talk could just be something she's always did and I'm just more aware of it now. Anyway I need some time away to get my thoughts straight and figure out what's going on.

Maybe I need to have Mom evaluated for something or other. Maybe I'm worrying over nothing. Maybe I'm just going crazy. I don't know, I just know I need some time by myself to figure out what's going on (I think I'm repeating myself).

June 28, 2008 at 10:51am
June 28, 2008 at 10:51am
Jalál (Glory), 5 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Saturday, June 28, 2008 about 7:46 AM PDT

Background: A family member, I hadn't heard from in over 20 years, called me from Oklahoma yesterday. We were talking about family, kids and grandkids. I mentioned that my youngest brother adopted his wife's two sons. She (the family member) asked "Didn't he have any children of his own?" My response was "She couldn't have any more" or something like that.

Review my response: After meditating on my response, I've decided that I should have given a different answer. I gave her the honest answer, what I didn't say was they tried and my sister-in-law lost the baby. However, that isn't what I'm talking about.

What I want to know is why, when someone adopts children people think that those adopted children don't belong to the adopted parents. The adopted children do belong to the adopted parents, by choice and not by accident of birth. So why didn't I give another response.

I'm irritated with myself because I didn't give a different response. I should have said "They are his by choice." However, I didn't give the response. Perhaps the question surprised me because it's the first time someone has asked me a question like that. Well, if anyone ever ask it again I have the proper response now.
June 27, 2008 at 5:24pm
June 27, 2008 at 5:24pm
Istiqlál (Independence), 4 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Friday, June 27, 2008 about 2:17 PM PDT

Mom and I went out for breakfast this morning. We went to the Denny's on the corner of Boulder Highway (Fremont) and Charleston. We both ordered the Ultimate Omelet with hash browns and sour dough toast. Usually Mom will only eat part of her meal and take the rest home. However, today she eat the entire omelet hash browns and one slice of toast (I ate the other slice).

When the nurse came to change the dressing on her leg today, he said it was healing nicely. It isn't as red or swollen as it was. Soon it should be healed, except for a scare. I told Mom that with the scare on her leg, she isn't going to be able to wear her mini skirt any more. She laughed. It's nice to see her laugh.

We enjoyed the meal this morning. It's been a long time since we've been to a Denny's. There is no excuse for us not going there more often because the food is reasonable. Even with gas prices the way they are the food at Denny's is within our budget or would be if we had a budget.
June 26, 2008 at 10:43am
June 26, 2008 at 10:43am
Istijlál (Majesty), 3 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Thursday, June 26, 2008 about 7:38 AM PDT

I'm going to make this entry before my Internet connection disconnects again. It's been wonky for the past 24 hours and I'm not sure what the problem is. This has nothing to do with housekeeping, except that it's my e-mails and port I need to clean up. It's difficult to clear either when I have no Internet connection.

I've decided to go for a premium upgrade. I have enough GPs for a two month membership right now. If I do a few more reviews (all right I'm under estimating how many review I need to do) I'll have enough for a 3-month membership. My gut feeling says I should go for a 6-month membership, however this morning I'm looking on the dark side of the cosmos. This is no excuse not to make the effort, of course.

Writing helps my mood, I'm not as depressed (all though I'm not sure that is the right word) now. I've made an entry in Writing my Spiritual Journey and I've started an entry in my Gratitude Journal. In addition, I've said several of the prayers I decided to say for Rahmat. My mood is slowly changing, but I haven't logged into my checking account yet today. Logging into it is always a bit depressing, so I don't like to do that until I'm in a little better mood.

I’m going to clean up my writing.com e-mail between reviewing sessions, if my Internet connection hold long enough to let me do that. I have started storing my reviews when I do them so I don’t loose the entire review. Well, I better post this before my connection goes again.

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