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Rated: 18+ · Book · Women's · #1268197
Drop by drop the snow pack dies, watering the arid lands below.
This is for Snow Melt and More Snow Melt

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Other Blogs and Journals
containing the continuing writing adventures of Prosperous Snow celebrating

"The Snowflake Chronicles
"More Snow Melt
"Writing in Snow
"Welcome to My Life
"Memories of Snow
"Dreams of Snow
Poet999's Thoughts about Writing and Other Stuff http://poet999writingthoughts.blogspot.com/
Poet999 - A Butterfly Emerges From Her Cocoon http://poet999.blogspot.com/

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June 25, 2008 at 10:48pm
June 25, 2008 at 10:48pm
‘Idál (Justice), 2 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Wednesday, June 25, 2008 7:37 PM PDT

My mother and I
went to IHOP today
for the first time in over a year;
this isn't the first time we've been to a resturant
in over a year,
just the first time we've been to IHOP this year.

Today we ordered
the country fried steak;
there are only two restaurants in Las Vegas
that has good country fried steaks;
one is Blueberry Hill Family Resturant
and the other is IHOP
(I'm not referring to casino restaurant/coffee houses).

We went to IHOP today
order the country fried steak dinner,
salads with blue cheese dressing
and coffee.
but no desert.

IHOP used to be called
the International House of Pancakes,
but now it's just IHOP.

We went to IHOP today
I parked in the handicapped parking,
hung the blue placard from my rear view mirror,
got Mom's walker out of the backseat
and Mom out of the front seat;
then we walked up the ramp
and went into the restaurant.

NOTE: I'm attempting to write poems about events in my daily life. I'm not sure how good a job I'm doing of it, but I'm going to continue to try.

June 24, 2008 at 6:55pm
June 24, 2008 at 6:55pm
Fidál (Grace), 1 Rahmat (Mercy), 165 BE – Tuesday, June 24, 2008 about 3:07 PM PDT

I need to let go; I need to relax; I need to take a deep breath and keep plugging away. Instead of trying to control everything, which I can't do. OK, I'm admitting it; I'm admitting to a thousand or so readers that I'm a bit of a control freak, which seems odd to me. I can't think of one time in my life that I've been in control of anything for very long. As soon as I think I'm in control I either get constipated or have the runs.

Maybe I need a vacation or just to get away by myself and relax. Actually what I would like is for some of my siblings to come and take Mom to the Zoo or the Mall for a day, while I stayed home and cleaned house or worked online or just sit on my enclosed patio with a glass of ice tea in one hand and a book in the other. I think it would be good for both Mom and myself, if she spent the day with either my brother or my sister. I know there isn't much hope of this happening.

I called my brother (the one living in Las Vegas) the other day and asked if he and his wife could take Mom for a day. I'm not sure, but I think the answer was no. It sounded like an I'll check my date book and get back to you answer. I'll ask again, I'm going to keep asking until I get a decisive no. I'm tired of getting the run around. I get enough exercise in futility without getting the run around.

Maybe I'm being too negative. I do have a tendency to look on the dark side. I see roadblocks as roadblocks not stepping-stones. So maybe I am being too negative. I just need a little relief. I guess I'll take Mom to one of the senior centers for a few hours and let her flirt with all the old men there. As long as she doesn't bring one home I have no problem with her having a man friend; preferably a younger one who can drive her around.

June 23, 2008 at 11:05pm
June 23, 2008 at 11:05pm
Kamál (Perfection), 19 Nur (Light), 165 B.E. – Monday, June 23, 2008 about 7:58 PM PDT

My mother's leg is healing. The nurse came in today and changed the bandage. The nurse also changed the packing inside the hole. The hole in my mother's leg is now four inches instead of five inches. It still hurts her when they put the packing in the hole, but not as much as it did last week.

Mom's walking better, she is still sleeping in the hospital bed. She's going to continue sleeping in it until the wound is healed and I get a lamp for her bedroom. I took the lamp out of her bedroom and put it in the dining room because the light that was in there had a bad switch and it cost more to have the light fixed then to get a new light.

I think I'll go to some yard sales and see what they have. I haven't bought a new light of any kind for the house in quite a while. The lamps we have now were bought at yard sales. Even the floor lamp I threw out was bought at a yard sale. Maybe it's time I bought some new lamps. I'll have to check the prices on the Internet and see how much one cost.
June 22, 2008 at 9:34am
June 22, 2008 at 9:34am
Jamál (Beauty), 18 Nur (Light), 165 B.E. – Sunday, June 21, 2008 about 6:25 AM PDT

Well, it's official summer is here. We have triple digits and tiny stinging red ants. I don't remember this problem last year. I don't think there was a problem with tiny ants, but there seems to be a problem this year, with stinging red ants anyway. We always get triple digits in Las Vegas.

The ants are a pain (literally). I suspect I'm going to have to start mopping the floors everyday. I don't know where the ants are coming from because I don't see any ant hills in the front yard where they usually are. I'll have to check the back yard for a hill. Since the ants are a problem this early in the summer, that means there are going to be other pests as well.

I need to go to Lowe's and find out what they have for me to spray with. All though spraying for pests myself isn't something I'm looking forward to doing. It's the ants own fault for invading my territory, if the didn't invade I wouldn't bother them. However, I guess that's why they are called pests because they won't mind their own business and stay out of my territory.
June 19, 2008 at 11:14am
June 19, 2008 at 11:14am
Istijlál (Majesty), 15 Nur (Light), 165 B.E. – Thursday, June 19, 2008 about 8:06 AM PDT

God speaks to us, which doesn't appear to have much in common with God having a sense of humor; but stick with me on this for a few minutes. God spoke to me yesterday and today. Not though the sacred scriptures, which is one way the Divine Essences speaks to humanity; God spoke to me through the writing.com Spiritual Newsletter and a religious pamphlet left at my door yesterday.

Both of these had to do with suffering. The writing.com newsletter didn't mention suffering specifically, however it did cover the subject. The pamphlet was called All Suffering SOON TO END! I realized as I read the newsletter this morning, that God was speaking to me. I have gone through a lot of suffering within the past year or so, I'm still going through it, but to a lesser degree.

The writing.com newsletter included a quote, which deals with suffering. The faces along the bar of life belong to people looking for solace in their pain, longing for friendship in their loneliness, hoping for joy in the midst of their disappointments. They need a smile, a touch, a message of encouragement. ~~Stuart Briscoe We all need encouragement when we suffer. Encouragement doesn't relieve suffering, but it helps an individual deal with the pain and the fear of suffering. The editor of the newsletter pointed out that we withdraw into our "caves" and isolate ourselves during emotional suffering.

Inside our "caves" the only encouragement we can find is through the sacred scriptures and other writings. While these are good places to find encouragement, sometimes the encouragement we need comes through contact with other human beings. We have to be out of our "caves" to receive direct encouragement from others.

As to the pamphlet, I don't believe all suffering will end any more then I believe physical death will come to an end (both ideas were suggested by the pamphlet). Suffering is a part of the human condition, without suffering the soul would not acquire virtues. Virtues are the soul's clothing in the next world, when the body dies then the souls moves into the world of the spirit a place the physical human body can't go.

When someone talks about the end of suffering, I think about the following quotes.

However, those souls who have lived many years and have acquired much experience and have weathered many severe winters realize that in order to enjoy the coming spring they must pass through the cold of winter. (Abdu'l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 116)

Men who suffer not, attain no perfection. The plant most pruned by the gardeners is that one which, when the summer comes, will have the most beautiful blossoms and the most abundant fruit. (Abdu'l-Baha, Paris Talks, p. 50)

I don't think suffering or death will end, they will be redefined, but they won't end. And what does this have to do with God's sense of humor? I have found that when I'm having problems God speaks to me in ways that I don't expect, but which cause me to smile at my own foolishness.

June 18, 2008 at 10:36pm
June 18, 2008 at 10:36pm
‘Idál (Justice), 14 Nur (Light), 165 B.E. – Wednesday, June 18, 2008 about 7:24 PM PDT

Thirteen days off before summer school begins and I go back to work. Thirteen days to catch up on housework and writing projects. Thirteen days to come up with a schedule that will let me work, do housework and write. I know it can be done, I am just not sure how I am going to do it.

My mother worked and did housework, however she did not write stories or poems. My mother enjoys housework, I neither enjoy it nor dislike it. If I had a choice I would rather write then do housework, but I do not have a choice. I am going to have to deal with the housework. There has to be a way I can write, do housework and work outside the home.

I think what I am going to do is change my approach. Mom can help some, but she is still in the healing process. I am going to take her to see her doctor tomorrow. This is a follow up from her lost hospital stay. She has a hole in her leg and a bandage on it. A nurse is coming in everyday to change the bandage. Today the nurse put a medical packing (I am not sure what it is called) in the hole. The nurse will come back on Friday and change the bandage. Tomorrow I suppose someone in the doctor's office will change it.

I can change the bandage myself, if necessary. The problem is that I am not sure about putting the stuff inside the hole that the nurse did today. Mom was in a great deal of pain when he put the stuff in. I gave her a pain pill before he came, but the pill did not relieve all the pain she felt. The pill just makes the pain a little more bearable.
June 15, 2008 at 5:28pm
June 15, 2008 at 5:28pm
Jamál (Beauty), 11 Nur (Light), 165 B.E. – Sunday, June 15, 2008 about 2:23 PM PDT

I took my mother to the urgent care on Sunday, June 8, 2008. She had a large lump on her leg which had become discolored. At the urgent care they told me to take her to the hospital. I took her to Valley Hospital. There the operated on her leg and removed the infection and the lump. This left a hole in her leg.

She was released from the hospital on Thursday, June 12, 2008. On Friday, June 13, I finally got someone in to change the dressing. It hurts Mom when they take the bandage off to put another one on. Fortunately, one of the doctors prescribed some pain pills. about thirty minutes before a nurse comes to change the dressing, I give her a pain pill. This helps a little, but not a lot. My mother cries in pain each time they change the dressing.

I wish I could take the pain from her body and into mine. She cries and I hold her hand and cry as well. Removing the bandage hurts. The pain pills help a little, but not enough to stop the pain all together. She was always sensitive to pain, but she has become more sensitive since the operation last year. The nurse today said the pain meant that it was healing. It only hurts Mom when the bandage is removed.

The fluid coming from the wound is clear, so there is no infection. Still Mom has to be careful and not do some of the things around the house she did a week ago. I know this will pass. This last year has been difficult. Mom is holding up, still she can't sleep in her own bed until the leg is healed. She has to keep the leg up at night and it's easier to raise it when she sleeps in the hospital bed.

June 7, 2008 at 1:28pm
June 7, 2008 at 1:28pm
Jalál (Glory), 3 Nur (Light), 165 B.E. – Saturday, June 7, 2008 about 10:19 AM PDT

Well it is three days into Nur, the month of Light and I am three days behind. I wish I could say I am almost caught up, but I don't know for sure. I posted all the poems I wrote for the past three days into the poetry journal. I did all the back entries for the Abundance Project I am working on. I have paper work to complete for a hardship deferment for my student load and fax that today. After I complete the paperwork, then I can do one of two things.

I am either going to get back on line and do reviews on writing.com or go the the Baha'i center for a meeting at 3:00 PM. I need to complete the review, but I also need a little time away from the computer to chill out. Right now I am so tense I could bit the head off a rattle snake.

I have an appointment with my doctor on Monday. I am hoping she will put me back on my meds because I think that is part of the problem. The other of my problems is I cannot schedule my time properly. I spend time away from home and I come home too tired to get on line so I take a nap. Of course, being off my meds could contribute to me being tired; this could be the biggest part of my problem. I still cannot schedule my time properly, especially when I have one or two things to do after work.

June 2, 2008 at 10:36pm
June 2, 2008 at 10:36pm
Kamál (Perfection), 17 'Azamat (Grandeur), 165 B.E. - Monday, June 2, 2008 about 7:29 PM PDT

Sunset approaches
one solar day slowly fades into the next
the questions on my mind:
What did I do to make today better then yesterday?
What can I do to make tomorrow better the today?

As I listen to the sound of the air conditioner
whispering sweet nothing in my ear
cooling the hot desert evening
I wonder what joys tomorrow will bring.

I review the day
feel the weariness in my muscles and bones
give thanks for the blessings I received
and ask forgiveness for the selfish moments
which occur in times of heedlessness.


I made two appointments today. One with the doctor to discuss the results of the lab tests. The other with the dentist to see if I can get something done with my teeth. I have a tooth that hurts off and on, not that I have that many teeth left in my mouth.

My appointment with the dentist in on June 30 at 8:00 AM. I chose a morning appointment because I'm off between June 20 and July 1 so I can have morning appointments. My teeth may be bad and they may hurt periodically, but I'm not going to take off and loose money because my teeth hurt. The don't hurt that bad any way. On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the little or no pain and 10 shut your finger in a car door or broken bone pain. The pain in my mouth is usually about a 1.5 or 2. The pain in my knee on cold morning is much worse because it can get up to a 5 or 6.
June 1, 2008 at 11:12am
June 1, 2008 at 11:12am
Jamál (Beauty), 16 'Azamat (Grandeur), 165 B.E. - Saturday, June 1, 2008 about 8:02 AM Pacific Daylight Time

The first quarter of 2008 has passed, flowed down the drain, road off into the sunset. The second quarter has begun and I'm sick and tired of feeling sick and tired so Monday I'm going to do something about it. After I get off work I'm going to a dental clinic and see if they can do something with my teeth.

The last time I was there they said to come back if my teeth started hurting, well my teeth are hurting. Actually it's a dull ache in my mouth that comes and goes at random intervals each day. Friday one of the teeth started to hurt more then usual, but the pain went away. The pain in that tooth keeps coming and going, sort of like the ocean tide.

After I get of work Monday, I'm going to the dental clinic and see if they can do something with the tooth which has the most pain, while I'm there I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor for a follow up (both clinics are in the same building). I want to feel good again and not like something the dogs brought in and the cats wouldn't have.

June is a nice month,
I always liked the name June.
It always reminded me of Leave it to Beaver.
June was the name of Beaver Cleaver's mother,
I can't remember Beaver's given name on the show,
but I can remember his mother's name.

I always thought Cleaver was an interesting name
as well,
it rhymed with Beaver
and it reminded one of a butcher's implement.

May 30, 2008 at 11:02pm
May 30, 2008 at 11:02pm
Istiqlál (Independence), 14 'Azamat (Grandeur), 165 B.E. - Friday, May 30, 2008 about 7:55 PM PDT

I heard a joke today about a man with a glass eye. Since no joke I ever tell or write about resembles the one I originally heard, I'm going to rewrite the the joke I heard. Please note that I do not go to bars, but I do enjoy listening to jokes. I just can't tell them the way I hear them.

A man walks into a bar and request a shot glass and a bottle of vodka. The bar tender sets both items in front of him. The customer then proceeds to remove his glass eye and put it in the shot glass. Then he pours some of the vodka into the glass.

Raising the glass, the man says "Here's looking at you" and drinks the vodka.

The bar tender asks the customer, "Sir, why did you put the glass eye into the shot glass?"

The man smiles and replies, "Because when I say here's looking at you, I want something looking back at me."

When I heard the joke it had to do with a drummer putting his glass eye in his Scotch. I can't say which is funnier, since I can't remember the joke I heard. Even if I could remember it I couldn't retell it the same way I heard it.

May 29, 2008 at 10:27pm
May 29, 2008 at 10:27pm
Istijlál (Majesty), 13 'Azamat (Grandeur), 165 B.E. - Thursday, May 29, 2008 about 7:16 PM PDT

I never thought I would be doing housework in the middle of the night, but that is just what I'm going be doing. My grandmother did just that, when she couldn't sleep she would get up and do house work. Me doing the household chores after dark has nothing to do with me not being able to sleep.

My mother is 87 years old. She likes doing housework. She doesn't want anyone else doing the housework. Unfortunately, at 87 she can't do everything she could do at 78. I'm going to help her with the housework, but I have to be careful because she gets a bit upset if she finds me doing her job; as she like to refer to cleaning house.

I'm going to do housework after she goes to bed. I'm starting with the bathroom. Tonight I'm going to clean out the tub and tomorrow go for the toilet stool. I figure if I do one or two things a night, I can do my part without her knowing it.

All right, that doesn't sound logical. She will notice, as to whether she will say anything I don't know. She may not say much and then again she could say a lot. I have to go to work in the morning, so she may not notice the tub until after I have left the house. Mom does have a few short term memory problems, so this plan may actually work. At least for two or three day, until I get the bathroom cleaned up.

We have two bathroom and the one I'm working on is in the hall. I'm not going to go near the bath in the master bedroom. Mom sleeps in that bedroom and I'm sure she would notice me cleaning it up if she uses the toilet in the middle of the night. I don't like doing it this way, but I see no other option. The bathroom isn't like my office area that I can clean up or not without Mom saying anything.

May 28, 2008 at 11:09pm
May 28, 2008 at 11:09pm
'Idál (Justice), 12 'Azamat (Grandeur), 165 B.E. - Wednesday, May 28, 2008 about sunset PDT

Today feels like Tuesday; it just doesn't seem like hump day or midweek. Monday holidays always do this to me. A three day weekend ending on a Monday throws my entire week off. I keep thinking today is Tuesday, even though my computers date tells me it is Wednesday.

I prefer three day holidays beginning on Friday and ending on Sunday. Three day weekends like that are less confusing. Now that I am working five days a week with specific holidays off, I find I am back in the confusion mode when there is a Monday holiday.

the partly cloudy sky
fades into evening
I know tomorrow will be Thursday
because the garbage trucks
picked up the trash today,
but it seems like Tuesday
and the hill that leads to tomorrow
waits for me to climb.

I have climbed that hill
and looking back on yesterday
which felt like Monday
I wonder what tomorrow will bring.
May 27, 2008 at 11:02pm
May 27, 2008 at 11:02pm
Fidál (Grace), 11 'Azamat (Grandeur), 165 B.E. - Tuesday, May 27, 2008 around sunset PDT

They say all good things must come to an end. I suspect that goes for all bad things as well, but it's the end of the good things that affect us the most. When bad things end we are relieved to have a reprieve from the stress and the difficulties. The end of May is approaching and June will soon be upon us. 2008 is passing as water descending a cliff.

The end of another round of "Follow the Leader occurred and there is a bit of sadness in this event. I enjoy this contest and I miss it when it comes to an end. While surfing writing.com yesterday I ran across another interesting journal challenge that I'm going to keep an eye on. This one is "Invalid Item. It sounds interesting and the daily challenges are creative.

I found another interesting challenge "AUTHORS' SPOTLIGHT - Season 6. I've asked to join both of them and the only explanation is gut feeling. I've found myself doing a lot of thing lately out of gut feeling. Maybe that is the best way to overcome procrastination, just follow the gut and do it without obsessing over the decision.

May 26, 2008 at 9:48pm
May 26, 2008 at 9:48pm
"Invalid Entry Nothing makes sense to me anymore. Life used to make sense and then I grew up. I faced the cold void of reality and realized that when dealing with men, there is no logic. Men do not think logically (I suppose a man would say the same thing about women.)

Don't get me wrong, I like the way men think. Even if they don't think with their brains most of the time. Life would get extremely boring if men weren't from Mars and women weren't from Venus. Civilization would never progress without the give and take of the two extremes. The human race would never evolve without opposites.

I'm not sure about the direction this entry is taking. As usual, I got to thinking about men and realized I have this silly grin on my face. Maybe I need to find a guy and go out on a real honest to goodness date. Let him take me to a movie or show and feed me prime rib and chocolate cake. Let him bring me roses and diamonds. Maybe I need a vacation.

Logic is over rated. People want logic, but the only way an individual can find it is in his or her own thoughts. I think logically, but no one else does. I swear that I'm the only person in my household that thinks logically. There are two women living in my house, my mother and myself. She doesn't put anything away logically not the way I do. Of course, I suppose she thinks the same thing about me.

I can never find anything when my mother puts it away. Come to think of it, there are times when I put stuff away and can't find it later. Of course, that isn't because I don't put it in the logical place. I alway put things in a logical spot where I'm sure I can find it later. The problem is someone either moves the object, lays something on top of it, or I forget where I put it. It doesn't matter which because when I can't find an object I'm faced with a decision. I can either buy another one or I can find something else in the house that will work just as well.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **
May 26, 2008 at 9:02pm
May 26, 2008 at 9:02pm
"Invalid Entry Of course, there is a recipe. I have to adapt it to my personal circumstances.

I never do anything right. I never do it in the right way, I do it my way. I like the Navy saying: There is the right way to do things, there is the wrong way to doings, and there is the Navy way to do things. Which I am going to rewrite and adapt to my life: There is the right way, the wrong way and my way. I am going to take old blue eyes advice and do it my way. If I do it my way, then I am getting it as close to the right way as I can get it.

Is there really some kind of template or recipe written in stone or something, on how to live and do things in this world? I don't like templates because template curtail creativity. Besides templates, unlike the speed limit, are just suggestions on how something can be do, not how it should be done. I like Kipling's view (who I'm going to quote or misquote right now) There are a thousand ways of constructing tribal lays and every single one of them is right.

I don't think God, or whatever one calls the Unknowable Essence that put creation into being, intended for everyone in the entire universe to do everything the same way. We have free will and with free will comes the ability to screw up, but that's OK because eventually we'll find the individual way to do something.

The Holy Books arrived at different time in the history of Earth, because evolution had gotten to a point that new material laws were needed to carry the human species on the next stage of it's social evolution. All religions and Holy Books come from the same creative force the put the universe into motion. I view all the sacred books as chapters in a single history book, it makes more sense that way. The problem is that human individuals want to put their own spin on the books and then they want someone to follow their reasoning without asking questions. If the human race wasn't suppose to ask questions, then we wouldn't have been given free will.

Who the hell cares HOW you do something, as long as the end result is satisfactory? Perfectionists and control freaks care how things are done. I can talk about perfectionists and control freaks because I have found out I do have a tendency toward those bad habits. I don't like not being in control, the problem is I have begun to realize that the only thing I am in control of are my emotions and reactions to the situations appearing in my life. I now have to take responsibility for my emotions and reactions, I can't blame anyone else become my emotions, reactions and opinions are mine alone as weird as some of them maybe.

What does that matter? It matters to me how I react to the world around because my reactions affect my soul. I have thought a lot about my soul lately, maybe it has to do with getting older and realizing that physical immortality not only impossible, but to be avoided entirely unless one is rich enough to own a star ship to move from planet to planet, from star system to star system or from galaxy to galaxy. Physical immortality could become down right boring.

Spiritual immortality on the other hand is exciting and worth anticipating. My soul, everyone's soul will live forever. The soul can't die, it comes into association with the body at conception and it ascends from the body at physical death. Sort of like a rider dismounting from a horse.

It just doesn't make sense. Because I, as an individual human being have to determine how things work in relation to my view of reality. Once I determine that then I have to determine how I relate to the rest of the human species while I'm living in this realm of existence. Then I die and pass into the next world where I have only the spiritual attributes I have developed why my soul lived with my physical body.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **
May 26, 2008 at 8:04pm
May 26, 2008 at 8:04pm
Lately, "antici-PATION has been on seeing the surprising ways prayers are answered. I am no longer paying someone to do yard work. The guy who usually did it got slightly upset, when I chose to buy meds instead of keep the money to pay him. We all have to make choices and I chose the meds over the yard work.

I thought I was going to have to do the front and backyard myself. I decided to do it slowly on Saturday and Sunday mornings. This week I did not get to the yard because of other commitments. I do not have to worry about the yard now, I have someone to do the work and it is not going to cost me cash. In fact, he paid me to park his vacation home in my driveway and will do the yard work. He left enough room to back my car out of the garage.

I am anticipating backing my car out in the morning and going to work. Prayers are answered in the oddest ways. In ways that are completely unexpected. I am anticipating the answers to the rest of my prayers.

Another prayer has already been answered. I found my prayer beads this morning. I thought they were either by my computer or on the bedside stand, I was wrong. I found the green prayer beads on the coffee table. I do not remember putting them there, but I did lay my prayer book there the other morning. Of course, I thought I lost my prayer book as well, but I found the prayer book in the car. I have a habit of laying things down and not noticing where I put them.

Anyway I have found that my prayers are answered in some unusual and unexpected ways. I anticipate the answers and am excited about the ways those answers come.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **
May 26, 2008 at 1:29am
May 26, 2008 at 1:29am
Music is "Invalid Entry because it speak directly to the human soul. Music is a common factor in all cultures and most religions. Music echoes the movement of the spheres. Music is something each cultural, religion and human being can create and modify.

For me music comes down to the instruments, which the human species uses to create melodies and songs. There are certain instruments that brings tears to my eyes when I hear them played. My favorite instrument is bagpipes. I can't hear bagpipes played without crying. It doesn't matter what song is being played on the pipes. I cry when I hear Danny Boy or Amazing Grace played on bagpipes.

Hearing bagpipes is an emotional experience, which goes back to my cultural roots; to Scotland and to Ireland. True I also have ancestors who are German and Native American, but it is the bagpipes of my Scottish and Irish ancestors that make an emotional impression on me.

When my time on earth is ended and they celebrate my life, I want Amazing Grace played on bagpipes at my memorial service. I want the music of bagpipes to escort my soul into paradise.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **
May 20, 2008 at 8:36pm
May 20, 2008 at 8:36pm
"Invalid Entry is to love people, to love my family and to forgive them. There is no fruit I cannot eat. True I have an extremely interesting dysfunctional family, but I love them anyway. There is no fruit nor food that I cannot eat and will not try at least once. I am allergic to MSG and latex. If I know the food has MSG in it, I won't eat it, but if I'm not sure I'll eat the food and pay the consequences later for my lack of knowledge.

I have noticed the resemblance between bananas and certain male body parts. I have noticed the resemblance between a cherry picker (when it is extended) and male body parts. A construction crane also resembles the same male body parts. And don't even ask what airplanes refueling in mid air remind me of.

I do not get along well with people who are prejudice against other members of the human race. I believe humanity is a single species responsible for the planet. I also believe that Earth is not only inhabited planet in the universe. I believe in a single God and that most religions are reveal by God the unknowable essence.

** Image ID #1382532 Unavailable **

May 20, 2008 at 7:31pm
May 20, 2008 at 7:31pm
"I guess there's some things that you can never erase and I'm not sure I would want to erase them.

Happiness and sadness are roses in a garden. The happiness is the flower of the rose and sadness the thorns. Roses without thorns aren't as beautiful. When you prick your finger on a thorn you draw blood and are sad. When you look and smell the rose you are happy. Both happiness and sadness, joy and sorrow are a part of life each follows the other in rapid succession.

Happiness and sadness, joy and sorrow are the yen and yang of existence. If it were not for sadness we would not know what happiness was and if it were not for happiness sadness would not exist. The best that I or anyone can hope for, is at the end of the day we have smiled more then we have cried.

I do not think life sucks. Circumstances and events which come into our lives suck. Sometime people who come into our lives suck, but life itself does not suck. Life is an interesting adventure in which the soul develops its wings and learns what makes it happy or sad. Humans are dual natured creatures. Because of our dual nature we live in a world of opposites where happiness and sadness, joy and sorrow come and go.

Things that make me happy

Reading and memorizing the prayers revealed by Baha'u'llah and The Bab
Waking up before dawn and watching the sunrise
Memories of my grandparents
A smile from a stranger on the street
Prime rib with raw horseradish
Coffee with chocolate in it
Wild cherry pepsi
My mother doing what she likes to do, which is clean house
Attending an open mic poetry reading
Looking at art
Chocolate pie
Chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream
Going to a Feast
Going to a Holy Day celebration

That's all I can think of right off hand

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