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Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #702718
I decided to try my hand at this journallog thing
Well I used to think my life was totally boring, after starting this journal I've just come to realize it's boring in an interesting way... Come one, come all, and read the life and times of the poet Darká, and then head on over to my poems folder and enjoy some poems (even if they are usually dark and morbid and depressing, and this hasn't enticed you to go read them yet!?).

Thanks! And "Rock, Rock On!" - Cheat Commandos

-the poet Darká
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March 1, 2005 at 7:57pm
March 1, 2005 at 7:57pm
The Poet Darká is officialy 21 years past the day of my spawning. It seems so long ago, yet not really. Especially given the leapyear thing that could be looked at as saying I'm now 5.25 years of age... How many five and a quarter year olds do you know in their junior year of college?

Anyways to celebrate, here's a new poem of mine, based of my story Night of the Banshees [go check out my story folder] that I've been working on expanding...

http://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/944784 [poem]

Poet Darká
February 25, 2005 at 12:45am
February 25, 2005 at 12:45am
I'm celebrating the talents of my fellow fallen over at the Fallen Ones on Open Diary, check out my diary entry pertaining to it. Enjoy!
[ http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=D474016&entry=10038&mode= ]

Poet Darká
January 31, 2005 at 1:59pm
January 31, 2005 at 1:59pm
I've started a new diarty over at open diay; but I don't want to deprive you guys here, so what I'm thinking of doing is in the future, just going ahead and double-posted maybe; in other words, putting my entries in both locations. Comments on this are more than welcome, in the meantime however, go check out my OD Journal for current updates in my life; I may end up deleting this journal all together and just providing the link in my bio block...


Poet Darká

PS: I plan on putting some new poems up here on writing.com and possibly reformatting them; I might do like a book item with chapters [perhaps sort them alpabetically or something, I don't know; any ideas guys?]

PPS: Also check out the fallen ones while your at OD, it's a great poetry clique!
December 13, 2004 at 11:47am
December 13, 2004 at 11:47am
So yay, the semester is coming to a close--finally! My last speech is done [gots me a B], I have a mere THREE essays left to write and a few finals, and then I'm out of UCCC and on to UAlbany, it's like the fun never ends! Shoot me!

Good news though, I got into Empire Commons [nicey nice apartments] at UAlbany, so at least I'll have some place nice to crash. Now I really just need to buy myself a lappytop, with the money I so do not have, and so is the life of the poor college student.

I promise some new stuff soon enough, when I have time or something, right now I'm idly wasting all my free time from getting out early in various classes!!! What!?, like I have something better to do?... three essays DON'T count as better...


Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
December 2, 2004 at 2:47pm
December 2, 2004 at 2:47pm
So I gots me a couple of Stephen Lynch CDs the other day and I've been playing them for all my friendlies and now most everyone I know wants me to make 'em a copy, zeesh, but it's cool, they rock the casbah so I'm more than willing to share the f'd up goodness that is SL. Just for those of you who don't know who Stephen Lynch is, he's a comedian/songwriter and he's funny as hell and seems to have NO boundaries when it comes to what he'll write a song about, so I HIGHLY recommend!!! Ciao!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
November 30, 2004 at 12:35pm
November 30, 2004 at 12:35pm
Woohoo! So ya I'm a D&D [that's Dungeons and Dragons for you that don't know that] playing kinda guy. Not the nerdy type, not with my DM, though there was a kinda of graphic and disturbing joke made about purple worms last session thanks to Eric. Anyhow, last session, which we finally got around to starting around 8pm and had intended to start noon, don't ask, long story -- we ruined our poor DM's big plans, not that he really planned too much, good for him considering what we did. He had this big campaign set up that was supposed to take us a whopping ten days, and we 'cheated' and got it done in one. We were supposed to find out who was killing all the people in the town as part of some sadistic game some unknown demon dragged us into. Well, at some point we come across this little 7 year old girl who's acting all weird, we pry her to find out what's up [the rogue was all looking to torture her to get the info, tsk tsk] and then she gets all demonic on our asses, so Kiton [Eric's character] pins her to the ground and tells us to run, the rogue took off like a bat out of hell [until he remembered my character was carrying all the gems we found] and ultimately we tried to help Kiton escape too, but his ass was demon toast, until the selfless act of his wrecked the game and we all transported back out of it, unfortunately to god knows when into the future where a bunch of orcs are using the armory we wound up in. Anyhow, our good deeds or whatever scored us major exp. and we went straight from 1st to 3rd level, w00t! Okay, not much more to say, see ya all late, ciao.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
November 19, 2004 at 10:31am
November 19, 2004 at 10:31am
Yesterday so frellin' rocked tha casbah [obvious the clash reference]. My entire day cost me a whopping $0.25! I got a 'one free ride' bus pass to use to get to the college, score one! Then, I still had a $5.00 gift certificate to our cafeteria I had gotten from participating in some survey the college did on advertising to new students to try and get them to come here to dear old UCCC. Course you can't get any money back from the certificate, so ya gotsta gotsta spend it all at once. So I got like $6.50 worth of food, but then the cashier lady just waived me on by, letting the whole meal be free!!! W00tness, she rocks, yay for her. Then when I was talking with kev I found a quarter, no big deal except I still had a bus ride home and I had a 'half fair ride' coupon, which makes it only $0.50. So all-in-all I only had to spend a mere twenty-five cents on my whole day! So happy is me. Too bad not everyday can be that way...


Darká Degerön - the poet Darká

I shall leave you all with a frellin' awesome Stabbing Westward lyric, "I am not your savior, I am just as fucked as you."
November 10, 2004 at 10:36am
November 10, 2004 at 10:36am
So I'm chillin' up here at my school's Learning Center, talking with Cody and minlessly surfing the net. In otherwords, nothing really all that constructive or important, my brain is still kinda fried from my THREE tests on Monday and writing a four (well mine was five) page Science & Philosophy paper Monday night.

Everyone seems to be raving on and on and on about Halo 2 today, I never played either one, so I'm not really all that in tune to their discussions today. But that doesn't stop me from joining in on videogame based conversations.

KevN, Marc, Lenninee, and many others are anxious to get this whole play things over. KevN would like to not be blonde anymore, he had to be blonde for his part in the play as an Italian immigrant, yeah I know it makes NO sense, and Marc just wants free time again (to of course be our GM for D&D, hehe).

Let's see anything else, oh yeah, I promise to upload some new material (namely poems) again soon, just been extremely uberbusy lately, which kinda sorta MAJORLY sucks ass. But oh well, that's life it seems. Now, if we could all just get some time for D&D so I can avenge Dolven's death in previous D&D stuff, yeah, okay whatever, I'm just looking to MMDPRP, that's Murder Maim Destroy, Pillage Rape Plunder for all ya none-up-on-my-super-awesome-style-of-coolnees with the abbreviations...yeah I know, shut up. Have fun, read some poems [i.e. mine] and feel free to recommend any good RPGs or other good PS2 games [and let's not get all Halo happy--I've been hearing that all day].


Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
November 7, 2004 at 4:47pm
November 7, 2004 at 4:47pm
This is the kind of scenario that leads to us college sutdents wanting to shoot ourselves in the mouth or gag to death on a pitchfork. I have THREE tests out of my FOUR classes tomorrow!!! Tell me that is the least bit NOT TOTALLY EVIL!!! Okay, I have to go burn down a village or something now.


Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
November 2, 2004 at 11:01am
November 2, 2004 at 11:01am
Today is November 2nd, GO OUT AND VOTE!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká

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