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Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #702718
I decided to try my hand at this journallog thing
Well I used to think my life was totally boring, after starting this journal I've just come to realize it's boring in an interesting way... Come one, come all, and read the life and times of the poet Darká, and then head on over to my poems folder and enjoy some poems (even if they are usually dark and morbid and depressing, and this hasn't enticed you to go read them yet!?).

Thanks! And "Rock, Rock On!" - Cheat Commandos

-the poet Darká
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October 31, 2004 at 12:17am
October 31, 2004 at 12:17am
So I went up to the University at Albany Saturday morning for the Open House for Prospective Students so as to learn more about the place I'll potentially be moving to and learning at...well...

Besides the fact that the place is ungodly humongous (and that's just the uptown campus) it's also ungodly humongous! How many places have quads that are 23 stories high with eight three story dorm buildings around them (now times by five) and add to that two sets of apartment complexes all on campus just to house the students...oh and housing at the downtown campus too...I'm getting ahead of myself though...

So we find the lecture hall for the Math, Science, & Computer Science majors...first off, no one from the Math department was speaking today and I'm looking to sign up for the Actuarial Science major [LOTS OF MATH]. It was then that I also started getting the impression this whole shebang was geared toward Freshmen and not Transfer students [such as I would be]. Alas, after much droning on and on by the computer science and atmospheric science guys and two of their precious little alumni we were set free to wonder the tables set up outside the lecture halls...50 tables and ONE that represented all of mathematics! Physics had a table, comp sci had a table, biology had a table, etc...but just ONE for ALL OF MATH...

So anyhow, then we go on a bus tour and through this discover that us transfering [juniors] don't get the nice cushy apartments [meant for juniors and seniors] but instead get shoved on slightly better dorms on the downtown campus three miles away [oh, but there is a bus...whoopty friggin' doo]. Of course, we only get to see the dungeonesque style dorm rooms for the measly freshmen, didn't get to see the suite style [4-6 students per suite, four bedrooms, kitchen, living room, and bath -- as opposed to rooms with two bedrooms, a bunkbed in each and two tiny ass closets to be shared amongst four and a communal bathroom to each floor to be shared by sixteen students...]. Of course didn't get to see the slighly better dorms over yonder three miles [two per dorm instead of four, and no suite style there]... The reason I'm so pissed about it is that when I talked to someone from UAlbany originally they said I'd get into the apartments and now everyone is saying, no, we hate any non-three year on this campus the whole time people, so all you first and second year as well as transfer students can suck scum...

Other than that it wasn't so bad, I would have gone on the bus tour, which would pass by the athletic fields and more importantly the apartments], but considering their Freshman oriented mindset we weren't going to able to actually see any of those up close anyhow [the apartments I mean]...anyhow, they did say there'd be a thing on Dec. 6th specifically for Transfer students, I plan to go to that and maybe get some real info!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
September 18, 2004 at 6:33pm
September 18, 2004 at 6:33pm
So being back at school totally sucks ass, like who didn't know that. Let's see, in the upcoming week I have a test in Am. Hist., part of which is on a book I've yet to start reading really, but at least it's on Friday. Though on wednesday I have to give my first speech in Oral Comm. (someone shoot me now)...grr argh. Anyway, I'm jamming out to Dog Fashion Disco to help get me through it all, horrid times call for a stange ass band...until again, ciao (I'm sure there'll be more soon guys!)

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
September 7, 2004 at 10:32am
September 7, 2004 at 10:32am
Yeah, so the new semester started last week...I don't wanna be back there, it's boring and, um, BORING...I wanna sleep in really late EVERY SINGLE MORNING!!! Okay, enough whining, I don't wanna be back, right, no more whining, school sucks, yeah, okay, fine, zeesh, you'd be whining too if you had to go back...anyhow. There should be some new poems up soon(ish). Alisha's putting in an order to muschycats.com (ooh, look, a link to look at) and I'm getting some stickers/buttons when she does, so w00t...w00t...w00t, the triw00t!! Yeah, whatever...anyhow. IF for some strange ass reason I get time to work on some longer stuff, like stories, you may see those too...okay, well, ciao for now.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 29, 2004 at 10:52pm
July 29, 2004 at 10:52pm
So the play Kev is in up at el college starts this weekend, I'll have to go check it out. He promises me it won't totally suck this time. Last time the director chose a majorly retarded play...and well you can't save a ship that's already sunk. So, I just hope it'll be half worthwhile. But I must got and support the Kev, and Victoria!!!, and all the other people.
Tomorrow night, SG-1 and Atlantis, gotta love SciFi Fridays. I'm anxious about the new SG-1 episode, it looks really awesome. Old enemies are funny/fun/enemy like. That made sense in my head and that's all that matters (to me). And I'm gonna drop dead one of these days when someone responds to one of my posts.
Updates regarding Journeys are slim to none. Kev has been überbusy with no time really to work on scripting, plus he's got character sketching he wants to do, not to mention working on The 7 Hungry Sinners at some point at or around never. I get the feeling we're both career masochists, we love to give ourselves WAY more than we can handle...way, way more.

Well, ciao for now.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 24, 2004 at 2:42pm
July 24, 2004 at 2:42pm
Triwoot for The Corrs on their new album Borrowed Heaven, it absolutely rocks! And the title track is really cool, very different. "Summer Sunshine" is great, and "Angel" is also very awesome. So, I recommend you all go get it, especially if you're a Corrs fan!

I'm feeling the urge to get back to my writing, since that's what I should be doing, not that being lazy isn't fun! All this new Stargate has been inspiring me! Oh, and, this week's episodes were interesting, let's reuse the same effect on both shows! Or something like that... Well if you had watched them you'd know what I mean. Anyways the new SG-1 season is coming along nicely and Atlantis is definitely holding its own.

Ciao for now.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 20, 2004 at 9:26pm
July 20, 2004 at 9:26pm
Let's see, what's new with the poet Darká? Not too much really. Working hard, yet hardly working, on putting my show together and tracking down kev long enough to hang for a few hours here and there. Got back my photos from Yankees Stadium (whilst sitting in the tier section), um, look, pinstriped ants...and it was a disposable digital camera that cost like $12, then another $12 to develop the oh so worthless photos...I hate life's little lessons in duhness. Oh well, when I get rich...yeah right...I'll get a real digital camera so I can ZOOM in and get REAL photos from almost any distance, take that Hubble Satelite!, okay so maybe not that far away. Anyways, I think Zambrano should get a line drive in the head for hitting both Derek AND Jorge in the wrist/hand/arm place thing. He hit our team captain, then like two or three batters later Jorge, and NO warning from the ump...kill the ump! Vehement about baseball? Who me? Nah. Okay, maybe a little. Well, I'm also working on tweeking "Night of the Banshees" (see my stories folder) and maybe turning it into a much longer work with chapters and all sorts of other fun stuff, like chapters...wait a tick...oh well. Ciao for now!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 19, 2004 at 7:20pm
July 19, 2004 at 7:20pm
Okay, so I'm not inherantly drawn to big band music, but this guy does the new version of the Spiderman theme, and I really frelling love it. So I added him to my launchcast station and well, I like his music! I suppose I should get his cd huh? Hmm..gonna need money, lol. Oh well, basically I highly recommend. It's been the week of shameless plugins anyway! So anyhow, rock out! Oh and he does have two version of the Spiderman theme, and older, more big band one and a 'remixed' more him singing a lot with some serious emotion that I think is in the movie, haven't seen it yet, so I don't know. Ciao for now.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 17, 2004 at 6:09pm
July 17, 2004 at 6:09pm
So last night was the premiere of Stargate Atlantis on the SciFi network. Let's see...it so totally rocked! I like the Ancient's version of an iris too. I was kinda of happy to see the asshole guy get killed by the wraith. The Atlantis Stargate's a little weird looking, I noticed the other stargates in the Pegasus galaxy look like the normal ones, must just be an atlantis thing, probably explains why it's the only one with a built in iris. Oh and qualm. I was so hoping that damned 9th chevron would get used...don't get me wrong, I was happy to see them use an 8th one! They so need to go back to that one planet and find out if there were any ZPMs in that ruined Ancient place. Um, wraith suck ass, kill them all (even if it is nearly impossibly hard). And it needs to be next friday right now! Ciao for now.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 14, 2004 at 11:20pm
July 14, 2004 at 11:20pm
So I'm bored, it happens, quite often... So I decide to do some shameless plugins, and list some of my favorite sites that you guys might (or might not) enjoy! If you wind up really really liking them, feel free to let me (and/or the site's owner(s) know), and if you really do like it that much, also feel free to tell them some person they've never heard of sent you there...lol...some people aren't laughing...lighten up! Start the list!

Nuklear Power: home of the 8-bit theater
found at: http://nuklearpower.com
Here you'll find one the world's funniest webcomics I've ever known to exist. If you like Final Fantasy spoofs, or even just spoofing on anything like it (D&D, other tabletop or videogame RPGs, etc.) then you'll love the site overall. The 'advice' column, "Twinkin' Out" with Red Mage is hysterical as well, plus a lesser props given 'advice' column by evil princess sara. Oh yeah, it rocks! And by the way, Black Mage is my hero! "I like swords" "Welcome to Corneria" "I like swords" "Welcome to Corneria", okay so maybe you have to actually read the comic for it to be funny...um, yeah, go READ it--NOW!

ClanBOB: The Life of Riley
found at: http://clanbob.net
Home to the Life of Riley webcomic and a number of weekly/daily side webcomics...you could see as many as three new seperate comics a day! LOR is not just funny, but damned weird...I mean WEIRD! Oh, and Gore rocks! I got my friend Kevin (the vampire) a gore t-shirt that has a cute little pic of Gore and says Vampire on it, he was wearing the day some Jahova's Witnesses showed up at his house, and at first he couldn't understand how he got rid of them so fast...hmmm... LOR has an awesome cast of characters all around, enjoy!

Homestar Runner dot net, it's dot com
found at: http://homestarrunner.com
H*R is an awesome site with a TON of fun stuff to peruse and enjoy. By far the best part would be all the Strong Bad e-mails! Teen Girl Squad also rocks, and there are plenty of other cartoons to watch. Let me guess, you're all waiting for me to name my fave character from the site right? Well isn't it obvious, The Cheat rocks! Seriously, once I get some money, I am so buying a The Cheat t-shirt! Or maybe a Kick The Cheat plush.

The Village Church Yard
found at: http://3eb.co.uk
TVCY is a Third Eye Blind fansite, and one of the best. After the crash of Star Crossed Pimps it probably could be considered the best around, you can find tons of stuff there including downloads of 3eb's rarer/harder to find songs!

3eb.com Official Site
found at: http://3eb.com
What more do you need to know, it's the official site of the world's greatest band ever!

Stephan Jenkins
found at: http://www.stephanjenkins.com
Fansite devoted to the lead singer of 3eb. SJ rocks, and so does the site devoted to him, tony fredianelli also has his own site (that's up and running) and I'm pretty sure arion salazar and brad hargreaves have one to, but I'm not sure on their statuses at the moment.

Dalva's Wounded
found at: http://www.dalvaswounded.com
One more great 3eb fansite. This one has done a lot of hopping around finding a decent server. The site is still building up, but has always been great.

Sphinx Stargate
found at: http://www.sg-1.co.uk
Must be something about the uk, they know how to make a great fansite. And this one will give you all the Stargate SG-1 you can handle and then some...although you could also go to...

Sci-Fi Channel
found at: http://scifi.com
The official site of the SciFi network, perhaps the best tv channel out there. They don't offer a heck of a lot for each show, but some of the stuff is pretty awesome. Most important is getting schedules and finding out when your fave scifi show will be on!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
darkadegeron@hotmail.com (preferbly)
All these sites belong to their respective owners, and happy copyrighting day to them all!
July 14, 2004 at 12:00am
July 14, 2004 at 12:00am
AL wins! We get home field advantage come World Series, and by we I do mean the Yanks (and the fans there of!). Oh and Joe Buck (FOX Sports Caster) is a total ass for ruining Clemens moment when he got that life time achievement award...this is yet one more reason to add to the long list of why I don't like the games being of Fox. And for another reason why I hate them on ESPN, the entire HR Derby they spent talking about the steroids issue, people, get over it and shut up and let the fans ENJOY the Derby, my god, I so hope they get flooded with hate mail...hmm, I myself may need to contribute to it! what do you guys think? Anyways, ciao for now.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká

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