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Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #702718
I decided to try my hand at this journallog thing
Well I used to think my life was totally boring, after starting this journal I've just come to realize it's boring in an interesting way... Come one, come all, and read the life and times of the poet Darká, and then head on over to my poems folder and enjoy some poems (even if they are usually dark and morbid and depressing, and this hasn't enticed you to go read them yet!?).

Thanks! And "Rock, Rock On!" - Cheat Commandos

-the poet Darká
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July 13, 2003 at 11:39pm
July 13, 2003 at 11:39pm
So I was looking over my poetry folder, as I sometimes do, and out of my 20 poems in there, 7 still have no kind of rating what so ever...maybe we all could do something about that? Just a though. Also, for any of you who know I'm working on a comic with my friend Kev, well it finally has a name "Journeys" and he's onto pencilling page three, woohoo! I uploaded a pic of the main character to my site (look for link in a previous post) and it turned out good. I'll be working on updating stuff soon, hopefully, I've been really busy. Everyone wants me to write them something, zeesh. Though luckily I'm in a creative state of mind, gotta love the ideas, oh the ideas! Well, enjoy what I've got for you so far (and feedback is nice, hint hint, clue clue).

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 11, 2003 at 11:22am
July 11, 2003 at 11:22am
So, this weekend both my mom and my sister-in-law have gone away (one to Henrieta (sp?) and the other to a four day music concert thing. So there is no one in the house, and the only other family member near by is by bro (unless you count the two year old nephew, but he can't drive). Everything probably thinks I'll throw some big party or something. Are you nuts, I can sleep, sleep, not be bothered or nagged about anything, and did I mention sleep, glorious sleep!
If I leave the house it'll probably be to go to Kev's. And he lives like 5 streets away, woo, I'm just leaving town now. But anyways, I'm sure I'll bored as hell...oh well, might as well. . . . .you guessed it, sleep! So maybe you didn't, but kudos if you did.
And I'm sure with all that boredom some odd idea that should never be formed will pop into my head, so be on the look out for my crazed ennui eating away at me. Bye for now.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 5, 2003 at 12:58am
July 5, 2003 at 12:58am
Okay, so it's late as hell, I'm about ready to pass out and go sleepy...but I'd thought i'd lovingly let you all know I just did a bunch of stuff with my website, so go ahead and take a looksee and let me know what you think, PLEASE!!!
Thanks to all of you who actually left click your mouse on the above link. Boo to all you who don't, you're mean! Just kidding...or am I? Too tired to make comment thingies, night now.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 1, 2003 at 12:01am
July 1, 2003 at 12:01am
I just visited bolt.com, which I haven't been to in oh say...well I don't think I've been there this year. It was weird, I used to spend a lot of time on that site and then just stopped going there. I actually had some new tags on both my screen names (tags are for tagbooks, kinda like polls). Who knows, maybe I'll get back into it a little. I use to correspond with some of the people on there on a regular basis.
Funny, bolt does keep up to date on the world, the front page poll is about the file sharing crack down, speaking of, I uninstalled my peer-to-peer. I've decided to lay low. Even though they're only going for those people who download a lot, which I kinda use to. Oh well, whatever, I'm staying away from it for awhile. How about you guys. Any of you concerned about this crack down on file sharing and peer-to-peer networks (ie Kazaa, and other napster-esque programs)?
I might being going over to Kev's tomorrow. Dom is supposedly going to be there, we might have a Captain Canada meeting! The comic we're all working on (Dom's comic, me and kev got our own going as well, no name yet though). From what I last heard Dom made a lot of progress with the storyline for CC. Capt. Can. is going kind of slow, not that me and kev's comic is going all that fast (hey, we do have a first script though, and a first page!).
Guess that's it. Oh, my sis-in-law is working on getting AIM on her laptop cause I keep getting weirdos contacting me on ICQ. And I do mean weirdos. That and MSN/Windows Messenger. Stick with AIM guys!
Bye for now!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
June 29, 2003 at 10:53pm
June 29, 2003 at 10:53pm
Happy days are here again...I updated my website...joy! [Just nod your head are pretend to be as happy as I think you should be] Essentially I updated the spot light section, which for those of you who haven't gone to my site [the entire world minus my sister-in-law] the spot light is my little way of sharing really good stuff in the entertainment area of life. Like movies, music, books, and games I think people might [should] like.
[] http://mysite.verizon.net/vze6u5jv/thejourneyonline []
In other wonderous stuff, I added another poem to my poetry folder, which has lots more poems...what are you waiting for? It's called "Rain, Just the Same". In addition to that I'm working on a sequel [gasp] to "Machina Tempi", the only story I have on this site as of now...I'm so pathetic...I'll seek therapy later.
My sister-in-law, brother, and nephew just got back from Lake George today, they had a really good time from what I hear. And there are photos! Which is NO surprise...at least not if you know my sister-in-law, I think her camera has become like a fifth appendage for her.
What else...work brain work! Um, guess that's it. Hope you all are enjoying my journal and um other goodies I keep putting out on the table for you all to snack on...feedback is nice...feedback is nice...etc.
...avoid monkeys! (New episode of Charmed, anybody who watched tonight's episode won't think I'm totally insane, the rest of you will...that's okay...)

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
June 26, 2003 at 10:18pm
June 26, 2003 at 10:18pm
Woohoo! I just added a story to the stories folder, finally! Please go check it out you guys. It's entitled Machina Tempi (Time Machina).

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
June 25, 2003 at 12:12am
June 25, 2003 at 12:12am
Oh sweet mother of neglect! It has been awhile since I last wrote in here, sorry. Well onward, forward, lots of wards that make progress...
#1 - I just talked to my friend lenny who is getting a new comp. and roadrunner (he has 56k now), so he's happy, minus the breakup with his girlfriend (which no one told me about until recently). Although he's back to hanging out with Sonia a lot more...yeah, you all guessed it. Hope they get together and all that mushy stuff.
#2 - I found one of my short stories! At some remotely near time I'll post it! I would have today, but it's late, I'm tired, and my vision is already funky from staring at Mah Jong tiles for most of the day...addictions are deadly, or just addictive.
#3 - I recently went to my brother/sister-in-law's house and we had a movie night/hell day, but that's a whole other thing. Anyways we rented a couple of good movies, I picked The Salton Sea, which they yelled at me for since it's still on HBO, though that turned out to be a good thing, cause the dvd blockbuster rented us was a piece of crap. It screwed up in four spots before we gave up on it. So they're gonna try and catch it when it's on again. It's a good movie go see it. We also rented Series 7: The Contenders. That movie was so freaking weird, good weird, it was different. Go watch it! It's set up like a reality show, though it's not stupid like most (...all) reality tv is. In this show you KILL people or else get killed. It's really cool and funny too!
#4 - I'm cleaning my room, which is how I found the story...not exciting, I know, but I figured 3 was too cliche of a number, so I decided to write this in addition. Yeah so the room thing will take awhile (I'm not kidding, at least two days...lol).
Okay, so I'm gonna try and SLEEP now, since everyone else abandoned me already and there's nothing exciting to do at midnight. Bye for now, and enjoy all the wonderful things this site has to offer (namely my portfolio, which I'm sure you all read extensively and will all comment on, because deep down you all care about me...comments are graciously accepted, thankyou)

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
June 18, 2003 at 12:38am
June 18, 2003 at 12:38am
I just watched one of the frelling scariest movies I've ever seen in my life, and of course I decided to watch it at 11 o'clock at night like a moron. Oh yeah, the movie was Signs. I don't know if I'm going to be able to sleep now! Last time I do that again (until I forget and scare the shit out of myself like a moron late at night again). I know I'm going to have nightmares now, maybe I'll just stay up until 6 am. Plus I have a strong urge to board up my windows and check my house for coal shafts.
Other than that I'm just chilling, boring myself half to death and wondering why in god's name the Yankees still let Weaver on the mound!?!?! 11 to 2, against Tampa Bay! Rage and extreme sadness all in one. Luckily the second game (double header, woohoo!) the Yankees kicked major ass in (Wells, thankyou).
Back to the movie thing! Do any of you have movies to recommend? I'm up for anything, especially if it'a sci-fi or is intended to scare the shit out of you...which usually is what happens to me. Why I enjoy scaring the crap out of myself I don't know. Oh and if it's sci-fi that scares the shit out of you that's even better. Also when things blow up I'm happy. And yes, I like deep meaningful movies too. So yeah, if you got any good recommendations that would be awesome!
Now if you'll excuse me I have to go sleep unrestfully and experience many nightmares and maybe a few night terrors while I'm at it... Yeah definitely need to buy some two by fours for the windows, and doors, and unknown other openings in my house...

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
June 17, 2003 at 12:54am
June 17, 2003 at 12:54am
I created my own website! Yay, go me! If any of you are in any way shape of form interested the URL is http://mysite.verizon.net/vze6u5jv/thejourneyonline
I'm able to do some things there I can't here and vice versa. There are also some odd pics for your viewing pleasure there. If you visit please let me know what you think, thanks.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
June 14, 2003 at 11:31pm
June 14, 2003 at 11:31pm
I'm bloody bored, and it sucks! I'm having one of those days where I need to be mindlessly entertained and can't find anything entertaining enough! Damn it! Maybe I'll wake up with less ennui. I hope. Okay, sorry to bore all you with my boredom.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká

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