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Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #702718
I decided to try my hand at this journallog thing
Well I used to think my life was totally boring, after starting this journal I've just come to realize it's boring in an interesting way... Come one, come all, and read the life and times of the poet Darká, and then head on over to my poems folder and enjoy some poems (even if they are usually dark and morbid and depressing, and this hasn't enticed you to go read them yet!?).

Thanks! And "Rock, Rock On!" - Cheat Commandos

-the poet Darká
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August 10, 2003 at 10:26pm
August 10, 2003 at 10:26pm
Supposedly Kev gets back tomorrow or will be home tomorrow or something like that. Which he needs to be! Damn it, there is much comic stuff to discuss! In any case, Kev will be back soon and then probably a lot is going to happen with our dear love child, our comic. Okay so maybe that was a odd way of putting it. But it got your attention didn't it? Ha! Right, I know, I'll get over it now... ... ... ... ...one sec... ... ... ... ...okay, there over it. If and when he gets back and we chitchat and play a few more rounds of You Don't Know Jack I'll let you all know! Until then, may psychotic thoughts and dreams soothe you.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
August 7, 2003 at 10:18pm
August 7, 2003 at 10:18pm
Well, KevN is down in SC right now. He abandoned me. He's visiting his daddy and going to a Weird Al concert. Just look for the brooding, artsy guy. While he's there he plans to ink all those pages he pencilled and maybe work on Darká's solo pic, which currently is a flaming hand, that's it. Yeah I know, he needs to get his ass in gear on that one. Whilst he is gone he wants me to write the one page overall (synopsis) for Image. Essentially I have to say what happens for the entire comic in one page...he's mad. THere's no way I can fit all that crap on one page. I'm killing him when he gets back (technically he's already dead--don't ask). So, alas, I must work on that, goddamn it all!
Meanwhile I went to his house recently and we played You Don't Know Jack and set a new high score, I think it was 51,500! That's insane people! Please, no e-mails saying, so what, I got 999,999,000 one time.
Also I made album art for Jesus Ate My Babies's Debut Album! Go to TJO, link somewhere in a past post, to see them. Fine, http://mysite.verizon.net/thejourneyonline happy now?
The contest I entered ended and winners were announced. I got nothing! That's okay, people still like the story, and I still plan to finish the sequel, maybe make it into a series of funny stories. Enjoy for now, I shall return, mwahahahahaha!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
August 5, 2003 at 1:42pm
August 5, 2003 at 1:42pm
So my friend signs on to AIM last night and I say hello. Which is followed by my name with a question mark right after it. Huge tip off that it wasn't really my friend behind the keyboard. In fact it was his best friend. I guess she thought she was "cute" or something like that. A couple of times I asked where my friend was. She kept up the act even though she knew full well she wasn't doing to well. It helps to know how your friends chat. She used nothing of his style of IMing, plus she didn't quite know how to use a spacebar too well.
Eventually she confessed to not being my friend and we spent the night chatting whilst my friend did whatever. Anyways she thought she'd not be afraid of me when the convo started, but um, I'm psychotic and she quickly figured that out. Don't mess with me people. Trust me the convo was interesting to say the least. But enough of that.
There's a new poem up, yay! And work continues on other stuff, you'll all be kept posted as I always do. Because I care...really I do. Enjoy the new poem, Koroni (Traitor), and let me know what you all think, thanks!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
August 3, 2003 at 10:23pm
August 3, 2003 at 10:23pm
Okay, I decided to do like a mass update type thing, go me! I'll just go through everything piece by piece, or whatever it turns out to be.
(01))) I enter a cool contest with my story "Just Another Day" which can be found in my stories folder. Please rate & review it, thanks!
(02))) I am working on an update to "Machina Tempi" called "Singularity". It would be kick arse to have some ratings & reviews on that one too you guys! Please.
(03))) I started on a sequel to "Just Another Day", 'cause the first one was a lot of fun. Plus for the couple of people who did review it, they seemed to really like it so hey, good reviews = encouragement.
(04))) The comic is going along, see previous post or go to http://mysite.verizon.net/vze6u5jv/journeys to see stuff and learn more, thanks!
(05))) The Journey online << http://mysite.verizon.net/vze6u5jv/thejourneyonline >> will probably get some serious updating soon. TJO is my personal website.
(06))) I'm devoting more time to bolt.com, at least a little. I like having my tags answered. Cause it's fun damn it. My SN there is kornkidxxix, check me out, but not like that, pervert.
(07))) Jesus Ate My Babies, me and kev's demented fake band will have another "album" out fairly soon. Um, for those of you who don't know, we don't sing or play music, just make weird songs with messed up lyrics. Go to TJO to learn more, see link above. Three of JAMB's songs are under my portfolio under the make believe band folder. Tell us what you think, thanks! **No babies were really eaten by Jesus during the making of this post or anything like that**
(08))) Some of you are probably wondering what that contest was, http://www.writing.com/main/forums.php?item_id=725052 would be the hyperlink to click, true I could go ahead and do bitem
 Anything Goes!  (E)
It's baaaaaack: The contest where EVERY single entry WINS GPs!
#725052 by Pretty in Black
for the contest or, oh I guess I did, go me!
Bye for now, until I go, f*** I forgot something and then add it or make a new post, or be lazy and say, that was enough, they'll live, somehow.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
August 2, 2003 at 8:00pm
August 2, 2003 at 8:00pm
With hope for the comic getting published coming sooner and sooner, we have officially launched a website to get the word out. The comic has its first page officially inked. We're having a few problems getting it scanned, but they're working out in the end. And kev's already on page 5 with the pencilling (um, he needs to buy new pens, that's why the inking fell behind). Our comic, Journeys, is coming along, and we're happy about it. We're going to look to Image comics for publishing. Go to our site to learn more http://mysite.verizon.net/vze6u5jv/journeys and please spread the link and the word. We are going to do our best to get character bios up soon. Kev's working on character solo pics and I'll be thinking up what to say about them.
We seriously hope you'll like the comic and that you'll help us get the word out. Keep checking back to the Journeys website to learn more and more and get updated along the way. Thanks for helping out guys and please let me know if there's anything else you'd like to know about the comic.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 31, 2003 at 12:14am
July 31, 2003 at 12:14am
A lot of work has been put into making a site devoted to me and KevN's comic Journeys. It's pretty much ready to go. He's gonna try and e-mail me his bio tomorrow, I'll slap that in and publish the whole thing to the web for everyone's enjoyment. Hopefully I'll have a chance to get my ass down there soon and obtain page one so that I can scan it and upload it to the site!
You probably want an easy to look at mega-updatey type thing. Sure, I'm bored. The comic is done in black and white (looks cool & saves time). There's a pic of Darká on TJO http://mysite.verizon.net/vze6u5jv/thejourneyonline for you all to see (go to Journeys [comic]). We're probably going to go with Image comics or Epic (subdivision of Marvel). If you know of any good comic companies, please let me know, THANK YOU. The comic's overall story line might not be easy to follow, I'm doing what I can so that you all won't get lost easily. The story is complex (that's good, trust me). It's not your typical Spider Man type stuff either. Our comic is dark and unforgiving. It's kind of hard to describe, so best to buy (we love you if you do) a copy of it when it comes out. A one page teaser is coming soon for the future site. If any of you actually read my journal entries, do let me know what you think so far, thanks!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 29, 2003 at 8:58am
July 29, 2003 at 8:58am
You guys probably wonder about my sanity when you read these Journal titles don't you? Anyways, I wrote another story, planning on entering it in a contest here. It's in my stories folder of my portfolio, you all know how to get there. It's called "Just another Day", but don't let the title fool you. It's no ordinary day for this character. I also had to include some words from a list the contest gave, so I can use that as an excuse for some of the insanity. Please do go read it and let me know what you think! Thanks!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 24, 2003 at 1:47pm
July 24, 2003 at 1:47pm
So I went to Kev's. We were going to do stuff related to the comic. Here's some of the highlights of that visit:
1) He showed me a drawing for some weird guy who might be in the comic soon, we have no name or anything solid for him yet though. We're not even really sure what he's like, but he looks cool.
2) He told me about his idea for a band called Jesus Ate My Babies, so we decided let's do it. Things to keep in mind, neither one of us has any musical talent, no one we ask who does wants to have anything to do with it, we did write an album's worth of songs (in two days), we're both insane.
3) We played a few rounds of You Don't Know Jack on his computer, us two as one person, no other competitors. We sucked big time. It was pitiful, so we cursed out the mean guy who tells you you're stupid.
4) There was a freakish thunderstorm that turned deadly in about two minutes. He and his sister quick ran out to put out the garbage before it got bad (which it did five seconds after they walked out the door) and his sister almost got decapitated by a falling tree branch. They lost power about three minutes after the storm started. We relied mostly on light from our combined cell phones to navigate until candles were found.
5) We watched the storm from his room and the attic. It was cool. Some annoying guy was outside yelling something so we shouted back for him to walk out into the street and hold a big metal pole.
6) I met Kev's sister's (her name is Dana for simplicity later on) boyfriend. I think his name is David, I could be totally wrong. He seems nice, but he won't join our band.
7) I met some other guy whose name I don't remember.
8) I met their guy/landlordy thing guy/ person who lives next door or something, he was kinda weird.
9) Their roommate plays her music louder than is humanly tolerable. Even when she's walking through the house with her headphones on it sounds like a stereo being blasted.
10) We read this book of Would You Rathers. For example: would you rather never have sex again or have sex once with the walrus?
11) There was something to do with a comic I thought?

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 20, 2003 at 7:33pm
July 20, 2003 at 7:33pm
Tomorrow, more than likely I'll be going to Kev's and we're gonna discuss the comic. I'm gonna try to convince him to get the site for the comic up and going. But as the saying goes, haste makes waste. I'm not saying we should publish it to the web yet, just get the framework laid out and ready to go when the fateful day does arrive. TJO however may feature a one page teaser soon...something to let you all know what we're talking about. Issue two is coming along, at least a couple more pages are done. That's it for now.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 15, 2003 at 5:22pm
July 15, 2003 at 5:22pm
If you read the last entry I said that everyone wants me to write stuff for them...and as fun as it is, it can be a real pain if try to over do it...valuable lesson type thing for you all!
In other news...oh yeah, that was kinda it. Bye!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká

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