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Rated: 18+ · Book · Arts · #702718
I decided to try my hand at this journallog thing
Well I used to think my life was totally boring, after starting this journal I've just come to realize it's boring in an interesting way... Come one, come all, and read the life and times of the poet Darká, and then head on over to my poems folder and enjoy some poems (even if they are usually dark and morbid and depressing, and this hasn't enticed you to go read them yet!?).

Thanks! And "Rock, Rock On!" - Cheat Commandos

-the poet Darká
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July 13, 2004 at 2:57pm
July 13, 2004 at 2:57pm
Woot, woot, woot, the triwoot! I went to Yankees Stadium this past saturday with my friend! Yeah I know it's tuesday, so what took me so long -- recovering from exhaustion, oh yeah and too busy watching the HR Derby and a buttload of Stargate SG-1! So anyways, here are the highlights...as you already know, nothing goes sane with me involved:

- Wakey wakey, got up extra early to catch a bus to the college so as not to miss the bus that would bring us from there to the stadium. Well I got some weird lady who was training some weird guy and she had to give him DETAILED instructions the whole way there! I mean DEtailed, I won't go into any my ownself, it's too excrusiating (sp?). But what did worry me was when she asked if there was another bus at the college? Um, shouldn't she know that?...

- So I get there, and no sign of my friend, Heidi. I figure, uh oh, she should've been on the same bus as me or here by now...so I called her cellphone. Well apparantly poor Heidi missed the first bus she was supposed to take, so she had to call a cab--yes, it was the typical nightmare kind that drove a bagillion miles an hour, etc.

- We watched the saturday motorcycle class in the parking lot, especially the two who were not grasping the concept of turning very well...all in all it was equally as funny as it was boring.

- Eventually people, with cars, start showing up, cause they can do that a half hour ahead of time as opposed to an hour and a half ahead...lucky bastards. Well someone gets out of a van and is to waving to us and I'm waving back and she asks me, "do we know that person?", to which I answer, "yeah, it's ben". Um, for us it was a duh factor, so just laugh along, k?

- We get our tickets from the lady with the list and soon enough here comes the bus...which wasn't the same company she got told over the phone...no biggy. But when we got on I looked back and had to wonder if we had a bathroom, Heidi, was like duh, yes we do, don't you see the little red light that means unoccuppied, and I was like, no, peoples' heads are in my way. Anyways, it didn't really look like a door even, so I just settled in and soon we were off and yeah, headed 90 miles south.

- Well, I had to pee, and not long after we took off, I like everyone else, waited for that first person to go back there and confirm it really was a bathroom, and that it wasn't like in pieces or something...well unfortunately I wound up being that person!

- First I appeared like a retard not knowing how to open the damned door -- zeesh, sorry for being a bus bathroom virgin -- then I get in and there's this dinky ass light, I'm thinking dear god, well at least I could pull out el cellphone for some light if needbe, well not till I'm sitting down (yeah right, try to pee standing up on a moving vehicle, psychos!) do I notice a little sign on the door that says to lock it to turn on the light, lo and behold, it worked, brightness there be!

- So I get done, and apparantly start a trend as everyone decides to go one-by-one. Aren't I the kind one to have gone first ... never again! Though it was funny watching the one fat guy trying to get out of his seat past his own styrofoam cooler and breaking the top to it as he did, hehe, what? I can't be mean now and then? Admit it, you'd've found it funny too!

- Later on even Heidi had to go, but poor Heidi got trapped in the bathroom when something outside fell in front of the door and she had to knock and ask the people in the seats right outside to help untrap her...and to think we're not even at the stadium yet!

- So finally here we are! (parked several blocks from the stadium). So everybody gets their arses off the bus and we start treking to the stadium. First off, crossing a street in NYC, the pedestrian signal thing turns green for about one and a half seconds, and I'm not exagerating, we timed it! Next, we were under a street with a train overhead, and the first one that passed by freaked out poor Heidi.

- So now we're standing outside gate 6, laughing as you see the hotdog stands umbrella go by in the crowd making it look like it's just floating around, cause you can't see the stand itself. It's hot and frig where we're standing, but finally the gates open and we make our way on up.

- We get in, get patted down and her purse checked and all that good fun stuff. We get our gifty (it was OTD, and we got a pin commemerating it). And we start going up the escalators to get to tier level, yep, tier, I should've remembered. Well finally you can't go any higher, congrats, you've reached tier level.

- So we head to our section and realize we are going to be higher up than we really want to be, row v (followed by rows w and x, and then a wall the represents the literal outside of the stadium!!!). Well I don't exactly do well with heights, so I spent the first half hour to an hour freaking slightly...then again if you were at eye level with clouds, above most birds, and about 10ft below the planes....yeah, though so.

- Well I eventually get over my little vertigo, and decide to go souveneir hunting before our section fills up too much and I can't get back in (our seats were dead center, 7 to my side, 7 to hers). So I hit the first shop I see, looking for a Posada shirt, well apparently they only have player name shirts on the main level (ground level), so I bought a magazine and headed on down...way way way down...and wind up dead in front of THE main shop, well, duh, that should be THE place to go...

- Sure enough they've got player shirts, really nice ones for $100+!! Um, me poor, shirt pricey, not good. So I finally see some $25 ones! More like it, only all they have is Matsui and Rodriguez (which I could get anywhere I wanted)...so I ask the lady if they have any other names in that style (PRICE), and she tells me I have to go to one of the smaller stores on that level and points to one just down the hall, I figure, alright, whatever...

- Where does she send me but the kiddy store...which is also at the very end of of the stadium, so I head the other way, past the big ass store and keep going, and soon enough find another little store, but no Posada, I have to keep going apparently, well finally, around the MIDDLE of the stadium I find one that has my beloved Jorge! I think he should autograph it just for the trek I had to go through to get it -- well Posada, you ever read writing.com journals? LOL, but seriously if he does...

- So I head back up to get a drink and a pretzel, for $8 total (trust me, for stadium food that's not bad).

- I get back with about 3/4 of the old timers already announced..and people in our row--zeesh, so I make my way past them on the like 8" ledge that is our floor to stand on...

- Luis Sojo gets a homerun during OTD game, go sojo!

- Heidi keeps pointed out the blimp so I look up everytime just as it's tilting up, that didn't help the heights issue, we also estimated we were 7-8 stories high up!!!

- Heidi gets buzzed by some crackerjacks, that woke her up!

- We both had to deal with a fat man trying to get in and out, and both almost fell cause he was huge and wouldn't move out into the isle (he was the last seat for crying out loud!)

- The birds were green, that worried us.

- I though Heidi looked green, but thankfully it was just the tint from my glasses and not way-up-high-ready-to-pass-out-itis.

- Lots of clapping, though I'd lose both hands, but it'd've been worth it!

- Heidi got a lot more interested in the game when five younger, shirtless men with Y A N K S painted on their chests walked up and down the stadium...well, at least she paid more attention after that!

- I took pictures, haha, there's the jeter blip, the tino blip, the arod blip is at bat in this one, doubt you'll even be able to make our numbers on their unis, oh well.

- We were entertained by some drunks, one to our left that got everyone to do the famed "Let's go [insert player's name here]" chants, one in the row in front of us who wouldn't shut up when we got there but soon succumbed to a beer nap, one behind and to the left of us who nonestop kept going "Let's go Yankees", but no one would join in and he was ready to go down, if it weren't for the wall for him to lean on, at some point he started going "This crowd sucks", but we just ignored his drunk ass, he did some cheers none of us could decipher from his slurred speech.

- Heidi looked worried when Mo camed out, the crowd went thoroughly nuts! To which I pointed out they were playing, "Enter Sandman" and it was Mariano Rivera, the best closer in baseball, oh yeah, this was Heidi's first sporting event, and she's not much into sports...so it was a learning thing for her.

- Yanks won, 6-3, kicked some Tampa ass, oh and she seemed confused that everybody rooted for Tino (a devil ray), but he was a much beloved yank at one point, personally I'd love to see him back in pinstripes!

- We make our way back to the bus through the ever poopular mass exodus of Yankees Stadium, that's a lot of people!!! 50,000+

- Unfortunately the drunks pull out new coolers from the buses undercarraige storage and one guess -- yep, more beer -- zeesh!

- Moron guy who kept doing "Let's go Jeter" cheer the entire way back! Um, dude, the stadium is 10, 20, 30, ... 90 miles behind us now!!!

- Heidi falls asleep on me, I sorta doze off my ownself...quiet ride back...not bad...

All in all it was quite the adventure...can't wait to go again! Lol.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
July 4, 2004 at 3:54pm
July 4, 2004 at 3:54pm
Ever try to make your own language? Recommendation, don't. It is more involved than you even want to consider! Trust me I know, why do I know? Well I'm making one, unfortunately it's kinda important for the Journeys project I'm working on with kev. But if you insanely decide that making your own language sounds like fun, well just read the sad saga I've endured! Obviously you need an alphabet (keep in mind it doesn't have to be 26 characters, mine's actually 36, I recommend going lower than me, it's a pain--you can just as easy use the English alphabet and make your own words), and numbers help, totally recommend going with the arabic numeral system 0-9 digits that can be arranged to form larger numbers, like 1978742. Roman numerals can be something of a hassal I, II, III, IV, ... MMCXIV, etc. Ah yes, now for words...oye. Keep some things in mind, structure! If you don't try and make it a real language it's just gonna sound like gibberish. Rememeber to have verb tenses (and endings to go with them), a suffix for plurals and possessives ('s) as well as stuff like -an (American, or Italian). Words have etymology, so for some there may be a story behind them (but hold off on that until you can at least say, hey, how are you?). Words stem from other words. Oh and don't just pull out a dictionary and start going word for word. One thing to consider is, do the people who speak this language even have cows or automobiles? Maybe not! Also, start simple, all languages developed that way! Find a list of common words online (um, I searched for the 1000 most common, might take awhile just to do those, but it'll give me a solid foundation). And be careful to ignore words that you won't need (like maybe cars don't exist or oceans even). You see how much of a pain it is? Thanks for the sympathy, lol. Well, that's what I've been spending time doing lately, in addition to scripting here and there...ah to be a writer, grr! Ciao for now.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
June 30, 2004 at 10:04pm
June 30, 2004 at 10:04pm
Well kev went to Maine for a week, according to him it was pretty good, green, and he saw a moose. According to Dana it was boring and green. Consensus -- green. Essentially wherever they were has a sever lack of technology. Anyways...heeee's baaaccck.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
June 8, 2004 at 1:13am
June 8, 2004 at 1:13am
Well, as I said, Journeys wasn't destined to be done as a comic, don't pout just yet. Me and kev are putting it together as a show (as in SEEN ON TV). The first episode is officially scripted and done and preliminary work for a few more has been laid out. With any luck someday it'll be on the air. In the meantime we're having fun killing ourselves to put it all together. It just seems like he and can't resist doing work that involves COMPLETE MENTAL BREAKDOWN. I've been feeling kinda poemy lately, so who knows, maybe there'll be some more of those coming soon, not like there aren't already a ton in my poems folder (haven't seen them, go check it out, by all means!).
Well kiddies, I think I'm going to try and get my insomniac, caffeinated, cocoa puffs snacking ass to bed now. HA ha hahahahahaha, yeah, me--sleep!? I can be a funny guy sometimes. Anyways, I hope all you are getting to bed, especially you East Coasters like me, you should be there already! Night!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
May 23, 2004 at 3:07pm
May 23, 2004 at 3:07pm
So let's see, where in my never ending epic did I leave off, ah yes here we are. Well yesterday was quite interesting. We had a big party thing for Hasanai. It started off for me with a 5:30 wake up call so I could be down to kev's by 7 to go to Alisha's (follow the bouncing means of transportation for the non-driver). So kev's mom dropped us off and then we eventually waked Emma up and started getting things ready to head down to the park for the picnic portion of the day long festivities. We were supposed to leave at 9, but wound up getting there around 10:30, no biggy, not like anybody else was getting there on time either. So the picnic went well, then it was off to Paula & Josh's house for awhile until it was time to go to Bruce's for the big bonfire and smores. All and all the whole thing was pretty good, there are more details and honestly I could probably write a book about the whole day, but here are some highlights to the whole shebang:
-Alisha's food processor was a weakling and couldn't crush the oreos for the dirt pie by itself so at first Emma was manually turning the blade to do it, but then kev got a rolling pin and we had fun loading them into little baggies and crushing them. As the "assembly line" went, I loaded the dirt bags, kev crushed the dirt bags, and Emma unloaded the dirt bags into a big tub of goo (butterscotch pudding). Fun!
-Dominic and (do not ask me how to spell the other guy's name, we'll just use) Y could not figure out the concept of the park is at the end of the road (dead end) next to a big (obvious) metal gate (then just get out of the car and walk 40 ft. to where we are). But what can you say.
-"Gooey balls of doom" look really cool when you twist up the strings on them and have them spin around and around.
-Josh's comp has a never ending harddrive complete with a never ending ammount of music (20.1 days).
-Hasanai insisted on having alcohol, but we kept the picnic dry, unfortunately P&J's house was kinda wet. And poor Dominic fast became a pillow to a past out Hasanai.
-Bonfires are cool and while the idea of smores is awesome we wound up making about four smores with a dozen people there, so don't bother, just bring marshmallows.
-If you're the only person who remembers to bring bug spray to an allday outdoor party, everyone will love you (woot for me!).
-Dana has strange friends.
-Skipping rocks is harder than it looks and Emma will make you cry if it were a contest.
-Have better preperation for parties or don't plan on having plates.
-Make sure whoever is bringing the caffeinated soda shows up long before 2pm if you don't want the caffeine addicts to go into withdrawl.
-Thank god P&J's house is right next to a store or else the caffeine addicts would have had to start killing people.
-Chihuahas (sp?) make a lot of noise.
-Apparantly potato bread can substitute for speed or some other stimulate.
-Seriously don't ponder what it would be like if a glow stick fell into the bonfire.
-Everyone will love you if you were the only person to remember matches for the barbeque.
-Lighter fluid is fun from a safe distance.
-If you're decorating with sidewalk chalk, don't worry if there's no purple, just mix the red and blue and it'll be okay.
-It's funny to pull the $8 price tag of the cheesecake stick it on kev's back and call him a cheap whore.
-Baloons may randomly pop at any time, be forewarned.
-It's fun to get a grand tour of someone's apartment and never have to leave the couch to get the full effect of the tour.
-If you're wondering should you get 1 or 2 pizzas for 8 people, get 2, cause even though someone might say they'll only have one slice, they'll still wind up having 3.
-Flipflops on a day spent with gravel paths and bonfires is a bad idea.
-Taking off flipflops at a park with broken glass here and there is a bad idea.
-Always know where the bathroom is.
-Chihuahas may or may not think ace bandages are chew toys.
-Dogs swimming in a river will get out of the water to go pee on a tree and then return to swimming.
-Thunder fire = lightening and Thunder fire lightening noise = thunder.
-There exist people who think that if all animals looked like a particular character from Thunder Cats, they'd have no problem with bestiality.
This concludes my highlights.

Also, if you've never seen it Children of Dune is awesome (and also over 4 hours long), and kev's eyes really do look like those of the guys in Dune. Until next entry, ciao.

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
May 12, 2004 at 4:56pm
May 12, 2004 at 4:56pm
Woot! A new poem has been added to my poems folder -- woot, woot, actually I added three in all! Go be one with enjoying the new lovelies (Digital Revolution, A Rose Tainted Canvas, and Falling in Lust with You). Feedback is welcomed and appreciated as always. Break is fast approaching in which I'll be more able to put some stuff up...in the mean time there's 64 friggin' poems of mine here -- get reading!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
May 9, 2004 at 9:42pm
May 9, 2004 at 9:42pm
Well classes have come to an end and finals are fast approaching and then I get to be lazy lazy lazy! Woot! Oh and somebody I know just himself a girlfriend, won't say his name so as not to have people potentially know who the hell I'm talking about--yeah, anyways, he's happy! I'm sure I'll get around to adding more poems soon, bye for now!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
April 1, 2004 at 10:09pm
April 1, 2004 at 10:09pm
Woohoo, they finally voted Tim off the show! I'm just happy, very happy. I couldn't stand that guy. And in case you have no clue what I'm talking about...I'm referring to the show on SciFi called Mad Mad House. Next week's episode looks like it's going to be freakin' awesome. I was leaning toward wanting Noel to win, but now I'm not too sure. I think Nichole really is trying to redeem herself and is really proving she's not going to take shit from Fiona nor anyone else, especially Eric who is secretly plotting against her. Meanwhile I'm damned curious what this whole thing w/ Don going too far next week will be. People, be nice to the Vampire. Anyways, rock on Alts!
Oh and GO YANKS! Can't wait for opening day Yankees Stadium... There's been so many changes lately to the team. I hope Moose just kicks major ass this year (not that he doesn't always). Overall I think we'll do good, and hey, we got ourselves Arod!
Lastly--research papers suck! Finding TEN sources takes more time than anyone really wants to spend in a library mind-numbingly flipping through books.

Bye for now, and have fun doing whatever it is you're out there doing (I only condone it if it's legal though).

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
March 22, 2004 at 8:55am
March 22, 2004 at 8:55am
We found Flippy (Joe). For such a long time now (roundabouts two years) we've been searching for his spikey haired (now messy style) ass. Well me and kev were working on The 7 Hungry Sinners (which we changed from a show to a comic--yay--I guess) and were looking through the yearbook for ideas and we noticed the message Flippy left me and (whoa holy joyous shit) there was his cell number (and home). I remembered I had it in my cellphone and made kev call (hey what do I look like?--embarrassed for not calling it in two years, kev could care less). So I press call (not really paying attention I called his home number, which worked out for the better anyway) and Mommy Flippy answered and Kev asked for Joe and HE WAS THERE!!! So now we're back in touch with the Flipster. For those of you who can't quite comprehend the greatness, it's like finding a long lost bagillion dollar bill in your wallet that ya forgot about.
In other news, yeah me and kev made Sinners into a comic now, kev said he needed something to draw, so it just worked out. He's got a page pencilled already, looks damn awesomeness too! Journeys (tentatively titled that 'cause it's what we been calling it, we might change it, we might not) is moving on along. I finished my second preliminary script and kev is moving right along on the first one converting it into a 'real' script. I just quotsies it cause I have beef with real ones, they suck to format. Um...
Oh yeah, English sucks, we handed in our thesises for our research paper (which I think makes the thesis your thesis now no matter what and I really don't like the one I gave her, so I might have to ask her if it's at all possible to change it...pleasepleaseplease, hey it works sometimes, lol).
Well I gotta get going, got a bus to walk to and then board and stuff. Have fun, watch lots of Stargate SG-1, esp. since season 7 just wrapped up, make sure to catch Stargate Atlantis when it comes out this summer and try listening to theSTART, they rock!

Darká Degerön - the poet Darká
January 15, 2004 at 11:57pm
January 15, 2004 at 11:57pm
So Alisha invited us over to her place for dinner, there was like eight of us I think. So let's see, perks of the dinner: good food, good friends, Scene It (damn fun game), and the basement was nice and warm. Down sides: it took us like a half hour to find her house based on the poor directions kev wrote down, the upstairs was not as warm as downstairs and I wound up on the floor (not comfy), one of the dinner guest was sick so I'm just waiting for me to get sick now, we scored a ride home--and all we had to do was manage to get in the car (they washed it in the freezing weather...not recommended if you want UNfrozen locks) oh and too boot, the car and no heat and as we were driving the girl was scraping off ice from the windshield (from the INside)...but there were really good quesadillas!!!
Okay, that craziness aside now. Good news, me and kev's projects are making headway. I finished what I like to call a 'pre'-script for episode one of my show (Journeys) and kev's already started scripting it. Let me elaborate. I really hate writing an actual script, the tidious format annoys the ever living [censored] out of me! I'm very much used to NORMAL writing, kev however is very oriented at writing scripts and so he's turning my halfass version into an 'actual' script. Go kev! We still need to get back to our little baby (The 7 Hungry Sinners).
Phew--that was quite the blurb...wait, there's MORE!
Well, here's an interesting thing I like to call 'damn it all'. I got my grades for last semester (woohoo, no Fs, lol--laugh damn it). One tiny lil' problem, Jules kinda put the WRONG grade for my Stats class. Now let me give some background info, I had him for BOTH Stats and Calc III, I got a B in Calc and should have an A (A- in alternate realities maybe), only there's a B, a f'n B!!!!, for that class. So I get to go and try and solve the mystery of the B during week one of the new semester (week one aka HELL on earth). Speaking of...the new semester starts NEXT tuesday! Eek! Oh and because my life 'doesn't' suck, tuesday just so happens to be my LONG day (8:40 - 3:00 NO BREAKS) So I get to drag my ass out of bed extra early (like 6:30 latest) so I can shuffle on along to the busstop at the plaza @ 7:20ish to catch the 8:05 (always VERY crowded--fight for you right--to sit down), then hurry on along to Chem lab (joy joy joy kill me), then right after (hope to Bob we get out somewhat early so I can try and scarf down a bagel or something) go to Linear Algebra (and no, I do NOT have a clue what it's about--the mystery is half the fun--the fleeing in terror is the other half), then it's on to Differential Equations (again half mystery/half terror) but hey I"ve got Jen again for that class, yay! Jen!...then we wait an hour (mind you by now the cafeteria and cafe are both CLOSED) for the 4:10 bus...and trek on home...and die. Well, I feel better now, until the night before I have to go back when I'll enter the peak of panic mode, the fun don't stop.


Darká Degerön - the poet Darká

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