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by Fig
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #956453
Hope is here. By hope i mean university life.
No longer am i speaking AGAINST what is wrong with the world. I am now part of the problem. But, i still maintain some of my morals.. so it's a moral conflict right now. I understand why people do wrong, but i know what's right and these are my views from behind enemy lines...

If you're new to this, the posts are from newest to oldest. So, all of the new stuff are to the top. So read from bottom to top for chronological order if you want

Oh! This is something new. I'm being featured in a story which tells about my days at university. Check it out to see what really happens to me on a daily basis and how i conduct myself. Its 100% FACT
 The Struggle Of Floyd Banks- Chapter 1  (13+)
The first chapter of his story. The determined student
#1152776 by Fig

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April 13, 2005 at 6:11pm
April 13, 2005 at 6:11pm

I don't feel like writing now... I just wrote a LOOONNNNGGGGG entry, but it erased. I was talking about what was so good about Smallville and why it's worth watching. *sigh...... That really depressed me. But, basically new episodes of Smallville are starting back tonight and i'm not missing it for ANYTHING.

In no way related news i'm feeling like my old self. So, from tomorrow i'll be on those hard hitting contraversial topics. Tomorrrow's own will be:
Women in their kitchen. Is that their true place?
April 10, 2005 at 2:23pm
April 10, 2005 at 2:23pm
I not going to be preaching anything today because it's SUNDAY! THE DAY OF REST!!

Just have a good day ppls...
April 10, 2005 at 1:32am
April 10, 2005 at 1:32am
Hey... it's your boy Banks here. Just blogging a lil before i hit the bed. When i first started this blog/show, i started off with description 'Diary of a hopeless romantic'. I'm still a hopeless romantic, but i try not to think about it. Still don't have a g/f these days and it's hard having all of this love and no one to waste it on. Being a romantic is hard because you have so much ideas and so much stuff you want to do with a girl to please her, but you don't have an ACTUAL lady to do those things with.... *sigh

In my first post i said i was listening to BabyFace - Whip Appeal. Now i'm listening to Usher featuring Pharell - Wifey. In this song Usher and Pharell are looking for girls to be their Wifey. It has this one line where they're saying,
"Mother told me, don't look for love. You won't find it, be patient." I believe in that 80% of the time. I try to sit down and not think about finding a lady friend, but as the days pass it gets harder and harder and i wonder if i'm doing something wrong. I guess time will tell.... *sigh. Going to hit the bed now.
April 9, 2005 at 10:01am
April 9, 2005 at 10:01am
I really need to make an update to the smoking entry i made awhile back. Smoking and drinking are both addictions... addictions which are bad for you. But those aren't the only addictions ... There are alot of addictions in the world today. Some people are addicted to cigarettes, some to alcohol, some to sex, some to food.

Addictions are extremely hard to break. Look at me, I'm addicted to playing games. I'm a gamer, i don't play games for fun, i play them seriously for competitions and tournaments. So, i like to sit down and seriously get into the game. Now, there's a fine line between liking someting and being ADDICTED to it. I don't just like playing games... i'm ADDICTED to playing them. When you like it something, you'll just causally enjoy it from time to time. You could enjoy life without having it for long periods of time. When you're addicted to something, you'll crave it often and if you can't have it your mind will become delusional at times. I would know...

Listen to my current situation. As i mentioned before, i'm a gamer. I go to school at university level, so i don't have teachers, i have lecturers and we have the option of leaving class whenever we wish without any reprecussions. Right next to the university there's an internet cafe that most of the gamers go of the country go to to practice or just lime (hang out). For me that's the ultimate temptation. Every morning i reach to school 8:00am. But my class starts 9:00am. So i could either stay in school and wait or go to the Internet Cafe and practice in a game or play against someone. But the danger with going to the Cafe is that i usually stay over the alotted time and end up in class 10:00 am or later sometimes. It's hard when i reach to school and i'm debating whether or not to go to school or the Cafe. Sometimes i go in school and study/read over some notes or something, but other times i just HAVE to go and play game. I can't control it sometimes. There are also some instances during a class when i'm sitting there listening to the lecturer and i have to leave and go to the cafe for 20 minutes and return to class. Lately i'm beginning to control it and i think a large part of it has to do with writing.com. Since i spend alot of time blogging and writing, it releases some of my stress and i don't have an overwhelmingdesire to play games anymore. Normally i use games to release stress, to just get away from all the pressures of life.... just to enjoy winning.. or just enjoy the overall experience. Other times it IS because of peer pressure. Because i might leave on time at 9:00am, but then someone would give me a challenge and i can't back down from a challenge.. and i would end up staying over time.

Did anyone realise what just happened there? No one noticed that EXACTLY what i wrote there about the Cafe could be substituted for smoking and it would be essentialy the same? My addiction to playing game is basicall the same to that of smoking!! I do it because i 'say' i have stress and peer pressure. I have bad craving to play games sometimes at times. I can't control it. It puts me in expense at times.... YIP this sounds PRETTY similar to my earlier post on Smoking and why it's dumb to be smoking. So what's the difference with MY addiction and the smoking addiction? NONE. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE. THEY ARE BOTH DETREMENTAL TO LIFE AND BASICALLY DESTROY AS A PERSON. You should NOT have an addiction to anything ...well maybe you should... you should have an addiction to eating right, to devoting your life to the man above, to studying, to respecting your parents, to respecting the law and others, to respecting yourself.

So, as rare as this maybe i'm calling myself dumb for saying that people who has smoking as an addiction as idiots. Sure they're still dumb for smoking because that could kill you. But an addiction is an addiction and addictions are EXTREMELY hard to break, whatever maybe. It all depends on the individual and their willpower. Also, having the right kind of friends also help too. Because they steer you in the right direction and shows you right from wrong. It's a proven fact that according to the friends you hang out with, that's how you'll end up being. So, if your firends are geeks, then you're probaly a geek, if your friends are popular, you're probaly popular, if your friends are into drugs.... you're probaly into drugs.

Sigh.... so much to say, so little time. Remember the party i said i was going to? Well all my preaching makes no difference in the real, practical world. Because when you're getting offered free drinks and it's your friend birthday, it's hard to resist. And at that point you're not think you're poisoining your liver and that it's wrong to drink. At that point you're not thinking that if one of your friends has to drive later they might crash and die. You're not thinking that if your parents could see you now they would be extremely disappointed in you. I'm sure by now you could figure out that i didn't make the right choice. I took two drinks, though harmless it still isn't a good thing... i fell into their nonsense and it will never happen again.

That's the difference. I'm not ADDICTED to drinking. So taking a casual drink from time to time won't hurt. But addiction leads to abuse. People out there... know when you're overdoing it and know when you're addicted. When it comes to smoking.... i'm not sure, but in my opinion, once you're doing it, you're considered as addicted to it.

The moral of the story is.... ease up on the addictions... I'm considering the topic of Alcohol has been addressed in this session. Because alcohol is a serious addiction also.

I have to address this topic asap Teens in general today... pt.3 Sex. This cannot be addressed in this session because promiscuous sex is NOT an addiction. Is just damn stupidness. LOOK AT THE AIDS RATE! LOOK AT THE PREGNANT TEENS!! Look at how corrupted society is... look at things like rapes... isn't sex sacred anymore...

April 7, 2005 at 3:04pm
April 7, 2005 at 3:04pm
I realise that alot of people who checking out my blog are coming here because they are doing Google searches and looking for probaly a solution to the .scr virus because they unlike me wasn't smart enuff to avoid it and are probaly looking for a solution. I know how hard it is when you have a virus or a problem for your computer and you are can't fix it. I'll get the solution and add it to this post as soon as i find it when i have time.

check this linkhttp://www.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.serflog.c.html
April 7, 2005 at 8:25am
April 7, 2005 at 8:25am
I real upset that my blog is 18+ now. Now most of the public won 't be able to read my views and opinions... that would mean less ratings... how am I supposed to work under these conditions? Sigh... I hope those loyal people who reads my blog promotes it because it won't be on the main blog listings any more. But i'll still be hittig those hard topics without fear of being restricted! The people have a right to hear these things!!! I will not be denied...

Remember the post i did awhile back (2 days ago to be exact) on smoking? Well, tomorrow is one of my breadrins birthday. He's a heavy drinker and he's having a get together in a bar. I'll either post later today or tomorrow on the events what unfolded.


I'm out peoples
April 6, 2005 at 8:50pm
April 6, 2005 at 8:50pm
Can't really have an entire show today. Don't really have enough time. But, basically i just wanted to point out that Johnny Cochran (did i spell that right?) died. It may not be as big as a deal as the pope, but the man DID free O.J.Simpson.....

AND he created the Chewbacca defense (well the Chewbacca defense is ficticious, but it was damn funny on South Park). If you're familiar with it, it goes something like this.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the supposed jury, Chef's attorney would certainly want you to believe that his client wrote "Stinky Britches" ten years ago. And they make a good case. Hell, I almost felt pity myself!

But ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider: Ladies and gentlemen this [pointing to a picture of Chewbacca] is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk, but Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now, think about that. That does not make sense! Why would a Wookiee—an eight foot tall Wookiee—want to live on Endor with a bunch of two foot tall Ewoks? That does not make sense!

But more important, you have to ask yourself, what does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense!

Look at me, I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca. Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense. None of this makes sense!

And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberating and conjugating the Emancipation Proclamation... does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense.

If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests

R.I.P. man... you did good in the world
April 5, 2005 at 5:05pm
April 5, 2005 at 5:05pm

It's been bugging me now for a long while... why the hell is everyone doing these things? I'm 18 now, so i'm classed as a teen and as youth in society, but i don't follow the masses and do all of the stupid things that they're doing!
Some of the things i'm talking about today that people i KNOW are vitcims of is smoking,drinking alcohol and sex.

When I'm talking in this entry I'll be saying you and alyuh alot. Because i'm talking to all of you youths out there that are reading this. When you read this message me and try to explain to me WHY you do some of the things you do...

First i'm going to try to tackle the issue of
Why would you want to smoke... Some people i know who smoke i ask them,

"Aye, why you smoking that cigarette jed? You know that going to kill yuh rite?"
Listen to their response...
I tried again,
"You never see them smoking commercials and thing or wha? Or you never read the Surgeon General smoking warning? SMOKING DOES KILL! Lung cancer!!!"
Their response..
"Well, i do really care an ting too eh. If it kill meh, it kill meh. I just like to smoke."

Some people reading this thinking, that the person i'm talking about is an idiot because they KNOW the consequences of smoking, but they're doing it anyway. But, look at this way, if you're in a class and a teacher is there teaching a topic, but you're busy talking with your friend about something (obviously not school related), you KNOW the consquences of talking during class, but you're doing it anyway. See the connection.

At this point people are probaly protesting and saying in their mind,
"Talking in class and smoking is not the same." And you know what, you're right. It's NOT the same. Smoking could kill you or give you medical complications... Talking in class won't do that. Look at how many non-smoking advertisments are out there on television and in the newspapers and there are even those voluntary groups that tour schools.

Tell me if you haven't seen this commercial. The setting is a party. Loud music, everyone having a good time. A girl sees a boy she likes, he watches her and smiles, she turns away and blushes. The boy comes across and poses in front of her and pulls from his back pocket a packet of cigarettes. He then starts to hit the packet in his hand for the cigarette to come out. At the same time the commercial replaces the guy with a monkey doing the same thing. The girl disgusted by the boy gets up and walks away from him.

I KNOW more than half of you reading this has seen that commercial. And i DO see people i know doing the same thing the boy was doing, hitting the packet on the hand for the cigarette and all i could think of is how stupid they're looking just like that monkey.
Popular reasons why people say they smoke:
1)Because of stress
2} They tried it once and got addicted
3) It looks cool
4) All of their friends are doing it
5) Because of stress

Luckily i'm in a writing mood, so i'll go through all of the reasons given and show how idiotic they are.
Because of stress. Parents often complain and say,
"What stress could a 15,16 or 17 year old have?". Trust me, i understand when people say they have stress. I was just there 3 years ago. Exams, friends, girls (or boys if you're a girl), trying to get money to buy something, trying to look cool in front of people, parents always hassling you to do good in school. Believe me i KNOW about stress. But, you're going to give yourself lung cancer because you have stress? You could relieve that stress in a 100 other ways than smoking. I use writing as a form of stress release. Or you could go and play your Playstation 2 or Xbox or GameCube. Hell, go take a walk down the road or something, but saying you smoke because you have stress is not justifiable. I think this is made popular in movies too, when characters in movies get stressed they ask their friend for a cigarette even though they never smoked before.
e.g. 40 days and 40 nights with Josh Hartnett. Just look at it this way, you're trying to relieve your stress by giving your body MORE stress? Not very smart if you ask me...

Tried it once and got addicted . This is similar with alcohol. You might just take a pull on a cigarette or you say to yourself,
"Lemme see what the big thing is about.." and you decide to try smoking just to see what it's like. Though you're unaware the next time you see people smoking you ask someone for one and for a light and you're puffing away. Soon, you begin to develop a craving for it because of the nicotine which makes you come back for more... The people who tell me this is their reason as to how they started, i kinda feel sorry for because they weren't really trying to get themselves into it, they just fell victim to it. And these are the people quickest to say they don't have a smoking problem because they'll say that they don't have one and they could stop anytime they won't. One thing that people should realise is that
"If you cannot go without smoking for 2 weeks, then you have a smoking problem"

It looks cool and their friends are doing it
This could be bundled as one because it essentially deals with the same. Out of the 10 of your friends, you're the only one who doesn't smoke. You see all of them there posing off on the wall, pulling out their cigarettes, putting in their mouth and lighting it all in one swift motion. The way how they inhale and make the cigarette light up with the expression on their face to how they move it away from their mouth and they have the option to either blow the smoke in the air or blow it at someone or they could even do tricks like make the rings...it just looks so cool. Often people who smoke for some reason are said to be the cool crowd. Because when they're smoking they look stress free and are just chilling. They're on a whole new level of high. How could you possibly resist?? It just looks so inviting and fun that you HAVE to try it out. And after all they ARE you friends right? They wouldn't do anything that's stupid. Look how long they've been smoking and nothing happened to them! One of them even said how his uncle smokes and drinks from when he was 16 and he's now 57 and he's healthy as a horse!

......... I wonder if anyone noticed that what just happened in that paragraph was peer pressure in its sneakiest form. The indirect way. Your friends didn't directly ask you to smoke or force you to smoke, but since you hang out with them you're influenced to do it.

So, now that you've started smoking everyone's happy right? You're with the in-crowd, all of the girls (or boys) will be watching you when they pass you, you could make the rings with smoke now! NO WORRIES!!!! How wrong you are...

When you start to smoke, you get smokers breath and your clothes smell smoky. So, whenever you walk into a room everyone would turn their head and know it's you. It's not a good thing to be smelling like you're smoking. I know personally that girls do NOT like that at all. It's a total turn-off. Well probaly there's a 5% of girls that DO like it, but the majority don't. Not to mention when you're talking to people they sometimes turn away because your smokers breath is unbearing. So almost all of the time you would have to walk with a mint in your pocket to try and disguise the smell.
Did i mention that you would soon have constant cravings? Because not that you're addicted you can't go for long periods of time without one. I've seen it happen up close and personal, people start to break out in cold sweats and they HAVE to find a cigarette. It's kind of funny to see, but the harsh reality of it is actually scary. So you'll be spending alot of money on buying a single cigarette AND mint or you might as well just save yourself the trouble and buy a packet one time.
Oh yeah, another popular thing that happens to smokers is that their teeth start to turn yellow. Seriously, this DOES in fact happen. Your teeth do start to turn color... Do i have to continue on this point?
Well, smoking in most places are not allowed, so if you have to smoke you have to excuse yourself and go outside to buss one down. So if it's raining or something, with the vicious nicotine monkey on your back, you don't care you're braving the perfect storm just to get your daily supplement. Its sometimes inconvenient because you may be in the middle of a class and you need to buss down a smoke or your friends (the non-smokers) may be somewhere and because you aren't allowed to smoke in that area you have to excuse yourself and go elsewhere to buss down the smoke.
My last point on why smoking should NOT is that people just don't like smokers! If you're going to a job interview to ALMOST anywhere, if you go smoking or smell of smoke that would not be an impressive thing to your interviewer. Most people wrinch at the smell of smokers. Older people disapprove of young people who smokes, you could tell by the expression on their face. Police don't let teens/youths smoke, so anytime you see someone in authority in the distance you have to throw away that PRECIOUS cigarette what you paid good money for and try to clear away the smoky aroma away from you so that they don't suspect you of doing that.

Smoking... just don't do it... it doesn't make sense. And if you ARE a smoker and you are trying hard to change use the one of the patches or one of those things. They DO work, it's just that you have to get the determination to get rid of that hazardous habit. It's hard... i've heard so much people say that and for a good 3 weeks they wouldn't smoke and then just so BAM, they start back...it's up to that person and that person alone to make the decision to give up smoking once and for all. You could talk to the person and encourage them and give them the support to do it.

For inspiration keep this commercial i saw. I think some of you also saw it.

There was this girl standing at the edge of a pier staring at something in the water. You could hear a person calling for help and screaming. The camera moved down and you saw another girl 4 feet away from the pier struggling in the water. The girl in the water was screaming at her friend for help as she was drowning. Her friend on the pier just stood there emotionless staring at her as the girl in the water kept screaming and gurgling drowning. The screen then turned black with the girl still screaing in the background. A message then came up on the screen saying:
"This is what happens when you see your friend doing drugs. You see them dying, but you refuse to help them. Why won't you help your friend?"

When i saw that commercial my jaw dropped. It hit home hard and i always keep it in mind when i'm talking to my friends. I'm not just going to sit back and let them drown.

Teens in general today... pt.2 Alcohol abuse
Teens in general today... pt.3 Sex
They'll be heated, they'll be personal, they'll be here for you to read. Just make sure to keep checking back!!!
April 4, 2005 at 6:54pm
April 4, 2005 at 6:54pm
Well people as i promised in my last addition, i'm going to address the topic of 'Whether or not girls/women with glasses and braces is sexy'. Before i continue i'm putting up a disclaimer:
Floyd Banks is no way responsible for what is said. Any animosity or hate gathered in the reading of this entry should not be held towards him. Hate mail would not be tolerated

Now on with the show! It's a fact that each and every woman in the world is beautiful. I'm not talking about physically, i'm talking about their personality. When everyone was created/born they were made with a clean conscience with no impurities in their brain or heart. But as people grow up depending on what enviroment and the values that were taught to you when you were young, you would grow up to suit that enviroment. At this point this is where girls begin to get their personality to whether they would become the nerdy girl who is shy and has little or no friends or whether she would become the popular prissy girl who makes fun of other people less fortunate than her and only hangs out with a particular type of peope or whether she would become the dark shady type of girl who is angry at the world and only likes rock music and has gothic friends who also dresses similarly and wears spikes/chokers and are slightly satanistic.

At this point you're wondering what the hell does me stereotyping girls have to do with the topic at hand right? Well.. to tell the truth i'm not too sure.. i can't remember the point i was trying to make.. oh right! Now i remember. Silly me.. lost my train of thought once again there. Yeah, i was pointing out that every woman is beautiful even though some of them tend to pick bad habits/bad influences. The stereotypes i called, some people may read them and think.. those kind of girls aren't appealing, i hate those kind of girls, but what people fail to realise is that each and every girl in this world has someone who would like them for either their physical beauty or their sparkling personality. Though they may appear horrid on the outside, they may be beautiful on the inside. Though rough on the edges when talking to them at first, later on you'll realise she's smooth as silk. Girls are precious creatures that should be loved and adored ... though some don't deserve that treatment... but sometimes due to health conditions or other reasons not known to me at this present moment, girls sometimes have to wear glasses to enhance their sight and they may at one point in their life get braces to straighten out their teeth.

"But Floyd, girls with glasses and braces? Those are total turn-offs! Because the glasses are sometimes big and jus plain ugly. And it makes them look all geeky and stupid. And those that aren't big and stupid looking, it makes the girl herself look nerdy and sometimes the girl appears to look down syndrome like!!! I'm talking from things i've seen man! Don't get me started on those braces... they're so ugly. Looks jus horrid on girls. Not to mention all of those things they get stuck up in there. Pieces of food that they didn't chew properly, and their teeth are never clean. Metal-mouth is what i call em. Don't forget about their stupid smiles and sometimes they their spit is all stuck on their braces and stuff. Very disgusting...Would never want to get my lip or tongue stuck in one of those things ever. Those two are a bad combo for girls to have!!"

How wrong you are stereotypical male... and now, with the power of my mesmerizing and enticing use of the English language i will persuade more than 40% of male readers reading this to re-consider thier view on these females... i'm that confident..

But not today folks! :D I'm completely spent right now, but i PROMISE, sometime in the near future i'll tackle this topic and give you... Whether or not girls/women with glasses and braces is sexy pt.2!!!


In a future show i'll be tackling the big topic of Being a virgin today is very embaressing
April 3, 2005 at 9:49pm
April 3, 2005 at 9:49pm
Blogging is supposed to be posting your thoughts/views or whatever on the internet right? Well i have to wake up in the morning (2am)to study, so i'm going to hit the hay early, but before i go i was watching the show The Contender. For those of you who don't know what The Contender is, its yet ANOTHER reality show, but this one involves boxers. There were 16 boxers at the start and they were split in West Coast vs. East Coast 8 boxers each. At the end of each episode 2 boxers would fight and the winner will stay. Simple, but very good premise. And check this other fact, Sylvester Stallone (Rocky himself!) and Sugar Ray Leonard is there to help train these young and upcoming boxers.

So anyways, i'm losing track on what i supposed to be blogging for. I realised that all the fighters so far had either their wives or their children at the fight for moral support. And before each fight usually the boxers relate how much their family is their support and they are boxing so they could afford to send their children to school etc. It had me start to wonder how would it be when i'm married...

You know sometimes i sit down and think about this seriously and i'm not sure how it would play out. How WOULD it be when i'm married.. I mean marriage IS a big step. Think about it. It would be great when you're dating the girl. YES it's fun because the electricity is there. It's FUN, it's NEW, it's REMARKABLE, it SLICES AND DICES! (ok went a little overboard there :P) But you know what i'm talking about. When you're first dating someone it's the most wonderful thing in the world beause the relationship is fresh and you can't WAIT till you have more time to spend with that person. This could go on for months, but the thing is when you're married it changes drastically...

Sure you'll be excited for marriage! Oh YAY! We're getting married! I'm gonna be your husband and vice versa! Then comes the honeymoon DOUBLE YAY! Two of the most memorable experiences you will ever have in your entire life (i'm looking forward to mines eagerly...). But THEN! is when the real drama comes in. You start living with the person. You see ALL of their habits, all of their nastyness, all of their underhanded nonsense and this person you have married is your lifelong partner under a sacred union. There is nowhere to run....

Can you IMAGINE dat?!! Imagine if you discover when you wake up in the morning that your partner smells RIDICULOUSLY bad. As in nauseating? Or imagine your partner is a ridiculously big slob... these are the little things people tend to miss. Sure you'll say, I LOVE THEM and you'll say you don't mind. But then 2 or 3 months down the road you'll stop being so naive and see what you've really got yourself into. Then you're not even considering things such as sharing private space with the person. They may be too controlling or too destructive, they may argue alot, they may even just be a total a**h*** but this si the person you pledged to be with for the rest of your life and then some.

Sigh... Obviously marriage is a beautiful thing, but that's just one of the downsides to it that you should look for.

One of the future topics that i'll talk about is... Women: Is their place really in the kitchen only or do they deserve to go out and work...?

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