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by Fig
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #956453
Hope is here. By hope i mean university life.
No longer am i speaking AGAINST what is wrong with the world. I am now part of the problem. But, i still maintain some of my morals.. so it's a moral conflict right now. I understand why people do wrong, but i know what's right and these are my views from behind enemy lines...

If you're new to this, the posts are from newest to oldest. So, all of the new stuff are to the top. So read from bottom to top for chronological order if you want

Oh! This is something new. I'm being featured in a story which tells about my days at university. Check it out to see what really happens to me on a daily basis and how i conduct myself. Its 100% FACT
 The Struggle Of Floyd Banks- Chapter 1  (13+)
The first chapter of his story. The determined student
#1152776 by Fig

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June 26, 2005 at 8:37pm
June 26, 2005 at 8:37pm
Hey peoples, it's been awhile since the last show and i DO have a good bit of topics to write on, but it's just that i never have the time to just sit down and write. Always running round doing something or organize something. Bleh.. well now that i have 10 minutes to myself I'm going to proceed with this show.

I'm not sure if what i'm talking about is really true, but it's a theory i'm working. It's hard to explain, but bear with me. Do you people believe that when something good happens that something bad has to happen in order to keep a balance in our lives? Look at these examples,
Example 1
You go to a party, the party is one of the BEST parties you've gone to in your life, but when you reach home your parents are up and they're angry at you because you're late to be home or you did something etc.

Example 2
You're planning to go on a trip, everything is sorted out, all the tickets have been arranged, people ready to go, everything is running smoothly and on top of it you're early. So with high spirits you set off on your destination. In the middle of the trip you or someone else forgets something like one of their suitcases.

Example 3
You're having a good day in school. Everyone is being nice to you, you're smiling laughing alot, you see that you got an A in one of your examinations. Then at lunch, someone comes and just ruins your good day.

If you haven't caught on with what i'm trying to show or the point i was trying to make, i was pointing out that in our lives there is a balance of good and bad. Life cannot be ENTIRELY good and likewise it cannot be ENTIRELY bad. Sure there are some people who go through very difficult lives e.g poverty, diseases, abuse etc. But, at some point there would be something good that happens to them which would help to balance out their lives. It could be in the form of a present, a person, a call, an email, you might find a $1 in the street. Heck, you could just watch the sky and find it's looking very peaceful and lovely and that could be the good thing that happens to you.

Similarly on the good side of things, your life cannot be entriely perfect. Or you cannot keep on receiving a string of good things in a row, eventually something would happen to bring back the balance. It could be ONE event to counter all of the good things that was happening to you, but that one bad thing that happens would settle the good/bad balance in your life. I think it was perfectly captured in this saying,
'What goes up, must come down.'

Maybe my theory is a bunch or crock, maybe i'm just talking nonsense, but i MAY be correct... Just something for you to stop and think about. How has your life been going? Aren't you a victim of good + bad energies or maybe you just haven't noticed.... That's all for now peoples, I'M OUT!Just wasnted to leave you with something to think about! I know it's been something i've been thinking about!
Don't forget to keep spreading the word!!

June 17, 2005 at 8:28pm
June 17, 2005 at 8:28pm
Today i'm just going to write out an article that I read in a newspaper named 'Newsday' from Trinidad & Tobago. The article was published on the 12th June, 2005 The name of the article is 'Why do we protect the thieves and killers in our midst' . It was writted by a brilliant journalist named Suzanne Shepard. I have slightly modified her original newspaper article, so that it would be more applicable to all countries and not only focusing on Trinidad & Tobago. The title for the article is very self-explanitory as to what is about. Though the article looks lengthy, it's a good read. JUST READ IT!AND LEARN SOMETHING FROM IT

In the killing fields of the world today gangs/groups have their own territories, defiant men patrol their illegal turfs, their criminal confidence bolstered by the firearms they carry and the folk hero status they have cultivated among their peers and neighbours.

They claim to be modern day Robin Hoods, robbing the rich to give to the poor. That is a lie that has been repeated so much vailidty, that many have misled into believing it. In reality these bad boys who ar eoften painted a sromnatic legendary figures by society are "robbing hoods". They don't discriminate - they rob the poor and the rich. They rob and kill their neighbours in the ghetto with even more ease than they do the wealthy because they are easier targets.

Unfortunately, large numbers of people in society actually believe that the bad boys in their midst are harmless, that their unfriendly neighbourhood bandits, drug pushers and killers are victims of unfair economic, social and political systems that have elft them with no choice but to lie, steal, rape, kidnap and kill.

These myths and misconceptions have created comfort zones and havens for crime through countries - pockets of lawlessness and defiance within which criminals not only survive but thrive, able to gain the upper hand over law enforcement and justice. Ironically, many of these miscreants are actually being protected by their victims.

Despite best efforts by police, detectives, organizations such as Crime Stoppers etc., very few citiznes are willing to blow the whistle on crime - unless it directly invades their lives and homes. Even if they know who is in possession of the illegal guns, where the drug dens are and where wanted murders are hiding out from the police, they are reluctant to "sell out" the criminals in their midst.

And so, the men and women who should be behind bars, roam freely, secure in communities where their criminal actions make them heroes rather than villans. They are well insulated by relatives, friends and acquanintances sold out on a culture that glorifies convicts and gives high status to anyone who can break laws an get away with it.

Too often, the few who are caught and sentenced emerge from incarceration unrepentant, unrehabilitated, their criminal tendencies enhanced and reinforced by their jailhouse experience. They return to society several rungs higher up the ladder in the underworld hierarchy and with higher criminal qualifications to continue their dirty works.

Our battle in this country, is not only against those who do the crime and escape from doing time, but the large numbers of poeple, who honestly believe they can be law abiding citizens and still look the other way when crimes are committed right under their noses.

The same people who will, in general terms condemn crime and call for the hardest penalities to be imposed on offenders, will even more passionately defend the criminals in their midst, dclaring the innocence of brutal killers and bandits. Once the suspect is a friend, relative or even causual acquaintance, it seems, he or she couldn't possibly be capable of carrying out heinous acts.

Never mind, the suffering of the victims and their loved ones. Someone else did it. There is another disturbing dimension to this situation. The very people who will rush to the defence of their neighbourhood criminals, are hostile to their neighbourhood policemen. They see every police action as outright brutality or at the very least, unfair.

It certainly doens't help that our police officers are doing little to improve their image and teir relations with the general public. In fact, their tendency to be rough and abusive only adds to their unpopularity within our communities. Too many officiers are too rough, callous and downright disrespectful, treating members of the public like everyone is a criminal.

I agree that they must be firm and decisive in dealing with crime and criminals. They are there to enforce the law, after all. However, too many officers seem to think that enforcement means brute force regardless of the situation and in carrying out their duties they seem to forget their motto "To protect and serve". The reality is that people in this country don't feel protected or served by our police officers, so there is very little chance for full cooperation between law enforcement and the general population.

In such an atmosphere of mistrust and resentment, it is no wonder that our police officers are always several steps behind the criminals. It is no wonder that the lawless continue to have the upper hand over the law enforcers! Effective gathering of intelligence cannot take place in the hostile, anti-police enviroment that is becoming so widespread in this country.

We need a new breed within the police service, an improved image and better public relations, so that our officers will be able to infiltrate and counteract the criminal culture that has become so deeple rooted in so many communities across Trinidad & Tobago.

Across the board, we need new attitudes and a better understanding of the battle in which we are all embroiled, willing or not. The nature of crime has evovled significantly in a few short years. Unfortunately, there hasn't been equally rapid development and improvement of our systems of law and order.

We are under attack from a criminal culture, a malignant mindset that has pilled out of the ghettos and is infesting our entire country. We must attack this enemy, not protect it.

I hope everyone really learned something from this article. I know I did. The person you're protecting today could be your killer tomorrow..... I'd like to thank Ms. Suzanne Sheppard for writing such a wonderful piece and making it possible for me to share it with all of my loyal viewers and others new to my blog/show. Stay tuned for the next show folks! I'M OUT!
June 14, 2005 at 7:08pm
June 14, 2005 at 7:08pm
Okay, this is my 2nd take of trying to understand women. It's a fact, Floyd Banks does NOT understand the ladies. He finds them complicated and stressful, but bit by bit he's trying to understand them. In post #24 I tried taking a stab at this same topic, but to no avail. Mid-way in the topic i stopped. So, now i'm re-trying. After doing some research and talking to real life women I came across this statement which I found very intersting AND true,

'Most girls come across many guys they like. But almost all girls fall vicitim to this. The ones that you don't like are the ones willing to give you the world and more, but the ones you tend to like aren't that good...'

Need I continue? I DON'T have to continue... I've figured out 5% of female's psyche... I'm out for now! I'm spent.. but I really don't have that much time to type today, so i'm just writing a brief topic. Stay tuned for the next show?
June 11, 2005 at 1:41am
June 11, 2005 at 1:41am
Hullo everyone and welcome back to 'Through the eyes of Floyd Banks'. The show has been offline for quite awhile due to examination and job-related stress. I needed some time to relax myself and just unwind.... I need alot of time to unwind because i devoted 120% of myself to studying towards my end of semester examinations. I slept 3 hours per day for 8 days straight. I was up studying for 14/24 hours per day. Thanks to power drinks and energy tablets I didn't fall down on myself during the day, but on the day of my last exam I was looking horrible. My parents said you could actually see the stress on my face, my eyes were bloodshot, i was looking pale, i was hardly talking and i had large bags underneath my eyes. Pushing myself was worth it though because i covered all of the material necessary and i was well equipped for all my examinations.

Now don't think in my hiatus that I was just ignoring my blog responsibilities. HELL NO! How could i let something go to waste that i worked so hard? Everyday I kept finding more and more topics to write about and i kept wishing i had a notepad to jot down little points i had in my head. So many things i wanted to blog about, but i only wrote out around half of them.....

Enough of me and my idle whining. I know everyone remembers my famous topic Teens in general today... pt.3 Sex(post #27). In that show i made it explicitly clear that i did not condone the idea of teenagers/young adults having sex (both protected and unprotected). I also stated my stance on oral sex. But, after these past few days i spent without writing and spent talking to people i discovered i made a critical error in my judgement. I referred to EVERYONE who was having sex as a bad person. So, that would mean one of my bestest(yes it bestest IS a word) friends though he is having sex is a bad person? No, he isn't he's a very good soul, responsible, reliable, trustworthy etc., but because of the fact he has sex does that give me the right to automatically put the label 'bad person' on him?

And what about people who believe they are giving up their virginity to their 'one true love'? These people beieve that in their hearts they are really giving their virginity to the man/woman they are going to spend the rest of their life with, but most of the times the relationship ends and that person has already given it up. Does that make them a bad person? They did in fact wait for the right person, they kept themselves clean and pure, but because they mistook true love for something else does not mean that they should be labelled as a bad person.

I would like to retract that statment i made in that earlier article... i should've put some more thought into it. But, am i saying that some people should be labelled differently than others? Why is one person more innocent than another? Because i know that person and could vouch for them and claim that they are a good person... i know my friend and i know he's a good person, so him having sex now is ok? No.. it's not... you can't judge people like that...think carefully about it. Some people really are innocent, others... others are in a whole other category.

Keep safe ppls. I need to go an get some sleep. I'M OUT! STAY TUNED FOR FUTURE SHOWS!!
May 31, 2005 at 9:35am
May 31, 2005 at 9:35am
Why do people have to make life more complicated than it already is? Well, i'm sure most of you new viewers are checking out this blog because it's under scrutinization by varying members of the public. The popular opinion is that i purposely left my blog entry up asking to donate gp's because i wanted MORE gps.

Do i have to keep stressing that i'm right now in exam mode and i forgot? And I emailed everyone who did donate and thanked them and even sent back left over gps i had to each and every one? Wish i could get some ppl to vouch for me at this point... am i going to delete earlier entries about me asking for gps NO. Am i going to delete the comments made about me NO. Why should i? I have nothing to hide, i'm not guilty of anything and i really hope the faithful viewers i have aren't really taking on these accusations.

I'm smack-dab in the middle of my exams and i now have to come and address this... and i KNOW there are people checking out this blog to see infamous GP scandal because my views are only going up and i haven't posted anything. In a way this IS helping my blog because hopefully people will scroll down more and read my previous shows instead of just reading my GP countdown posts.

So, i'm not going to curse anyone or go around trying to convince anyone otherwise. There is no scandal, there never was one and people know i didn't steal money from them. I had less than a day left to raise 31,196 GPs and i getting desperate sent out personal letters in addition to posting it on my blog to donate gps. I'm not going to try and cover this up because hell, this is going to be recorded and i'm going to read this back and read the comments and read the emails and reemmber what it was like. The pain, the drama, the EXCITEMENT! (Well not really excitement... more drama really).And it's like i said before in one of the more recent shows, nothing is ever deleted or censored on my blog, cause the public has their opinions and i have mines. And i wouldn't edit something someone said just to make me right. So, it's like when you guys disagree with my opinion and think i'm stupid and some people try to change my point of view, but with no change. I guess the same thing is happening here. I disagree with your opinion of my and i should be trying to change yours, but i know it probaly wouldn't matter. So, come on haters, do your worst! I'm ready for ya! (Seriously, don't do your worst that was just me joking!!) But, on a real I hope everyone doesn't take on these allegations against me.

Ending this off now, have to go back to my studies. Stay tuned for more SCANDALS,LIES and possibly even A SEX TAPE!. Next week my exams are finishing, so i'll be doing hard hitting topics once again! Which just MIGHT be more contraversial than this current GP scandal i'm in!!
May 30, 2005 at 3:59pm
May 30, 2005 at 3:59pm
Reached my goal limit. sorry haven't updated in awhile, been extremely busy. End of semester exams. I'll write proper posts as soon as possible please bear with me.

For now just accept the simple word of 'thanks' as enough. I'll be thanking each and every member publicly and re-donate gps to everyone (as much as i could raise). Thanks once again.
May 23, 2005 at 8:50pm
May 23, 2005 at 8:50pm
I'm trying my best people's but I guess my best isn't enough... I have less than four days left and i have 31, 196 GPs left to raise... PLEASE DONATE .... PLEEEAASSEEE... i'm reviewing my eyes off trying to raise these cursed GPS myself...

Just want to take this time to shout out Nada for all the GPs she donated to me, i really appreciate it. So much GPS, so little time....
May 20, 2005 at 12:52pm
May 20, 2005 at 12:52pm
So close yet so far... one week left and 35102gps left to go. I know i'm not writing any hard hitting blog entries or anything, but all my time anytime i come on w.com is spent reviewing or trying to find some way to raise gps. I know as soon I get my upgrade (IF I GET MY UPGRADE THAT IS!!)i'll be hitting hard hitting topics like
The ghetto.. do we hate it or love it? and much more!! So stay tuned
May 19, 2005 at 9:38pm
May 19, 2005 at 9:38pm
37396.... that's how much is left.. I got this ANONYMOUS LETTER from a w.com writer about my blog, this is what it said,

Hmm... you've been a member for three years, yet have rated 3 items. And you ask for help from the community? Personally, and I know I speak for many, I help people who are active and helpful within the community. The only thing I can tell you is try RAOK or buy your upgrade like we do.

This is how the community sees me... True i haven't reviewed much... 3 is a little, but recently i've been starting to review as much as possible and not only for the GP's it's good to tell other authors about their writings and what they could do to improve their styles. Also, pointing out one or two spelling errors does help... But, i'm sorry if people think i'm a lazy bum because I reviewed so little.. before I got that upgrade all I did was participate in Campfire Creatives. I was a BIG Campfire Creative writer.. i was in alot of CFs and i thought that was what W.com was all about.

But! Ever since that person who graciously gave me an upgrade my whole view on W.com has opened.. i never knew forums existed, i never knew about sharing my poems, i never thought of reviewing other short stories and i NEVER THOUGH OF WRITING A BLOG!! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A BLOG WAS!!

Please... don't let my stuff get destroyed... 37396GPS left... please please donate... i'm trying to raise GPS myself by reviewing... please donate some.. thanks in advance..

Floyd Banks
May 18, 2005 at 7:28pm
May 18, 2005 at 7:28pm
Tonight there won't be a show, it's just going to be me talking about t.v.

For all of you who didn't realise what's happening this month in the important world of T.V. shows, all of the Season Finale's of your favourite shows are happening. Well, I don't really care about Season Finales other than mines. Last week was Jack & Bobby's season finale. It wasn't anything over the top or spectacular. In fact it didn't feel like a season finale at all, even the surprise ending (well not surprise, more like a shocker) wasn't that over the top. It was kinda like.. whatever...

Tonight's season finale is SMALLVILLE!!! My favouritest (yes favouritest IS a word) show in the world is going to finish for this season and it's going to be ONE HOUR AND A HALF LONG!! A HALF AN HOUR LONGER THAN USUAL!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! *Does hysteric fanboy scream*

Also, tomorrow has The Apprentice season finale. I'm definitely looking forward to it. Even though i don't like either of the candidates (maybe its cuz they're women .....) I'm still going to watch it cause what's more fun that watching Donald Trump fire someone?? I could tell you the CONTENDER LIVE SEASON FINALE NEXT WEEK TUESDAY!! It's LIVE LIVE LIVE they're boxing for a million dollars!!! All the sweat, tears and emotions will be running high!! .... I'll post and let you know how the Smallville season finale was..

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