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by Fig
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #956453
Hope is here. By hope i mean university life.
No longer am i speaking AGAINST what is wrong with the world. I am now part of the problem. But, i still maintain some of my morals.. so it's a moral conflict right now. I understand why people do wrong, but i know what's right and these are my views from behind enemy lines...

If you're new to this, the posts are from newest to oldest. So, all of the new stuff are to the top. So read from bottom to top for chronological order if you want

Oh! This is something new. I'm being featured in a story which tells about my days at university. Check it out to see what really happens to me on a daily basis and how i conduct myself. Its 100% FACT
 The Struggle Of Floyd Banks- Chapter 1  (13+)
The first chapter of his story. The determined student
#1152776 by Fig

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August 22, 2006 at 9:58pm
August 22, 2006 at 9:58pm
Well... i've registered for my courses and its sinking in that i have my work cut out for me. Yes it will be tough, but I'm aiming for all A's this semester. To bring home all A's for Christmas would be a great present for my parents and also myself. All i have to do is keep my head high and remember the things i set out to do, stay on the right road and try not to let peer pressure kick in. I hope i remember my words and i stay true to myself. Is it so hard to be an individual? Is it so hard to do what is truly right? As a victim of peer pressure.. yes... yes it is

Stay tuned for my next post peeps
August 20, 2006 at 7:24pm
August 20, 2006 at 7:24pm
Hey to everyone out on Cyberspace. Well... its your boy Banks here to just do a quick entry. As usual I'm here with another excuse about how I'm busy and what not.
Oh! And in an update my gaming addiction has eased quite a bit because i've been away from the source of my problems for quite awhile now. So, i can succesfully say i'm ok (for now). The semester is resuming in 2 weeks and i'll be in walking distance of my addiction once again, lets see if i can keep it up.

Speaking about semester and addiction. In order to help myself stick more to my school work and less from my addiction which is known as gaming I am planning to swamp myself with schedules and extra-curricular activities. I plan to
1) Go to gym twice a week
2) Swim three times a week
3) Join Latin dance
4) Join computer club
5) Become an active member of peer mediation
6) Fit 3 one hour library times throughout the week
7) Get a job in the computer lab
8) Every other Saturday have a two hour study session

Hopefully I can juggle all of that with my schedule and become a straight A student. I want to do so well in my school work now. I don't want to waste time, i want to excel and be able to boast.. i WANT first class honours... i WANT to top all my peers... i WANT to be succesful.. i don't want to be a failure... i don't want .. i just want people to be proud of me.. that's all i want.. and for them to that, i have to show everyone that i'm worthy of that praise. See you soon everyone.. my true test is coming up
June 14, 2006 at 5:01pm
June 14, 2006 at 5:01pm
Slowly, but surely i'm breaking my gaming habit. I'm focusing on my school work more and less on gaming. I've run into a problem though... my fellow game members and i have been challenged from another group to settle our differences on the virtual playing field... if i accept the challenge then i will have to go into training and give up my gaming vow... what will i do??!! Stay tuned and see folks!

And sorry for not discussing any hard hitting topics, i guess they just aren't coming to me as easily these days..
June 12, 2006 at 3:46pm
June 12, 2006 at 3:46pm
So far, I've stuck to my promise and i'm no longer being an addict/slave to gaming. In addition to my no gaming petition i've also decided to ease up my computer usage. Now when i come online i'll no longer focus on mindless things and focus on important things like creating new static items and blogging daily (or whenever i get a chance). A change is upon me and i know it is for the better. This is only day 1, but at least i'm on day one.... i've made the first step, i can make the other step now
June 9, 2006 at 10:30pm
June 9, 2006 at 10:30pm
As anyone reading my blog entries can tell i'm in a very odd position in my life. I'm right now finding myself. Right now i'm currently deciding what my life is like and how my personality would be shaped for the future. I'm testing the waters to see which is the right part for me.....

I know what I must do, but actually carrying out is the main problem right now. I've got to make a decision and stick to it. One of the first things i'm going to do from Monday (09th June, 2006) is I'm going to stop playing game on a large scale. That means i would no longer go to the Internet cafe on afternoons and spend my time and money there. So, i take this vow now from MONDAY 09th June, 2006 I WILL NO LONGER PLAY GAME ON A LARGE SCALE. And so it has been said... will it be carried out is another question entirely by itself...
June 7, 2006 at 7:08pm
June 7, 2006 at 7:08pm
Good evening everyone and sorry for the recent lack of updates in my blog. I have classes 6 days of week and i don't really get much time to myself to think. And the time i actually do get i waste away gaming... sorry.

Ok, for a long time i've had this topic in my head, but i've never written it out. Like, the whole Corrupted World of Floyd Banks theme its based upon the concept of in order to understand evil, you must first know evil. As said in Training Day,
To protect the sheep, you got to catch the wolf. It takes a wolf to catch a wolf. This is a very powerful line that should be considered heavily.

How could you protect yourself from the ills of the world if you don't know what the ills of the world are? How can you stop crime if you don't understand crime? How can you stop poverty if you don't understand poverty? Look at the movie Batman Begins. In it, in order for Bruce Wayne to truly get a deeper understanding of right and wrong he himself becomes an outcast and goes on the opposite end of the law to get a better understanding.

In order for me to truly understand what's wrong with the wolrd today i have to allow myself to experience the negative. I can't always be a good person, no because then i would only see the world from one standpoint. Like i said before i cannot preach from my high horse down to people when i myself don't understand what they're doing/going through. So, i'm going to allow myself to become corrupted and not try to stop the process. In fact, its already begun... i know i've changed from how i was before. But, i wonder if this is me becoming corrupt or just me growing up. Am i just throwing away my child-like simplistic views of the world and finally understanding how to survive in the real world?

And if i am, what was wrong with how i used to think before? Was it really so wrong and so silly?.....Apparently it was
June 5, 2006 at 8:48pm
June 5, 2006 at 8:48pm
Not enough time to write today people, but plain and simple girls are dumb and stupid. I'll expand on this when i get the time. Summer school is KILLING me and i don't get alot of time to myself, so bear with the lack of updates
May 24, 2006 at 9:40pm
May 24, 2006 at 9:40pm
Wow... i now understand what older people say when our generation knows nothing about music. When they mean music, they are referring to r&b/love songs. Even Steve Harvey said it when he was doing his movie The Original Kings Of Comedy . Before, when i heard this i just used to laugh and point out that we have groups such as Jagged Edge, Javier, Carl Thomas, Glen Lewis, Joe and a host of others who produce beautiful love songs and represent out generation.

Its true that those people mentioned before DO produce good music, but its not on par with the quality of music that was produced by those before them. There IS a difference in the quality of music. I can't put my finger on what exactly it is, but when you put on those old school tracks you can't just help but dance and sway with the music. Hell, you just want to sing LOUD along with the music.

I know... i know you're wondering what the hell i'm talking about, that you can do the same with artists from this generation... no you're wrong. I fully agree with those who says that the music has declined. As Steve Harvey said, you can't cram all what you want to say in a 3-minute long song where you just have like 3 lines and a big chorus. No, a proper love song is like a story you have to tell. Now, i'm not going to lie, there are song exactly like what he said is 'bad' e.g. Stevie Wonder - My Cherie Amour, where there are hardly any lyrics and just chorus, but even though it has that formula, its still a winning song. Its just SOMETHING about this music that is catchy and has you in a great mood. I honestly can't figure out what it is, but i love it. Some of the stuff i've been listening to is Earth, Wind & Fire, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Michael Jackson (the Off The Wall album is seriously OFF THE WALL! It real damn good), Al Green and some others. These are music genuises. I'm in no way saying that this current generation of music isn't good. In fact, its GREAT! I love listening to artists such as Raphael Saadiq, Usher and Jimmy Cozier sing love songs, but i give credit where credit is due. And in this case, you've got to pay respect to your elders... cause their music proves they've earned it....
May 22, 2006 at 8:30pm
May 22, 2006 at 8:30pm
Interesting theory I came up with today. By no means is it unique or my own. Remember the saying, 'Don't hate the player, hate the game' I now understand what it means fully.

Awhile back i got mad because another guy came and started hitting on a girl i was 'with'. Eventually he got through to her and she forgot about me and things haven't been great since. I've always been mad at what happeneed and blamed the guy for it, but now looking at it from another angle, i shouldn't be mad at the guy. Heck, i should be shaking his hand. This guy did nothing wrong. It wasn't his fault i wasn't satisfying my lady enough and it wasn't his fault I gave her a sense of longing for something/someone else different. If i was doing what i was supposed to properly then she wouldn't have reacted the way she did and she wouldn't have gone off with him. He just played the game and he won.

So, am i mad at the player... No. Am i mad at the game? No. In fact i will become a player myself. I realised a long time ago that i can become a very good player, but i've always made the choice not to play the game. Now, i'm going to play the game myself... and i'm going to play very hard. So, if I come across your lady and I whisper sweet nothings in her ear and she falls for it, don't hate me, hate the game.

Guess you could score one for the corrupted side of me....
May 21, 2006 at 6:52pm
May 21, 2006 at 6:52pm
Well, nothing hard hitting to write about today, just a little something to ponder on. I watched a movie named City Of God today. I've had this DVD for practically a year now and on the box it quotes, 'One of the best movies you'll ever see.' And the box does not lie. It WAS one of the best movies i've ever seen. To sum it up, it was life in Rio De Janerio in a little city called City of God where extremely poor people are sent to live. It shows a vicious life of poverty, drugs and violence. A very good film.

What should be learned from this movie is that if you think your life is bad, then look at other places in the world... like The City of God

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