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by Fig
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #956453
Hope is here. By hope i mean university life.
No longer am i speaking AGAINST what is wrong with the world. I am now part of the problem. But, i still maintain some of my morals.. so it's a moral conflict right now. I understand why people do wrong, but i know what's right and these are my views from behind enemy lines...

If you're new to this, the posts are from newest to oldest. So, all of the new stuff are to the top. So read from bottom to top for chronological order if you want

Oh! This is something new. I'm being featured in a story which tells about my days at university. Check it out to see what really happens to me on a daily basis and how i conduct myself. Its 100% FACT
 The Struggle Of Floyd Banks- Chapter 1  (13+)
The first chapter of his story. The determined student
#1152776 by Fig

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May 17, 2005 at 8:02am
May 17, 2005 at 8:02am
This is to just say thanks to Nada and Organic Gardening Girl for their donations... 50,000 more GPs to go. I really thank you for the bottom of my heart and I hope I could continue writing more to show that your gps weren't in vain.

Today's show would just be a little reflections of what I wrote and if I incorporate what I write in my everyday life... I guess the answer to that would be sometimes. Some of the topics like Addiction, Peer Pressure, Teens in general today:sex , I'm guilty of some of the same ills I preach against. I have a very serious addiction to gaming. Right now the gaming cafe has opened back and I have no more classes because they are giving us three weeks to study for final examinations. It is very hard for me to go into the library and sit down for 6 hours and study knowing that less than a block away there's friends waiting for me, relaxation, a sense of belonging and a host of other indescribable feelings. Even though I preach against the ills of addiction, I myself succumb to this great evil. I am by no means perfect, in fact i'm far from it...

Lets look at peer pressure... everyday i'm faced with some of peer pressure and I always succumb to it. Simple example:

"Floyd meet me at the cafe at 10 and we'll go to study at 11." I reach at school at 8 in the morning. I could easily go to school study for 2 hours and then go and meet my friend at 10, but instead I would make the wrong choice and go to the cafe at 8 and leave there 11. Another common example

"Floyd, meet me downstairs in 5 minutes!" the text on my phone would say. I'm knee deep studying my work, instead of texting the person back and saying,

"I'm busy studying" I would drop what I'm doing and go to that person. These are simple bad decisions I make and its all due to peer pressure. Why does that happen to me? I have no idea.. maybe I have no self control, maybe i'm easily influenced.. i'm not sure. But one thing I've realised is once I'm not in a situation I can see very clearly and give the best advice (even better than acclaimed professionals, or at least so i believe). When i'm in the situation though... i'm like a lost child searching for their mother instead i'm searching for the right answers.

Basically, all i'm saying in this segment is, I too have flaws. I do NOT think I know everything and I certainly don't think I'm right in everything I say. I know some of the things I say may be wrong in some people's opinion e.g. The Woman's place is in the kitchen thread. I'm sure alot of people would've wanted to throttle me because of that. Yes, I did make some valid points, but at the same time I made some silly arguments. After I post a show and I re-read what I write, if i see that my point of view was stupid I don't run back and edit the post, I instead leave it up and see what you the viewers think of what I said. Another thing people need to realise is that everything I say I don't ALWAYS believe in e.g. The same Woman's place is in the kitchen thread. I would in fact love for my wife to be happy home and just sit back and relax herself, but if she really wants to go out and work, then I wouldn't restrict her, whatever her heart desires I would let her do so (unless it's something like being a prostitute or something.).

But, there are some things that I whole-heatedly believe (Teens in general today: Smoking + Sex) and would defend it till the end. So, i'll end off today's show with a quote from one of my more favoured movies 'The Girl Next Door'

Moral fiber. So, what is moral fiber? It's funny, I used to think it was always telling the truth, doing good deeds, basically being a fucking boy scout. But lately I've been seeing it differently. Now I think moral fiber's about finding that one thing you really care about. That one special thing that means more to you than anything else in the world. And when you find her, you fight for her. You risk it all, you put her in front of everything, your life, all of it. And maybe the stuff you do to help her isn't so clean. You know what? It doesn't matter. Because in your heart you know, that the juice is worth the squeeze. That's what moral fiber's all about

Always let the juice be worth the squeeze....

I'm out for now ppls! Hope people would be kind enough to keep up with the donations!!
May 16, 2005 at 8:34am
May 16, 2005 at 8:34am
This is interesting... my account is back to basic and i still have my folder of poems and i still have my blog intact...

I read thru what w.com sent me and they say i have TWO weeks to renew my upgrade or else everything will be gone... well everything meaning my poems and i think quite possibly my blog! And i really don't have the money or enough GP's to afford an upgrade renewal.... if anyone could assist me please help me i would be greatful...

*sigh... i'm out for now peoples!
May 13, 2005 at 3:08pm
May 13, 2005 at 3:08pm
First of all, I have to thank the person who anonymously upgraded my account last month. I never thanked the person publicly, but I'm doing it now. Thank you... I appreciate all you have done. But on the 15th (Sunday) at noon my account is going back to basic. I'm writing this to ask if anyone would be willing to renew my upgrade... I'm not begging, if I have to delete some of my pieces I will... but if anyone would like to be kind enough to keep my account upgraded please do so... I would be very appreciative..
May 13, 2005 at 2:34pm
May 13, 2005 at 2:34pm
Coach Carter... what can I saw about it. Well, I didn't see it in cinema, I watched it at home on DVD. But I think the experience would've been the same. Did I think it was good, yes. Did i think it was great... not really. I'm not saying the movie wasn't inspiring and all of that. Hell yea it was! Samuel Jackson did a very good job in that role he played as K. Carter. All the speeches he gave was very moving and it really made you see his point of view and the lessons he was trying to convey to all of the boys. The movie taught alot of values and hopefully everyone picked up the many lessons it was trying to teach. I think this will hit home to poor people/people trying to make it in the world. With hard work + determination you CAN make it. Just keep at what you're doing and you CAN make it. Those boys came from nothing to champions (well not OFFICIALLY champions, but you know what I mean.)

And another thing I liked about this movie was that it really mirrored real life. Like you could watch the movie and relate to some of the situations and to some of the people in the movie. Life in the ghetto is hard... I mean I don't live in an area like that, but I know enough about it to stay away from it. Movies like these let people who aren't accostomed to surroundings like that take into a peek as to what happens on a daily basis. And this movie in no way was an exaggeration. Also, the attitudes of the parents and teachers weren't an exaggeration. That's how the world/society is, a very closed minded and ignorant group of people. Not having vision and not looking at the future.

Along with a good and clear storytelling, the audio was good. Good rap + r&b songs were playing at the right times and along with some tense moments where you just HAD to watch the movie and couldnt turn away (hell, i was vacumming the house and i stood glued in front the tv for about a whole 10 minute scene). All of the actors, not only Sam Jackson did good. They made their character be felt, some more than others. The camera wasn't superb, then again it wasn't like it was an action movie with lots of fast scens or anything.. i guess the camera was okay enough for the movie.

All in all, i give it the two thumbs up. Definitely check it out. Is it worth buying? ..... I would say... yea it is
May 9, 2005 at 5:16pm
May 9, 2005 at 5:16pm
Hey peoples, welcome to the critically acclaimed 'Through the eyes of Floyd Banks'. Today's topic is Peer pressure. Well, most teens know about peer pressure. Whether you're nerdy, popular, fat, thin, smart, dumb, athlethic you would have experienced some form of peer pressure. Peer pressure is defined as 'The efforts of a group of equals to maintain conformity to the group's social norms..

'Often, peer pressure can be a positive force in a teenager’s life. The advice of friends can help teens make the right decision in a tough situation. And there’s nothing necessarily wrong with trying to conform; belonging to a group can help adolescents begin the complicated process of separating from their parents and developing their own, increasingly independent identities. However, when bowing to peer pressure means betraying personal beliefs and values, peer pressure becomes a negative force.' Quoted from http://www.guidanceassociates.com/copwitpeerpr.html

I was looking for some examples of peer pressure and real life scenarios when I came across a piece from this site http://www.girl.com.au/peerpressure.html (I modified some parts of it so that it would be relevant to this piece I was writing;

Wanting to be a part of the crowd at any time is quite healthy and normal, after all is it extremely important to feel wanted. But wanting to be a part of a select peer group to the point of doing things or acting in a certain manner that is unlike your usual self in order to fit in, can be a dangerous thing.

Peers can help influence us all both in a positive or negative fashion. You learn from them, they learn from you. The way we choose to react and deal with peer pressure defines who we are as individuals.

By definition a peer is someone that you look up to or can be someone you consider an equal in age or ability. And when we talk about the term "pressure" in the negative sense as exerted by these peers, we refer to the pressure that these people place on others to persuade them to do something that they would not normally consider doing of their own accord.

I recall when I was a high school student at an all-girls school a few years ago - there was always the constant pressure from other girls to take up smoking, skip classes or to behave in a rebellious manner. Fortunately for myself I had enough sense to know right from wrong and possessed the strength to tell the students in question that smoking was not very cool at all and that I'd rather get an education than a detention! But for many, the idea of standing up to peer group pressure is frightening.

People cope with peer pressure in different ways. How you deal with it is entirely up to you. You may feel comfortable talking to someone else about what you are experiencing and get some advice from them about what to do. Or you might be courageous enough to challenge the views and ways of your peers. The one thing you should NOT do however is bottle up your feelings. You will only be miserable and end up hurting yourself.

It is important to understand that just because you don't agree with your peers on all matters, does not mean they will respect you any less. In fact, if they are mature enough about the situation, they will probably respect you more for sticking to your convictions. And if they don't and insist on ridiculing your decisions or actions, then they are probably not worth knowing in the first instance.

Although it can be hard to walk away from peer pressure it is not impossible to do so. You need to find the strength to say "NO" to harmful pressure from others. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs and finding inner strength and confidence is the key to surviving

Some parts of this excerpt I fully agree with. I agree with when they said to not bottle up your feelings because it would in fact make you feel depressed, lonely, miserable and a whole mess of other things. One of the things i'm guilty of is the last thing they referred to, which was how you need to walk away from peer pressure and find the strength to say NO. Sometimes I find it hard to leave people when I'm liming (hanging out) with them. I know if I leave they wouldn't tell me anything, but sometimes I just feel like if I leave people would view me differently or they'd say something about me or something along those lines... it's really hard to explain WHY I it's difficult to leave groups of my peers sometimes. Even though you probaly reading it can't possibly seem to understand why I don't just walk away and go wherever else I have to be at that point in time, just take my word for it and understand that it's hard to tear yourself away from that specific group of your peers. Remember a peer is defined as a peer is someone that you look up to or can be someone you consider an equal in age or ability, maybe this has something to do with it... maybe since I 'look up' to these people/have so much respect for them that I care alot about their opinions/views of me that THAT'S the reason I'm pressured so much. That was just my little stab at it, though I could be wrong.

There was a part where a girl was talking about when she was in high school and she said how she had enough sense to know not to be smoking, skip classes etc. and she possesed the 'strength' to tell other classmates that what they were doing was wrong. Yes, it IS frightening standing up to your peer group sometimes and telling them what they're doing is wrong/not right and you're the only supporting your point of view. I mean, if the people are my breadrins (my closest friends), then OF COURSE i'd tell them when they are doing stupidness or anything wrong. Because I wouldn't want my friends doing anything to put their life in danger/ cause them trouble. BUT!!, if it's just casual people like my classmates or something I wouldn't go out of my way to voice my opinion because I'm pretty sure they wouldn't appreciate me preaching to them about what's right and what's wrong. Plus, if you tell you 'friends' that they're something wrong and they get angry with you to the point where they want to stop being your friend, then they're not your friend after all. That's the reason why I wouldn't tell anyone else other than my breadrins to stop their s***.

Just keep your head up and know that you're an individual. You're not sheep, you have your own brain and you don't have to follow a leader... hopefully I could take my own advice...

May 6, 2005 at 3:14pm
May 6, 2005 at 3:14pm
I need topics peoples, so if you have any requests PLEASE tell me and i'll do my best to tackle em. In the meantime I guess i'm having writer's block
May 3, 2005 at 9:45am
May 3, 2005 at 9:45am
Hey peoples...Today's topic; Teens in general today... pt.3 Sex .

Oral sex! I see no problem with it! What's wrong with a little h***job or b***job. Small thing. What's wrong with playing with the opposites sex genitals be it their breasts, vagina or penis. Why do people overreact? You wanna know why... this is why...

Isn't sex sacred anymore? I thought sex was when two people who love and care about each other and was at least in a holy union with one another came together, as an act to show that they are not only going to give their mind to that one person, but their body as well. Sex was supposed to be something sacred, well not sacred, but at least something special. Notice when i said that i kept saying was. This is because that is no longer how society/the world views it. Sex is something that is done a regular. It is no longer a special moment between two people.. no it's far from that. Now, it's just something you do when you're at a party. If a guy sese someone in a party who he thinks is hot, after a couple of drinks and making them laugh a bit the girl thinks he's cute and she's more than willing to give herself to him because he made her laugh and bought her some drinks, so they go to the bedroom and they have a 'one night stand'. Nothing complex, just sex for one night and then they probaly never see each other again. Why do people do this...? I can't seem to understand... Oh! and for all of you who didn't know out there oral sex IS a form of sex.

There are so many things i want to say on this topic i don't know where to start. Okay, for one thing why are people having such casual sex if they KNOW about all of the dangers in the world right now? You know about the STD's (Sexual Transmitted Diseases) in the world! Of course everyone knows the #1 STD which is AIDS, but then there are others such as Crabs, Gonorrhoea, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B,Hepatitis C (yes there ARE 3 kinds),Herpes, Scabies, Syphilis, Warts and these are naming the popular ones. What about the others you don't know about like Chancroid, Chlamydia, Trichomoniasis etc.? You're well aware of ALL these things yet you're STILL risking your health for what? The simple thrill of putting your penis into a vagina or getting a penis pushed into your vagina? No, i'm not censoring this post because if you're brave enough to be doing this, then you should have no problem reading this. Once again i hope people understand that i am not writing this and pointing fingers at everybody in the world saying that they're doing something bad. There's no way i could possible do that. I'm writing this for the people who are guilty of doing these things, i'm pleading to alyuh stop it... look at these statistics:

Number of people living with HIV/AIDS in 2004

Adults 37.2 million
Women 17.6 million
Children <15 2.2 million

People newly infected with HIV in 2004

Adults 4.3 million
Children <15 0.64 million

AIDS deaths in 2004

Adults 2.6 million
Children <15 0.51 million

These figures are ridiculous... That's ALOT of deaths and infections. And these are only estimates because there alot of people in the world who has AIDS but don't say they have it, so they're not recorded. People aren't realising the seriousness of their actions. We're wiping ourselves out for some simple pleasure/desire? And more than 75% of the time people say that they don't enjoy it.

"It's not good because there's no special connection between us. I remember when i was with my woman and we were having sex, it used to be so good, like i used to see fireworks and all sorts of stuff, even though it didn't last long it used to be amazing. But, now all of these other girls, it's just like nothing to me... they don't even show some form of satisfaction they just lie there..."

I not saying how other generations weren't as promiscuous as this current one. Of course they were! Dare i say they were even worse? Need i mention the infamous disco era in the 1970's-1980's? There was alot of casual sex going on without the uses of condoms or any other form of contraceptives. But, this was before the massive AIDS scare (Well actually people were still having casual sex when AIDS came out in the early 1980's, but it was widely thought that it was only spread among gay people), my point is our generation just taking it a step further. Aside from the whole STD's thing our generation is having sex at young ages like 11 and sometimes even younger. I'm not talking about rape cases, that's an entirely different topic altogether...damn sickos..., i'm talking about those young 12 and 13 year olds that WANT sex from older men and vice versa. Quoting from a Dr. Andrea Pennington, she commented,

"Over the past 20 years we have seen the average age for teenagers engaging in sexual activity grow younger and younger. It is no longer unusal to find boys and girls starting out as young as 12 years old. In parts of Europe and the United States Of America studies have shown that increasing numbers of the country's youngest teens ARE having oral sex. Kids have convinced themselves that it is not really sex. According to one of the survey out of 10,000 girls 80 percent said they were virgins, but 25 percent had oral sex. 27 percent said oral sex was something that you do with a guy for fun."

Do you have any idea how young a 12 year old is? If you have a child or a younger sibling, i'm sure you could imagine what i mean. Could you imagine a little child as that having sex? Hard to imagine, but yea it happens and its happening alot and its simply a way of life in society today.

Maybe i'm overreacting over this. Maybe i'm making too big a deal. Maybe I'M the one who's wrong. Who's me to tell all of you you're doing nonsense. I've never experienced it, i don't know what i'm missing out. I'm just sitting here on my high horse preaching nonsense... I mean EVERYONE is doing it. For all you teens out there, you CANNOT tell me you don't have ONE friend who is under 20 and having sex, be it protected or unprotected. If you could say, 'You're wrong Floyd. I do not have any friends who are practicing any form of sex.' then I have the world of respect for you and i'm sorry for saying that. Who am I to stop someone from doing something they enjoy doing? I'm not a priest. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a lecturer. I'm not a physician. I'm not even a police officer. I'm just a normal teen who's looking around and wondering why is the world this way... and whether i'm wrong for not just accepting it and trying to follow the world and its ways...

I could tie in this topic with the topic It's embaressing to be a virgin. IS it embaressing to be a virgin? For me, at times YES. Cause when people are talking about their experiences etc. I just sit on the side and listen and I'm not able to add anything to the conversation because I have no experience myself. And the people I'm referring to is the everyday people I see and talk with, they're not older or younger, they're my peers and they talk about it casually like its nothing. Sure I like listening to their stories/experiences and I laugh and joke around with them. But, I don't jump in and start to preach to them about how they should stop what they're doing and stop having sex and it's wrong and bla bla bla. Cuz if i DO do that they'd just watch me and tell me 'F*** you' or something along those lines. Sure I know what they're doing is wrong and they're screwing up their lives by risking so much, but i'm not going to play 'Super Virgin' and try to change people's minds. They're old enough to know what they're doing and they know the consequences of their actions... They chose to do what they're doing and it's obvious they are liking it and they aren't going to stop. AND i KNOW they know about all of the STDs and stuff, but then again, WHAT ARE CONDOMS FOR! AND BIRTH CONTROL PILLS!. Being a virgin is hard cuz people would just say you're hopeless and 'ketch kicks off yuh', but I just suck it in and continue along my way. I mean there ARE other people who have my beliefs, but the majority of the people in the world holds the belief that nothing wrong with a lil sex and it's 'not going to kill anyone'.... Before I end off here's a lil 'joke' I often hear when people talk,

"It real funny too eh. Cuz all the time she was a virgin, not going round no man and ting. We used to Call the girl Ms. nun and ting. Nex ting yuh know the ONE fella she was wit and she end f***ing and d gyul get infected oui. Tis sad, but funny at the same."

'A person is smart .... people are dumb. Everything they've ever known has been proven wrong. Two hundred years ago white people KNEW that black people were stupid and would amount to nothing. Thirty years ago people KNEW that a floppy disk was the best portable storage media. Twenty years ago people KNEW that AIDS could only be spread through gay people. Five minutes ago when you first started reading this topic and you read the first paragraph you KNEW that I liked oral sex. Imagine what you'll KNOW in the next 10 seconds... Floyd Banks fully promotes abstinence

I'm out peoples. I'm sure I could probaly write more on this topic, Meanwhile i hope you keep on checking in to read my blog and keep promoting me!! I'M TRYING TO MAKE PROGRESS WIT MY BLOG HERE!!! MAKE W.COM NOTICE ME!!!!
May 1, 2005 at 2:57pm
May 1, 2005 at 2:57pm
Hey peoples and welcome to another entry from Floyd Banks. Well this is another requested topic. And i'm going to try my best to put my spin on it. What method of punishment should parents use on their children... should verbal and physical abuse be an option... Well right off the bat i'm going to answer this by saying YES, it should be an option in fact they should more than enforce it.. N.B.There's a big difference between enforcing it and abusing it.

You have to find some way to discipline your children when they're growing up. You can't just have them running wild letting them do whatever you want. Be it 'licks' or just shouting at them you need to do something so as to control them. This reminds me an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond when they were talking about parental control and what methods could be used. Raymond's father Frank (Peter Boyle) was laughing and reminiscing about how when Raymond and his brother Frank was smaller he used to scare them straight with an intimidating 'step. All he did was take one menacing step towards them and they would stop arguing, crying, talking, sulking etc. But Raymond's mother Marie always criticized his method of child rearing because he always shouted at the boys and never showed them any real love. Frank responded by saying it was tough love, so that they would grow up strong and not as wimps. He also added, by always intimidating and shouting at them whenever they even considered doing something wrong the burned image of him taking the 'step towards them or going into a violent rage would keep them on the right track and they wouldn't do anything wrong. Even though Raymond and Robert admitted that they did always used to sneak out the house, drink from their fathers liqour cabinet and a whole ordeal of other things that their parents didn't know about, they always remembered the 'step'. My point by sharing that was Frank's theory i agree with. By disciplining your children by physical methods or verbal methods you would help to keep them on the right path.

What I'm saying should NOT in any way be confused with me agreeing to beating your child till it leaves marks on their skin or shouting at your child till they have emotional scars with them till they're 30. Parents tend to take it overboard sometimes with disciplining their children.

"But Floyd, I remember when I was a young and growing up my father beat me with everything from a belt to a broomstick and look I turned out okay. The kids these days are just too softy!" Yes, but that was back then... things were different. True, nowadays kids probaly ARE too soft in terms of emotionally, but with a change in kids, there needs to be a change in adults. You can't use the same methods that your parents used with you in most cases. You need to tailor your parenting skills to how your child is, don't tailor your child to your parenting skills.

How could i explain this easier.... Maybe this joke i heard Jeff Foxworthy say might help..,

"I'm very proud of my daughter. She is 5 years old and she knows how to use my computer better than I do. I don't mean those kiddy computers, I mean a real computer, one of those Dells. Now isn't that a sign of the times? When I was 5 you think I even knew what a computer was? Hell, when I was 5 I got a piece of wood attached to a string and a ball and I was amazed for hours thinking 'How do they do that!'". You see, different generations are capable of different things. You can't use previous methods on this new generation. Well actually you could, just modify it a bit. I see nothing wrong with beating your child, if the little bastard giving you too much trouble 3 rapid lashes in succession would stop that. Or if they acting a fool when you walking them in the mall or something, you go down to their level and give them a stern warning. They dare not embaress you again. Once again, i'm heeding don't confuse with what i'm saying with slap your child in the face everytime they giving you trouble or hit them with a stick often...i'm not saying that. I remember when i was small anytime i used to get 'licks' i used to cry.. ALOT. It wasn't really that the beatings itself used to hurt, its just that it was the thought of moms being so angry that she had to resort to hitting me that made it hurt so more. So, if my moms used to hit me ALL the time I would've thought that she hated me and wanted to deny my existence or something!

To wrap up this topic, nothing is wrong with discipling your child. It's just that there's a fine line between disciplining and abusing your child. Try hard not to cross that line.. it's important that you don't. By doing that you not only lose the trust of your child, but you also risk the chance of giving them emotional trauma later on in life... Not to mention recent studies have shown that the more physical abuse a child receives the worse their behaviour gets because they have so much pent up anger from the beatings that they can't help but be unruly and destructive and you know we don't want that...

April 29, 2005 at 9:21am
April 29, 2005 at 9:21am

Well, it's official. For the first time out of 26 posts I've failed to complete a topic! Yea, i'm admitting it. I can't finish the Trying to understand women topic. Maybe later on in future i might come back edit it and it will be finished, but for now I really can't do it. Now for a change of pace. I'm going head first into the topic of homosexuality. 'God created Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve' One of the many jokes associated when talking about gays (Do not be offended by me referring to people by gays. It's saving me time instead of typing out homosexuals all the time.). Before i go straight into the meat of the topic as of if being gay is a crime i want to address the double standard the most people believe in. It's okay for a woman to kiss another woman, but it's not okay for a man to kiss another man?

Hell, i believe in this also. I know it's a double standard and everything, but a man kissing another man is just unnatural...
"But Floyd, what's the difference between 2 women doing it and 2 men doing it?" I personally don't know, it just seems okay when 2 women are holding hands and hugging and snuggling, but if the men were to do the exact same thing, i would watch them and kind of raise my eyebrow. Maybe it's because girls/women are naturally affectionate and they normally do those sort of things. Like, when growing up girls would hug each other often, hold each others hand, put their legs on top of one another and stuff similar to that and none of the girls you grew up with was a lesbian. They were just completely normal and that's the nature of girls to just be kinda 'touchy'. Compared to guys who hardly touch each other and if one fella touches another fellas thigh/leg by accident it's a big thing and we make a big deal out of it. So, fellas or in fact society in general is unaccostomed to seeing two males being so passionate with one another. It's unheard of... it's morally and spiritually wrong... it's the new generation of things and we need to accept it?

The last statement that was made is a very big debate. Because there are more gay people coming out, do the people of the world have to accept it? Alot of gay people are asking for their freedom of rights. They claimed that black people ask for their freedom of rights and they got it and that women asked for their freedom of rights, now they're asking for it and everyone is persecuting them. It's not easy to accept the reality of the situation that there are actually gay people in society. Older folks would reminisce and talk about how back in their day the idea of somone being gay wasn't even heard of. Well it was prevelant, but it was 1/1000 people would be gay and if you WERE gay it was very secretive and hardly anyone knew. Now, in this current generation there are gays left right and centre, both male AND female. A popular question that is asked is,
"Where all of these gays coming from?" My take on this is that all the time there were gay people in society, but they just didn't know that was their preference in life until they saw others and heard other people and they realised that was what they really believed in in life. Some people never realised they like people of the same sex until they were in their late 30's or even in their 40's. Some realised that this at a very young age. Maybe it is our generation causing this.... by people being more open and fighting for gay rights etc. people are realising that it is okay for them to come out of the closet and it is okay for them to show their sexuality. But, I think that a big problem though which some people see as the real problem is that some straight people are being converted to being gays. Some women quarrel and say that they've lost many a good man because they've gone over to the other side of the fence.

Some people you would never know they're gay by just looking at them. Some you definitely know are gay. It's stereotyped that a gay guy (i don't know what the sterotype for a lesbian is)has a high pictched voice, wears bright colours, walks a certain way and does woman like actions like put their hands on their hips and roll their eyes alot. Alos, they're extremely sensitive. But, as MTV's 'The Real World' proved not all gay fellas fall under this stereotype. I'm referring to Karamo now commonly known as 'the gay black fella'. Karamo looked like a normal homie, tall, strong, listenin to rap, wore a durag on his head, walked with a bounce etc. Looking normal normal. For the whole first episode there wasn't even a hint of him being gay, but when it was revealed in the 2nd episode everyone was shocked, shocked! because there was another gay fella in the house named Willy and he fit the stereotype exactly, so they thought he was the only one, but when they learned about Karamo they just couldn't believe it. And I think that's when America (and everyone outside) relaised that gay people could take any race or form. Whether you're black, white, red, yellow or if you're small bodied, athletic and toned or even have a beer belly, you can't tell. It's like trying to tell an A.I.D.S. victim out of a group of people... Some people could just hide it very well.

But, am i afraid of gay people? Of course not. That's like how people are afraid of midgets (*rolls eyes at the thought). There's nothing to be afraid of. They ARE normal people like you and me. So look at this situation, you hate gays right. You don't believe that they should be walking the earth and all of them should be shot on sight. Next thing you know one day your best friend comes up to you and pulls you aside and tell you, that they have to tell you something. Being best friends you are assure them that you could tell you anything. They reveal to you that they're gay and they recently discovered it. WHAT WOULD YOU DO AT THAT POINT? Would you still believe in your belief about gay people that you would want your best friend killed because they were gay? Or how about if your brother or sister was gay? Nothing is wrong with gay people... they're people nonetheless and they have emotions and feelings like the rest of us. The only difference is they have a preference of people of their same gender rather than the opposite gender. If one of my breadrins came and told me they were gay, i'd be okay with it as long as they didn't try to come on to me or try to kiss me or anything like that. I'd still be their friend and be there for them etc.

There are some people who cross the border when it comes to being gay. The people who want to change their gender from a man to a woman, that's overdoing it. They take hormones and they do the whole plastic surgery thing, so they would have breasts and look more females. Some people who say they do this because society would accept them as a female and not a male and it would not be as hard for them to live a normal life. If you're gay and you want to have a gay reln. with someone then stand by your preference and don't try to fool the public...

Gots to wrap this up. Well you heard my point of view on this. I have no problem with gay people. But, when it comes to the whole religious aspect of it, where people who are against gay relationships say how in the Bible it's written that gay relationships(male and female) are forbidden and it's against everything the Lord intended. I'm not going to get into that aspect... For now, i'm out and look forward for yet another topic from yours truly.
April 27, 2005 at 12:21pm
April 27, 2005 at 12:21pm
Sup peoples, i'm back and pumped up and ready to get back into the burning issues of today. And what could get me more fired up than doing another topic on women? But, i'm not bashing y'all (then again, contrary to popular belief, i wasn't bashing y'all in the other threads either) i'm just pointing out something i noticed over the past few weeks. Everyone knows Akon's new song right? Mr. Lonely? I'm pretty sure you know it. It goes something like this,

"I'm so lonely (so lonely),
I'm Mr. Lonely (Mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl"

So, in this song Akon is singing about how he had a girl how he loved so much and he treated her bad and now she's gone and he's so lonely. Now, as most people who have been following this blog knows i'm a sucker for r&b songs. And if you didn't know, well now you know. I even liked that Mario Winans awhile back, 'I Don't Wanna Know'. But, for some reason, i am NOT promoting this Akon song at all. Plainly because people are missing the obvious message he is singing about and is mistaking the song to mean something else. When he is singing, 'I'm so lonely, i have nobody to call my own.'people think that the entire song is that he has nobody in his life and he's singing that. And i KNOW that what people think he's singing about cuz when they're singing the chorus they have a faraway look and a little tear in their eye and they're thinking how its true and they have nobody in their life. So, you're wondering how i'm relating this to the topic. Well, i see many a girl/woman singing this song saying how they're lonely and there's no one in their life. And most of these girls are extremely pretty looking girls. Many a times i stopped and wonder how in the world girls like you could be feeling lonely? You have alot of fellas who would die to be (well not die, but they would love to be with a girl like you)with you, but you just shun them away and then sing how you're so lonely. Sometimes the perfect guy is right next to you, everything you want and need in a guy and you just turn the blind eye to them and after witnessing this many a time, i have come to the conclusion that girls/women do NOT know what they want. I'll explain this amazing discovery further!

It's a fact that some people don't know what they want. I referrin to both male and females. Most fellas don't know what they want in a girl. Some fellas might have preferences in personality like the quiet type, the outgoing, the sporty, the punk rock etc. Others might just see the physical in girls, go after that and then work on the personality. Some fellas does just take whatever they could get as long as the girl likes them and just work with it. But girls... they don't follow these clear cut rules. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not talking on behalf of all girls. That was just be stupid of me. I'm talking about the majority or the large group of girls who have this unorthodox mentality.

These girls i'm referring to they know the perfect fella they would want. They would list certain qualities e.g
due to inconclusive information cannot finish topic!

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