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by Fig
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #956453
Hope is here. By hope i mean university life.
No longer am i speaking AGAINST what is wrong with the world. I am now part of the problem. But, i still maintain some of my morals.. so it's a moral conflict right now. I understand why people do wrong, but i know what's right and these are my views from behind enemy lines...

If you're new to this, the posts are from newest to oldest. So, all of the new stuff are to the top. So read from bottom to top for chronological order if you want

Oh! This is something new. I'm being featured in a story which tells about my days at university. Check it out to see what really happens to me on a daily basis and how i conduct myself. Its 100% FACT
 The Struggle Of Floyd Banks- Chapter 1  (13+)
The first chapter of his story. The determined student
#1152776 by Fig

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April 26, 2005 at 9:19am
April 26, 2005 at 9:19am
Hey everyone. suprising as this is, i don't have a topic for today! I know, i know it's hard to believe. Heck, i don't believe it myself, but i don't have a topic to talk on today. Either that or i'm not in the mood to write. I think its the latter...

I know there are some topics that i am supposed to address for the longest while:
Teens in general today... pt.3 Sex
Being a virgin today is very embaressing
Whether or not girls/women with glasses and braces is sexy pt.2!!!
I even got a request to do homosexuality as a topic. But i really cant tackle them right now... maybe later i might be influenced to do it, but not now. So for now, i'm out ppls.
April 22, 2005 at 12:36pm
April 22, 2005 at 12:36pm
Hey people. I was having an argument today with someone. She was arguing that her father treats her very unfair. That he's much stricter with her than he is with her brother. So, she was telling me about it and i stopped her halfway and told her i agreed with her father. That girls SHOULD be treated stricter than boys if you're a parent and you're raising them in society today. I mean, look at the world. Rapes, STD's, unwanted pregnancies.... girls need to....

I'm stopping now. I can't do this topic. At least not today. My brain is absolutely fried and i really need to stop and plan this out. All prior topics i could've easily done off the top of my head, but this one in particular i have to stop and visualise and really think about what it would be like bringing up my children. What i would teach them... how i would deal with situations... i mean simple situations can be so complex.

e.g. Do you know what a disco is? I'm not referring to the famous dance craze in the 70's/80's? If you know what i'm talking bout you'll understand immediately. The equivalent of a disco would be a house party for you foreigners. Would i want my girl child to go to a house party? Let's say she's 15, so there's no alcohol, BUT there's no adult supervision going on because we want the children to have a bit of 'freedom'. So, as we all know flexing/dancing (aka bumping & grinding)happens in these parties. Now, as a fella/guy i know exactly what happens in these parties. With the knowledge i have, would i allow my girl child to partake in these things? Currently my answer is no. When i was talking to the girl, she was asked me,

"So, if you're freaking out all now, what are you going to do when your daughter reaches her teens and is being introduced to boys and sex etc. Because girls these days are sexing at a VERY young age."

"Gyul, i going put the girl in a CAGE. Literally. I going to drop/pick her up from school. Monitor movement closely. Screen phone calls etc."That was my response. So, as expected the girl got angry. So, she posed another question

"So what about your son?"

"Well, i go encourage him because nothing wrong with going after girls at a young age if you're a fella. But going after man if you're a girl at a young age is a no-no." Reading this back now, i see it's an obvious double standard. But, people out there, you DO see my concern right? My poor precious little girl... i'm trying to protect her from all the evils out there... So another girl came along and we brung her into the conversation. After hearing my point of view, she narrowed her eyes at me, put her hands on her hips and said,

"So, if every father think like you and put their daughter in a cage, wha go happen? Boys go start liking boys!". Strange enough she had a point. And also, i gathered from the girls that the more you restrict a girl, when she's finally let loose she'll be REALLY let loose. The very same things you tried to protect her from because she never used to get any freedom, she'll run wild and probaly do all of those things.

Thinking about this is very complicated... how do you raise children. It's so hard thinking about it. Raising a boy vs. raising a girl. It would be great to have a girl. A nicer version of myself with long hair and a great smile.. who wouldn't want that? But there are so much complications that go along with it. Sure, i'll teach her about boys and what they do. And i'll tell her about safe sex and about condoms and also about STD's and those things. But the most i could do is talk, i can't control what she would do in her everyday life and thinking about that kinda scares you. I'm going to be her friend, in that she could always come to me with any problem and that she would tell me about anything she's planning to do, so that i could at least guide her and keep her on the straight and narrow path. When i think about it, it's kinda like what i do to my parents. I could imagine what it was like for my parents raising me. Must've been hard. Not knowing if your child will be smart. If'll he grow up to be cool, if he'll grow up to be nerdy, what'll he like, what won't he like, will he be succesful, will he be like his dad, would be handsome... so much what if's, so much mystery. I guess it's all about your influence in the child's life.

Raising a child is very difficult. Especially if its a girl child. Thank god i'll have my wonderful wife by my side.. to guide me and to also pass her values unto our daughter because i know with that special woman in my life i could raise a child with potential beyond the stars.

But, in an answer to the topic. Yes, i would treat her differently... hopefully she'll know enough to make the right choices. I'm out ppls... stay tuned for the next show

April 21, 2005 at 12:33pm
April 21, 2005 at 12:33pm
Ok... today's topic is Abortion. I got the idea of writing on it from Jack & Bobby last night. Basically a breakdown on what happened in that episode was that a girl who was 16 years old got pregnant, but she came from a very strict religious household. Her parents were devout Catholics and when they found out she was pregnant ordered her to marry the person who made her pregnant. When the parents found out who the father of the child was they kicked her out the house. The girl then went in another state or town or something for an abortion.

Now abortion is a very serious issue. And i know i'm not equipped to tackle it just yet. Because it would mean i actually have to go and do research and read up on stuff and have to get facts from both the religious side and the medical side. So, i'm just going to put my little 2 cents for now. I'm neither for or against it. Surprisingly i'm just in the middle.

Abortion has its pros and has its cons. I'll go more into the major arguments for it another time but for now i'm just going to put some of the smaller ones. The pros of abortion; it gets rid of unwanted children, keeps down the birth rate, could help to reduce poverty levels. The cons of abortion; the whole religious aspect of it (it is unholy etc. etc.), complicated deaths, complications in surgery could lead to after-effects. Then there's the whole argument about pro-life. Is the baby alive when it's the abortion is happening?I really need to do my research here and answer that because i'm not sure if it is or isn't. But most people have the opinion that you're taking away a life by doing that. So, it's basically the same as having a 1 month old baby and taking a knife and stabbing it to death.

Has anyone reading this ever seen an abortion process or read about it? I remember when i was younger i was reading a Christopher Pike book. Can't remember the name right now, it was '***** 2'. I seriously can't remember the name, but it had this particular part in the book where the girl was having a baby, but she wanted an abortion. So, she went to a clinic and had it done. Now at a young tender age as mines i was shocked that Mr. Pike went into EXACT details as to how the procedure goes. I got really upset reading what was done. My hands are trembling a bit as i'm writing this. I could still remember. It's burned into my head now. I'm not going to write what it's like cause i'm pretty sure Writing.com would kill me for it. But for all you adventurous people out there go out on the interntet and do a lil research on it. If the abortion process is really how it was described in that book, then i'm very sorry for all the ladies/girls who has to go through with it. It's not pleasant at ALL.

Before i finish off today's segment i just want to leave you with a popular argument FOR abortion. If you were 17 years old, got pregnant and you have no way of supporting your child and the father ran off/doesn't want to support or help you in any way, wouldn't abortion be a valid option? Not only would it prevent unwanted children, but it also saves you the embaressment of a being a teenage mother. Now the argument AGAINST abortion comes in. So, if abortion was legalised then teens and adults too could just have unprotected sex how much they want and just have an abortion anytime they get pregnant because once they have the money it'll be such a simple process. And instead of just 'tying their tubes' (you know what i mean by this), you could just have abortions until you're really ready for your child.

I don't know where i stand on this at all... i'm neither nor or for. I'm out for now ppl... stay tuned for the next show..
April 20, 2005 at 6:33pm
April 20, 2005 at 6:33pm
Hey readers out there. Time for another installment of 'Through the eyes of Floyd Banks'. Well, for all of those who are students out there it's coming to that time of the year again when it's SUMMER VACATION or for those of us who don't have summer it's time for AUGUST VACATION. Oh how we can't wait for that last day of school when we never have to return to school for 3 whole months!! Or in some cases 2 months. But TWO MONTHS WITHOUT SCHOOL! Holidays!! oh yea! Oh yea! Everyone looks forward to it. Pure relaxation... just hanging out with your friends.. lots of misadventures... For others it's a time to get that paper, the moolah, the $$$, the CHING CHING, if you get what i'm trying to say. But!!!!! But! Before you could get to all that you have to go through..... FINAL EXAMS!!

This brings me to today's topic....How do YOU prepare for your finals? There are several techniques that are used, but which one is most effective for you is up to you. Studying is a very serious thing. It takes ALOT of willpower and dire concentration. Some people can naturally study for long periods of time and not let anything distract them. Other people by the slightest noise or anything moves they would be distracted and would either begin to daydream or do something else other than their studies (procrastination). Which one are you?

I'm sure you know this ever popular studying technique. Studying in the library. Studying in a cold library while other people walk in/out, some people are talking loudly on other desks... it's good YES because there are alot of textbooks around you for utilization. It's also good because in most libraries there are those little cubicles you could sit in and bury yourself in your work. The coldness sometimes work FOR you instead of AGAINST you at times. It helps to create an athmosphere that's like an artic wasteland where it's only you there and all you have to survive is you and your books and no one else exists... (heck i think like that!). Lately, i'm beginning to drift away from this technique. I'm not sure why... but i just don't like going into the library. Maybe its because of the noise, maybe it isn't that cold these days, maybe it's cuz i don't like the athmosphere itself. I'm not sure, but personally i disagree with this one.

Studying in an empty classroom.The difference with this one and studying in the library is the noise factor is non-existant. So there's nothing really to distract you except for windows (if there ARE windows) and when somebody is passing outside your door. If your class has air-conditioning the coldness factor would be in effect. Whether it works against/with you depends on you yourself.

Studying on a park bench. I have NO idea how people do this. Sitting down outside on a park bench and reading over notes/doing questions? That's madness, there's so many things going on i can't be in a studying mood. I'd be too busy looking at someone passing, or a bird flying, or a leaf blowing across the grass or something. Also, if you're not underneath a tree, that sun'll be a factor. There are some positives to this though... It's cool outside. It COULD be peaceful at times. The oxygen from all the flora and fauna around you is supposed to help the brain with remembering (or so THEY say).

Studying home. This is a tricky one. Cause they're several different subcategories to studying home.
a}Studying home during the day. Studying at home period is a problem (for me in particular. My house is like an amusment. Lots of fun.. can't get enough of it). It's extremely hard to study because of the television, the computer, the gaming console (playstation, gamecube, xbox etc.). If there are other people at home it gets worse... It's like in the library except the people are ACTUALLY TALKING TO YOU!! If it's your mother/grandmother or father etc. they would want to come over to tell you to do something to ask you about something or just disturb you...

b)Studying home during the day WITH a radio. This carries the same problems that a) does except it contains a radio. The radio could also be a cd player/walkman or anything like that. Once it supplies you with music. A radio could either be a valuable helping tool or it would be the downfall of your studying efforts. The music could help to keep you focused on the work because by listening to the music it drowns out everything else around you and the only thing you're seeing is the books/papers in front of you. But at the same time, the music could lead your mind elsewhere and it would just distract you more from your work than to keep you focused on the work itself.

c)Studying home at night The difference with the day and the night is that in the night you get the quietness of an empty classroom. It is SO quiet at night it's unbelievable. So you have NOTHING at all to distract you. Nothing making noise (except for crickets), nothing moving, just you on the couch/chair/table and your books/papers. So much quiet... there's no way you should be distracted. It should be noted though that the time of night i'm referring to is at twelve in the night to four in the morning. With everyone sleeping it's the perfect time to get some serious work done... This poem i learned in Primary School will always stay with me to help me study

"As all of the others slept blissfully in the night, one scholar was up toiling upwards through the night. Not wasting the hours of sleep, took advantage of the meek that wasted their time with sleep."
Do not waste the time you spend sleeping. Those are precious hours in the day. I find this option one of the best. I particularly love to use this myself. But the problem is actually waking up at one in the morning to study. It's hard to tear yourself up from that comfy warm bed... into the cold hard world to read some stupid book/papers.

d) "Studying in the night with a radio". I recommend this. Because after you get up feeling all sleepy and groggy the music helps to keep you active/keeps you awake. Most of the time it benefits you.

That's all for tonight folks. Going to watch me some Smallville now. Not sure what tomorrow's topic will be... When i figure it out i'll post on it i guess... I'M OUT PEOPLE'S. KEEP CHECKING IN AND KEEP SPREADING WORD! TRYIN TO GET EM RATINGS UP!
April 19, 2005 at 4:28pm
April 19, 2005 at 4:28pm
Disclaimer! Please do NOT criticise me on my views. They are not entirely serious. They are solely for entertainment purposes for this show. I repeat do NOT kill me over this topic

Okay, okay back to the hardcore stuff you're used to. Today's topic Women in their kitchen. Is that their true place?. This has been a debate for MANY years now. I think it stems from since the 1950's. Before then women had no problems working at home as a housewife/home maker. Then all of a sudden they came with this women's rights nonsense about how they should to have the option of going out into the world of work and they should be able to have any job that any male has.

Now... lets be serious now. A woman CANNOT do a man's job. It's just ludicrous. You ever heard a man tell a woman,
"Step back, this is a man's job."? Look at wrestling. Wrestling was predominantly a male sport/activity, but as a sign of the times there's women wrestlers, women championships etc. If you compare a female match vs. one of the male matches, the male match would be the more enjoyable viewing pleasure experience compared to the watered down female match which actually looks fake and just wrong...

The whole, I am woman! Hear me roar! is just pure nonsense. My saying is,

"You are woman! Get in the DAMN kitchen and cook my dinner!. Stop trying to go out there and take jobs from the males. Just cool alyuh self and stay home and watch the children and clean the house. Why is that such a problem? Why do women like to rebel and be like...

"NO! We NOT staying home! We going out and work!"

Why the HELL would you want to go out and work? I KNOW if the male population had the option of staying home all day and watching tv, playing games whole day and just have to wash a few clothes, a few dishes an watch the house, it wouldn't be no problem! That's the life! WHAT'S THE PROBLEM??? WHY THE ARGUMENT?

Why would you want to go outside in the real world and have to go to some stupid job that you don't like and have to report to some idiot boss that shouts at you and makes your life a living hell. Why would you want to get up early, hustle, go into damn long traffic to reach to a job that's frustrating and not very self fulfilling. THEN you'd want to come home and argue with your husband/boyfriend or whatever and shout at them because you're frustrated from work and this could leave to problems at the home...

According to popular female opinions, they say how they want to work because staying home all the time gets boring. They want to get a hobby even if it IS a crappy job in a convenience store or a shoe store as a sales clerk or whatever. That staying home you're just in a old boring house doing the same thing over and over and life starts to get monotonous for them. The thrill of experiencing different things, the goods and the bad, on the job/hobby that they do is better than not experiencing nothing new at home. And as stubborn as i am they DO have a LITTLE point...

I mean come on... staying home all the time.. it could get to be boring... (please note that this has NEVER happened to me. I stayed in my house for 4 weeks straight just playing games and watching tv and surfing the net and i did NOT get bored). But, alot of ladies/girls told me that anytime your wife is a housewife/home maker they'll end up cheating on you because they would need some form of entertainment in their life and what could be more entertaining than having an outside affair with some mysterious stranger while hiding any evidence of it!

If it were MY wife however i'd want her to stay home. Because i don't want my queen to have to work a day in her life. I want to be able to provide her with everthing she could possible want and need without having to go into the horrendous world of workn and have to stress her pretty head. I want her to be comfortable as possible and don't have to go through any hardships. I want to be able to spoil her and not only let her know that she is protected physically, but financially also. She doesn't have to go through all of that, i'm confident that i'll be able to support the family enough that she doesn't have to work. All she has to do keep her fine looking self at home and worry about cooking and cleaning.

An ongoing debate... we just want our ladies to stay tender and nice. Not get all hard and angry! So frustrated... pent up anger....don't have to go through all of that. But women just have to rebel. The whole burning of the bras things i think it was in the 1970's? And they want equal rights in all jobs... Next thing you know there'll be a woman running for President. Geez... Demanding that there be equal rights in workplaces. That males shouldn't get first preference... women are just as qualified..

Yea, but the things is. When we DO employ you then all the women want special treatment because you CAN'T TREAT THEM LIKE MEN! WE'RE WOMEN WE HAVE NEEDS. What the hell! You want the job, we gave you. Now you want special priveliges? Like more breaks and not as much work and when it's that time of the month we aren't supposed to be hard on you?? Don't even get me started on THAT aspect of things...

I'M OUT PPLS! I'M OUT! I DID IT! IT'S OUT IN THE OPEN! Stay tuned for the next show! Not sure what the topic is, but it'll be hard hitting! Peace out!!!
April 18, 2005 at 6:36pm
April 18, 2005 at 6:36pm
Monday, monday, monday! Hey all you readers out there. I know i promised to start back with the serious contraversial topics once again because the weekend is over, but spare me today... I'm very very tired. Had an exam today, it wasn't extremely difficut, but it took alot of concentration.

If it's ok with you out there, i'm going to just do a post on the hopeless romantic side of me. As usual, when doin a post like this i always say what song i'm currently listening to. This time the song is Donnel Jones - Do You Know That I Love You. If anyone knows this song they know what a poweful love song this is... puts you into a very mellow feeling. For all of those fellas with a lady in their life, this song would help to bring back some of the more softer feelings you had for her. For the fellas like me who don't have a lady, it makes you yearn for one, so that you could do all of the things and more you think about in your spare time as to how you'd treat your lady like the queen she is, spend every moment if possible with her because she's the one thing you want and need in your life, gently hold her in your arms because she's more precious than any jewel in the world and after watching her for countless minutes hold your teeth because the doctor said something sweet like that is bad for your teeth...

Well, time for me to stop ranting and raving about my random thoughts. To all of the ladies out there, g'nite. I'M OUT PPLS. NEXT ENTRY, EVEN I HAVE SARS I'M WRITING DOING THE Women in their kitchen. Is that their true place? PIECE.
April 17, 2005 at 5:53pm
April 17, 2005 at 5:53pm
Well as usual, as promised no hard hitting topics on a Sunday. Nothing out of the ordinary happened... watched Beauty Shop on DVD this morning with moms. Twas a good movie. Not amazingly great that i have to review it. But, i recommend it. I wouldn't mind paying money to see it in a cinema.

The contender going to start just now. Looking forward to it alot. Tonight's episode promised to be good. I might blog on it if i get a chance when it's done.
April 16, 2005 at 10:53pm
April 16, 2005 at 10:53pm
Wow.... the movie just finished about 1 minute ago and i'm going to make this entry while i'm still riding high on the movie magic.

What can i say about Dawn Of The Dead?? If i knew it was such a good movie, i would've actually gone to the cinema to see it. I was fully satisfied by the movie. I was on the edge of the bed at every scene. Did it live up to its name in the horror department... well.. yea it did. It didn't SCARE me, like there weren't parts where i jumped, but it did have some parts that made me cringe and murmur to myself,
It was definitely a good storyline also. I mean, if you don't look back at the previous films before it. e.g. Night of the living dead, return of the living dead etc. The whole thing with some virus coming out of nowhere and the world (is it really the world or just america?)fighting to stay alive was good. There was good character development. You got to see each character for what they represented and you even bonded with some and related to their feelings. You loved some and you just wanted to pelt the remote at others.
BUT! the REAL thing that makes a movie/story good isn't the storyline... no no no. If you guessed the characters, sorry to say my friend you're wrong. What REALLY makes a movie is the ENDING!!!! The ending is ALWAYS what sells a movie/story. And this ending did NOT disappoint. They carried the ending of the movie through the credits (which is rarely done in movie nowadays). That was good and it even left us with a little mystery in the end.
Also, the way how the movie itself was shot, the camera shots, the background settings, the music in certain scenes and also not to mention the good effect done on the make-up was top-notch in my opinion. Hell, there was drama, there was suspense, there was a lil bit of comedy in there, the only thing that was missing was a piece to make you cry (well, actually i think there was a part in there for that, but it didn't make me cry :P. Just call me mr. tough as nails).

Basically i'm telling you to go and watch it. Look it up in your tv guide or rent it on VHS or DVD. Yet, another quick entry gone long. I'M OUT PPLS. TOMORROW IS SUNDAY, SO DON'T EXPECT A LONG POST AT ALL! NO PREACHING TOMORROW! BUT COME MONDAY..... NEW contraversial topics.. SAME old Banks..
April 15, 2005 at 10:21pm
April 15, 2005 at 10:21pm
This will become a topic in the near future...Why do people glorify poverty? I don't understand... why do people think that the hood is something good? That the ghetto is something fabolous.

I'm not only hating on rappers here, but just society in general. Rappers do have to take some flak for this cuz they DO promote how they're 'repping' their hood and how they're so hard and how they hustled drugs on the corner etc. etc....I don't understand why that's such a great thing? You shouldn't be telling people how you hustled cocaine for a living?! And the public is lapping it up like..

"Yea, yea, dats the s**t right there. Yea homie, i know where you're coming from." I know rappers had it hard coming up. They came from nothing to something. They did something amazing with their life. You should be proud of them. But you can't be proud of them when they're promoting nonsense like that. Because they don't realise they're little kids listening to their crap about what they did. And lets not get started on the music videos... i'm not talking about the cussing and the girls. Those things are also getting ridiculous, but there's the whole gangsta vibez mentality thing.

You have any idea what that's doing to society? Like i told you, i don't live in the US, so i see the effect what rap is having on the international scale. Other countries DO mirror what happens in the US. My country is no different. When people see how rappers act on their videos dressing all thugged out and 'wilding out' on videos and drinking lots and smoking an stuff, u don't think people do those things in real life? Exactly what people see in the music videos they do in real life. So, no wonder the poor keep getting poorer and the rich getting richer. Because rappers like to focus on the ghetto and how they're FROM the ghetto and all of their crew is STILL in the ghetto and they could get still get on gangsta/hood cuz they're still ghetto but strange enough NOW they don't live anywhere NEAR the ghetto. Sure they talk about it and show it in their videos etc., but in real life they are out of the ghetto and living the nice life in Beverly Hills or whereva they are....

This was supposed to be a much shorter entry.. didn't intend for it to be this long. What sparked this post was because on my way home today i saw all of these signs of poverty and it really hurt me to see the world like this. Why don't people change the way they live? Why don't people try to make the difference in their lives? Yea, i know it's hard. Yea, i know it's tough. But, you can't want to live your life like that... you can't like to live on the block doing nonsense for your whole life... don't you want better? Don't you want to attain success? Why don't people want that.... why are they embracing poverty and not trying to change it... why...

April 15, 2005 at 2:33pm
April 15, 2005 at 2:33pm
Before i start on the topic Women in their kitchen. Is that their true place, i HAVE to address something i saw last night on BET. I'm not sure if anyone know about this show, but the name of it is the 'Cousin Jeff Chronicles'. Basically it's about this guy who goes by the popular name of Cousin Jeff and he addresses several issues in society (well kinda like what i do, but with a more serious tone). He especially deals with black society and ways how the black community sabotage one another/degrade themselves. In this particular episode he was on the topic of how black people use the word i'm going to say it once and it'll be censored throughout the rest of this post 'nigger' among one another.

Well as a black man in society (yip, in case nobody knew before, good old Floyd Banks IS black), i personally before did not see the problem with using the word 'nigga' when referring to my friends (oh yea, another fact you probaly didn't realise is that i don't live in the US). The word n***er and n***a are two completely different words. N***er goes back to the colonial slave days when white masters called their black slaves that. N***er is a very derragotory word and i could see why alot of people would be upset about you using it. ESPECIALLY when a white person refers to a black person as a n***er (that could lead to fights). Hell, there are alot of racist people still living in the world that call black people n***er when they see them *cough* Alabama *cough* .So, as a black man in society i understand why n***er is a very bad thing.

BUT! the word that is commonly used among black people freely is n***a. This is NOT to be confused with the word n***er at all. When we use the word n***a, we mean it in a friendly way to greet each other in a positive way. e.g,

"Sup ma n***a!" or

"Whoa n***a! Waz d scene?". Nothing wrong with that right? I sure some of you reading this nodding your heads saying, yeah nothing wrong with that. Or the word n***a could be used when you real proud of one of your breadrins you would say something like this,

"Ploy ploy! That man is meh n***a! See this n***a right here, daz meh boy!!!" All that in it. That's just a way of expressing friendhsip to one another. It could even be used with white boys. e.g. when i telling people about one of my brearins who is a HARDCORE white boy i would say,

"Yea Bobby is my n***a (the name Bobby isn't his real name, his real name was changed so he would remain anonymous). That white boy is meh n***a for life."So in some situations n***a could be used for both white AND black people.

So far this is familiar to everyone. Nobody has a problem with it, nobody is arguing. Everyone is agreeing that YES we DO use that word in our everyday life. Note that we use n***a and not n***er.


Well.... after watching the 'Cousin Jeff Chronicles' last night my view has completely changed....even though we use the word n***a and not the word n***er it's STILL the same word. Though the spelling is a TAD different, in essence it's the same word. So, basically we are promoting what are forefathers before us was trying so hard to erase. We're calling each other n***er. The very word that we hate so much when white peple call us that and refer to us by, we're essentially calling ourselves on a day to day basis.

The word n***a/n***er is never good in any situation. Cousin Jeff was showing several clips and photos of during the slave trade when black people were being referred to as n***ers. Being a n***er back in those days referred to as the lowest form of human beings at that point in time. People spat on n***ers, they beat n***ers, dogs were treated better than n***ers. White people treated n***ers like they were worth nothing and is this what we're promoting?

When people like Malcom X and Martin Luther King was fighting for freedom for black people in the 1970's and the 1980's not only were they fighting for equal rights for blacks, but they were also trying to free us from the stigma that was put upon us by the white slavemasters. They were trying to show people that we are more than ignorant people who came from Africa without any education. That being black was nothing to be scared/ashamed of. Being black did not mean you have to treat us different because of the colour of our skin and that just like white people we had our faults, but also like white people we had our strengths. And that black people are better than white people in some areas be it academic-wise, sports-wise or even in politics. Black people have views and points that some white people may NEVER think about in years, but it may never be heard because they were being ignored and discriminated against. AND A BIG PART OF WHY THEY WERE BEING DISCRIMINATED AGAINST WAS BECAUSE OF THE WORD N***ER

I could go on arguing this point and expand more on what Cousin Jeff was saying, but i have to wrap up this entry. The word n***a like i said earlier, though it is SUPPOSED to be a different word to n***er it's the same word. And did you notice that only low-class black people use the word n***a? I'm definitely not trying to downgrade anyone because hell, I'M a low-class black person. But i don't blame the use of n***a not on people themselves, but on society. It's mainly society fault that the word n***a circulates so much. As a scholar was saying on Cousin Jeff, if people knew the history of that word and what it stood for any how much it hurt black people, they would know that it should not be glorified and should not be used.

Popular rap artists like Jay-Z, Xzibit, Ludacris and many others were heavily scrutinzed for promoting the use of the word n***a. Because it's a fact that whatever rappers say most people will hear and more than half would incorporate what they say into their life. Hell, if rappers said that standing on one leg and putting one hand in the air was the next big thing i'm sure people would start to do it. I could put money on that. And by them gloryfying the word n***a in their rap videos when they're talking about their homies when they're in the hood etc. doesn't help. Also, the whole mentality of how people are poor and in the hood etc. doesn't help. Since people think they live in the hood it's ok to say the word n***a because IT'S ALL GOOD IN THE HOOD! WE'RE POOR N***AS... So much to say, so little time.

Another reason why i strongly think that the word n***a is used so much is Dave Chapelle. Now, now... don't hate on me for this. i LOVE dave chapelle. The man is DAMN funny. Need i mention 'Rick James'? But Dave DOES say n***a alot. Hell, the man even said so in one of his sketches,

"As a n***a, who says n***a, alot. I know that n***a's racial'. That was in the Jury selection sketch when they were doing the O.J. Simpson trial and the guy's name was Furman. NE WAYZ I need to wrap this up fast. Basically Dave says n***a and alot of people watch Dave, so they'll say n***a too.


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