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by Fig
Rated: 18+ · Book · Teen · #956453
Hope is here. By hope i mean university life.
No longer am i speaking AGAINST what is wrong with the world. I am now part of the problem. But, i still maintain some of my morals.. so it's a moral conflict right now. I understand why people do wrong, but i know what's right and these are my views from behind enemy lines...

If you're new to this, the posts are from newest to oldest. So, all of the new stuff are to the top. So read from bottom to top for chronological order if you want

Oh! This is something new. I'm being featured in a story which tells about my days at university. Check it out to see what really happens to me on a daily basis and how i conduct myself. Its 100% FACT
 The Struggle Of Floyd Banks- Chapter 1  (13+)
The first chapter of his story. The determined student
#1152776 by Fig

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March 20, 2006 at 9:37pm
March 20, 2006 at 9:37pm
Well... i guess i have to take another look at things i wrote here before... In show #10 and #6 I wrote about addictions to Alcohol & smoking. I'm looking at this topic again not because i said anything wrong when i posted before. In fact everything i said before i STILL agree with and i support 110%. People should NOT be smoking and alcohol is bad for your liver and you should NOT have an addiction to anything.

But, upon looking at the whole addiction topic once again, it is honestly hard to break a damn addiction. As i said in post #10 I was addicted to gaming and i still am.. in fact it has gotten worse. I honestly can't control it now, every spare chance i get i would leave class and to get my fill of gaming. Even if i was not playing a game, just the comfort of watching others play and hanging out with my friends who do is a big thrill for me. To the people who smoke.. i know how hard it is to not go a week without a cigarette. That is FOREVER! That's a ridiculously long time.. wow.. if you've ever been smoking and you've been able to control it i have alot of respect for you. I mean, the dangers of smoking are CLEAR AS DAY people shouldnt be doing the stupidity they do by smoking, but if somehow they got trapped and they can't get rid of the tobacco monkey, i sympathize. Its difficult..

With alcohol, i've began drinking more. But not like an alarming rate or anything mind you! I'm nowhere near the range of an alcoholic or casual drinker. I mean, if i'm offered a beer i would drink it, but i wouldn't go seeking alcohol. I've noticed that nowadays in parties alcohol help make the party better. There are alot of free drinks parties out and about these days. Before when I was younger we didnt have alcohol and we had a blast at parties, but now... so much beer and other stuff are passed around and some people believe they cant enjoy themselves without it... and the sad thing is at times i sometimes share that same belief. I find myself wanting a couple of beers at parties to 'loosen' up. But.. from RIGHT now i'm vowing to NOT drink at parties and see if i can enjoy myself... i'll update you on this vow i've made...

Have i strayed from the topic? Not really.. this is just me generally addressing everything. I'm not really pinpointing any particular problem today. In terms with my addiction to gaming, I've started to make progress. I went to ALL my classes today and it felt great. Because i actually was following the work with the lecturers and when the day was complete i felt proud.It was good going to class and being able to follow on the lecturer's every word and answer questions asked in class. It was uplifting to have a hunger to learn. It was wonderful knowing that i did not waste time and i spent my time on something worthwhile.. In these past few weeks I've begun to realise that i need to mature and i can't afford to let myself slide into the trap that everyone else has begun to fall into. I need to do things with my life than just sit down in front of computers and my ps2. I've recently called a group called the 'Heroes Foundation'. They're a group in my country that visits different orphanages and also donates to various charities. They believe that children can be educated through the values taught in comics. And in a way, they're right. Popular heroes such as Spiderman is an excellent example. His ever popular motto With great power comes great responsibility can help many a children. The idea they have is really good, by children learning what is right and wrong from Superheroes, they will be able to follow from their example. Also, i've started busying myself with gym and swimming in the pool on campus. It helps to take my mind off gaming...

I guess all i'm trying to say is, life is too precious and too short to throw away. Instead of wasting time smoking or drinking, do something productive. Make something of yourself. When you break away from your particular addiction you'll see how much of life you were missing out. I'm slowly but surely pulling away from it... hopefully i won't get sucked back in. I pray i don't...

Even though i'm still morally corrupt, i guess i still know what's right & wrong. And if I know what's right and wrong in the world then i know that YOU know what's still right and what's wrong.. do what's right.. not what's wrong

I'm not sure what my next topic will be... Guess you just have to stay tuned and see.
March 19, 2006 at 10:24pm
March 19, 2006 at 10:24pm
In post #46 I completely bashed Napoleon Dynamite calling it a crappy movie etc. Well, i'm not going to lie to you it really isn't that good of a movie, but after re-watching it, it got a little better. Then i watched it again, then i laughed. Then the other time i laughed.. HARD. Next thing u know its one of my favourite movies! The movie is so damn silly u cant help but laugh. You cant be critical of this movie you just have to go and enjoy it. Its just a stupid fun movie :) Nothing more! Harmless fun, do yourself a favour and pick it up. Could my change in movie taste be due to my new understanding of the world?...
March 10, 2006 at 9:26pm
March 10, 2006 at 9:26pm
Wow.. its March 10th... That's almost 3 months i haven't posted anything in my blog. Alot of things have changed... my whole point of view about things around me are drastically different. I have seen and experienced many things these past few months i've been going to University.. and i have to say, that now I no longer think i could run 'Through the eyes of Floyd Banks'.

Instead I have a new proposition... That Ashley Parker Angel guy has a show on MTV called, 'There & Back' where he is telling the world about how he used to be this big star from Making the Band Season 1 and now he's a nobody struggling to make it as a singer. Well.. my situation is simliar. I used to have a hit show.. but due to society corrupting me i'm no longer Good old 'preaching against all that is evil in the world'. I'm now a part of those evils.. i'm part of what I preached against.. i'm part of what is corrupt.. and this is how I now see the world..

Without further ado I present to you,

"From Behind Enemy Lines.. The Corrupted World Of Floyd Banks"
December 25, 2005 at 9:14pm
December 25, 2005 at 9:14pm
Christmas time in all the land
Even in the W.com land
Christmas brings joy everywhere
But there's a tear being shed somewhere...
Christmas is a joyous time for most
Just another day of hardship for most...
So much good, so much sad
Don't let this little poem make you sad,
Instead be glad
Your Christmas isn't bad!
You got presents! From friends an family who love you
Make sure you show them you love them too
Enjoy the christmas season everyone
Coming from Floyd Banks.. one..
December 4, 2005 at 7:58pm
December 4, 2005 at 7:58pm

Heck if i know!!! I'm confused my damn self!!
November 10, 2005 at 5:36pm
November 10, 2005 at 5:36pm
Hey folks, your boy Banks here, to have a quick show. After reviewing past shows it looks like i've ered this topic already, but in recent times I think I really have to visit this topic again... Oh, how youths (yes i can be labelled a youth) in this generation LOVE being ghetto youths. In posts #44 Understanding women take 3 and 45 People's attitudes I WAS in fact talking about ghetto youths, but now more than ever the situation is growing far worse and I seriously cannot comprehend why society is heading towards this direction...

I just don't understand it... it's like you are seeing yourself being destroyed and you're doing nothing to stop it. WHY ARE PEOPLE DOING THIS?? I don't understand. Look at rappers nowadays. I'm pretty sure i preached about this, but i can't remember which post i did this in before. Rappers use the same formula now all the time. Rapping about girls, cars, money, wearing the gangsta clothes have alot of random women in their videos wearing nuttin but lingerie or swimsuits etc. There's no substance no more... and the stupid thing is that the mold is workig!! EVeryone is just eating it up with the whole silly pimp or gangsta thing!
'I'm from the hood yo, i had it rough. I had to sell crack in order to get by. I know how the grind goes etc. etc.'

But, rappers aren't to blame for this nonsense. People themselves need to own up to their stupidity. You KNOW your family is poor and you don't have much money, yet every fortnight or every month you go and spend you money on jewellery, clothes or weave?? Why! Save some money! Only spend money on groceries, aim HIGHER! Get OUT of the ghetto, get OUT of your poor lifestyle. Instead of spending your money on nonsense focus on spending money on buying your children textbooks and lessons, so your child could grow up to make something more of himself instead of following the idiotic mold that is his surroundings. Why would you let your child grow up on the block and become a thug? You want your child to be a gangsta guy or a gangsta girl? You want your child to live a short life? Or at least a perilous one?

Geeeeezz.... how could you WANT help and you aren't doing anything to help yourself? It's all about the BLING BLING all about the paper... all about doing what YOU have to do to be at the top or someone with power in your LOWE LEVEL SOCIETY which you call your kingdom... maybe i'm once again starting to exaggerating, but how could SO MANY PEOPLE BE SO WRONG... is life THAT hard that you have no other option left...

Yes, it is.. some people have no choice, but become a thug to support their parents and family. I personally don't like the direction our generation is heading.. it needs to change and needs to change fast.. Get some education, make something of yourself, educate your friends and family.. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!

I'm out for now peeps... Take care of yourself... Stay tuned for more Banks!!
November 7, 2005 at 12:51pm
November 7, 2005 at 12:51pm
Wow, after almost four months i'm back! Yeah, i know. That is a really big time lapse... i guess it is mostly my fault than anyone else... Sigh. All because of extremly poor time management, but thanks to special someone over the weekend i have been inspired to resume my writing.

I HAVE to big up Jemmimah. She really has changed my perspective on a number of things. Though i hardly said a word, something about her... i can't say exactly what it was just made me realise alot of things about me and choices i make in my life etc. What did Jemmimah do to inspire me so much? It's funny just thinking about it, i was invited to a bday party and she just looked at me and smiled. I completely forgot who she was. I honestly didn't recognized her. She smiled again and quarelled with me about how i could forget her. She changed so much, from the last time i saw her, that i couldnt believe that was the same online person i talked to. She then asked me how my writing was going... i hushed her, at first i thought because i was embaressed by her asking with so much ppl around, but it was actually because I was embaressed that I didnt write anything in awhile... One of the reasons i realised i was embaressed was because I had so much admiration and respect for her, that disappointing her was one of the last things i ever wanted to do. Though, if she reads this she wouldn't believe how much the few things she said to me meant so much. It was the way how she carried herself and how she dealt with situations around her. From the little I know she's an angel and this particular angel has touched me and softened my heart making me realise wrong choices I am making. One of those being stopping my writing.

The moral of the story is, Jemmimah i am truly thankful for seeing you again and being inspired by you. Don't ever change... you are near to perfect, don't let anyone or anything ever change that.

I'm out peeps!!! Look forward to new flaming topics!
August 7, 2005 at 9:28pm
August 7, 2005 at 9:28pm
I just going straight into it. Why the big commotion over this movie. When it first premiered on cable i missed it the Saturday and i was excited to see it the following Tuesday @ 10, so eager Floyd stayed up till 10 though he was tired and had work the next day eager to see what the super popular Napoleon Dynamite that was sweeping the US. But, to my disappointment this wasn't even half of what i expected....

Why the hell does everyone love this show so much?? There isn't that much depth, the characters are paper thin, there aren't any big plot twists/surprises. The show started slow and it didn't even grow in excitement or anything, it was just kept going the same pace without picking up or lessening. It was jus bleh... I was very unfulfilled an felt very unsatisfied after watching this movie. This rarely happens to me because i find most movies enjoyable and i find good points in most movies. But, this particular movie... Napoleon Dynamite... i give the triple thumbs down (i have to invent another thumb for it). It really wasnt that good. The only gem in that movie was the dance sequence in my opinion... Gimme ur views on this people.
July 17, 2005 at 5:31pm
July 17, 2005 at 5:31pm
Hey peoples time for another weekly installment for 'Through the eyes of Floyd Banks'. This week i'm talking about the way peoples mindsets are. And of course i'm focusing on youths (also includes me).

I don't know if you agree with me, but when you go to a party isn't it supposed to be a cool scene? Where everyone is going to have a good time? Go, party, even meet one or two new friends? Nowadays it isn't like that... at least most parties. Now when i say party, i'm not referring to a snall house party only among your circle of friends or something like your prom. I'm talking something where more groups of people are invovled, like an inter-school party or let's say a concert.

When the different groups merge together, it's not really a fun vibe anymore because everyone is all thugged out, with their face all angry and ready to fight at a moment's notice. Now don't think i'm pinpointing any race here because first group which comes to mind here is the African American/Blacks. Other groups are guilty of this too such as Latins and Whites. If someone 'crosses the line' punches are being thrown, weapons are drawn, maybe even a firearm. When did people become so angry? Everyone stays with their respective crews and glares angrily at any outsider... why? And this is not only for the guys, but ladies are also guilty of this as well.

Since when did we become so angry and savage? I mean, my rantings and ravings doesn't apply to all situations, but they are very true in others. I guess gone are the days of peace, love and happiness. Long live violence and anger. Stay tuned for next week show peoples... I'm out!
July 8, 2005 at 11:43pm
July 8, 2005 at 11:43pm
Hey folks! Time for yet another installment for 'Through the eyes of Floyd Banks." I think from now on until i'm finished working i'll have to start doing shows once per week...

Ne way, on to the meat of the topic! Well once again i'm talking about my favourite thing in the whole world females. Well this is my third try on trying to understand the female psyche (you could read posts #41 + # 24 to catch up on the other 2). This time though my thoughts are focusing on this.... Why do girls/women like bad boys/men.

For the life of me I can't seem to understand why the ladies tend to run after the more bad boy-ish type of fellas. Now don't roll your eyes and say I'm talking nonsense. You readers (both male and female) know damn well what I mean. Ladies tend to go for the more thugh-ish, hardcore, dangerous type of guy compared to the quiet, safer, book-reading, tv-watching guy. Obviously there would be exceptions to the rule and in no way am i making the mistake by saying ALL ladies are like that. I'm just saying if not the majority, alot of ladies in the world tend to choose the bad boy over the quiet one. It kinda stems from my quote in show #41

'Most girls come across many guys they like. But almost all girls fall vicitim to this. The ones that you don't like are the ones willing to give you the world and more, but the ones you tend to like aren't that good...'

The ones that aren't that good i was referring to was the bad boy type. Do i have to really define that type of guy? That guy usually drinks alot, smokes, tends to be with alot of girls, uses/plays girls alot, sometimes is a shady character, sometimes is a delinquent... getting a picture of the type of guy i'm talking bout? Why would girls go after a guy like that? I not doubting that that type of guy wouldn't treat her good. Sure, he shows her love and affection, but that type of guy usually ends in heartbreak. Be it he loses interest in her, abuses her, cheats on her or something like that always happens. Then the girl gets all sad and she doesn't understand how that could happen. How he was such a nice guy and she never though he was ever like that bla bla bla... i mean COME ON! Just look at some of these guys! They're genuine as---- idiots.

I'm not sure if i'm making sense here or if it sounds here like i'm just ranting and i'm raving. I hope people are kinda seeing the point i'm trying to make. These type of fellas are really bad apples. But i mean, you can't control who someone likes/loves. These things naturally happens, but sometimes people really need to stop and watch a person and see them for what they are....

e.g.(i)How could you love a drug dealer.. because he buys you whatever you wants, it stops the fact that he's selling an illegal substance and doing much more harm than good? That since he's just selling it and not using it it's ok? He's a warm loving man who's just doing what he has to to get by?

(ii) How could you love a guy who just hangs out on the block with his homeboys in a white vest and three quarter pants and who occasionally wears a gun in his waist? ... that's ok because he's chillin with his boys? He had a rough childhood so it's ok for him to be a thug? His gun is necessary to protect him from his enemies? It's ok for him to just continue that way of life and not better himself...?

(iii)How could you love a man who limes in a bar almost all of the time, kisses and has sex with multiple people and refers to you as babe, smells of alcohol, usually hangs out with the 'bar crowd' alot. You know what i mean by the bar crowd... but you think you can change him, he'll change through your wonderful love and care. He's a good person underneath all that. He doesn't only want to just give you a few drinks, make out with you and do whatever else. That he has a beautiful soul and he only loves you and only you and doesn't has the slightest thought of being with anybody else....

......................................I think i'm going to end my ramblings now... I'm not saying all men are bad, but some men are really bad men. What's wrong with the quiet guy? Does he smother you with all of the love he has for you? Is he too boring for you? Because he lives a safe way of life he's not the one? Maybe if the quiet guy started ignoring you and calling you names like 'sweet cheeks' and 'babes' and being rude to you, you'll start liking them too... maybe if the quiet guys stopped caring and treated you like the bad boys do, you'll start liking them.

But in an interesting statement i heard from several girls, they've all said and I quote,

'Nothing is wrong with a quiet guy, it's just that I would want a quiet guy LATER on in my life when i'm older. Right now, i would not want a quiet guy'.............................. ladies... i'll never understand you.. i really don't think i can...

Famous words of comedian Jeff Foxworthy:In their minds, a dangerous man is like James Bond, in reality being with a dangerous man is bound to have you on COPS standing outside a trailer in a tube top yelling, 'Lock him up! Lock his ass up
Stay tuned next week peoples

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