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This life of mine is filled with blessings and I'm gonna focus on that and move forward.
This is a new sig, gifted to me from Kiya a party gift! from the Summer Potluck Party!

And here's my Simpsonized picture...Just for fun, I've been Simpsonized!

and my daughter, Baba. Isn't she cute? An image of my daughter as a character from the Simpsons

Actually, I need to upload the whole family, just for the heck of it sometime. Then, I'll always have them right here with me. *Smile*

This journal forced itself into being because I loathe, no, I mean, I want to write. It is a struggle to state what I am thinking inside so a daily blog is just what I need. Not because I like doing it, I must. My thoughts are begging to be heard before they are lost in the caverns of my mind cave.

This is one of my new sigs. Transported to the days on on the Nile...delicious!

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January 15, 2025 at 12:14am
January 15, 2025 at 12:14am

Jan 14th - Well, today I don't really have a lot to say.

I'm preparing for our trip out of town.

My other computer doesn't have a hard drive right now, so I've got to work on this computer. Fortunately, I had a USB drive that is installing another drive, but it's taken hours so I won't know if its working till the morning.

And tomorrow, we have to leave so I can't work on this till we return. Really, it won't get worked on till Thursday.

So this isn't a true blog post really.

I'm sorry for the format. Just trying to post a post something everyday.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

The new Dr Jordan Peterson book just came in for me from the library.

We're gonna start reading it on the drive to Sioux Falls.

Till my return, Lord willing...
January 15, 2025 at 12:13am
January 15, 2025 at 12:13am

Jan 14th - Well, today I don't really have a lot to say.

I'm preparing for our trip out of town.

My other computer doesn't have a hard drive right now, so I've got to work on this computer. Fortunately, I had a USB drive that is installing another drive, but it's taken hours so I won't know if its working till the morning.

And tomorrow, we have to leave so I can't work on this till we return. Really, it won't get worked on till Thursday.

So this isn't a true blog post really.

I'm sorry for the format. Just trying to post a post something everyday.

Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.

The new Dr Jordan Peterson book just came in for me from the library.

We're gonna start reading it on the drive to Sioux Falls.

Till my return, Lord willing...
January 14, 2025 at 12:23am
January 14, 2025 at 12:23am

Jan. 13th - Great! I made it on time today to write a bit in my blog.

I thought I would give myself more time but I didn't. I wanted to talk for a few minutes about how children should be nurtured and loved more.

I sure remember being a Mom of younger kids and I miss this time terribly.

I'm so happy that we have young grandkids. Ares and Luna. We don't get to see them since we moved states away from them but it's all to do better and more in our lives. Had to leave the town and place we were situated for years to jumpstart some action in our life.

We're going to visit Sioux Falls in a few days. That's a much larger city than where we live now. "sigh" I love the sound of the train going past our home in the night. It shakes the building and startles us all. Well, it used to. Our cats now love the sound as much as we do. That's the only "noisy" part of us living here.

It's heavenly to have this location.

So I hope to make more sense of this blog than this. I'm sorry if you happen by here while it's being worked out. You're seeing the scattered part of me...again, sorry.

Till next time, though. Lord willing...we'll see each other tomorrow.
January 13, 2025 at 12:21am
January 13, 2025 at 12:21am

Jan 12th - Oh boy! and sigh...couldn't make it three days in a row. This is gonna take some getting used to.

Started working on items to take to the training on the 16th.

Have my fingers crossed that I'll actually get some further ideas down to help with this idea cultivation process.

It sure helps to give hope.

I heard from my son today. He's been under the weather but he still checked in on us. I'm glad he still does that.

Boy, did we get a lot of snow yesterday and its so cold now. Glad for the gingerbread cookies again. Found out that our daughter loves these cookies.

Got to contact the lawyer's office again tomorrow. Hopefully we can connect on this case. Never thought this would be so hard to find a malpractice lawyer.

Granddaughter posted today on her YouTube channel. Love watching her play her games. So enjoy this time of her life. I'm hoping we can get back to that side of the country again and visit them.

I hope to post better blogs soon. Just doing this feels hard but I must do this daily, I must.

Till next time...

January 11, 2025 at 12:28am
January 11, 2025 at 12:28am

Jan. 10th - I made it again another day. Today, I'm here posting on this blog and I am looking forward to the training I agreed to for 8 weeks and it's gonna be awesome! :D

Also, on the 10th of January, my husband and I started dating 35 years ago today. Wow! I know we never thought it would look like this and we never thought that far ahead when we started dating. I'm still so happy with my life with my husband, for how it changed my life permanently all for the better, and the great children we have, and for the grand children...there's just no comparison! *HeartT*

This is short as I'm off to go to the movies with my husband for this "anniversary" of us dating...lol. This year is our 34th in April of this year. Wow! Praise God!!! Thank you Lord for this amazing blessing.

My heart is so full right now. *Smile*

Till tomorrow...Lord willing. *HeartRate1*
January 10, 2025 at 12:25am
January 10, 2025 at 12:25am

Jan 9th...yippee!!! Another day, another chance to journal today. I am so glad that I am posting today.

Today, I get to say that I registered for an 8 week class with the small business group here in Aberdeen on starting a business or geting help with an existing business, either way, I'm in!

The class starts on Jan 16th, a Thursday and you have to participate every Thursday unitil March 6th, 2025. I'm excited about this. It might be the start of something good. It just might.

Can't wait to hear from our grandson, Ares. I hope he journaled daily as he said he would.

Got in touch with that doctor in Sioux Falls, and it looks as if something good might get initiated. I'm crossing my fingers on this one.

Well, I've got to get my tea and cookies so we can watch Cory play this video game from his channel. Can't wait to see him play games again.

Till tomorrow...later, gators lol

The Tale of Coco Adore:
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January 9, 2025 at 12:55am
January 9, 2025 at 12:55am

Wow! It's been 21 years since I signed up to Writing.com in Florida, in 2004.

So much has changed since then, in me, in my life, and in my families lives.

I'm so blessed to have a loving husband who supports me and loves me. That's no small matter in this life.

I'm so blessed to have children, two who are here, and 1 in Heaven waiting for me, who love me in spite of me.

I'm so blessed to have two wonderful grandchildren from our son, Ares and Luna, they are just GREAT grandkids. And they call me gram gram! lol

It's funny how my focus changed. It's funny to me that now I want to learn knitting. And crocheting. And I MEAN it this time. lol

So, I'm not talking about writing but I want to write much more in 2025. My husband has some great writing strategies that I plan to use to get more good work in my portfolio.

I'm glad for the newsletter that do here. I'm also glad that it is looked at and enjoyed. This makes me feel good and this is such a positive aspect of this commitment.

Well, I hope that this year, 2025, will bring much more surprises than 2025 brought but not with medical surprises or deaths. Or near death. I've done enough for my fair share of years. lol

Better get this posted. lol

January 6, 2025 at 10:42pm
January 6, 2025 at 10:42pm
Today is Monday, January 6th and I'm gonna try to write in the blog.

This is not what I wanted to document but I think that I must write something daily. This is hard but I think it will be worth it. In the long run.

It's funny that a week ago, my husband and I went to get flu shots and we've been fighting sickness on the day, a week later. It almost feels like it is a waste to do it but my husband told me he'd never gotten the flu shot so Dec 30th 2024 is a memorial day. lol

Ares said he wanted to journal daily. I need to ask him the next time we speak how it is going for him. He is a wonderful child. I am proud that he is our grandson. Our granddaughter, Luna is a wonderful young lady that is just a dream girl. She's girlie fun smart and lovely all at age 5.

What a great age to be so young!

It' crazy that in two more days, I'll have joined WDC on Jan 8th 2004. Sigh. I don't have a body of work from that time at all. Oh well. Such has been my life.

I spoke to our son Kane yesterday. He's such a good son. I enjoy speaking with him and hope that I can be more of a Mom in his life, and more of a gram gram in my grandkids.

Here's to more writing in 2025!
January 4, 2025 at 1:59am
January 4, 2025 at 1:59am
It is a strange feeling to start something like journaling and to forget to do the journaling until the day is nearly over. Well, that is me again.

Sigh, so I'm feeling sick now that I want to journal but I can journal about that, I guess.

No! I won't do that. That's a waste of paper and effort. I can talk about life changing ideas. Dr Peterson, in one of his shorts said something so strong. He said that we were made in God's image and because of this God expects us to use this reality to affect change in our personal lives.

I didn't know what to think. I was so overcome with emotion because I'd read this before in the Bible. I heard it spoken to me in a sermon. Only when Dr Peterson said it in the way he spoke those words, did it strike me and I understood finally.

I'm drinking lemon tea right now, trying to warm up my insides and get these thoughts out before they float away.

He said God, in the beginning, brought order to the Chaos that was the Earth. We too, in the same way, are imbued with this ability if we try to start on ordering our lives better. WOW!, Just WOW!!!

So, I've got work to do then. It's better to get on it than to just know that it needs reordering.

I'm excited to start on this new path.

You know, I've been nervous about writing for a long time but I'm going to try now. My grandson journaled today and so did I.

Today, was a good day. I'm glad to note things of importance in my journal. it will be nice to reference it later on in my life.

So, we started watching Creature Commandos. It's so good! We finished 100 Years of Solitude from Gabriel Garcia Marquez and my husband just LOVED the series. They did a good job of not deviating much from the novel. We can't wait till season 2 in 2026 and oh, I just saw more stills from GTA Miami...this is going to ROCK the gaming world! This game is not just a game; it employs so so many devs, it's not funny and they will pay for the game in the first week of it dropping! lol I love GTA! It was so fun watching our son play this game when he was younger.

I hope he'll play it when this one drops this year. I know he won't want Ares to play this game though we let him play all the GTAs.

Okay till tomorrow...

September 3, 2024 at 10:40pm
September 3, 2024 at 10:40pm

Entry 3: My loved one is...wow! Where do I start in talking about my loved ones? I must start with my husband, who, if he were not in my life, I wouldn't even be where I am today, and that's the truth! My husband and I have been together since we were teens. Thirty-four years (actually 35 years since we were engaged for one year prior to our marriage in 1991), and our lives are so intertwined together I couldn't see it without him. My husband is the glue to hold our family together. Our children love the fun times that my husband created for them. He is the "fun" and spontaneous part of our marriage. He is the one who will do an unplanned trip to another amusement park just to see the smile of glee on the kids faces. Or he is the one who will create a work of art or a silly song to sing with them, all the while to bring joy to them.

Now, I seem to leave myself out of this joy but I can assure you, he’s not missing me at all. My husband is keenly aware of my presence and what brings me joy, elicits laughs or giggles, or makes my heart burst with love for him, and I just love this about him. He is amazing and definitely the reason I succeed in my life.

Next, our kids. God blessed us with two beautiful kids - a boy first, and many years later, our girl. It seemed as if this was not in the cards for us since it took so long for her to appear but I am glad when God chose to send her to our lives. Our son is a joy to us and we marvel sometimes at the intelligence, the handsomeness, the height that neither one of us had, God bestowed on him. He’s been a joy in our lives and a consolation through the years when it seemed we only would have one child.

God thought it best many years after we were calmer and much more appreciative of our lives together, to send our surprise daughter to us unawares. I discovered when I was working a job that was highly stressful to send our daughter to us. I didn’t know the signs of pregnancy since it was that long for me. Our daughter, named aptly after her father, is more like her father than our son is. She is very analytical, not prone to girly things, but is one of the most loving persons in my life.

My life is so blessed with so much love and conscientious people in my life that make me the person that I am.

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