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Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
This is nice. One can truly get visits from loved ones.
Its takes belief as a child has. That doesn't make it
less than it is. It opens the door to all possibilities.
We then see nature as it was intended...in its entirety.
Nothing it too much or not enough..it fits..that's all :)

thanks for the story.
Review of Am I?  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
"I will become someone great. " Greatness is something
we make of life. Are you "capable?" yes..everyone is.
Believing in self will be the foundation. The leader is whom you
chose. "Someone who does not hate." You make the choice.
Whatever you find within you can be used to unfold the future.
"Someday, somehow" the truth will find its way. We can know
God guides us in the path we lead ourselves.

Interesting poem
Review of ~Awakening~  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a wonderful poem. It describes what Ive seen in
those who live with this illness.
Its true..their minds do become clear and its so refreshing
to have them back..but only for a short while. I told a friend once
that I can relate to the forgetfulness. Its like going for something
then when I get there the thought of what I came for is gone.
For people with dementia its living in that lost state. Someone with
Dementia keeps sinking in that loss.
Looking for and turning towards familiarity puts them in a safe place.
I see a look in their eyes..the change is noticed.
When I sing to my friend it brings him back. He says it makes him so
happy but then he cries at times. There are times he never wants it to stop.
Other times he prefers silence..I understand. But Its nice to get that smile when I can.

An excellent poem. It gives everyone a glimpse into the lives
of those with Alzheimer's. Thank you for sharing :)

Review of Inspiration  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Considering the poem, I am fastened also.
The environment plays with our emotions.
Things around us affect our thinking.
They very things we can write about seem to
shut us in.
Soul searching will give us the key.
Its up to us make that turn that will open
the door.

I like your poem. "We are slaves" and master.
Review of My Worn-out Shoes  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
This song brings to mind a song "Mr Bojangles" he wore a ragged
shirt and baggy pants with worn out shoes. Dance..

Making you feel sexy at one time but now the bewitching has passed.
Giving it one more go "I'll take you to the place where we first met."
Now moving on..time wears thin.."Don't worry I'll keep you" with the others.
You gave my soul courage to step forward. Dance...
Recognition given.

Good poem
Review of Summer's Angel  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Don't allow that "prison" you've created to lock you in.
The walls can seem impenetrable and this causing
such "loneliness." Keep your mind open. Escape with
the wings waiting to give that lift needed for a better life.
Let your inner vision take you. The senses will lead the way.

Interesting poem. "my soul ignites" I like that.
Review of Faith  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
faith is believing
in something one hasn't seen
but now embraces
the hope of another day
where any moment brings change

I like what you wrote. Do you hear the "whispers"
are you ready for "truth". It will warm your "heart's stone,
cold" problem. Things might get heated but Im sure you
can deal with it "patiently, stepping in time." :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Where you say you " went home. Tired, broken, aching.,"Perhaps I need to do this more often."
You are right. Once you get into better shape and the routine of things, you'll feel better.
Then of course there's the eating thing. One has to change bad eating habits if you want
to feel really healthy.
A person can lose a quick 10 lbs by quitting trans fatties. Its in so many things. EVEN if it
says NO trans fatties...read the label..partially hydrogenated oils is not good.
I hope things work out for you :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
You seem to unhappy about something.
How ever someone achieves spirituality is between
them and God. It can be through riches..materialistic things..
the death of something or someone. Losing religion is losing
faith. That belief can be from either side of the coin. It remains the
same God.
Im thinking of the saying "its easier for a camel to go through the eye of
a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" thats because the
man isn't looking for the needle..someone else does his sewing.
But if the thread runs out, this individual will be on his knees. I think this is
what you're saying. The person will reach for God.
The rich man can be anybody. We all carry our wealth in something. Lets hope God is
included. :)

Interesting. I enjoyed what you wrote.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Wow..if I was George...I would have said, thank you so much
for coming..then walk away. I would then examine what the
problem could have been. BUT it turned out nicely. It was all
a joke. Everyone smiling and happy again. :)

Is this story true? thanks for turning our key :)
Review of Last Lunch  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I like the title. The poem is done nicely too.
You were fed poison "Between truth and falsehood"
The life of sedation "No thrashing,no pain"
Where you say "touch-me-not, silencing history."There's
no dessert with this meal. Find some sugar and make
something sweet. :) You have the ingredients on the shelf
bring them out.

This poem is a portrait looking for something more
colorful. Good job. I like it very much.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Did you ever hear the saying, 'If you can't say anything nice, don't say
anything at all?" I think it was written for the person in your story :) She thought she'd show
her mother a thing or two. All it did was make more problems.
“You told me to always tell the truth.” I can see her face as she's saying that.

Parents need to take more time communicating to their children.
Things will happen..stages come and go. What makes the difference
is how its directed.

Good story. I see truth :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This story fooled me. I thought for sure it was about smoking :)
That's what you were going for and it worked :)
I can feel the stress between these individuals. Its like a fog. :) their
words are sharp. :)
As a couple is growing together they have to be considerate in what
they feed each other :)
Words..understanding can be just as powerful as gas. It's fuel too.

I liked your story. I liked how it was written.
I can see this marriage.

I like the birds at the end.
Review of Betrayal  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
"the entrance to a world of green" your path takes
me to the thought of wonder. I hope those who go
green aren't like people going to church on Sunday.
They'll do it once a week then go back to their old
ways. They become "the dying trees, the streams unclean"
hoping they have Gods purification. Its "in darkling woods" nothing
vague about it.

The poem makes me think of the Garden of Eden, church
and the Bible.

I love this poem Great job.
Review of At Last  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Chasing a dream..thats what this poem says to me.
"her thoughts. Oh, to drown them," she can't get it out
her head. This means she's drowning in though. This
can be a good thing. One gets to the bottom of things.
Going deep. "feelings, passions, minds, men,"
and Im reminded. The hands do not guide me..I live
by the moment. Love is circumstance

Great poem.
Review of The ER Shift  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This story touched my emotions. I don't know what to say about
the father of the child. I feel anger but that doesn't help these type
of situations. One has to keep it together. You do a marvelous job.
So many people are affected. I find comfort in knowing others
live from traumatic events.. Like you say here "It is a ray of warmth"

You did a wonderful job describing the thoughts and emotions that go
on in an ER.

Review of *Untitled*  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
"Nothing interesting ever happens in History." That sentence blows
my mind. Everything is history. From the beginning its been dramatic.
I think of the Bible and that's only a slice of the pie but it affects the
whole. We are results of the past. We came from yesterday walk
today affecting tomorrows. A wheel constantly turning.
During our spin we touch upon lives that guide us and them. How we
treat others goes on. Playing the wheel there's always chance.
We risk our lives each day in some way physically and or mentally.

"She messed up, didn't she?" I dont think she did. She did what
she felt was right. She opened the door. Lets see if he if walks in.
You're making history :) thanks for sharing some of the life of a

I like your story. I can see it all happening. There's a lot more to
this piece.

Review of Edge  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E
You're the writer who spoke of Brooke. I love that poem.

"She whimpered through tears,I can't do this again."
Remember you are strong..you find positives. Where you
mention "Despite her losses, Hope would not be silenced."
Remaining who you are.. the "warrior" in all situations.
You fight the battle "rest" and carry the "scars" within the
spirit. The heart and "soul" guides you...you have the strength to move on.
The warmth from your heart will melt the "icy fingers" and the light
will burn bright taking care of any flickering."Hope had shone big, bright and certain."

Good poem.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
You do a lot of thinking :) that's good.
'I dream of you in unimagined ways" that's nice.
"Or is it more than that?" we can only hope.
"You're in my heart, my very soul, And yes I’m sure, more than that"
Wow..this would make a good valentine poem for someone.
Maybe make it into a song..sing it to your loved one. OR
paint a picture with a thousand words ending it with this
poem. The words you find closest to your heart.

I like the poem. Its touching.
Review of Sleeping In  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Very interesting poem. Provokes thought.
The line "nailing the coffins of our proud existences down."
I'm feeling you want to put a final end to something in your
lives. You both want to finally make the change..leaving it
behind you..burying the problem..never to be exhumed.
Right now the feelings, emotions, the messages given
to one another exist but must remain "on hold" for now.
You both work together. There's "flirting" going on..messages
be sent. You both wanting to be together..spending the
night where "the healing you speak of" can begin. The
"prick" you are softens with the thought of this person.
There are other pleasurable ways to be hard. :)
She's a dancer :)"swirling colorful emotions" You both
enjoy each other and want to spend time together. You
can share dreams, ideas but realize it has to put to
rest by morning. :)

I love this type of poem! My imagination goes wild.
Good job!
Review of For Brooke  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like this poem. Where you say Brooke's "journey is not easy"
This tells me Brooke is dealing with a lot of huddles in life
but she is strong. Brooke handles the "twists and turns "very
well. Things are still going on where you mention the stream "continues to
wind its way through rocky hills." There are "frogs" and "crickets"
admiring her as she works her way down the path. Everything loves
this girl for what she has to give. Brooke turns negatives to positives.
She finds the good in life. Her smile remains, her song beautiful.

Very nice poem. I like it very much.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
There's nothing wrong with the warthog. When one starts digging
around they'll find how family oriented they are. Wanting to please
with the cost of self.
Keeping you sense of smell..the "Smell of the wild wild west of my
dreams woven" will guide you.
Too many times we want people to be more like us. They become
less of themselves. The whole isn't there..the searching begins
and never seems to end.
Warthogs keep their tails pointed towards the sky. That's says a lot :)
be proud of who you are.

I hope you remain true to self.
Review of Carolina Morning  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
"Oh I am still filled with stress." It's nice to take the time
to breathe. Finding the good..you appreciate the things
around you. Then you ask "God, please take over today."
I find that wonderful. God takes care of "the bushes and shrubs and wee little bugs,"
this made you realize..he will definitely help you. You recognize that your soul
belongs to him "My soul yours to keep."

God tells us "Do not worry about your life,
what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear."
then you said "I've said with a prayer,God, please take over today"
You understand God.

Good poem.
Review of HATRED  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
This is sad.
Its so puzzling to find religion involved in hate. Then when
one reads the Bible..its been here all along. Its like a
power struggle..everyone thinking their's is best.
"Christianity" means to walk in Christ.
Some might say the Bible teaches hatred. Its not
animosity God is teaching, its the knowledge of how it begins
and ends. He doesn't like certain behaviors but God never
hates the individual. Evil is the cause of madness. How we
think, what we do will bring on the negatives. People think
drugs are the answer to freedom. It turns a world inside out
upside down. Those who take methamphetamine might as
well drink bathroom cleaner...inject their veins with battery acid.
They're being eaten alive..flushing they're lives down the toilet.

To hurt or kill someone for their beliefs or their sexuality.
I have to wonder what the real problem is. Why do
"they judge, with hate."

Thanks for sharing the poem. "God is Love." :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
It seems someone had come into your perfect
world, ate of your fruit. This bringing you hope.
She fed your hunger with love. Then another
tree was found another kind of fruit. She wanted
something more. This brought HER hope in giving
more to what was. This bringing devastation to your "Garden Of Eden."
She survives only to bear witness of what she has
done. She was probably honest with you by telling you what
she did.. Shes reminded each day of what an ass she was
to open her mouth. Some fruits are best left on the tree :)
Maybe you both loved the fruit until she opened her mouth.
This bringing trouble..you both pay the price. Shes the ass and
you live in a hole now. "Nothing could stop the destruction in a world
where she sought love." Woman survives and shes constantly reminded
of her wrong doing.
After the "fall from grace," you realize how wonderful she made everything seem
with her fun and sinful ways. Such excitement..a life you've never known. So wild and
carefree. You find later "destruction" can happen in a world of "evil doings."

I like this poem. I can read it again and again getting a different though each time.
I love that.

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