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Review of Thanksgiving  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Sounds like you've had some bad dining. :)
"Garbage, food for thought" or is thought bringing
out the garbage. :)
"When the horn of plenty has run out. Will people still be giving thanks?"
We can give thanks for what we have each day. Pray that we the people
make it possible to give thanks again.
'What will the almighty dollar do?' We need to count our blessings not the
dollar. The fortune comes with the wise man :)

"Circling each bowl speaking of hunger." We are in a fish bowl. That's why
we look up for help. God feeds us :)

"A dog's breakfast bought at Tiffany's." When one lives that type of life, one
can understand why. People tend to judge those who have more. Those who
have more could care less..it does not give them understanding or clarity.
It puts them at a distance which separates everyone even more.

Review of STILL IN TIME  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
"As I hesitantly grow older," I love that. A sense of humor
goes so very far. It has no age.
Where you say, "I've nothing to share." You are disclosing right now.
There's always something to give. "Mapping out my pain." isn't so
bad..you can see where you've been. You're only "stagnant" if you won't
move yourself. That can cause "Deteriorating" if one allows it. I see motion here :)
This poetry site helps a lot. I don't see anything sitting around. You are
"As I grow" an open mind. I like your thinking :) "The others grow older too."
We are never alone :)
Review of The Ice Lake  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
"I open my eyes, to find myself lost in a place where not even I can escape." this sounds
like you're pretty good at getting away but this time its tough. You are running from yourself.
Stop and talk..communicate within. Your "worlds" you say "No longer can I control them".
You are captain. You fly your own aircraft. Only you have control of self. If your visuals are
foggy, fly by instruments. You will be what your read. What's on your flight deck :)

"My eyes open wide to the sight of the surface." you have found the light. :)
No longer in the storm.
"I was lost for so long, but I've now found my path." You found your strengths.
You've been blessed.
I love where you say "My mind and I are at peace now" beautiful :)

I like your writing. Its deep :) you sound like quite a swimmer. I love to fly :)

Review of Darkness Captures  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Everyone has moments where they fall into darkness.
Sometimes "darkness captures-" and the abyss sucks
one into more "inky shadow." This feeds the negatives.
They'll grow like a vine twisting all the thoughts, all the
emotion as much as it can. As long as the darkness
remains it will thrive.
When the light shines through you say,
"don't remember how darkness held you fast."
I disagree. I want to remember. The strength gained
from the "pool of inky shadow" gives one the knowledge
needed to deal with the pain. "Life is good, again" now
the person is stronger. It will "reflect in the heart."
The "liquid darkness in the heart" has passed like "a dream"
but never forgotten whether "a mood" or "moment"

Very interesting poem. A thought grabber. :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
The story made me rather sad.
The shadow is the boys silhouette of everything to come.
It will become more present as he walks his path.
I'm so glad he loves smiles. You say that right here..
"a small smile from the heart will warm his soul" I love this kid :) Here's
a big smile for him :)a hug too :) He will find "True happiness" because
he knows what love is.He has a gift.. not everyone knows this..
Tell the boy not to worry about the whispers from others..people always do
that no matter who you are... its what they do.

Good story.
Review of Eye of Hurricane  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
"Does it matter if I never smile again?" it matters. It's your sun
inside of you. :) It radiates to come out. You can dry up the storm.
Maybe not in the outside because of the war but in the inside
peace can be found. Your peace can dry the tears of others.
Where you say "With my mind vacant this way," that means you
have rooms to fill. It depends on you what you put in this storage space :)
Your mind is brilliant. The poem reveals this. Don't let your "soul freeze."

Interesting poem
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I'm so sorry the Jewish people had to deal with this. I've seen many documentaries
on the subject. My heart is very heavy. I can't imagine anything worse than having
one's family taken from them. In the way it was done is unspeakable. The world
must know.
There are those who don't believe it happened or refuse to accept the truth.
What can one say to these people. They were taught what they believe.
Their certainty is how it all began.. intolerant, prejudiced people..racist.
We mustn't hate them..that keeps the ball rolling..it never ends. We
must find understanding..consider the source. We have to feel sorry
for them.

Thank you for writing this piece.

Review of zen...it  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
"practicing fencing" something we all do. Let them down
and something or someone comes in. This I think can
be a good thing. It brings on further learning..greater wisdom.
Set no limits..seek the spirit..there we find truth.
You speak of "missing the ingredients." Somewhere in our
journey we tend to leave out what's needed because of our
desired taste. In doing so, we eat from the same table each day.
Nature is our buffet. Its here to feed the heart, soul and mind.

The spiritual window opens with open mindedness :)

"eunuchs and castrations" one would think this is fencing
when in reality it can be releasing one's lock. The same in

Very interesting poem.
Review of WAITING  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Putting yourself in the state of waiting..I mean, thinking about it as one is
waiting can bring on anxiety. Anxiety is a trouble marker. He's in cahoots
with Mr. Impatient. When those two get together sometimes the temper
flares..rage arrives to some. They feed on each other.
As I think about what you wrote, I makes me realize that one emotion
affects others. So what one feels at the moment will bring on another.

"Waiting by the coffeemaker to drop its last drop" this made me smile.
Could it be the problem :) It could be he's making it hard for you to
"hold on to the moment that is." :)

A thinking poem. I like it.
Review of A What?  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Horse, dog,rabbit, lizard. It could be a person :)
Did you know, you can actually feel things better
around your mouth. Honest. Take something and
touch it then rub it near your mouth. The skin in that
area seems to be more sensitive. There are those who
have to see with their ears.
Where you say "What loves you not for how you look" cant be
human. Us humans are into fashion..looking good..having
nice things..even though.. where you say "will go with just a nudge"
that sounds human..called followers.

Im probably way off on my guesses. Please tell me. :) I want to know.
This is a fun poem. I like it. It would be great for children.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wonderful poem :) Sorry to hear about Grandad. Grandpas are
so special. Your poem made me smile. I love where you
write, "But of course, you had to be different from the rest!"
Couldn't have said it better. :) Grandpa's stand alone..no other
like them :)

Thanks for sharing grandpa.."We will always remember your weird,
and wonderful ways." A whole other poem :)

Review of On the Shore  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
It seems something is going on in your life. Maybe you feel
life or someone is crashing against you..chopping
away little by little until everything is chipped away.
You find yourself being sucked in. The sand, the water
recedes taking with it a little more of you..of your world each day.
This can be looked upon as how we are towards one another.
We are all part of nature..people carving lives as they touch.
We don't realize the sculpture made is done by our hands.
How we look upon or deal with something is how we shape our lives and
Something is going on and this person remains strong. Seeing
things for what they are..this person walks away.
"The crash awakens me from a daze" this takes me to someone in
deep thought. The individual is wakened by the sea. The realization
of truth comes to light. They have watched the shores of change long
enough..its time to move to safer grounds. Beware of falling rocks :)
Challenges are everywhere. We leave pieces of us everywhere we go.
Weather is unpredictable..remain strong as I know you are.
Where you say.."I have no choice but to leave." You have found your direction.

Really good poem..It took me to so many thoughts. The thinking was fast..
I couldn't remember it all to get it down. Anyways..I loved it. Thanks.

Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Is this poem about you .. Maybe a sister or possibly mother.
There's a light in the dark. Look..you'll see. Sometimes help
comes to us like flashlights in the fog. Something is there
but no quite seen or understood. Then its like a car with high
density lights shines through. When one sees these, it's
realized, it's from within.. Like thinking out loud. Words are
forming, sound is heard, thoughts are made known..where's
it coming from, the individual..something has to be said. It clears the fog.
They are the light..shine the beacon."To prove to you the light is hope,
watch the rainbow break" the dark. This rainbow resides inside.

Forget about stereotypes..we all fit in one of those. Its something
people like to do. Everything seems to be in a category of some kind..
"life is dear." :) just smile :)

"it's but a demon of that path." they are with everyone. Negatives sneak in.
Evil finds its way through thought, actions..anyway it can. Demons are
just waiting for that moment. Positives keep them at bay :)

Your poem is sad..its very interesting. I could see images, feel the pain
and know there's hope. The good is there "To understand that life is dear."

Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow..I love this poem. Where you say :
"I saw a mother with her child this morning
holding him close against the winter wind
And I saw an angel" this is exceptional!

and this part here:

"Why do angels have wings?
Not to fly but to lift
To raise the eye as they touch the heart."

Wow..This is something else. I love it.
Angels also have wings to lift ones soul
giving help, hope and happiness. To see
which the eye couldn't but now can. You have a gift.
Second sight :)
Review of An Empty Domain  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
A "mind without a thought" is that possible.
Maybe the mind is without thought on something
needed to be thought about. That would be
wasting something needed to grow. Does that make sense?
A mind without knowledge..that would be more fitting..esp in
my case :)

"Can one climb beyond his thoughts" I believe we
climb in, over and under. The outside influencing. The beyond pulls
like a tug boat. Each of us can feel that magnetism..its there.
Taking that step, we find ourselves. Its was like saying, who
am I really..We soul search..reaching answers..getting from everything
we hold inside, outside and beyond.
This is spiritual to me. We have helpers that walk with us. :) God gives us
what we need. It can be anything he knows will work for each person..like dragons
or wolves..maybe birds, turtles..maybe something totally opposite of
what one would think...that's a thought. :) There we go thinking again :)
"How can one reach a conclusion" we never do..we keep going. We achieved
something today, always knowing there's more.
It goes on..more is always there..this bringing me to the conclusion of my review :)

I like your poem so much. Wow..I guess my brain works when someone throws
on the after burners :) You gave me explosive thoughts..fired up the smoldering
quake of ideas :) thanks.

Review of Colossal Calmness  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I sense the loss in your poem. It "echoes inside me"
Hurting so much one cannot cry..hope is holding back the
tears " And everything in between." Looking "towards the horizon"
I see "reasons I search. "Sounds of gentle ripples" of our time
"I feel within you." We are one. You "harness my subtle thoughts"
bringing to me "Dreams of colossal calmness." You are with me

This poem takes my breathe away..that being yours coming through
with a great love..a tremendous loss. But who gets to say they have
had the same. You are lucky to have known such a feeling. You are blessed.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Maybe its because we are made of mostly water. Things
are really clear that we need the liquid to survive. Its
sacred. It cleanses, giving to us a new reflection on life.
We can bring a different portrait each day by "depth of wonder,"
and the "primal need" to always seek. Where the "curiosity"
"flows back" where we have the desire "to know." We thirst
to "dwell upon a sight" unknown to us. Where waters run deep.
We then drink from the spring of life. Its a cycle. It natural with
nature :)
Did you know creek water is very cold? Are you that guy who
goes barefooted? If I'm wrong..forget I asked. :)

I liked your poem very much. I was "drawn to water" after I read it. :)
If we don't drink enough water..we get a dirty fish tank.
Review of Fulfillment  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem brought a "Fulfillment".God is all knowing. Jesus came to be one of us..he knows what its
like to be here. He understands.
The Holy Spirit lives inside. Everyone is given this healer..his guidance.
When we follow the creator we learn to build a better life.
Our darkness will shine light..mountains will move inside and out.
What type of situation we need changed will depend on what we find after
the rebirth..the cleansing. Now walking in Jesus..one can use the bulldozer (Holy Spirit) to push away temptations.
Remaining knowledgeable in the word of God..the front end loaders this being
Angels can lift the problems from our lives. The dump truck can be used to
carry the negatives to the pits of hell.
"We entered God's family" things have been "Instantly transformed" by working as one.
Payment is peace, love , and happiness. When negatives sneak in again..bring out the
HEAVY equipment and get the job done :) "No longer must we suffer"

I love you poem
for entry "What is pain?
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Wow..what can I say to you? I'm sorry to hear you had or have to deal with so much.
I know people with high levels of pain. Hurt commands every part of
a person. The physical , psychological and the soul. They all work
together. So it makes sense they affect one another.
When one listens to their body, they can know what works best for them.
Sometimes doctors have a concern for certain medications because they
have seen and had to deal with some complications. Doctor and patient working
together. I don't think people realize there are red flags that can pop up when
talking with a doctor. They are trained to see these. Sometimes its like one has
to roll play before seeing a doctor. Imagine what he's going to ask..what would
you ask..then find that answer. The wrong answer can change the whole course.
Doctors cant always prescribe what they feel is best. They know the prescription
is just part of the solution. Medications are helpful but when the drug wears off the
agony seems worse then more meds are needed..then addiction comes along..pills run
out early..another type of discomfort sets in. Its a nightmare.
I helped a friend by getting more of what he needed..bad move.
I trapped myself.. I gained a lot of knowledge though. I'm out of that cage.
In doing what I did it created a severe anguish in the heart. My best friend
changed..I caused it to happen..this brought another type of misery. Its a cycle..his
wheel turns when fed pharmaceuticals. I found another wheel. My spiritual wheel.
God showed me the way.
I hope things work out for you. God bless you
Review of Blackened Wings  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I like where you say, "Because I'll have left my heart
In the ashes of your wake".the flame is there but not
the fire. But as you said..you "Can learn to live" again.
"And I will say goodbye" as "The wind And the rain"
take care of their own while the "blackened wings"
take flight again :)
"Eventually I'll learn to breathe" as I ride the thermals
of life

Captivating poem

Review of Do You Prefer...  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I don't drink soda but I use to. Once in a while I get a
thirst for it. I'll give in once in a blue moon and have
a diet coke. I know its terrible for the temple. Its like
an acid. It eats your insides. It can be used to remove stains.
Ive read where it contributes to a lot of health issues..
heart, kidney, blood pressure just to mention a few.

Homemade FRESH lemonade..emm..I love it. Wash
a lemon, cut it up, stick it in some ice water with s little
sugar and shake..yummie..so refreshing! the best!
Maybe I should get a lemonade stand going this summer.
It works well for kids..why not me :)

Review of The Hidden Side  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
smiling..are you sure you walked into a movie theater :)

Yes..I love popcorn too! In the theaters I think it has coconut
oil cooked in. I make it at home. Nothing compares to popcorn
popped (the old fashioned way) in coconut oil. Yummiest
You described the theater nicely "unearthly shadows" dance.
The darkness all around, walls creak, people whispering or is
it the spirits"wrapping you in its cold embrace" having some fun
I really like this poem. It illuminates what goes on in the theaters :)
Don't forget that one can hold the hand of someone they like or get a little closer.
Maybe steal a kiss. One can hope for the determination of an elephant
to see them through. I hear elephants have empathy..lets hope he's one
of the herd. :)

I love like your poem very much. You did a sensational job. I was right
them with my popcorn going through it all :)
Review of GREED  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I think empty promises go with that too.
Your poem is taken from experience.
We all go through it at one point in over lives.
"a dreadful disease, a rooted seed unbounded"
have no fear..put garlic (resistance) in your garden. It will keep
the pest away. Remain strong and keep warmth in your life.
Know matter what others do..keep your soul free..try not letting
their over abundance of fertilizer eat you alive. You have
discovered the dangers. No one can "suck you dry" any
longer. You have grown..moving on..its a "simple pleasure"
given by God. You have seen the light :)

"It's a fools net, the fool's snare that does him in" Karma :)

Good poem. Its says a lot..expels tremendous emotion.
Review of Father and Son  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Sometimes doctors don't make the best patients. I think also having to
deal with a loved one is different from someone who isn't known.
The mother probably took care of these matters stated in the story.
Now dad having to do it..he's finding it difficult. We have to remember
dad has feelings too. He's hurting also. He misses his wife..your mother
and is concerned for his son. In the story it says the father refers the sons
behavior as "acting out." He's probably right. Father and son need to talk to one
another. Getting angry and shouting will only create more frustration..more "acting out."
The energy has to go somewhere. Why not find a place where you both can
enjoy some quality time together..share thoughts that haven't been spoken.
I would tell my father I need a psychologist.. Does he know of anyone
because dad is driving me crazy :) say it with a smile. :)

Interesting story. Thank you for sharing
Review of Leon's Revenge  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Thinking of a song..Born On The Bayou by CCR. I like it very much.
"The hunter wanted revenge".. Elvis the alligator sings..Dont Be Cruel :)
"The umbrella of Spanish moss".I remember Spanish Moss in Florida.
I think its beautiful.
Where you say, "the bayous have a way of keeping their secrets." AND
"The swamp was quiet; like a watery grave, the only sounds came from
buzzing flies and an occasional bullfrog’s croak."That's said very well!
Its pleasing to me.
Elvis the King alligator. So neat. Elvis didn't wanna be Tiger or a Lion
he thought maybe a Teddy Bear but he's an Alligator instead. cool :)

I like you story! Its so well written. I enjoyed it very much. I love your word
usage. Excellent.
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