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Review of The Trap  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
oh my gosh..I love this. The ending is so wonderful.
Is it true..a woman can get a guy through his stomach
and with a big smile :) I love western stories..
Review of The Guest  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Depression can be a body consuming monster if we allow it.
It swallows happiness it such an awful way. One trying to hold
on..darkness settling down inside...evil finds its space between
each negative thought. Asking for God saves..honest.
You brought all this to mind when you said "I welcome you - O' sweet death."
Review of Betty Lynn  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow this story can leave one limp :) yeah..I was hanging on
hoping the man would get free to get help. Im so glad he
did. He's still stuck though. He has to go home. :)
Review of Cookie Parts  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a sweet story :) You seem to know kids. I think its
nice a mother giving in occasionally. I love baking. Id make
them some nice chewy peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.
Maybe I'd have a pig out day. Giving me and the kids more than
one. :)
Have you ever eaten a bug? One flew in my mouth once. A small one.
AND a bee stung me on the tip of my tongue once..honest.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love how you make the forest alive. So much is going on and
you express that well. "Whispering in the wind to me" communicating
with nature..awesome :)
I like this.."And although I did not seek that open door,Find mother nature’s invitation
Much too lovely to ignore." Mother's are care givers..well...should be. Mother's
make sure the child the family is tended to. This explains why mother earth
calls for us..she gives us tell tale tell signs. We must connect with what we
are part of..nature. Family is important :)
Good poem. Very good
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is a good story for children and adults :) Sometimes
I think it takes simplicity to gain understanding. Im all for it :)
I like the communication between the donkey and sheep.
Also seeing things through the eyes of an animal. I know
animals can really relate to humans. Maybe thats because
humans are animals too. We just set ourselves in a higher
level...this getting us into trouble :)

Your story was nice. Thank you
Review of Fifteen Horses  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Why 15? That number must mean something.
This poem is a history lesson :)Letting the spirits
guide you..I love that. I realize something..not
only were the warriors special the horses were too.
They each had their part. The two worked together..
a team. I take it..each Indian had to know his horse.
Indians are totally one with nature. We can learn
so much from this from your people. We let it all
go over greed. Im sorry.

I like your poem. Thank you for sharing it :)
One more thing..where you say:
"Medicine bundles worn around their necks, close
To defend and cherish their gift of Mother Earth"
No medic needed. You carried your own supply :)
So in touch with nature.
Review of Dennis  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I like this story. I believe children can see far more than adults.
They set no limits only the ones we teach them..then things change.
Why must the parents be upset over the children's sight. I think its
a gift..maybe things seen aren't always the ones we want but its
there..its life. Somethings can't be explained but time will tell.

Your story touches my heart. People don't like what they don't
understand. Why can't we just open our hearts..our minds.
This statement is saying a lot.."His “ways” came from your side
of the family. Your father always predicting the terrible future was evil.”
I guess everything else is from the other side :) parents can be terrible
to one another..something children learn.
Review of SILENCE  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your poem is very good. I like this a lot where you say:

"When one is morose, sulking,
When spirits are just down,
Silence is no more golden;
It elicits a frown."

Silence belongs to each individual...the sinister
and the angelic..everyone having both. Darkness
can seep in while the angel reveals light. Inside
so much going on yet everything silent. Outside
is white with noise..one hears nothing.
Peace being so secret.
The shades of silence dance :)

I like your poem very much.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
The Face of Mito Chondri's daughter..the powerhouse :)
Neat poem..I like it very much.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like the title of your poem and its Interesting where you state:
"where morals and humanitarian values have been long forgotten"
Daisies represents purity and innocence. This seems to be something
the writer is searching for. The daisy also stands for patience..this
being a must in order to find the love and beauty in the "loss of dear lives."
Also where you mention "where men and women are perennially engaged
to top the race hosted by money, fame and materialism," this getting into the
petal of things..the have or have not :) Simplicity can bring it all back with
grace. The stem of the matter is..we pick and choose in this field of daisies. :)
Review of "He Asks"  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Nice poem..it made me think about the things God
did for me and how Ive turned my head at times.
I didn't turn it against him..I looked the other way of what
he wanted..what he showed me. He's been so faithful
to me. I talked to him and gave me an answer. He even gave
more. The light shows the way. I can see..everything is clear
I just cant seem to leave the fog. I keep searching for hope
of something making sense of where I've been. My foundation
was taken in the fog and I keep searching for something to stand on.
Then I realize..He is holding me. God is good. I love where you write:
"I gave to you all that your eyes have seen." and the sight that he's given
is who I am.

Very nice poem..You are King :)
Review of To Say Goodbye  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
You carry warmth inside. There's magic out there working for
you. Angels are watching. Someone special will come your
way. You have a lot of love to give. Don't let go of the good..the
happiness, the smiles you carry inside. You have strength
to walk again.
Review of Jolted  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
I'll give it a try.

smoking, drinking, drugs
only wins
in the end
if you let it take over
the rest of your life

Did you fall
from a cliff today
in a dream
of the potential dangers
of awakening

Oh well..there ya go. I probably did something wrong.. BUT it was fun:)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
When I read the title of the poem I thought of multi-personalities.
Isn't there a movie called "Three Faces of Eve?" yes.
As I read your poem, I am reminded of how people will remember
us when we leave this earth. Will it be a positive thought.
Then as I finish the poem.. I think how true it is. We all have our
own point of view. My point of view of the poem is:
There's a healer (doctor) he tried. Then you have the helper
(nurse)..then the broken loving husband. The insurance agency and
the lawyer are snakes..
when you think about it. They are all doing what they have learned in life.
Some givers.. others takers.

Good poem.

Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Your made me laugh. Its so down to earth.
I love the way you tell your adventure :)
We can all relate to it and that makes it real.
Thanks for the laughs :) You got me thinking when
you said "fumbled to get the toilet lid lifted (I will
never put the lid down again, never!" Why is it us
girls expect you guys to put the lid down when you're
finished. We never put it up for you when we're done.

I love your story.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
God guides us. Jesus is in our hearts.
The lord is always with us..we shouldn't be shaken..
he's right beside us.
I fail at being a good Christian at times.. I know what I must
do ..God shows me..but I tend to walk ahead of him or
stray at times. I know he doesn't like it either. I don't fear
evil..I fear God. Well..evil is scary and it does frighten me
but Jesus is the one I have a good fear for..He has my
soul..I'm just sorta borrowing it on my stay here. Im suppose to
be gaining as much wisdom as I can but there are times
the worldly part is so much fun..I know..that's the evil tricking me.
The devil is relentless..he wants Gods people..he'll keep trying
and loves when we fall. BUT remember..just as you say "As long as
God on my side" and he is always..we must never quit on him..he
loves us and cares so very much.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Is this bee your bud :)
She brings out your beauty always.
She carries part of you with her to share with others :)
Aren't worker bees female. They get
the nectar to feed the young the larvae.
This being the honey bee. Most bees eat the nectar.
Ok...I got it. I'll just let this be :)

Very nice poem..I love it. Enjoyed it very much
Review of Silent Prayer  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
You are right..we mustn't be afraid to stand for our faith.
If we are ashamed of Jesus..he will be ashamed of us.
We need to thank him each day for his blessings.
He is always with us..in our hearts, souls and hopefully
in our minds. :)

Good poem :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
smiling..you have this way of explaining everything
by breaking it up..Hey..there ya go..Love..it breaks up
the mind..one of a kind...digs into emotion..driving
one insane. It makes one want more of the warmth that
two souls embrace as one..never getting enough.

Yes..unconditional love..this given by God..Jesus
letting us in..all we have to do is knock.

"Love’s a double edged sword, A rose with thorns"
AND it hurts so good ::)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I found your information very interesting. I have to apologize to
you for stating in a previous review about your like or dislike for
America. You seem like a fair person. I find you have integrity.
We can learn from what others see..their perspective. It's like
looking from the outside in. I like that. OR Being on the inside
looking through the eyes of others.
I find it pleasing how you look at situations objectively..but then add
something of yourself also.
I find you a well organized person. :)

Good paper..I like it

Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Smiling..I know who you are..the person who has all the
"reputed" documentation on everything :)

"Essential messages of all religions are the same"
I like this. Its all the same God. We are all one with
nature. AND I agree with you in taking day at a time.
"concludes that desire is the cause of all grief and that
bliss lies in renunciation," Yes..I can see this..provide
for today for its all we have. The moment is all that
Why is bliss with renunciation? I guess I can
see that when I read the reference to the "man and
his needle"..it makes sense.
I believe we come from God. He has a purpose for
each and everyone..how we walk in achieving this
meaning gives one growth..wisdom..a better understanding
of life..of love.

Good poem

Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
"winter is the end of all life as they know it" some do believe this.
But winter isn't the end. A lot is still going on..things are moving..
all in motion. Everything changes its form but its still here. Our
bodies like the leaves are meant to go back to the earth.
I also believe our soul goes to a place God has prepared. Everything
is so serene..so beautiful..its all of everything involving peace and

I love what you wrote. I find it so interesting , so true
and so beautiful.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I gotta say that you do have a way making your point. :) BUT
we love our country. It's far from perfect..it might need some altering or
fine tailoring but its home. I don't think many USA citizens are gonna
like you. I'm open minded. I'll read your pieces on America but I feel
you don't like us. No country is perfect. There will positives and negatives.
I know politics can be terrible. Its a job..a big one..there are those who care.
Where you say .."more guns don’t mean more protection. They mean more violence."
This is a tough one. I'll put it this way..would you not be happy to have that gun
by your side if someone broke into your home and was threatening your wives..family.
Please don't say this happens only in America. Yes..Im pro guns..you bet.
I'm gonna be honest. You seem to hate us. That in return makes me want to
sleep with my gun..honest. Its almost like you want to take our guns so you
can have things your way..which means to take over. Im not being disrespectful
just honest. I find your piece interesting. I got a big bang out of it :)

I find your paper very interesting :)
Review of Mother's Prayer  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
God answered your prayers. It was in his time or it would not have
happened. Finding ones strengths will hold things together. It's like
a slip knot..the more things happen the stronger one gets..hopefully.
You are right that people don't realize what it means to get a prayer
answered. With a request comes responsibility..God does his part
and its up to each of us to do ours. Never give up..you know God
listens..you know he answers prayer..so talk to God..ask for the
things needed to help you along. I ask him each day to help
me make the right decisions and chose the right path..give me
wisdom, understanding and knowledge each day.
Wisdom is the deep understanding of things and the knowledge
to apply it. It helps greatly in giving one control over emotion and actions.
We all need more of this.
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