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Review of Leaving  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ive been reading some cold poems today. This poem Im thinking can be
of Mr Winter or of people. I find here where "leaves of last autumn’s notebook
lie scattered underfoot." things held onto..now laid out..thoughts scattered..
now trampled. The one who did it now hides cannot show his face.
The heart bleeds today..existence will no longer squirm for him..leaving
his path..hers is found..once again she branches out...no more lone brittle
moments. The sun shines again

I love your poem..I took from your poem that gave me the above thoughts.

Review of Morning's Mist  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem is excellent. What natures does for us is immeasurable.

The angel flying among the clouds
was there for you with her shrouds
he knew you would see the beauty well
how much he gave one can't tell
for this Divine moment belonged to you
kissed by the earth as the angel flew :)
Review of Backing Away  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Listen to your heart...when you feel something isn't right
then it probably isn't. You sound like a smart girl. Giving someone
control will make you a remote. He'll push all the buttons because
he can. The longer it goes on..the more he'll have a hold on you.
Communication is important. Im glad to hear you're talking things
Review of Priorities  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Your poem is absolutely thought provoking..that's fore sure.
I find when people are comfortable..we tend to relax..its like
out of sight out of mind. That's terrible but true. A lot of change
needs to be made..I think it needs to start right here at home..
We can then have an open door to a wonderful thanks giving.
Review of Over Night Freeze  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Wasn't Hades God of death. Im thinking when hell freezes over.
Then Im thinking of Montreal where transmission towers
went down leaving millions in the dark and several deaths.
Ice is brutal..I dont care how slow one is going..it can be
at a crawl and still you'll be tossed and twirled .. thrown off
the road.
This story brought back memories of the winter days and icy
roads in NY. I love winter. I've learned to stay off the roads in
the ice. :)
I never knew it got that cold in Texas. I guess the major in your
story learned his lesson. He was probably going to see Pattie Sue
..couldn't help himself.:)
I'm reminded of Peggy Sue sung by Buddy Holly. :)
Review of Never  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
"It" is what "it is. You remind me of how things do
change each day. We are someone new every
morning. Im happy things changed for the better.
It's nice to read happy poems.:)
Review of Booked for you  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is so neat..I love it..AND when I turn the
page..I find you are a big talker..feeding me
more lines..telling me stories..some true..
some fiction.. you're fading now unto me..
I turn out the light..I am awakened by you..
we cannot put a close to this chapter :)

this was fun..I enjoyed your poem very much.
Very entertaining.
Review of EARTH ABIDES  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love your story. The ending is fantastic! You are a big eater :)
The coffee :) that would definitely over shadow everything on
my journey. :) This story makes me think of someone who
went to bed with a full stomach..had a dream which made
a good story..this one. :) Is that what happened :)lol
Its true..we dont realize what we have sometimes until God
says here I will show you and he does. I also agree..we dont
thank him enough for his blessings.

Your story put a smile on my face.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Death can make some people so angry..they forget life.
The very thing they hated which was killing..became
their roll. They live for death. This man's family was killed
so he became the killer. Its like revenge crates revenge
and it goes on and on. I have to admit..if someone killed
my loved ones..the dragons would come out.. the hawk would
swoop..the spider would spin its net..the web.Even though I do
know we dont always do the things we think we will. People say
what they would do but when it happens its totally different. I
know this. I went to God. The angels came..for real..honest.
God is there for you too. Hes here for everyone. :)

Your story is sad. .soldiers are awesome..they fight for their
country..keeping us free and safe. The tags are very important.:)
Review of Death as Dynamite  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This explains why some people are so explosive :)
Road rage..someone lit their fuse..stress being
their dynamite. What about impatience..I can hear
the match now. We have become such a hurry up
society to get somewhere..eventually ticking us off
because it wasn't yet fast enough. Yes..we are all walking
Some of these medications today can cause the
blast.. I do know that we all have control over
our emotions..we can bring peace to ourselves kinda
like setting the TNT in the corner for awhile..It will get
us eventually but we can help set the timer back :)

Your poem is dynamite :)
Review of Cost of Lost  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You sound so sad..I can feel the pain..frustration.
It's makes my heart feel heavy. I know that feeling.
Maybe not like you..but its there. You're right..there's
nothing one can do except be there for the one you
love. We mustn't let her think she can never come
home..then she won't. Then what..it can get even
worse. You don't won't that. We can only pray that
our children find there way back when they've become
lost. You have raised her..she's part of you and that's
with her always. Your light will show her the way in
the dark.

Review of Amazing.  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Im happy you joined writing.com..you have a place to vent.
AND you sure did :) It's amazing all the things you have
gone through since you were very young. Im sorry to hear
that. I feel you know there's something more..something
better. You know the right from the wrong. That's great.
Some people grow up not knowing this and things get
even harder for them.I see its been tough for you. I also see
and feel strength in your words..that's awesome. This
strength will help though out your life to get you what
you are searching for. Where you write "that there's not
a damn thing you can do." There's something you can
do..and you are doing it. Now we can do something..
show you that we care..you are not alone. :)

Review of The Cage  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This makes me think of Pearl Harbor..the sleeping giant attacked.
Also of Samson and Dalia..she cut his hair while he was drugged I
think. Both of these Giants. When awakened many suffered. No matter
how one looks at it lives were lost..sadness wins..everyone having to
make change.
We are all like pens. We write our story as we walk our path. It wouldn't
hurt to have a sword too..today that would be wisdom and or the pen :)
Think about the pen for a moment..a judge can sign ones life away..
a doctor has the power to heal or destroy..think of all the things we sign..
agreements etc..wow..Im looking at my pen..looks harmless :) Im thinking
its a people pen relationship..we both need each other. :)
Whats more dangerous than a trapped barbarian..I look in the mirror..one
without a pen definitely :)
Review of In a Child's Mind  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
This opened a box I had shoved in the corner of my brain.
It wasn't my parents..it was neighbors. It was insane.
Good thing I was a fast runner..never could catch me..
I should have told my dad..he would break them in half..he
could do it too. Where does a child go in the night. One thinks
their home is safe and it should be. Im so glad she had her
daddy for the first 3 years. That helped more than she knows.
I love how positive the child is at the end of your poem.
The fear is gone..she now has a better life. wow..such
a positive statement from a child. Children are wonderful.
They find the good. Sometimes when things are really
sad it helps for grown ups to shine some light..guiding
them to warmth again.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
The girl was in control :) she had you when you
opened your mouth with that look. She could
have taken your to sheer madness :) To have you
waiting..I could only imagine your thoughts.
That's fun though. I guess that was some cup
of coffee. Just think..that drink you have often
and each day took on a different flavor. :) Isnt
it funny how the environment effects our moods,
and our foods :)

Interesting read.
Review of The Doorway  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
We need to let love happen..enjoy what we have and
let soar. Fly with the feeling of happiness..no expectations.
Let the currents lift you..the weather has to accommodate
and it does..let the feathers fly :)
We are all one. Rich, poor, in sickness and in health..we
are one..its sort of like a marriage to the world. We have
to deal with it..for better or worse..not manual needed. Let
the love faith and hope guide you.
God is our director :) We mustn't fight him..just let him do what
he knows is best for us. Each of us is a star.

I can frustration in your story. It was so thick I could cut it with a
knife. But that's good. You touched upon the being.
Review of Multivalence  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is like the spice of life. It takes difference to into order
to learn. If we were all the same we would be one flavor.
Put nutmeg with cinnamon and sugar and yummie. A wonderful
world indeed. AND put Italian spices with hot peppers in a sauce
pour it over noodles..there ya go..the world working together.
All religions can teach us something. I might be the fool on the hill
but Im watching and learning :) Usually there's one that stands out..
in spice and with people..something, someone always takes the lead :)

I found your poem an opening to ideas in my head. I like that
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This poem is pleasing to me. I get a wonderful warmth.
You made me look at life and death. Life..its what we
take from it that keeps us strong or weak depending on
the individual. Like the tree..so strong..reaching for
the top the best it can..branching out. We do the same.
Then there's death..part of life. It's as if the tree lives
only to give back what the earth needs. I find this true.
Living and dieing ..its not a bad thing. It's beautiful..part of the
whole plan of the cycle in nature. We feed the earth and our
soul goes on. The tree feeds the earth and it goes on also
by giving of itself..it remains within. :) I love it.

very nice poem indeed.
Review of MEMORY  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this. It puts me in memory of Jesus..how he traveled and
helped, healed and gave knowledge to all those who searched.

Love, faith and hope.. these are our tools through out life.
Review of Fireflies  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really like what you wrote.

I like yours very much! Here I gave it a try..

twinkles in the air
trying to bottle some light
given from heaven

a lot of talking
signals going off tonight
what are they saying

summer fireworks
display of lights going off
and on..what a show! :)

Review of LETTING GO  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Its strange how people change. We know them today
see someone else tomorrow. What happen to the
person of yesterday.

I like your poem.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Doors are closed to those who don't knock. The doors lock after
a while when one gives no option to it opening. There are windows
too..or maybe some refer the windows to doors. Either way..its
an opening waiting to be discovered.

When I think of the atom..I think how it cant be seen but its here.
We do see it all the time. I think the same with spirits they are
here we just refuse to believe. It matters:)
Review of Namaste  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
It sounds like you have everything you need.
Let the light shine :) All things can see now.
Review of The Stacks  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
"Wow, was all he could muster :) I like that.
That makes me smile. Keep it up :) smiling.
I liked your story..
Review of Ghetto Dweller  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Wow..I don't know what to say. I know I should say something.
It sounds like you have a problem with drugs, guns etc..so maybe
go into rehab where they can help you get a new start. They really
help to support your willingness to have a better life.
You have to be want to leave all this behind though. Thats the
toughest step for most..leaving so called friends behind and the
life they know so well. But it will get better if you take that step
into change. :) let it happen..start walking now :)
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