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Review of "A Loving Peace"  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey you :) I really find this a wonderful poem.
Its like you're describing Heaven. You mean
heaven on earth though. This brings me to
wonder what God means by a new heaven
and earth. Is he going to rebuild or keep
what he has and do some remodeling. I know
people have to work together with love and faith
in order to get reservations. They have to plan
ahead. I live day by day but I know God understands
this. We are all different..he knows that..he wouldn't
want it any other way..we bring to him the wisdom we
gained from his gifts.
Review of Meagan's Rain  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
I love to fantasize too. Why don't you both wear wet tee shirts. You can drive each
other crazy..cause a big craving within..the yummies :)
Review of He Is Waiting  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I guess this could be about a mortal..but I doubt it..but
anythings possible..Im thinking Jesus..has to him.
Hes part mortal and he lives forever and so can we.
Jesus also said we can move mountains. Here's how
I look at that. When we help someone..they help someone
and it goes on an on until a whole mountain of people
are affected. So there ya have it..we can move mountains.
Review of Illusions  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow..made up of nothing? dang..not me. I'm made up
of many things. God taught me that. I would drop your
professor or science teacher you made God..he/she
is handing out emptiness. Wow..he must be great for
the self esteem. Has to make one wonder.
So you're saying you and your paper is nothing. Hmmm
I found plenty. If I pinch you..I bet you'll feel it :)
I do believe we are energies. Im gonna be positive one :)
So according to your piece I can make up anything I want
and it will be so. I still don't see a Mercedes in my driveway.
"If you forget the ways of your heart then you would have spent
your life chasing emptiness." Oh my gosh.. if we are nothing..
what is there to chase. I think its a nice statement though..and
I believe it to be true..never forget love..the heart is your reminder
you exist so you can live a would that has everything :)
I like your piece..I could go on an on..it opens SOMETHING in me :)

I do believe we own nothing. God gave us a soul to learn..to become
wiser..its ours..who we give it to makes all the difference
Review of Walls of Silence  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This makes me think of someone just existing..I do that too.
I do it looking for good inside..angels give a light..show the way
I can see again. Im taken to new heights. I do fall though..I trip
over my own actions and or words spoken..those not also.
I roll down the mountain..then I have to walk up again..this
time a new trail..Im wiser...I hang on..Im stronger now. :)
I can relate to what you wrote. God is always a good listener.
Sometimes he doesnt always respond right away..but he
Review of The Wyrm  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dragons..I love dragons. Never met an evil dragon. All my dragons are
helpers. :) OR are we talking worms..worm holes. It sounds like a
worm is in your apple :) Maybe his hatred is really hunger for something..
he keeps eating because he can't seem to get satisfied. Maybe use the
eye of the apple..get to the core of the problem.
Never let hatred take over..put the beacon on ..find the light..it will guide the way. :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey I like this..did you notice how the sun seems to reflect onto the quote.
Did you do this on purpose :) It kinda seems alive..or real I should say.
Maybe I'm just overly tired..sketching dreams and etching thoughts..:)

very nice
Review of Grandma's House  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I look at the picture of ruins and how it still stands strong..
maybe for those who need to know...maybe for the survivors
just like the house.. they remain. The house and the people share
the past to others..the windows are theirs so everyone can look
through the pane that once held happiness. The house is not finished..it
is doing what its suppose to...a reminder of how things can change so quickly.

Review of Onward Soldiers  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is like going on then stepping back.
It also fits a lot of situations.Everybody
always fighting something..even themselves.
I like the bridge across forever :)
No matter what..its with us always.
Review of Love?  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Cute..I like it. A child in everyone so needed to come out and play.
I guess one can say the child has to come out so a baby can be
born..if that makes sense. Sounds bad in a way. I'll rephrase..
people need to have fun..go to the sand box and build castles together..
it can all be done with the child inside...laughing together..loving one another..
sharing a peanut butter jelly sandwich..I like sweet and sticky :)
Review of Flexibility  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
So nicely shaped as a poem can be so nicely
written. Who wouldn't want to look at definition
in a word as in the body.:)
Review of Faded  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E
You make people look like plants. A lot of sun brings the colors to green
..sunny days and cool nights one will have a wonderful fall :)So bleaching
and fading has its positives.The tree house doesn't lose its colors
for long..other beauty takes over. Each season adds its magic.
As for clothes..I like faded..I wouldn't want everything to look new.

I can see where too much of anything can be risky..keep me hanging
on the line too long and I guess I will fade. My color will return with the
help and support of others..they will give a shade of hope which
will bring the rose back to my cheeks..pink to my petals and
blossoms to open once again..yeah..set me in the shade and
give me something to drink and I will reveal vibrant colors :)
Come look through my window..Im sure you'll see something
more..poetry guides the way..nature is art.

I like your poem very much
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
emm yummie..the crust the foundation of a marriage..
the sauce keeps it sassy with all the spices..I like mine
hot :) I'll add something different too for zest..keep the
surprise in the relationship :) might sound cheesy to
some :) then we top us off with whatever we like
Review of Cowboy Music  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I dont know quite what to say. The story describes a user. If one is looking
for sex he could be the one I guess..I mean..he makes it known he's available.
If one wants to ride a bull..there ya go. I like to talk to animals...let them know I'm
a person not a object. I wouldn't want to be one more notch on his belt. I mean
we are more that just a notch. But if someone is looking to make a mark..I guess
thats as good as any.
Where you say "I inwardly cringe at my total inability to flirt." Just be you..it will
gradually appear. I love teasing. I like for it to go on and on..the chase game.
If anything happens..then it will.
You said.."My coke leaves a bitter taste in my mouth "maybe you were drugged.
Bar rooms can be brutal. Id rather have country gathering with trusted people.
A place where people bring their instruments and good attitudes..bringing smiles
and song :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love honeysuckle. I know how nature can give one that completeness.
You weren't talking to yourself..angels were listening..Jesus too :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Referring the window to a computer screen :) I guess that works in helping
people understand. You have a very active mind :) I like that. I'm one of those
"why" people too. I don't ask God why..just myself. Don't go saying that if I'm
asking me why then I'm asking him too..not the same. its the intent..my intention is to
explore what he's given us..not to question him. :)if that makes any sense
Where you say:
“That makes my reality sound different from actual reality.”
“Everyone experiences their own reality.” these are thinkers. It takes me to
energies. The energy we radiate will attract other energies..people ..etc.
Then we respond to it by who we are...this coming from where we've been..here
and there..it all being one.
Through my third eye (there's that number 3 again) I'm no monster:) lol
There were stairs..up these stairs were 2 large doors. OH MY GOSH! I just
thought of something. According to you..the 2 is physical..right? That kinda
makes sense..I'm still alive in the fresh while I'm visiting..so I'm taking my
physical into the spiritual which is putting 2 and 3 together.HEY 23! There's
that number too. I've read where things to to happen (fall)on 23. Wow..this
is very very interesting. You really got me thinking. Anyways..the doors took me
to my ancestors..the older (probably the wiser of the bunch) were in the front.
They were glowing. :) honest.. Another time..God showed me things that were
going to happen and it did..other things haven't yet. Im not quite sure what the
meaning of other things mean. I know one thing..I will know when it arrives.
I found your story mind opening. But one has to be careful what they let in. :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
These are really good!..Im going to give it a try. I tried haiku before too. I like writing these types of poem.

1st one

he fishes for men
as he walks on the water
bringing in good tides
waves of negatives pushing
wanting the power of God

2. I really like the "Mystery and Depth"

life can be so harsh
for the ones away from home
fighting for the place
where one finds warmth and comfort
only to go out again


the plan is to walk
in a path chosen for us
making choices now
that will lead us to wisdom
in the future of our trails
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I wrote a poem like this once. We all have our thought on what beauty is.
For some people rain can mean something going on in their lives.
Rain can be a positive or a negative. What they see after the fall is
essential to thought.
The weeds they feel can be their competitors ..or those trying to
take over..maybe one feels crowded. Then I think that maybe
one wants to clear the slate and start over..new beginnings.
Maybe one wants to plant something more..something that this
individual can find reason in..something useful..something that
will feed the desire..the want..the need.
You defend the weeds. You look for the good. Everything having its purpose :)
The poem was very simple..to the point and mind jolting for me
Review of Gate Keepers  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like this poem. Where you wrote:
"On the outside of the gate, is a mirror.
How close we stand to the truth, depends on what we see looking in that mirror."
Did you know we have a spiritual window. I call mine the second sight. Through this
window one call see out BUT there's a mirror too..it reveals the inside. On the inside
it shows who we are. It tells what we have inside guiding us..protecting us..I call them
characters.You probably think Im crazy and thats ok. I believe in truth. I believe in good..
I believe in God.
The spiritual wheels turns..I mustnt stop it by not believing. The windows reveal truth.
One can see what really is.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello YellowRose. Yellow is beautiful..it brings joy :) Promise of new
beginnings. I love your poem ..here's a smile and a hug :)

laying along the Willow tree
the blanket still holds well you'll see
it may be covered in winters glass
hoping one day you will pass
you will see your reflection of love
God is guiding..from above
Review of WMD  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Its called politics.

w- whitehouse
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is written nicely. I like it.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I think Souls feel the positive and negatives of others. So you're saying God needs evil to be
who he is? So when God gets rid of evil he's hurting himself. Hes doing an injustice?
I don't know..I feel I'm in a area that has to measure everything.
God does talk to us all through our lives. He has helpers..angels, spirits and characters
we cannot see but exist. We have set learned limits upon ourselves. We need to
keep an open mind. Think as a child and it all starts making sense.
Review of Lie  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wonder no more! Anytime we get closer to God evil wants
to intervene. He doesn't have to go after those he has. He
wants us all. So when we pray..follow God or Jesus or both.
whatever Religion one has, evil will try to find a way in .
He knows us well. Yes he does..hes no dumbie. Faith
will keep you free. Talk to God.
I like what you wrote..Its good..right to the point.
Review of Without love  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
For Valentines day you should have given him a box of laxatives for chocolates :)
He seems too have been full of BS.
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