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Review of Faithless  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
I see hope in you..looking for the good..I find
you as someone searching. No one need look
harshly onto your ideas..that's not the way of God.
To show you love we must listen..trying not to
change but the help in the understanding of
good..in God. You sound feed up quite put off.
I wouldn't ask you to join or to stay..just be a
friend ..no demands on either side. I respect your opinion :)
I find your openness refreshing. Its a beginning :)
Review of A Man Does What?  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
You have to watch out for us women..we do have our ways
of catching you guys :) AND what you caught..call anything you
want. :)Flu? I guess that works..sorta feverish. We go after you
guys sometimes with a feverish desire.
AND if you are one of those good guys..thats like one in a million
so you are a rarity. We dont mean to be harsh..its just..its not
everyday a girl meets a man..a real man..a gentleman. So excuse
us for our rudeness..you'll have to show us the way :)
Im glad you are outside of Hades..like can be hell.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | N/A (Unratable.)
Ten reasons why you should be happy :) just kidding.
I guess I could think of ten but you say it doesnt work
that way..so I wont. Did you try smiling more..playin some
awesome tunes..dance :)
When you say admonishment ..I think of severe criticism . I know
what you mean about not getting a clear message. Its crazy..
someone will say something and the signal kinda gets crossed
then they'll come back and say.."didnt you understand me?"
"didnt you hear me?" AND did you ever notice when someone
is reprimanding, we hear and remember the last words they
say the most. Whatever they may be..its those last words.
To prove someone wrong could be dangerous :) Bring your
shield and headgear :)

"The things I hear the least
are what I fear the most."

Yeah..and we end up the last ones to hear it.

Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I have to admit to you that the word flit has never
reached my vocabulary for some reason. You
introduced it to me. I had quit reading and writing
for a while and now I'm stepping through the door
again. I like that word..I love butterflies :)

I like this very much "That man can't find in all his searching."
I bet its because we've taken things so seriously and how have
become so caught up in the complex that simplicity is now
the butterfly. We watch them..wishing we too could flit
thought life..at least for a moment until stress pulls us back
again. It's wonderful how nature reminds us of the beauty in life
wishing for all to blossom allowing the butterfly to take to the air
rewarding itself of what life has to offer. From its cocoon the
growth began accepting its destiny as part of the portrait in todays
colorful world.
Review of Getting started  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
You're right. It has to start somewhere :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I guess this person had death wish..I for sure would not find
it exciting. The first 3 seconds are mine..he has no idea what
to expect..only what he's planned. If I can get a weapon..mine or
his..wheels will turn...I will not hesitate..this is one place time
matters. I will look at him and cry..wondering how a person
who was once a child looking for good found such hate.

I know your story is Joker Series. I just got into the reality
of what is or can be
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Anna might be the one making it all happen. She just might make
it back with no problems at all. Shes knows the road well and has
bridged it before :)

Review of Love Me Now  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
You write "Drive yourself to the brink and back of insanity" after insanity is madness.
Who knows if it will stop at the brink. Sometimes we can drive ourselves
somewhere and get loss on the way back that is if we can turn around.
Playing with our emotions is not so easy when the game is over. The
fun turns to fear. The fear of never being the same again..and I miss it
so. Going back is no option..learning..finding love through faith in God
takes me to better and wonderful places..I need not worry about
going back..not necessary..God thinks ahead..angels light the way.
I fly again.
Review of Searching  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey you :) this is beautiful! She will definitely be a lucky one :)
Who could ask for more. She will belong to a King :)
Review of Obsession  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
"Unbridled thoughts of you subdue me," this means you fantasize
being free of inhibitions. I like that. I would talk to my lover..let him
know..talking about can be exciting. You two could exchange fantasies.
This could be someone you're nuts over but he/she doesnt know..
it could even be a singer, actor..anyone. Whatever the case be careful
with obsessing..it can drive someone away.
Review of GARAGE  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Here's what I got from your Haiku :)

party in garage
autumn with its festivals
garbage cans loaded

droplets of sweat drip
in preparation for guest
garage was dirty
Review of Downed at 18  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Once you get the hang of Independence ..its nice.
You'll grow in another way..learning life as an adult.
I guess we can say we have two lives on earth..one
with our parents and one with ourselves being on
our own. One affects the other. Lets hope you had
great parents..from day one they helped you find
your wings and how to use them by being role models.
Now you can soar :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Were you trying to pick this guy up? Why not draw something and
give it to him..something humorous. I dont get it..why do people
expect someone else to do the work..why not step up..say something..
anything..talk about being wet :) I would really sketch something and give
him peek. When I read your paper..I know this is how it really goes down. You are
speaking from an experience most people go through.We see someone
we might like and our mind starts debating with us. Its like going through
some check list of should and shouldn't.. so we don't. Then we think of
the what if. Its crazy.. :)

Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a wonderful story. Its beautiful.
Review of Shots  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (3.5)
I know shots really bother some people.
It depends on the nurse giving the shot
whether it will be a dig or pinch.
Review of Buster  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is terrible. I think suicide is the legacy we leave behind
for others..especially children and grandchildren. The person
doesn't think of that..all the individual thinks about is ridding
himself of pain. Then not realizing the pain is left with others
now..his grandson...it goes on
Review of A Coffee Moment  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this:) Its beautiful. Thanks for writing and sharing with us.
I truly think this is an exceptional piece. I love the last
paragraph best.
Review of Make a Difference  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love what you wrote. We also have to remember of angels
unawares. I believe this totally. I know they are out there and
with us always. You made me smile with "Having a bad day?"
To ask someone that dont be surprised if they decide to
vent..sometimes it can be hard too..their choice in words can
make one laugh and thats probably not a good thing to do.
I find men say the funniest things when they're angry. The
positive is..sometimes they'll start laughing too. Then one
can breathe. :) But yes I agree..a smile, a hug..any nice
gesture goes a long long way.
Review of Change the World  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
I agree..its important to know self..a daily routine :)
To change the world does start with each of us.
What we do affects others. With all the people in
the world we are touching upon many lives..it
goes around like the earth. And when we upset
the balance a storm happens..with people that
would be war. Will we ever find peace as a total
unit. Its all the same pie..we are in the same dish
and its ok to mix fruit with veggies..add the sugar
and give a smile. :)
Review of Un-dead.  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Who's going to hear that bell if you're underground?
Are you buried in a shallow grave..and what are the
coins for..to place a call ? I don't think there's too
many pay phones around anymore..I haven't seen
many..but I haven't looked either. Paying yourway to
heaven won't work. :)Maybe for a toll to get across to
the other side or paying a ferry..that won't work either.
So what are they for? Please tell me. I'm not a vampire
as you can tell. I have dragons and hawks though.

Review of Heaven's Daughter  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is powerful! I like it very very much. Its beautiful.

"Sitting near the water weeping,
her lover mourns in deep despair.
His true love forever sleeping;
his only thought to join her there."

This is so emotional. I bet each of us have feel
this way one time or another. I can feel that
desperation. Once upon a time so wonderful
lays me down to sleep forever.

I love this poem..thank you for sharing it.
Review of Freespirit  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
You are a freespirit..a wanderer..but I can't help
to see maybe you want a place to call home..
where you say "perhaps Ive left a seed or two
behind to bloom aside the well"..this is finding
ground...creating roots..a place where you can
quench that thirst. Perhaps you are searching for
the perfect place. We have to remember..the
seeds that find their place will have to deal
with obstacles ..we all do..its part of growing..
there are many paths to be taken..some we
walk others are spiritual ..together they are one.
Review of Reclaim Love Lost  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
I agree. Tell the person when the need is there.
We have to remember to be tactful in certain
situations. I believe in communication. If
there's a breakdown there's a loss.
Review of Carolina's Curls  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this! What a fantastic child and an excellent teacher.
I say they both have good imaginations to make it all
work out the way they did. Carolina has a terrific attitude.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I feel she knows there's something..shes searching..
reaching deep inside and out for some recognition.
Love and memories never go away..they may fade but
she knows something is there..she doesn't want to let it go.
Sometimes it takes a little light, love and warmth to bring it to
the surface..peace
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