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Review of The Story of B  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This story does not lie. People with their expectations.
I was told I have ADD. I wondered how the Dr. got a
hold of my old report card :) Can't multitask I'm told.
I can chew gum..drive a car and text all at the same time. :)
I can also sing, dance, and roll my eyes if needed.

Your story was very interesting. I think the names people
picked for this child says a lot about that person.
Review of In Dreams  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Rob Orbison..so awesome.. In the song it says:

"In dreams I walk with you
In dreams I talk to you
In dreams you're mine all of the time
We're together in dreams, in dreams"

In the story it sounds you've been living the song
"In Dreams." It also states in the song "you awake to
find her gone". just like in your story. I find this so neat.
So..you sort of based your story on the song...cool :)

In the song its tells "It's too bad that all these things
can only happen in my dreams". And it turned out true.
You were shot by your wife. All the fond memories were
that..memories..just a dream now. The voice and images
float about ..just as you do at the end.

Review of Consequences  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is EXCELLENT! I'm saying this poem is amazing. Everything
affects us..we part of it all and Im smiling today :) thank you
"a new star shimmered into being." A birth..all births..of all and
everything. Something exploded and you were born :)

Exceptional poem!
Review of Generic  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
You sound like music OR make me think of a song that
I can't think of right now. I hope its not gonna be one of
those that stick with me all day. Like when I find it , I go
around singing it over and over. Anyways..I really like
the poem. It makes so much sense. I can relate to it.
I think anyone can. That's the beauty of it. You've made
it real to everyone. As I read..I go back only to return again.
You say you are generic..what buffers do you carry :)
I find its optimism, egotism..hey, we all have it..its
genuine..its you. Remain optimistic..be you :) I like it.
All in all we get a chance to to use the wings found..you
have gained wisdom :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
This makes me think so much of New York. Working in the
freezing winter, one could cut their finger off and not know
it until they thawed :) Carpets on the floor and a fire place.
The scent of winter can't be missed. Lets play some music :)

Very nice poem
Review of The Gift  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Im learning there are so many ways to write poetry. So this one
is personal-Ku. It goes by the syllables in a persons full name.
So mine is 2-2-1. I like yours a lot and what you said.



the light
that knows

The light

We live
one more

Tell me how I did. Be honest..straight up. I can
handle it :)

Review of THE STORM!  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
This storm will be a hungry lion unleashed. Just as Daniel
was saved so will Gods people. To others..it will be revelations.
"To look inside my soul" we all need to do this..not only look but
do some searching. Me included. I do this and Im not always happy
at what I see. The light shows the way and there are times I pull down
the shade. I know what this means.. I do believe in his coming soon.
The time is now..I know that..HE will wait for no one..we mustn't look
back either. The light shines..angels are with us...they lead us to
better ground..its time we do some walking :)

Good piece
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
I love that first picture. She's so pretty. I love her hair.
The father did a terrible thing but maybe they can work
things out. Maybe when the smoke really clears and
the stone wall is repaired..he'll come around to realizing
that his little girl is grown..she made her choice and he
has to either accept it or lose her. So many families are
broken because of stubbornness. I hope this doesn't happen
to the princess and her father.I guess it's tough for a King who
can't keep things in his control..its all about status..where he
stands in the eyes of his people..
Review of LOST N FOUND  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Smiling..a pocket knife against a bear :)thats funny. Please tell me you'll
never really try that :) Your story would be great for children. I found it
entertaining and Im an adult :) I love it when someone puts a smile on
my face.
Review of I FEEL THE STORM  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Let me be more like me and less like you..this is what
I think of when I read your poem. Where you write,
"That each individual should speak their own mind.'
this is immense. All we have is who we are...if one
cant say as they feel then where's the drive. How can
one move forward. How can we become a couple when
everything is being done by one.
I agree..let it rain..lets work on the leaks in roof..let the
wind blow..maybe we tie the problem down..touch my
heart..slap my ass..lets work this out and if for some
reason we have to part, untie the knot..I go with the wind
"Please just smile and remember today is my date." I agree.

Good poem.
Review of Like Water  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
"You are the ripples that transmit a positive attitude" this is touching
the soul. Ones ripples affect others and so the ripple effect goes on
and on..this taking me too:
"they get from you what they offer." this is a powerful statement.
Its like saying, give unto others as you'd have them give upon you.
What one gives..they get back. Karma too..what goes around
comes around. What one puts on the table they will end up eating.

When we cry..only one tear is needed to flood emotions.
I really like this poem. You are very lucky too be looked upon
as such. :) You are the type of person we all thirst for :)
Review of Keep Your Head Up  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
"God painted a beautiful sky for me." this is the path we walk.
God has plans..he sees ahead..the knows what is best but
do we hold his hand..are we walking beside him.
"He planted soft, image-filled clouds" God shows us the way..
he guides us..he gives us signs. These signs can be given
in so many ways..animals bring messages..clouds give shape
bringing us direction.
Whatever it is he presents, its up to the individual to see
it..this done with faith.
"I could feel the breeze" you know hes there. God does what he
can..he does everything..but sometimes we miss it by looking
elsewhere ..this happens in just moments..looking away..turning from
God..missed your flight. Its never too late..the beauty is always
there..look up..see the twinkles in the sky :)
"All this, He did for me," the faith :) I love this
Review of Pacing  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I friend of mine told me once that "practice makes permanence."
That made so much sense it still does. I think thats why
employers like to hire people right out of school because
they haven't applied their knowledge yet and they can be
trained to do things according to business..nothing has to
be undone first. This method applies to many things.
What we get use to becomes the way...reminding me of a set mind.
A balance between fast and slow sounds inviting.
Fast-paced sounds good to me too..feeling dizzy as if Im in a speeding
car..Im ready :)

I just wrote down some thoughts from what you wrote. I do agree with
you. How things are written makes all the difference. Your piece taught
me something. I thank you :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is nice. Where you write "Soon you will be tapped
for cleaning up" this is true. We need to remember what
we do now affects the future. The future belongs to
today's youth. Today's youth is learning from role models
which is all adults. One has to wonder which generation
is going to be the one to change. You poem looks at the good.
It builds on hope..hope purging the nations sins.

Very interesting poem
Review of BY HIS WORD  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow..I love this..Its really good! It makes so much
sense and speaks truth. In the beginning of your
poem "A landlord without a place to lay his head" I find
this brilliant. This world is all his and we're only hear
for a short while like renting space from God to know
his son and live eternally. Its the way to find the path
to heaven. ALL the rest of the poem gives direction..
follow the signs..the ones you speak of.
Great job! I love it
Review of Still Young  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey :)This is sweet.
You sound like a wonderful husband and she's a beautiful wife
Together you found happiness ..you found life :)
Review of Life  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This makes me think of Karma. What goes around comes around.
It also gets me to thinking about energies..where there's a positive
there's a negative AND this taking me to opposites..I hear opposites
You talk of "next life" I too believe we may have lived other lives.
We keep coming back for more vision into nature.. Since we always have
choice..one could possibly end up missing something..
I guess it would mean we kinda lagged behind and now precious
time is catching up BUT will we ever get what we lost and was anything
actually missed. We all walk a road..we take what we need and look
for our wants.

Your poem opened my thought box. :) thank you. I like that.
Review of PHENOMENON  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love haiku..I like to give it a try when I come across it. So here
it is :) Your Haiku is really good

each second we walk
takes us to a place waiting
our destination

memories of yesterday
affect tomorrows

Haiku is saying a lot with very few words. I think its suppose to
have a season too. A season to me could be one of the stages
in human life. Also when one is sick. There are stages there too.
Seasons can apply to many things. I guess there are other types
of haiku also. I hope I wrote one of them :)

Review of At Summers End  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is very spiritual to me..circles turn..veils lifted.
This has me thinking where you say "The end of summer
colors fade" I wonder if people go through a transition too
a sort of a fading. Winter being more of soul searching
period. Things happening more inside but being affected
by the outside..as always. We rebuild in the spring..kinda
putting everything together..then reveal our finding in the
summer only to have it start again in the fall. Sort of a
going over process..cleaning out..look inside and out
to see how far we've come. The veil is lifted..we now see.
We can explore ourselves and maybe one another.

I like what you wrote

Review of The Bird Lady  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is such a wonderful story. The elderly lady connected with nature
and it became her life. Once taken in one does not want to change or
go back. I love how the neighbors brought bird feeders. So awesome.

“I’ll get to fly with my birds, on angel wings.” this is beautiful.
Review of The Dream  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Billy Swenson..is that name suppose to mean something.
I cant recall it. I like the old classics.. It makes for fun singing.:)
Your story is good..I like it.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I enjoyed this story. I was raised in Pennsylvania..I went barefoot a lot also.
I think Mississippi is warmer though.
I still go barefoot at times AND I can still walk on rocks. :) What about you?! :)
Are you a tender foot now :) Your story makes me think of a movie I saw.. I
can't remember the name. I love the country..I love walking the creek..smelling
nature..taking in the whole environment.

Your story was great! smiling..I loved it
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Wow..you should be happy and all lite up..not so dark and depressed :)
Congratulations! I know though that the darkness brings you light.
It helps you to see so you can write on :) You do write from all sides.
That's why your writing is so diverse. I thought it might be you were
having a good day :) well maybe that too..
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Very distressing agonizing poem. I want to say depressing
but it doesn't fit because one wants to help so badly. There's
no time for depression. Then to see the child has died..that's
disheartening. When the angel comes it brings a warmth a
sigh of relief..I hope that the angel visits the loved ones so
they too can find comfort in someway.

A sad story. You told the story so well...I could
hear the voice of the child. The poem took on an urgency
for me..You did a great job
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is very pleasant poem. Deep love..soulmates.
Its like when your skin is touching his its home...like
they've been together always. Nothing can compare.
Its awe and emm. Makes one want to slide right on.
Kiss from head to toe. An orgasmic love...living in a
cosmic world of its own.
"An open doorway to the heart of angels,"..absolutely

Lovely poem. Im crazy about it.
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