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Review of Pieces of Me  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
You write to set the emotions free "let them escape and be real." Your writing is your way of escaping.
That's great. I guess most writers let their feelings out through the pen :)
I'm happy you found peace by dealing with the broken pieces inside.

Thanks for sharing some of you. Happy writing :) Happy Holidays :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I know that numb feeling..blocking it out.shaking
it off..letting it go..refusing to cry.
But I do live in the moment. Its all we have.
Look for the good in someway. I went to
God..he truly helped me and still does..and always.
Following his guidance can be tough at times.
It's up to us to take that step towards a better self.

"It’s like looking in the mirror
not knowing who's on the other side"
Your inner mirror will reflect the inside and out.
God will shine it for you so you can see.:) Just ask.
We all have one.
Review of Pyrrhus's Lament  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow..this poem is dramatic. There's something
hanging in the air..its permeating..no escape.
I'm seeing a strong powerful relationship. The
love is tremendous..a lover or a mother.
"One act so damning, that no mother could forgive."
The mother is upset to the point of refusing to recognize truth.
Its war like and never ending.
Almost like the saying: it ain't over till it's over.
Even when it's ended..it remains. The energy is
so strong.."And for this I’m condemned, an innocent man."
Im picturing snakes, lions, gladiators, Gods and Goddesses. !
She's had her part in adding to this tragic relationship but
he ended up the villain. Is he so innocent?
"Because between us is too much bitterness."
that tells the story right there. A lot is going on yet.
"One act so damning" this is definitely God like. Maybe they
can be Christ like and find forgiveness.

A powerful poem. I enjoyed it.
Review of Words Can't Say  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
"Mr. Webster hasn't words to compare you too." this is so sweet.
Maybe Ms. Thesaurus can help:)
"You was my first girl I was your first as a lover.
After forty six years there's never been another."
Wow..that's dedication! So who's the girl you miss
that Ive read in your other poems? Oh..maybe its her, your
wife, your lover. People change at times and become something
more than a lover then from there nothing is the same and that
part of the person is missed.

This is a wonderful poem. You sing a beautiful song :)
Review of I Miss You  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey King :) I like this poem. You want something more from
life..something is missing. Did you ever think we have lived
previous lives. I do..and there's something we know
is here. So we search..I do it spiritually. I find answers there..
sometimes I'm left with more questions but its so interesting
and something is always given. One fells more together..complete.

Very nice poem.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
'Mementos of my achievements That seem meaningless now."
They are never meaningless. Its something you did and gained
perspective. You would never want to lose something learned.
"What is this place that I call my home?" I think this is a question
that comes along with birth. We tend be searching for it in the
very beginning. We normally find it with our family but then it
creeps up again with the whole Independence thing. Its like
the question: who am I? I find we walk a path learning from
who we can as much as we can until our final place..with God.
We are all here for a reason. You bring meaning to living.
The gift is there..you can find it in the present. :)
"And my heart has disappeared." your heart beats to your
every more..remember the "Reminders of people who love me:
is what you said..the good is there.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Your story makes me a raging bull. My sign is Taurus :)
I love animals. I know people have different cultures and
beliefs and this is what helps me. But holy cow..this poem
is brutal. "From the beast’s limited vision" he sees more
than you think..maybe you might think that's BS

I must admit you did describe the whole scene very well.
For those who like this sport they will thoroughly enjoy the
poem. I guess I should say it takes courage to do what
these guys do and the clowns who steer the way clear
from the Matador :)

Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Icebergs are about...they take down the best of us.
They won't take in any joy. No season to be jolly anywhere.
The water in tear form drops.. this leaving behind an impression.
As I look upon my portrait I see change..the meandering trail
of memories.
Mixed water frozen with life..whipped with the fallen yesterdays
and shadows of tomorrow. All crated by the spirit within today.

Snowman gives me a drink :) today is a good day.

I liked your poem . It made me sit back.

Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
A sweet poem. I felt sadness reading the last line.
You wanted to fit in and have friends. Usually its not
just any friend. Its the popular ones. I think with you
it was someone you wanted to share everything with. A
true, solid, respectful buddy.
I was one of those quiet ones. I would watch and listen.
I discovered I could make noise..sing and dance :)
Talking to God and his family up stairs helps a lot. He showed
me so much. Still does.
Did you find your happiness or are you still wondering :)
I wish the best for you.

Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a powerful poem. It made sad. I felt frustration.
I know its sounds so cruel for a mother to do such a thing.
We have to remember she needs help also. Something
obviously is not clicking.
I agree with your poem. We mustn't give up.
These children deserve a chance for a better life.
Patience from us helps them to gain strength. Giving
love, kindness and understanding feeds them something
they were not given by their mother..love and trust.

Your poem is very touching.
Review of Apathy  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
"an attachment to nothing." meaning detachment.
Growing up to believe no one cares. That's rough.
"no one has empathy" this sounds like the makings
of a big problem. Does arrogance fall in this category?
I could.. along with sadness..being alone..and not caring.
My mind is going many directions on this poem.
Someone playing God but really means it. Its more
like following darkness where one can't feel. Makes
me think of the series Dexter.
I guess we all have to protect ourselves. Something has
give though. Something happens..things change..then a
whole new person evolves. :) "We grew up"
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Jesus shed his blood for us.
Imagine what we can do with that. He made it easier
for us..he makes it possible for us to move mountains..he
showed us it can be done. We mustn't limit ourselves on
the spiritual level. Jesus gave us a key..we seem to wear
it around our neck but never use it.

"I am partaker in that sin," we all are. Asking for forgiveness
will break that partnership with evil. You walk a path..God
guides you..its up to you to follow.

What if Jesus had come today instead of when he did. Would
things turn out any different today. Wars of religion..I wonder.
Review of Heavenly Bells  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is really a nice poem. You describe Christmas
The true meaning. I think you deserve 5 bells :)
I like it very much. Thank you for sharing.
Review of A Dreamer's Web  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
My spider is still spinning. :) In circles it goes.
What we have use to produce our web will catch us
in the end. Not all of us spin with silk :) What
we catch we take in..and we become what we
drink. Ive seen cobwebs where people decided
to start over..a new spin on life :)

Nice poem
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
King :)
I agree..giving thanks to Jesus and showing how much
we love him by giving love is true Christmas. When we walk
in him, he knows we listened well. We need to ofter our
Gift to Jesus in case someone needs it more than us.
Maybe they can't see out..snow can be blinding
so a window is necessary with an inside helper. Then help
can be given outside.This is the cycle of sharing.

I love your poem :)
Review of Old Glory  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is touching. It leaves me quiet..speechless. The men/women
who have payed dearly. I'm reminded of a medic who came home
feeling guilty for being the one who lived. He thought if only he had done
something differently.
We can listen and care and be there for them as they were for our country.
Give a warm embrace to their return.

Thank you for sharing.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hey You :) laughing..so have you been with a witch?
They can take you higher. They have a nice ride too
There's a lot of queens out their with broken mirrors :)

Mirror Mirror something within..please tell me where to begin.
Am I ready to see the truth..something forgotten in my youth

'[If I say you are ugly
I’d soon be a have been]”.

This is true. I think this is how lies begin. We mean to be nice
by being polite..it has its place. It starts when we are children.
We say we understand when we don't. We agree when
inside we know better..keeping the peace..at least for awhile.
Review of An Apology  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Apologizing means a lot. Not everyone can do it.
I don't know why but its true. A healing word fore sure.
I guess it depends on the individual. Sometimes
words that's used for healing make the wound deeper.
Words can cut deep. That old saying "sticks and stones
may break my bones but words will never hurt me"
Whoever came up with this was not thinking of the
heart and soul..words can mess with the mind too.
I would rather be spanked..fill the pain..its over.
Words linger..stick to ones head like gash..then scaring.

I like your poem

Review by 2bemar
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
"Just pant to me, my sweet dog;that's all it takes to make me happy."
I like this. "I await your wet, slobbering, sticky kisses
coming from your long, slobbery tongue." emm..emm...good..
"but to me, silence is stronger." no words needed :) show me..

sensual poem to me :)
Review of Of Dogs and Days  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Its like you are saying: Once we get to the top..it goes down from there.
I think it can get even better but then according to you, I wouldn't have
been at the top. DO I make sense. Ok..lets say Im at my best..where I
want to be. A dog having its day so to speak. NOW something comes
a long and brings more sunshine..my day is ever brighter. SO I ask
how do you really know if you've made it to the Everest. On the mountain
one knows. In life..its different. Even if one makes it to the highest rank, it
can become better as days go on. See what I mean. I guess we just keep
climbing..never stop..and when you reach God THEN you know you have
reach the highest and the best :)
"Tension drags life into the void," the tension is inside from the outside.
The person can change it..no emptiness..there's always something.

Your poem took me into thought..
Review of First Kiss  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
The first kiss..orgasmic fantasy that opens the blossom.
Its sweet nectar on the tongue of the wild..freeing the spirit
The petals so delicate and soft have the willingness.
to take in strength from hands that touch so gently.

Your poem holds a lot of passion. i like it very much

Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
This little steel trunk opens a jewelery box for me. The ballerina is missing.
The music has stopped..the real jewel is gone. There's an emptiness now.
The box sits alone. Something taken.
She is free. Ballerina has turned her life around. :)

Good poem.
Review of Meeting Him  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
"I max’d out all my cards," hmm..I guess New Years is out :)
You got the best gift of all AND it was free. You found kindness.
Oh my gosh! What if that man was working for the mall so
people would do what you did..spend all your money. Its a
thought..I wouldn't put it pass them :)

Nice story.

Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
I agree. Good actress.
I liked Audrey in Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Thank you for sharing this :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Your story is very relaxing. I could sense the whole image.
I don't fish but I'd like too. I have a bamboo walking stick. :)
There's a patch of land on the mountain that has an area
of bamboo. It really stands out like an Island. Ive
heard Bamboo is aggressive..but then all things in the forest
fight for survival..stand their ground.

This poem is summer for sure :)
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