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Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
I feel for you..addiction is tough..real tough. You can't make the
person see..you can't stop them..they have to see it and want it.
Sometimes talking does work if they truly see the damage its causing.
You say "And maybe I'll get help too" do it..don't just talk it. Sometimes
that helps a friend to see that it can be done or they see that their
mate or friend has had enough..it might be the push needed. BUT
do it for you..take day at a time..let the healing begin.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
This poem says a lot to me. Its tells me one is trying to please
self and others. "One day suddenly my car broke down" it seems
one has to take a break in order to see all the parts missing.
When one climbs to the top and looks down or crawls under
to see where it all began remember to do it with no expectations.
Then all of a sudden one finds sight.
Review of "Footprints"  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Heres a smile and a hug :) I like this poem.
You're in such pain and you seek God that's nice.
God does listen..and he will answer..I believe this
because he said he would. God said seek and you'll
find..knock and he'll answer. Remember..God does
things in his time..he knows when the time is right.
You might think its right now and maybe it is and
when God does answer its so unbelievably great.
You'll realize why.
Review of Admirable Women  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is a wonderful piece on gratitude. I wish I could say I've had admirable women
to thank in my life..maybe I do..I just dont realize it. My mother is one..but mostly for
me its men. My dad, grandpa and a couple brothers. God definitely and Jesus.
I do know God is everything. My world revolves around him. I find men to be more
understanding than women. They make the best friends.
You have known some really outstanding people..considerate yourself fortunate
Review of Inside.  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
I find what you wrote interesting. This person never wants to be free.
I think you mean you want to hold onto what you're lost for as long as
you can..for hurting is part of the relationship or whatever it is you're
referring too. Where you say "through the heart into the dark". That
surprises me for the heart brings light along with the soul.This poem
makes me think of someone writing feverishly.

Scars do bear memories..we can reflect upon these to look back
Review of Unexpected Delays  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey Syracuse! I"m from NY. Auburn was about two hours from where I lived.
Sometimes I really miss it.
Racism is something taught. That definitely is in her family. Couldn't you have
called human services. I wouldn't let the threats get in the way of what's right.
Interesting piece..

Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Let him go..if he's lying now..he'll do it again and make you feel its
your fault. If you go back to this person..he's knows you'll do anything
and he'll prove it.
You can trust again..just be more selective. There's someone special
for you..I hope you find your happiness :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I'm speechless. Its no laughing matter. I gotta say..I have no tolerance for bullies.
I know this sounds bad but get it at the bud. Yeah..dont give these people time
to blossom..but then again they aren't flowers..they're weeds. I then think..what
went wrong..these were babies once..now children..some young adults..some
grow ups. I feel it a learned behavior. The parents have a lot to do with it..
or maybe the parents have nothing to do with their children at all so these kids
act out..making others feel as they do..miserable. In any case..we need to put
bully's to pasture. We need to find them help.We can all use a loving touch
Review of Crux  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Dang..look for good, happiness and smiles along with God and you wont
have to envy anymore :) Evil is a cesspool..one cant imagine what crap goes
on in there..even though you did pretty good. You must have had a visit. I understand
that..one never forgets.
Review of What's the Rush?  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
When one sees things aren't working out its time to take action.
People tend to wait..a rut begins and somethings never end..
habits sink in. Everyone has choice..you say you followed dads
orders. I hope you aren't putting blame on dad.
You've lived at home before college so knowing dad is a known.
You seem content actually..going out..staying up all night at the bar/clubs
then there's the volunteer work. That's nice but it won't get you the
Mercedes. :)

Review of replevitation  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Well..take away the rep in your title and you have 'levitation"
then I go to the end of your poem and I see "I hover about the Earth".
IS this an out of body type thing. AND you say "growing wings".
You are waiting.. becoming a free man in some way.
Maybe you have a reputation for flying off..either the handle or from the coup :)
You seem to be into the neck.. mentioning neckties, noose, razor retracts from the square
of your neck. This reminds me of clothes. Is that it. You made your fortune in fashion.
Project runway :)
Where you have "The bone extends to long hooks". Models bones protruding (which I find beautiful).
"And hemp cobras coil to the ground" this could mean those who judge your fashion are highly
impressed. AND this leaves you " I hover above the Earth" in a euphoria.

Review of Coyote  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is really nice. "Kindred memories begin to flow" it makes me think
how a like we are with animals. We are animals too. Coyote's are social
animals..so are we. We are connected with nature indeed.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Is this Bernard again..looking for love..hmm..now that he inherited everything.
"the comfort of the shadows and looked at his sullen image in the tainted mirror "
yep..this is Bernard :)
" A virgin confidence"..I dont think Ive ever heard that before. You do have a way with
Wow..you have this deep dark side about you. Everything is falling or sinking or drowning..
SMOTHERING..something is always dying. BUT where you wrote "oblivious to the beacons
of existence" I like this a lot. I know we all radiate a light..maybe an individuals light is seen
only to some..giving them some direction. I believe some lights shine more than others.
I like how this guy found nature in the concrete world. He needs to visit the country more.:)
I enjoyed your story.
Review of Candlelight  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
"the gradual erosion of the future creating the faint, distant dusts of the past. " I like this.
Ok now I'm thinking.. the future is born..fading into the present ..making it the past.
So why do we say..past, present, and future.
This story is sad. I can't help but to wonder if there's some inheritance going on. Yeah..
Bernard makes it a love story but I don't trust the guy. I wouldn't want to put my dad down.
That thought scares me. I very rarely sassed my dad. Nope..I couldn't do it.
That is devastating. I would imagine it living with Bernard forever..that is IF Bernard
truly loved his father. Anyways..I can't make Bernard a hero..lets face it..he murdered his
father. What do I know...I'm just imaging being Bernard. Thank God for imaginations.
That taking me to..its only a story. whew!
You are very descriptive..I enjoyed that..and yes it really took me there..I could feel the
fear, the sadness, the whole thing. It made me take a deep breath. I guess thats what
a piece is suppose to do. Good work

P.S. I know there are situations where this is acceptable and I can see one doing this
out of extreme love. The father was suffering..he made a request and the son felt responsible.
He did it for his father..hopefully. There I empathized..but I didnt like it.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I learned each day is a new birth. Nothing dies for me..it lives inside. The scents
can be reminders..bringing it to life again. I know of course my brain seems to
pack thoughts away for awhile..forgotten for the moment or for years. Then something
comes along..it can a bird in the sky or a car racing by or a song ..anything..then
out of the attic it comes. Its the things we learned ..gained the wisdom from. :)
I have dont have many concrete pictures..but I have a big photo album in my
head..I realized one day that I have pictures I never knew I took until something
comes up. I think..wow..

I like what your wrote..
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem tells me the world can make us beautiful
people if we accept it by letting nature in. We need to
shower ourselves with what she has to offer..allowing
ourselves to blossom..open as a flower..let the breeze
send our scent of acceptance. Colors will radiate
from the hills like a beacon under the deep blue sky.
Whispers of an angel will guide the way as if to be
the daughter of mother nature. Wisdom waiting to
be gained..but for now it rest..until found.

I loved your poem

Review of I CAN HAVE IT ALL  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is really good..I believe it too.

If my goods are stored away
Forgotten, inaccessible
Then these goods, my goods,
Are as good as dead

I like this paragraph..it makes a lot of sense. I have these goods..today the darkness
sets in and I find they are starting to die. I look for the light...I talk to God..I wanna see
Sometimes I just cant take the hate, the meanness anymore. It hurts so much. I need
Gods help..I know he'll come through..I pray the angel shows me once again. I find when
people love God the evil tries even harder. Evil won't win because God has already won.
Hope is believing the next moment can be a better one..I believe. I seek, I believe , I know God
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
So this man in the beginning tellin of a place..was a cronie of evil..he would try leading everyone
the wrong way. Well..that's not good but one can learn from that experience.
We learn from everything that we do..each choice we make.. there's consequence
some good ,some not. This guy got a second chance.
I thinking faith saw this guy through..he keep his belief, his strength in God.
I was thinking just now. Evil is relentless..so..at the end of the trail there will be
a bus..on it will say "Christ". Most everyone will load on..they'll see familiar faces
maybe even family members..there will be food music and laughter..then as the
driver gets on he"ll turn the bus around for a needed direction..as he does..
on the other side of the bus it will say "Anti". So there ya have it "antichrist." BUT that doesnt
mean he wins..God over came evil..keep our faith in God and you win :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is very interesting. I'll take the road not traveled at all. Give me a machete..I'll whack
myself through..I guess I'll be a bush whacker. I'll find fruit or something..even though
Im unsure about it..I wouldnt want to take from Eve's tree..all hell breaks loose..Adam
will do anything Eve ask..maybe I'll find mine. If Im luck I'll find Noah's Ark..make for
good shelter. Noah's a patient man..Im sure he'll understand. I hear there's more to find
on this road than any other..its take a lot of work, patience and faith. It even has a name
"The Bible" :)
I love what you wrote..it got me into thinking. I love that
Review of What's in a tune  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Where you say "you quickly remember how simple an individual shows up at birth"...I know you're
speaking of your grandson and that's beautiful..but you brought to mind something else too.
How individual things show up at birth..the beginning. Our first breath starting life again..something
will happen or I'll hear a sound that brings to mind a song or a memory. It can be anything..
its funny..even the way the wind blows through the trees...it takes me back. The scents in
the air will remind me of time I had forgotten but now awaken again. Its a birth and how wonderful
it is. Its new again for the first time in a long time..see what I mean? The simplest things at the
the most usual times will bring happiness or sadness depending what it relates me to.
I believe God takes us to something we must remember for its needed in our birth
of a new day :) He takes us back so we can walk ahead. Its our photo album of life
Review of Holding On  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
I understand you trying to be there for your friend. If she remains repetitious in thought
and action then maybe help is needed. Sometimes people get caught up in the whole
situation and feel guilty if they tell someone else..someone they know can possibly
be beneficial. You're wondering if its okay to even mention it to anyone. You have..WDC.
So your have reached out. I hope you get the needed help for your friend. It's bringing you
both down. This is a step up
Review of Worlds Apart  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is nice. When two people meet there's sort of a game that goes on.
Its the first time your eyes meet to that first kiss. Its fun..its exciting. I call
it the tease. I love that. One is using all they can to be with someone.
Flirting is used in so much that we do. Everybody wants to be liked..
flirting doesn't have to mean togetherness..it can simply be part of
who one is..they do it out of that need to know. This might sound terrible
to some but its human nature. Its the animal in us...NOT that Im a
flirt or anything..Im just saying :) Keep the spontaneity in your relationship
it goes a long way and its a lot of fun.
He keeps talking while you keep dreaming because he wants to be part of it.
He wants to reach inside and talking is the song that one listens too.
When you touch..the dancing begins.
Review of Dog Tags  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
"They hang in mute monument" but they sure say a lot..they speak loudly.
For each one hanging tells me this person served our country..made it
what it is..ours.
Review of Black pelican  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
It seems to me this person is doing a lot of deep thinking. Standing by the land..many thoughts
going on..and maybe avoiding what is. Maybe not wanting to get involved..he/she
wants to be free..a free spirit..talking the wings to fly..
Black wings..well..black absorbs light and energy so this sounds like a good thing
The light will show this individual the way..the energy giving her/him strength.
Where you say "there is nothing left of you"..I take it the relationship is ending..taking their
wings to the road in the sky..new destinations..
Interesting poem
Review of I Hate Girls  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Im glad you found your other half. I like having guy friends too..girls talk too much
Guys are doers. Girls are more manipulative...they can be witches..I know..I fly a broom :)
You sound like a wise and strong person. You seem to have found the good in both worlds
I like that. It takes an open mind :)
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