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Review of SILENCED  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
The rain was pouring down. You got wet..well..that's something..you didn't get to drown..
maybe she kept a life guard.
Maybe she just wanted a lover not a husband. Its that sea of love where everyone would love to drown.
I feel like a wet mut. I wasn't allowed to drown either BUT I shook the water off.:)
You say she couldn't find her voice but in the beginning of your poem you state where she told you
secrets and about all the loves that didn't last. That's probably the reason..that last one. Loves didn't
last. She probably had a shield or a shell she was hiding behind...afraid of revealing the things
that she thinks might have caused the problems. One of you lost your voice. So be glad you
didnt drown..I mean what if you had and found it was shallow water..wow..what a sinking feeling..
Hitting bottom..I say with any relationship bring a snorkel :) yeah..deep sea drive..look at the
beauty and enjoy yourself

Review of Flutter  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Maybe the greyhound bus was your cocoon and you metamorphosed..the whole thing
became clear..the change took place and you arrived with a new perception of things.
Sounds good to me :)
Review of Whispers  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Seems people need better friends. I mean once you tell a secret..its done. You have no secret.
Then you find your didnt really have trust either nor a friend. I say let them talk..people will do what
they do. Let them play their game .blind leading the blind..no one seeing truth or even cares.
It makes their day. They have nothing else to do. That says it all...little minds.
If we're talking celebrities..I think its what society wants. It can only grow if one buys into
it. The more we read about it...the more they write.
Review of I know that house  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
To go back to that room..you just did. That's what memories are.
I love how you describe the whole atmosphere. I can actually be
there. Thank you for inviting me. I hope to come again :)

This was really nice.
Review of Hi-Def  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
When you say creatures, I see all living things. These creatures being people too.
I agree with you..stepping outside is whole new experience from inside.
There's also going outside of ones body..that too is another extraordinary
Your piece takes one into their experience with nature. I can feel the bubbling sweat
and the taste of salt. Looking on I can see the sultry dance of the world..such passion
Review of Dear World  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this..I agree..we are all sacred. . Everyone needs to be empathetic..show some
understanding. I too believe we are one with nature and God...this making us a plural one :)
The twisted lives we live.. weaving in and out touching upon other threads causing them to
knit in a fashion of their own..each creating a master piece to be portrayed as their life.
In the individual move..who we are..have we frayed. Will someone relate to the pain of
loose threads and help to mend the torn. Or will someone be taunting and mean and
take care of any loose ends by cutting them off...leaving one to be alone and desolate.
Where you wrote "hey Im here..I want to be noticed and validated" I spoke similar words
to God..I was so broken I looked toward heaven and yelled to God "what about me..here
I am..I'm not asking why, Im not blaming..everything in your time..but here I am" he did
answer. Sometimes we dont realize what that means. We dont think of whole to the
question. Its not that simple. Its amazing, its wonderful and whatever comes with that
answer one has to deal with it...remembering it is God. He makes it all worth while because
you can trust in him..he has unconditional love. Faith and patience are so important.
I'm with you..start small..share a smile..give a hug. These little moves can stitch so nicely.
Now I need to ask God.."what can I do for him"
Review of It Rains  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your poem is very nice. I really like it A LOT. I can see the sorrow. Its letting go of something so beautiful..and
when the light shines it will reveal a rainbow bringing with it promises.God never lies
You poem made me write these thoughts

It Snows

the rain turns to ice
snow soon falls
it covers the mess people made

the snow melts
the creeks are high
washing away our filth

trees are growing
vines creeping along
climbing and twisting around our junk
it is hidden

leaves are falling on the ground
giving beauty to something so ugly

Nature rules..
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
My reality is my spirituality...which I can see right now..I also visualize..this takes
me to actuality :) The ultimate desire smolders inside..the flame will come when
I strike the match.
I believe you when you say things can get in the way of whats to be..we walk a path..
we want to make it to actualization and our strength takes us there. We do have to
face hurdles in life..variables that can bring us to a dead end IF a person allows it. One
might end up hanging around this area but I think sooner or later one will see the
sign and move on :)
I like what you wrote. Its interesting.
Review of Lonely  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is interesting but sad. This person must be lonely starving for companionship.
Nothing is more loyal than a dog. They give unconditional love.

The person giving the fake smile isn't all that happy..for real.
You don't have to talk to God on bended knees. I communicate with God
everywhere. It can be done silently..and things do change. Patience is the key.
When it does come..its amazing. You are left with a gift.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I have to agree with you on this. Eating sugar is terrible. It makes one eat more sugar..really..its addicting.
I love stevia. It took a while to find good recipes but I did. It makes yummie pies.
If one was to take out trans fatties they would definitely be healthier and thinner. Even if the
product says 0 transfatties..check the label. So many things have something hydrogenated in it.
Going organic..that too is very helpful but can be expensive.
WATER yes! We are all fish tanks..lets clean it out :)
BREAD..oh dear..I love bread ..I eat Ezekiel. I love it toasted with natural peanut better.
If people were to try natural peanut butter over that lard Skippy or Peter Pan..they would
never forget it. I like making homemade bread too..
VITAMINS..not all are considered equal. I take them..Im a believer but one has to be careful.
EAT LIKE A BIRD..I say walk away hungry..really..eat but don't eat till your stuffed.
It is important to have a good breakfast. When the body sleeps at night its building and
repairing and by morning it needs fuel to keep working. Like gas in a car. I have to admit though..I do break my
rules sometimes. Did you ever see that girl on TV who's eating a piece of chocolate and shes
like in heaven. Its true! I had a piece of chocolate and wow! It tasted so good..I knew how dangerous
it could be..it evil..It makes a person want more BUT it would't taste as good the second time..honest..
nothing is the same as the first bite :)
We mustn't forget positive thinking and patience. God helps a lot too. The bread of life..God's word:)
A person can eat that till they're stuffed and still be starving..BUT its always there..he has risen :)

Review of The Sound  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Are we talking about mom, dad or God. Love is in heart I agree. We look for the good
giving love..looking at the spirit in all things..learning from the heart soul and mind.
When birds learn to fly ..they fall..they get up and then they're off. The little bird
faced many dangers but it had a mission..to fly..to live. Living is learning. The
bird soars now being what it was meant to be..the Eagle.
Review of The Blood Test  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
What about when you're given a prescription. One drives home to Google it..then having
to drive back to town to have it filled. THEN finding it makes you feel ill..too many side
effects..feeling them all...after a month you hear and see on TV that the medicine you are
taking has caused serious side effects even death..it goes on to say..if you know of anyone
please contact us at Better and Best firm that only makes one feel worse. THEN when you
do contact these quick fix lawyers..you end seeing a Proctologist because of the pain in your
Review of An Old Age Sonnet  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
We all have to go through our time here. I hope I dont end up grumpy..I dont like
cranky. I like smiling and laughing. When I look down at my feet..they'll be bare.
I'll walk outside and pick Blackberries BUT only on Sunday when the grass is
really green and my feet are too :) I'll be careful of the prickers. Maybe I'll try my
luck at wine..get drunk and talk of my preserved memories. We can start jamming :)
Review of Deep Secret  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Im thinking of a flower..Death Flower. Deadly nightshade then there the Corpse Flower..smell of death.
This poem could be about a man OR woman. Some of them can be real stinkers :) OR maybe you
planted someone in your garden with the flowers. So I guess they would all be Corpse flowers.
Maybe you're a botanist who created a black rose.
In your poem you say "no one can see" laying "dormant". so its sleeping..inactive for now but
will awaken. Is this garden you? We all have blossoms inside waiting to bloom. Sometimes we say
and do things that blow our cover..meaning to me..the things we would rather keep dormant. We all
tend to give out little hints unconsciously

I liked your piece..gets one to thinking.
Review of Flood  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This person has awareness...knowing something should be or could be
different. We all have this sometime in our lives..some more than others.
This feeling can go from a simple recognition to extreme soul searching.
I myself know that my life could be better..Im sure others have similar
thoughts. What we must understand is its up to the individual to take
that step into improvement. I know at times its easier said than done.
I know that..I also realized somewhere in ones life there is a moment that
opens..this crack gives opening to change..we see it but do we take
advantage of it. Its part of life..its significant in the path we walk..coming
to crossroads..decisions.
Where you write "the pressure, bringing on the inner flood" I relate that to
being stress..extreme stress. This upsets the balance..everything within
working to make it right..think of a storm. Nature doing what it has to do
to keep itself stable. Everything working as one. Think of our bodies..
all thats inside works together to keep us going. When something goes
wrong it lets us know in someway..its asking for help..if we listen..we
can give an answer..if not...we have doctors. Its good to have someone
with you for support..someone you can trust who can remind you or help
you understand what's expected. WE mustn't forget GOD...the healer of all
and everything. The heart, soul and mind..all of these need attention to work as one.
Spirituality is a must for me. It helps me through everyday.

I found what you wrote very interesting. I've seen people like this. I found that
kindness can go a long way in helping.
Review of Indestructible  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like your poem..the meaning..what it says. Each one of us is unique..we all
have something to give..to share. To take away from someone is taking away
from everyone. When one is taken from this earth..his gift cannot be shared..no
two people are the same..we will left with less..
How we touch upon someone will leave its mark...the marker will draw its
When one goes in armor..it does not make him a knight..when a person fights
it wont make him a warrior. Wisdom, understanding and knowledge along with
Faith, hope, and love being carried with strength makes the difference.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I know of a person who was said to have hepatitis. Going to five doctors all saying the same.
This individual was sent to a specialist. He said there was no hepatitis. This person gave
false positives. They took two liver biopsies. They found there was an autoimmune type
disorder but couldn't figure out which one. I know today this person is doing well. No hep to
be found. The autoimmune disorder hasn't been seen either.
There are standardized blood test given..the only way to know whats really going on is to see
a specialists.
You have my sympathies for you friend.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
The word I think of is "humble" I found myself facing God when I told
him I'm not asking why..Im not blaming and everything in his time.
Im no better than the littlest of things. I dont pretend to know anything.
I ask God to teach me,show me the way..help me. Sometimes I ask
him to take me while there's still something left to take. I know there
are angels there are spirits. I believe in Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
I believe in the gifts God grants. I believe in good..in GOD. So for me
the fastest way to enlightenment is "faith" believing. Children have
such trust such faith. Theirs is the kingdom of God

I like what you wrote :) it makes a lot of sense
Review of Wolves  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I think of the wolves in the forest. I think they're wonderful. They
work together as a team..something we all can learn from. I
guess what's needed is for everyone to take a lesson in nature.
I could use that advice myself. Wolves usually want something that runs..prey.
I remember your poem "when to run" :)
This poem to me is about a warrior. Warriors have a fate that is told on an on
never to be forgotten because their spirits won't allow it. Their fight goes on.
Just like the animals of the forest..they are needed..because they are fighters
does not mean they are killers. Peace
Review of Wet ain't Dead  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Yes..life goes on ..wisdom gained..spiritual wheel turning..
life giving death. I say life bringing death because when we
take our first breath..it takes us closer to our destination
which brings us closer to our demise. Death is
part of life. its only a negative if ones sees it as such.
Its like when nature gives us earth quakes and tornadoes
and everything she can. Shes doing it for balance. When we
all create change on the earth..nature has her way of correcting
our mistakes. Its not a negative..its what she does. She makes
thing wet to cause growth..wet ain't dead :)

I liked your piece.
Review of The Young Jester  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is really nice. You know what? I am a believer in positive energy. It can do
amazing things. In your poem where you say "his leukemia was slowly slaking
until one day he no longer needed, the medicines he had been taking. Despite
his HEALTH and wealth" there ya go! his health..he was getting better..I believe
all from the help he was giving the children. This helped him to heal by helping
others..esp youngsters. The Jester sounds awesome..I'm not jesting :) lol
I see you have a lot of poems of the Jester..you gave him life. Each poem
makes him more visible. :)

Review of The Lake  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
We swim in life. Some of us better swimmers than others. Moisture affects
our whole lives. A raindrop cleanses the thirst . The teardrop can cause overflow.
You seem to have found your way through this world of an ocean. Its funny how
water and sky has such depth then turning to the inside becomes the abyss..taking
one to unknown territory..there a person can go even deeper needing the light to show the way.
Birth is.. taking your first breath..now be :)

I enjoyed your piece
Review of Run  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
When to walk

When its time to run I want to know why. Yeah Im one of those who will get
stomped by the dinosaur because I wont do as others do. I'll walk. I wont follow blindly.
I do know that sometimes we get caught up in things..not realizing what
it was all about until it came down. So I'm one of those who relocated..l learned from
my mistakes and now I use the tools Im gained to carve a new mold. Its not so easy.
One has to practice what they what to represent. We all attract what we radiate. There
can be some colors illuminating through the aura that one hopes is hidden. When
we look at the reflection from within what do we see. I find many things but I take
it one day at a time.

Your piece makes a lot of sense. I agree..where there is no passion it can be agonizing.
I find all emotions sort of come together as one. The direction one walks is normally in
the path of want. Its like when we wish for something... we tend to carry a penny looking for
that wishing well..finally finding it only to wish upon a star :) does this make sense :)lol

Its good to see you realize your surroundings and what needs to be done. You've gained
insight...took in wisdom..now you can walk again.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)

We must never have Communication Breakdown
and I will never wave that White Flag
just be my Wild Thing
and be Free Spirited

Hello by Lionel Richie
Communication Breakdown by Led Zeppelin
White Flag by Dido
Wild Thing by Troggs
Free Spirited by Me :) thought Id take that chance..I liked your poem very much. I had fun with it.
Review of The Jester  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
You bring a lot of smiles to others..that's so nice :) I see that you're sad inside...so I'm giving
you a smile and a big HUG :) You make me think of the song "Funny Little Clown" I love
that song. Are you crying on the inside?
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