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Review of SHARING  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Children can see much more than adults. Their minds haven't been
limited yet. We tend to give to our children what we've learned and it
goes on and on. What if a child stayed free of mind..learning..listening
but remaining open..never to bring in any doubts on the possibles
of what one can see. Leaving the window open to the eye of open
I like your story. I love children. They can be so casual in their thinking.
Its a breath of fresh air..standing on a mountain then flying through
the sky when one is around children. So refreshing :)
Review of Love and Hate  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
This poem sounds musical..in fact I think some of these lines
are in some songs I know. Also..Where you say "fits like a glove" what
does that make me think of..oh yeah..I know..OJ.
You poem sounds like a love story..a marriage. The things a couple
will go through to make it work.
Review of Will You  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like your poem very much..its from the heart.

You walk with her..you take her hand
God giving something you both understand
Love keeps you strong..honest..its true
No words need spoken..it radiates though
Review of Yuck! Let It Go!  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is funny..I believe it happened too..in New York..oh yes.
Its true ..when something so ridiculous..so unbelievable..
so blown out of proportion happens which involves half
or all of NY...yes stories will be told..lives will change. It will
be plunged to death until its flushed and another drops in.:)

Review of Untitled  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Death is different for everyone.Yes..death is our friend. Its part of
life. It takes us to different journey..all being part of living..if that
makes sense. Having lived..one can awakened to a new beginning.
OH..I know..its "Bereavement" ! yes..now that I read it again..I see
it so clearly! Someone has died and the death has taken has taken
this person by the hand..the sadness..being with the woefulness of it all.
That's what I see anyway.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Your story is just awful but truthful..we are doing this today.
In fact we all make ourselves slaves from within. We tote
to fears..making ourselves master and slave. We decide
what gets fed by what we chose to let in. In reality its all one.
We are masters of our own flesh and soul. God guides us
there need not be a slave..this all depends on how things are
looked upon.
In your story..I see the slave is going to have tough times ahead.
He'll constantly be looking and watching..hoping to find a kind
face..a considerate soul..but it all has to start somewhere..change
is inevitable. Hes has made that step into making the world a better
place..reminds me of Jesus.
Depending on the side of the bed one sleeps..theres always a different view.
Remaining open to each will bring understanding and a knowledge needed
to create openness of each
I found your story intersting
Review of Lesson # 2  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Lesson 2 assignment one. I guess the guy got a real bang out of robbing banks.

Lesson 2 assignment two. "can't teach an old dog new tricks" I guess the new dog
doesn't dig the old ways :) There's a really old trick called appreciation..it can get
a dog a bone :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I like this..its exceptional. I find strength and balance in your piece.
I wish everyone could find..see the good. I agree..the year 2000
seems to have been your turning point. The path was taken and
you walk it well. I absolutely love where you say "not every date has
to lead toward a committed relationship, and not every dance has to
be danced with your soul-mate. Especially at eighteen, it was okay to
be casual and enjoy yourself." that is said so nicely! This can be at any
age. Its important to be patient..take day at a time.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
She's on the wild run away mare. Join her by closing your
eyes..meditate on what is..what can be..ride with the wind
ride with her..nothing need be harnessed. Let it go..
drop the tears to the loneliness and smile again :)
I find your piece touching my heart. I think you need a
hug so Im sending one with my review. :) Don't forget to
feel it.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Robin Hood..the guy who shot arrows through arrows.
Is HE the one who stole from the rich to give to the poor.
He definitely wasn't a politician..wait..Robin was a thief
though..so I can't say what he was. I know he was a
burglar. Let's face it..he stole things..he made it look
good by giving it to the needy. Where you say "Kind Of Outlaws"
there ya have it. I can see why he didnt care for the sheriff.
Cowboys were hanged for thievery. Today people are in
jail for that very reason. I guess its all relative. Everyone
having hard times..looking for a hero. I guess we better
watch out
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is Great. You poem took me back to a place
that means so much to me. The light shined.
Where you wrote "and through his love and mercy I am alive"
this is wonderful..very honest. You give respect and
credit where its due. Sometimes one tends to become
impatient..we want things now but God knows the time
for delivery. I think you understand this. When God brings
the needed gift to help us through..its never forgotten.
"the eyes of Jesus" yes..hes always here..watching..
angels too..look through the window where Jesus is
the frame allowing passage. The pane is two sided.
Its looking to the outside and mirrors the inside
revealing something needed..something to be known.
The understanding can seem far but one can find meaning
in places least expected. It made me realize how God
can touch upon our lives in anyway.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
The Lord is always with me, I will not be shaken
knowing this I say..one will never be forsaken
He is right here..always beside me
guiding as a light..so I may see

I liked your poem :)

Goodbye brings distance..I guess thats so
but with God.. I'll see ya later..this I know
The wave of a hand..keep a smiling face
I'm only leaving this home to another place
The walk isn't far just take that step
its in your heart where love is kept
Review of "Crossing Over"  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this. Wow..5 brothers and 2 sisters and you..that makes eight.
Hey..like the Walton's. John Boy was looked up to as a big
brother. I had 5 brothers and 4 sisters. I was number nine. I was
told I was the hugging smiley one. God has always been a big
part of my life. I use to go into the woods and sing to his angels.
Angels have beautiful singing.
You sound like such a wonderful person. Just like you..my big brother
the oldest in the family wanted to protect me. He went into the Navy
so he couldn't..but I understood and love him dearly.
Its true that Wayne is in heaven with mom and dad and all the ancestors.
They are hanging out..they see what's going on below. Its sorta like being
downstairs from mom and dads room.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
I think we'll always find a way to keep going. If we use up
one thing..we'll get another..that's the way of the world.

This poem takes me to a couple..two people who are
having the time of their lives. The funds are getting low.
One of them realizes something has to change..what
has to be recognized is..if it has to change don't put off
doing what's most important to the other..that seems
to be exploring. They need to keep that part of their
essential growth together. Why is it when people
tie the knot..one of them thinks this means handcuffs
and shackles..rules are made..everything that brought
them together is at a halt. Why not keep the rose petal
path into the wild.
If something is taken away ..an itch will start..sooner
or later it will be scratched.

Review of Questions  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Its like coloring outside the lines :) the difference counts.
Its that something more which we all have but can't find
or we dont see because we're told to paint by number.
As a child nothing seems impossible then we grow finding
some colors are gone. They weren't used for such a long
time we forget they're there.
Lets bring out the rainbow..find that pot of gold in self.
Paint a portrait of what is..one will be surprised of what's

Review of 'It'  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
I believe IT :) Do you believe in spells? I think we all have
a special something that attracts certain individuals. Everyone
has their own scent. We all taste different..not that Ive been
sampling..I just know this. Some people can cast a look that
drives one right in or out. We have more power that we realize.
I find people set limits..this puts our best aside. Open mindedness
will guide everyone to a better understanding..greater wisdom.
I'm getting on my broom now :)
Review of Nine  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
What is nine..I know its a game. Isnt there a computer game called nine and a movie too.
I didnt realize reading poems would be so educational.
Its sounds like you have a lot of fun with your buddies. Men say funny things
when they carry on..I love how you said "a grin split his face" :)
So you have..balls, swatting, clobbering..spit and moonshine..oops..moon shine :)
This is another kind of red :)
Review of A Teen's Prayer  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
God is proud of you :) You are wise. Going to God is so important..
he does hear you. I can see by reading your piece that you are very
special. You'll find things work out..be patient with your parents..they
know your frustrations they love you dearly..after all look how exceptional
you turned out thus far :)
I like what you wrote very much..it boils over with heart felt feelings.
Review of Back To Black  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Why is it someone weds and all of a sudden the money's gone.
Could it be that expensive wedding dress that's only worn once :)
Its like everything changes after the "I do" and she did.
Red..I like the color red..roses are red..well..they can be black to
I love flowers. Sounds like you need a bouquet to brighten your
day. I dont know much about politics..is those guys who have a
degree in BS and drive expensive cars..giving themselves
raises. I think there cars are black too..that explains it :)

I found Black To Black very enlightening :)
Review of One Scary Night  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
What an entertaining poem. I enjoyed it. I love fall..the poem
takes me right in. I can see the whole picture..kids having fun.
When its with friends..its all laughable. Mom is wonderful..
just like a mother should be. I hope this came from your
childhood memories because its nice to know this stuff
really happens. Thanks for giving me a smile. Also
I thank you for taking me into another season as I sit
here on a hot summer day. :)
Review of The Climb  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a special poem. You are an admirable person. I wish
all siblings could stay close. They are truly connected..nothing
can break that link. No matter how far or wide distance is of
any kind..that bind remains. If only one could yank the chain
giving that reminder of their attachment. I'm sorry to read about
the your brother..the cancer. I grew up around the disease. My
grandma, mother and brother. You write suck a lovely poem sir. :)
You are King
Review of Empty Vessel  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is such a nice piece and so very true. I feel parents have the biggest impact
on lives. They can form a wonderful person or turn one into the minds of a vine
that's looking for an out..never to find it..it keeps spiraling in the hopes of twisting
out others then maybe it can be what that was.. when all a while all they had to
do is be themselves. A smile, a hug..anything to stop the madness from chocking
out society will make the difference. These people need to see change. They've
lived their lives with mixed nuts..its time to break the shell and reveal wholeness.
one that has balance..being one with self..their vessel.
Review of Patience  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I agree..but it is fun to tease. Im not saying Im knotty or anything.
Im not with everyone in town. I hardly even get to town. Im in the
country..valleys..blueridge..its a place where music is everywhere
and I love to dance..I sing too. There is a special someone for everyone
I just hope they keep it alive with spontaneity. yeah..let it rip once in a
while..tease..get it going..don't ever stop..but many do and its sad.
Yes..patience is so important esp when some of us never grow up.
Im still that kid..that teen..that adult. I can be all three..imagine that. :)
what a hand full right?..I love it..live and let live.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh my gosh..thats so nice.. I guess anything IS possible.
That will affect this boy for the rest of his life. Its amazing
what one can do..I find it even more fantastic how the players
worked together..thats team work :)
Wow..thats playing fair. That's truly giving to those who can't
seem to find an in..belonging..feeling part of the whole picture.
I cheer too for those who made it happen. There is hope. God
bless them all.
Review of The Right Amount  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This takes me to different states..different laws.
Saving the world..it starts with each individual doing
their part. Im reminded of garbage. People litter
like the world is a garbage can..ever state needs
to have bottle and can return. I know theres a lot more
to saving the world. It has to start somewhere..its important
we care

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