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Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
When I read "Hold this thought, hold this thought, I must let it go" ..it tells me that the poem
is given to the readers (which of course it is) you can let go now because you have made your delivery..
the message is out and we readers take from this piece the understanding that was meant for each.
I LOVE where you wrote " this world forgives me..the sky danced as I acknowledged her presence..(then you
said) so you noticed Im here" This to me is God letting you know..HE has heard you. I love it.
You whisper, you smile and you giggle..even if no one knows why..I really love that too.
I like this piece very much..I'm smiling..:)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
The breath is nice..the sunset is after the sunrise. We all have some time
to talk about the positive things even if negatives happen. When one keeps
looking for the good..they find it..even if the breeze does come..let it..
it gives to everyone something from somebody ..bringing with it hope,
love and a big hug :) like messages in the wind :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Watch out for hard water..rain water is good..I use to melt snow
but remember..it takes more work than one might think. Also
watch out for those frizzes..it can leave one indecisive..split
into kinda..AND one mustn't get sucked into all those hair
advertisements..someone always trying to sell something..
telling lies..giving false information..trying to dig deeper into
ones already confused state. Don't let them pin you down.
They might give one an itch..they can be like parasites
feeding from an individuals wants and desires. Dont get
hung up in a tight ponytail where the only think given is a
headache. The pass can be a pain BUT with wisdom gained:)
I liked your piece..
Review of Sand In My Pocket  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
My head is playing "One Hand In My Pocket" by Alanis Morissette. This happens to me
a lot. I can read something or hear a note and music takes over. Anyways..I like the poem.
I think its neat. Marriage..I think with true love in marriage the words 'for better or worse" have
powerful meaning. I know the storm will settle and warmth will come again. And as I
reach in my pocket I find a pearl. :) Leaving a message in the sand..I give to him..the
sign of peace :)

Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your paper held my attention. Where you say.."Ask yourself these questions:"
1. I think the less qualified get the jobs because they know someone.."network"
2, the unattractive guys get the beautiful girls because these beautiful girls
were tired of the BS that the hot users tend to bring.
3. what makes charisma: I think being one's self...having confidence .sense of
humor that's a biggie..living life with positive energy..others will follow
I agree with you..we are all unique individuals. I also agree if we let this identity shine through
others will see it and appreciate who we are.

Review of Beliefs  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I hang out with spirituality..with God. Im like a wrecked car he can't find parts
for. We talk..sometimes I roll myself into a nice area where birds can make
a nest and I enjoy the simple things in life. Simplicity..breathing..letting go..
taking flight because I can. God gives us a gift..find it..work with it..share it.
I like where you wrote "What we believe about ourselves has a great deal to
do with how we respond to or deal with situations." Vision.. I love that word.
That takes my mind to so many places. Insight, hindsight, oversight, second sight..
out a site :)
I like what you wrote. You seem like a very positive person. That's wonderful.
I look for the good too. I love to smile and laugh.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I'm with you here. How we are raised..our environment..plays a big part
in who we are. Pornography..not that I look at this stuff BUT is that
where small things are made bigger..pictures are played with to fit
the audience. :) Yeah..I agree..what we put into our heart souls and
minds will come out. I also believe positives can override
negatives. We all need to suck up the good and let the negatives go.
Music...music transforms me..I become a rock star..cut my hair and
change my name or just wear wigs. :) I don't ask for much in a guy..
just that he's a mountain man :)
What we are inside will direct what we take from the outside.
I find your piece very interesting. I gets one to thinking. I like that.
Review of Life is So  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sounds like you've been through a lot. You seem to have a good
head on your shoulders. I find wisdom and strength in your poem.
I like where you say " you cannot sit and wait on a change"
Review of Just Want Someone  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
Where you wrote "someone to laugh with." That's it for me. I like that. laughing and smiling
creating wonderful memories..everything falls in place. People should never forget the
sense of humor..it taps into all senses..

I hope you found your happiness.
Review of Teach Me 14lines  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
YellowRose :) Ask God..he will give you sight :) He can give it through anyway he knows is
best. Sometimes its not the doubt that's the problem..its knowing one has a path to walk..
bridges to cross and the trials each of us must face. Things happen in life..I say "oh no..not this"
I start wondering what hurdles I'll have to face..and will I go over the edge.am I strong enough...
I do know God will catch me..I honestly know this but dang..that feeling when going over
(how frightening it can be) can take one's breath away..knock the tears out and give a
wounded heart BUT Jesus is with us always. Keeping faith keeps him so close. .so loving.

I like your poem so much.
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
What do you mean confess our sins one to another. You mean to Jesus.
He forgives one hundred percent and never brings it up again. That's true
I like this:
The Lord is always with me
I will not be shaken
He is right beside me
Review of Faking  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Isn't there a song.."Fake It" by Seether. I like that song.
I think we all fake it at times in one way or another. Its
like putting the mask on. We carry an air about us with
certain individuals. I guess you mean people who aren't
real..the "me" people. They'll do anything to get what "they"
want in anyway they can get it. These people don't say what they
mean and don't mean what they say. Doesn't this fall under lying.

Apologizing..that's respectful. Good luck. That seems to be
hard for some..stuck inside..some can't get it out.

Who I am and what I should be. I learn..I walk on letting God guide me
and I pray I have the wisdom and strength to follow.
Review of Pretend  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hey..here you are in your mind again. I like the song "It's Been Awhile" by Staind.
I pretend too. I sorta live in a fantasy world where things are real. I love it. Its
a gift. We all have a gift.

Review of My Mind's Place  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very nice. Your poem is called "My Mind's Place" so does this place
really exist. You have a place reserved for two..a place where you're
always together where there's hope and love that embraces peace.
That's so great..I hope you found it.

Within my mind I see
There is a window just for me
Looking at yesterday and the now
Will led me into tomorrow as I bow

Review of Rest in Peace  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.5)
Your poem is wonderful. It's one of the hardest things I had to do is put my
dog down. I wanted to do what was best for her. Its been a year and I still
ache inside. I loved her so much. I miss her dearly. My life isn't the same.
People might think..its just a dog. No she wasn't. She was my friend.. just as
each and everyone of us is special so are animals.
Review of The Mirror  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
Maybe that's what deja vu is. .mirror of the worlds. Everything is happening
in other dimensions. Yeah..duplicates. We kinda bump into ourselves..we
recognize the scene or something and briefly get that "Ive done this before"
feeling. :) Makes me think of invisible friends too..or a time when one is thinking
out loud..having fun doing it. Playing with the imagination

I like what you wrote.
Review of MAD COW DISEASE?  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is very good..made me smile. A thought: Why is it a man can roll in the mud
and still come out looking clean..NOT only that..they tend to look good...yummie..
I love ham :)
Thanks for sharing this poem. I needed it this morning. I love to smile
Review of I Am  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I wrote a poem a while ago called "I Am." But I dont know where "it is" :)
Your poem is nice. You sound like a proverb :) I AM impressed :)
Review of To the Heavens  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem opened thoughts for me about Astral Projection. I know that when
it happens the negatives appear just as the good guides. COULD it be the
negatives come DEPENDING on the negatives one thinks or has within. Yeah..
I believe we absorb the energies we attract.. Wow..thanks for tap on my brain.
I really like this poem a lot. There are many animals here and there..ones that can't be
seen here but are with us. We each have our own. BUT when we share our
gift..it all connects..
Review of SCREAM  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
I thought cupid had arrows. I think daggers cut both ways. At least its from love.
You're having what love offers. Its so wonderful can be so beautiful but sometimes
it won't hang around long. Your gain is all the good you received with memories.
AND you become a stronger person. We learn..we grow..sometimes having to
say good bye.
Review of The Ouija  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A poem of Revelations :) teeth gnashing, cost cutting knife, slashing, foreclosure on
lives..its called living where dieing seems a blessing. BUT hang on for one's strengths
are being tested..which leaves me weak. BUT again I remain..I continue my journey
into the world of the unknown. The unknown being reality. I love spirituality where strange
things can happen but its expected. Shadows.
Do you believe in haunted houses. I do. Spirits don't always have to be haunting. It's up to
the person how its received. Spirits can be very nice. :)

I like your poem. It makes me think of the big wheels...you know..them..the greedy ones.
They want it all..then more..its like saying about the chip..cant eat just one..madness
Review of Moon Song  
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I like this..this makes me think of a song "Moon Shadow" :) Then I recall loss..
If I lose.. then I've won..for I have learned. My mind wanders but I don't mind
as long as it brings something back :)

moon spirit lifts me
with the mournful cry of wolves
tonight we run free

hunters moon will search
for the lost souls of the night
bringing peace to all

her life is pale now
compared to yesterdays love
she embraces hope
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
I find your piece interesting. We walk a path that leads us to the place we desire.
How we walk and talk is like a dance...others watching and listening . Then they
move on taking with them song..something learned. We are all teachers and students.
Letting God guide us everyone graduates with honors :)

Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (5.0)
You write such deep poetry.
Yin and Yang are complete as one. They feed on each other. The
two energies recognizing the existence of the other. So where you
say "Can insights deep within the Yin begin the Yang's defeat of sin"
I find interesting. Yes..both having a third eye can see into what was
and will be.. in this way..helping the other to spin the wheel :)
Review by 2bemar
Rated: E | (4.0)
We all have our imperfections.I cant remember a lot of my past but I don't dwell on it.
I live..I move on creating memories..giving awareness to what I can reflect upon.

Your poem is interesting. I wouldn't toss about in my head the negatives EVEN
though we all do it. Look for the good you have..find the happiness. Reach out
to God. An Angel is waiting to guide you. Sometimes things don't happen quickly.
Its done in God's time. One will know how precious that is when that moment
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