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Review of Hunger  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
i really liked this. you grabbed my attention right from the beginning and held it throughout.. I found the exposition and climax particularly strong. I could visualize the scene and was drawn into what would happen next.

I do think the conclusion lacks the power that your beginning has. It is good, but not as good. It almost seems rushed. Not quite as descriptive or maybe emotional. I tend to do this as I'm anxious to finish a story. Sometimes going back after a few days when I'm fresh I can add something to it that was drained from me before. This is just my opinion though.

Mortified. He loudly breaths though his nose - through

Overall, great job. Very unique, visual, and well-written.


Where there was a heartbeat, there was blood. Where there was blood, there was meat. Fresh meat. - - this may just be style, but the rest of the paragraph and story is present tense.

I can see though the mirror now. - through
Review of Marlene  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
I think this is a wonderful tribute to a friend. I felt like i knew her by the end.

Your transitions were great. Especially the one going from clothes off her back to shopping.

Your rhyming was very natural.

Great job!

Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.0)
These are just my opinions - please keep the ones you value. I mean them all with respect.

I think this is a delightful poem that would help many children with their fear of the dark. I love that it entertains and has a purpose.

I think "quite" used twice in the first stanza causing a little stumbling. Also, as the children begin to read for themselves, this is one word they confuse often quite and quiet.

At times the rhymes come easily in a sing song fashion. In just a couple of places they are a bit longer and so it seems a bit forced. It is still workable, but not as smooth.

was much to sleepy one night - to/too

But then, quite out of nowhere,
She felt something on her cheek,
And sprang from her bed, unaware
That she'd ever been asleep. - my favorite stanza - very visually, and the plot thickens!

Great job!
Review of The Early Years  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was a well-written account of "simpler" times. -

I would have like an insight to why you think things are different. Why kids care more, why they notice differences more, especially in a school system that tries to protect the privacy of special learners.

I love the fact that you included specific examples. It made it easy to relate to and understand what you were saying.

Great job.
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love the playfulness in which in describe the party. I can see kids visualizing it and wishing they were there too.

Depending on what age the story is geared toward you might add a little more descirption of the characters. For instance, "Milly and Colin had been best friends since ........"

A few editing things I noticed:

Hello” called Milly Cow with a twitch of - in dialogue you need a comma before the quotation mark. "Hello," called Milly

party”. - the period goes inside the quotation marks

the Cat and the Fiddle” - missing an ending puncuation

Overall, I thought the vocabulary was age appropriate and very endearing. I think it would keep a child captivated.

Great job.

Review of Blind to my pain  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I love the playful darkness in this poem. The rhyme comes easily with a sing song quality.

I think i literally had an evil grin on my face as i read it. lol.

The only thing i noticed and it could just be a poetry style is you have semicolons where grammatically they should be commas. For instance in the first stanza. A semicolon can only seperate 2 sentences that could stand on there own.

But as far as content, I loved it!!!!

Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
Judge not then the content, for it is experience - I absolutely love this line -- I wish every teacher was required to read it.

As a teacher myself of middle school, I so appreciate the essence of this poem. I am so glad I came across it. It is a motivator.

I love that it is not presented in negativity also, but as an open discussion of what is needed. The experience is individual; the knowledge is needed.

Great job and thank you!!!


(P.S. May I copy this for my class room)
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like the concept of different people's perception of the same thing.

The rhythm of the poem is great.

Being in Oklahoma, it is easy for me to visualize the 45 mile an hour winds.

Nice job.

Review by audra_branson
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
lol - - Such a trouble maker. I love the last line - it's perfect.

While this piece if funny and I enjoyed it for that, honestly what i enjoyed most about it is now i have a better understanding of rugby. Not like the rules, but the feel of the game or spirit of it all. You've shown the commaraderie on and off the feild, people's perception of them, and self-perception. Very cool

Edit notes -- as always, ignore at will:

“You are ejected from this match and I am going to contact the league to have you banned.” - comma after match - as is it is a run-on

cleats across the opposing players skull - player's skull (player owns skull)

His left shoulder was about a foot lower than his right shoulder and he couldn’t stand up straight. - comma after shoulder, connecting 2 complete sentences

other side of the glass I took another swallow of beer - missing period

Very humorous read! great job.
Review of WHY AM I A NURSE?  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.5)
My sister is a hospice nurse so I could relate to what you are saying. I have heard her frustrations and venting as well as her small victories many times.

This is a nice portrayal of a noble profession that definitely doesn't get the recognition it deserves.

Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
I would give my life for her, but she would never let me - I love this line - how perfect is that.

When you speak of your daughter, I can see you have learned from your mother. What a beautiful tribute here and in your relationship with here.

Wonderful, Sandi!
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.5)
He does a hell a job, that I must admit - hell of a job

When you become older, we might fuss and fight.
But then I'll remember how I feel, at this time, on this night - up until this point the poem has been about him - now you have changed the narratiion and made it to him -- this is a bit confusing

Without the change in narration i would have given it a 5 -- i thought it was beautiful - a wonderful tribute.

Then I'll watch my little boy, grow big into a man.
Then I'll know I raised my son,
to be the best daddy he can..... - Such a great stronge conclusion - i love it

Sons are great aren't they?

Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really like this one.

I write and I write, But things don't change.
This pain in my heart, Remains the same. - These are my favorite lines.

I like how this tells a story. it has characters, a plot, detailed conflict.

Great job.
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.0)
I love the theme of this poem.

I think it would flow a little better if you shorten the lines a bit. It may just be style, and I'm no expert, but I feel in poetry every word really has to earn its spot.
Reread and see if some editing can take place so that it doesn't get too wordy. Again, just my opinion.

Then oneday, when we look at eachother, - spaces between one day and each other

Like how I want your love, but I need it to breath - i love this line

your my destiny in the stars. - you're

I love how in this poem, you don't sugarcoat love. You don't try to pretend relationships are easy. You speak the truth. It's like reading a real life romance.

Nice job!

Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really like it.

A lot of times i think when people try to rhyme it can get forced or hokey, but this flows nicely and remains true.

It paints a picture and a theme all in a few words.

freinds will be there, - friends

Beautiful job!

Review of The Tree House  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I really like this retelling of youth. It has the great aspects of a story. Good versus evil. imagination of youth, dreams, sorrow.

Your description pulls the reader in and makes them feel a part of the story.

Some grammar/editing things i saw:

One of the things that stand - should be "stands" because One is your subject

out the leaves, the cold and unwanted people then got to work. - comma after people

We managed to keep the tree house a secret from all the other kids in the area for close to a year but we knew eventually someone - comma after year

was shocked to see him, not yet realising that he had followed us and we had let him. - comma after us

My two daughters still enjoy when I set the sprinkler up for them and although my son is now fourteen and considers it ‘kid stuff’ we both know he loved it too when he was a few years younger. It just shows that some things never change. - i just don't think this paragraph fits -- it doesn't add to the story -- it seems out of place, a little confusing -- but that is just my opinion

“Fine, thanks,” Adam replied. “How ‘bout your’s - no postrophe in yours

I love your conclusion - again you've drawn the reader into the story. That is such an important aspect and often so hard to do!

Great job!

Review of Forever and ever  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.0)
i love the sentiment and feeling behind this poem. The various legnths of sentences does interfer a little bit with the phrasing in my opiion. Try reading it aloud and see if you see what I mean.

I like the repetition of the lines being the same; it brings a nice continuity to the piece.

Great job and welcome to WDC.

Review of Thud!  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I think this is a wonderful monologue. It speaks truth in its simplicity. It is clear. The human emotion is apparent and strong. It is relatable.

I think it flows well.

THe only thing i would even suggest is maybe a line about a past experience of why you are scared.

Nice work.

Review of The Loss  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.5)
lol -- you got me -- i thought it was going to be a Dog -- very inventive - but I am sorry for your loss.

I love your timing on this piece.

The only suggestion i have is maybe taking out the Ands in these 2 lines
And we became instant friends
And naturally

I think it will keep the smoothness going without them - but that's just me.

Again, very inventive -- I enjoyed it very much!!!

Review of Girl Watching  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1383756 by Not Available.

Oh, Mr. Scribe - you continue to amuse me. I do believe you have found your calling in life. Tusch watching and writing. You and my father could talk for hours.

A couple of suggestions - feel free to ignore - i've been known to be wrong - more than once.

And that is the subject of this essay today. - lol - i don't think this sentence is needed -- it's pretty clear

I'm quite sure in some cases that my mouth hangs open and I stare unabashedly at that perfect female form flowing from my sight - comma after open as you are connecting 2 complete sentences

The sight of a big beautiful woman's large cheeks alternating up and down while moving slowly away from me is a study in free flowing viscous movement. - wonderfully discriptive sentence lol

full figured - - i believe it needs an hyphen

You managed to write a piece that as a woman maybe i should have been offended but the honesty and comedy in it had me thinking about my walk and laughing. I love your descriptions and smooth transitions.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Review of I Live in a Box  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.5)
 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1383756 by Not Available.

Ok, I personally love this! Perhaps, it's because I grew up in a small town, though I must confess I've become a traitor to the city.

I hate to shop too (odd for a girl I know) - you should try internet shopping!!!

Does anyone drives as well as me? - drive - this is the only thing i saw grammatically.

I find this hard to find mistakes in because 1. it's your opinion (which I agree with, bonus point) 2. it's funny (which I love)

So I say awesome job!!! Let those rants spill out and let me know when you do - i for one love em!

Review of Therapy  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I loved it. I loved the humor, the characterization, the visual images.

My favorite line: Claw fatigue alone should make him take a break occasionally.”

For 300 words you do excellent with telling a whole story with an unusual prompt.

I saw no mistakes. (and believe me I looked lol)

Excellent job!
Review of Reality  
Review by audra_branson
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Some very funny and inventive moments in this. I love the bags under the suitcases line.

I would work on the transitions just a little bit, while I understand that you don't entirely want the reader to know what is going on the whole time I found you started a lot of different areas making it distracting -- just my opinion though.

Your word choice is strong!

I was too shook to say anything - shaken

Great job.
Review by audra_branson
Rated: E | (4.5)
The rhyme is good -- you protray well the sense of a love started and drifted apart but not ready to be relinquished.

Just my thoughts, but I would like a little more emotional description at the end somehow. more of a punch so to speak.

but overall nice job.

Review by audra_branson
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
 Dead Upon Awakening  (ASR)
What is it like to wake up dead? Writer's Cramp, 6/22/08
#1442316 by Heather

beginning paragraph - you might try awoke just to avoid repetition

are you in good health if you have a heart defect? - seems a little contradictory but i'm not sure

make it more difficult, I had no idea how much time I had to kill in my current state of being - interesting choice of words for a dead person lol

I always love your take on things. It's different than most. I would like more details - did she see her funeral, how did Johnny die, etc? but this is just my warped mind working.

Great job with organization and grammar. YOu rock!!

Coutesy of Bachelor Cabin Review
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