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Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Tim,
i really like your poem, 'The Butterfly Wheel' and have read it more than once. It's quite beautiful, the word play of your words creating a visual, and I could see the butterfly clear as day. What a lovely creation, the butterfly, and how sad to know the butterfly's lifespan is short lived. tc and have a nice day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Kristina,
I like your poem, 'Which one will Win." It's a thought provoker and a good question to ask. I read a poem, similar to yours when I was in High School, and it influenced me for years after. Choices are made, good or bad, and I gather from the poem you've written-we are the ones to decide. ty, tc, and have a nice day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Melissa,
Good poem, 'It's a Defense Mechanism.' So many families are dysfunctional now days and I still believe that old psychological mumble-jumble about the "roles" each member plays. I think it's like domino's. If one member is f***ed up, every member is sick or becomes sick from it. Your poem writes the pain well and I feel it in the words you have chosen. One thing for sure, we can't change the one who's messing up everything. I hope things work out for you. tc and have a nice day.
Review of Heart To Pilot  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Brian,
You don't need me or anybody to tell you that 'Heart to Pilot' is an outstanding poem It's beautifully written and very intriguing ty, tc, and have a nice day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Svetashev,
I like your poem, 'Have you Thought About Infinity?' The last line baffles me though: "and you do you have never done?" I'm sorry. I don't have the foggiest idea what that line means! Other than that, I think yours is a good write\good read, and the poem introduces valid questions. Have you ever thought about infinity? Yes, I have. Infinity is a time play that stretches through the miles of sometimes mindless color, other times a reason with answers. The question is an easy question to ask. The answer is a dot dot dot. Your guess is as good as mine. I'm not an expert. Thanks for sharing your creative writing\poem with writing.com. tc and have a nice day.
Review of Giving Thanks  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Neva,
'Giving Thanks' is a wonderful gratitude poem and I agree with the words I read: Gratitude is humility in action as you have clearly displayed in your writing. tc and have a nice day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Dave,
'The Pendulum of my Soul' is a beautiful poem, well written and creative. I think of a spiral staircase, dark places with chandelier light, and I read the poem visualizing the footprints of life. A mans heart and soul live in the abyss of dark worlds and his "inner psyche" time travels in the journey. He is led forward, out of scary places,finding peace and truth. Perhaps he had it all along. I do not know. I only know that your poem is a wonderful play on words that I, as a reader, reads again, and even a third time. tc and have a nice day.
Review of High Tide  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Marissa,
I like your poem, 'High Tide.' It's interesting word play to think, in my opinion which is neither right or wrong,-Of desperation as a rope, longing-as the waters of the sea, and love,-the person inside of it,-sitting inside of the boat called she. "She" controlled by "he"-the hands that hold the rope has the power to tie her\"she" into the waters. From reading your creatively written poem, I got the feeling that "she" didn't want or desire to be tied down and "he" released her. Where does she go from here? She walks on the shores with him, unrestrained. ty for sharing your poem and sorry for my rambling. I always interpret the poems I read. Maybe that's a wrong or right thing to do. As a reader of words and a writer, I think that's the beauty of our language(s). tc and have a nice day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (3.5)
Good poem, Neva. 'The Reason for Myths' is a good read.
Review of Dreamy River  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi RL,
I like your poem, 'Dreamy River.' It's quite creative, in my opinion, as I could visualize the river when I read the words. tc and have a nice day.
Review of Heartburn  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi Neva,
'Heartburn' is a great poem. I like it because it touches truth, how words of love sometimes are forced to wait for the right season to come, and how the coffee is too hot for the silence. Something has to be said, in small talk, about the coffee being too hot for the tongue while the intended conversation brews. I've read several of your poems and will continue to do so. ty, tc, and have a nice day.
Review of To My Bestfriend  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Hi yuuraspringwater,
I like your poem, 'To My Best Friend,' and find it to be a creative read. I just read a terribly written book by someone named 'Moody,' titled 'Best Friends,' a supposed "national best seller." Your poem is far better than Moody's entire 300-some page book! Falling in love with your best friend can be wonderful and testy. I've done so and I do not regret it. So many of the thoughts and feelings you've written in your poem are thoughts I relate to. Thanks for sharing it with writing.com. tc and have a nice day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Dr.M.C.Gupta,
I like your poem 'What is Poetry?-a sonnet," and especially the last two lines,
"Wounds of the heart does true poetry nurse,What can’t be healed by balm is healed by verse." I agree. Poetry is a nurse and we are the patients, in my opinion, being made well (or sicker)by the words. tc and have a nice day.
Review of Indian Summer  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hi Gypsy Spirit,
I like your poem 'Indian Summer'and reading about Nanenum Canyon. It sounds like a lovely place. tc and have a nice day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Oldwarrior,
'No Silent Tear will Fall-Fort Pillow' is a memorable dedication to the black Union Soldiers of African decent who fought and died at Fort Pillow, Tennessee, April 12, 1864. Memorable, in that you have written that the solders who fought and died must never be forgotten. Heartfelt, that the fort pillows have no silent tears, how the loudness of war disturbs a peaceful dream and the noise can still be heard. If we listen, we can hear every tear that falls. I am saddened that the tears continues to fall through senseless war after war. Your poem is creatively written and I am glad you decided to share it with the site. tc and have a nice day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Purple Houses Do,
I'm by far an expert reviewer of words. I can only read and assess the poem you have written,'Why Didn't Calling Birds Ask About Glue?' I think the title is a good hook to reel in the reader. The title made me curious. I was confused though, how a poem about rock and roll had anything to do with birds and glue. I thought again, which I think makes for a good writer, if he or she is able to provocatively entice the reader. I interpret the song to be the answers and questions to life's songs that we stick to, unlike the birds in the air that have no need for understanding. Like John Lennon said, "Walls and Bridges" and you have written, "Wishes and Ways." Does the liquid music of our lives flow with the sun or fall into the dark abyss of the ocean? Who writes the songs of our heart and why? Pieces of time blow into the wind of the next generation as the answers circle around another question. Who are we and why are we here? I like your poem and I think it's creatively written. It made me think and thinking isn't always such a bad thing to do. Ty, tc, and have a nice day.
Review of We Are  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Keaton,
I like your poem, 'We Are' and I especially liked reading the lines "Is that we are apart Connected beings Living quite disconnected." I often think along the same lines when I walk down the streets of our city and people watch. The world as one, under the same sky and nighttime moon, circles around infinity. Eons will throw shadows to the same questions and different answers will come. Who are we and why are we so much the same in the opposite parallel of our living? What is it about our chemical makeup that makes us unable to recognize each other? Some think that only the spiritual giants are able to see. I do not trust that information. I agree with your poem and feel much the same. What do any of us know? As you creatively wrote in your poem, "Nothing." I think some of the wiser people of the world found serenity when they embraced the fact that they could only begin in the moment. There were never past or previous moments,not even in the eons of the future. There was the now and, in this now, we know nothing. Thanks for sharing a great poem. tc and have a nice day.
Review of Moose  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Connieann,
'Moose' is a lovely 299 word story. You've written creatively and, as a reader, I got a good giggle from the imagery. tc and have a nice day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi W.D. Wilcox,
I like your poem "My Lovely Daughter" and feel badly for your daughter, if the poem is about you and her. I don't know if it's fictional or actual. I do know that it's lonely to in a youngster without any friends. I've been there, done that and the scars stayed with me, long after I became an adult. As it is though, those lonesome years without a friend didn't last. I got older and found my place in the sun and that place included others. Friends entered into my life and I was just an average soul, doing average and normal things. As a young lonely girl in the 4th grade, my MOM was my friend. It didn't seem to mean as much then as it does now. I see now that my pain of being friendless hurt her too. You sound like a great parent. The words in your poem are heartfelt and creative. As a kid, my Mom tried to get me to join the Girl Scouts, swim teams,etc. which didn't last long. I was too young to give it a try, too hurt from rejection. It's how I found the wonderful world of writing and a beautiful friends. My words, I was not afraid to share, so I took Creative Writing classes at a young age and made friends. Don't give up. I have a feeling your daughter is going to be okay. tc and have a nice day.
Review of Soul Confucius  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I like your poem, 'Soul Confucius' very much. It runs deep in my soul to read your words. Such truth,"Soul Confucius." I wonder what it would be like to have Confucius in my soul, though I am not a Confucius follower or believer, it would be a profound life to truly understand people, places, and things. I guess we're all searchers. The words I read in your poem bring a lot of my own personal questions to the surface. It's why I think you're a good writer. tc and have a nice day. Thank you for sharing your poem.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Tim,
Your poem,'Our Love is Special' is really nice. It sounds like you've found your place in the sun and are sharing it with some important people.That's the way it should be. tc and have a nice day.
Review of Just Go Away  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi Jen,
'Just Go Away' is a sad poem and I feel badly for the writer. If this poem is about you personally, and not a fictional poem, I am terribly sorry you lost your Dad. I lost my own father about 7 years ago so I can relate. It hurts. I'm also sorry you have a problem with your step-mom. I hope things work out for you and that you keep writing. I also hope you don't "go away." Since my Dad died, I try to honor him by imitating the best things about him. He wasn't a quitter and he didn't care what people thought of him. I think the Lord allows my Dad to plant seeds for me. The only thing I have to do is water the dreams he had\has for me and watch life grow. Your poem is creative. tc and have a nice day.
Review of Mission  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Turtle,
I like your poem, 'Mission.' It's interesting. As a reader I think the 9th and 10th line say the most, how a lost person knows he is to become a knight, though he does not find his master. I think of faith, the uncertainty of it, even though it is and was there all along. The lost soul rebuilds his life. Maybe the knight he was "to become" had lived within him all along. ty tc and have a nice day.
Review of Constantinople  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Keaton,
I like your poem 'Constantinople' and I think it says a lot. Your thoughts are provocative. I read your poem and think of a circle returning to itself, another round of life that blows with the wind. Like the answers, as Bob Dylan once so creatively wrote, "The answer my friend is blowing in the wind." ty for sharing an excellent poem with the site. tc and have a pleasant day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Vijay,
I like your poem, 'In the little barber shop' and think it is creative. i think it's interesting how you can take words like hair, age, conversation, and lentils to bring it all to a point. The point, in my own interpretation (which may or may not be what you want the reader to think) is that life is as fragile as tiny strands of hair and time is cut off in our lives, moment by moment, another moment is gone, adding the present now of what really matters. What really matters isn't even in our own hearsay (in my opinion). What matters is higher and mightier than life itself. Lentils are sometimes costly. Not the lentil itself but the beliefs we carry close to us. Intolerance is just as much of a choice as tolerance is. I think it all comes back to the basics. An old man and a small boy in a barber shop-a lesson learned. ty for sharing your poem. tc and have a nice day.
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