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Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Local Zero,
I must say, I really like your song, 'Say Anything' and I think it's well constructed. The words I read are excellent. I can tell you put a lot of work into it. So much of the songs out today are stupid, if you ask me, and yet these lame attempts at being an 'artist' make me turn off the radio! You wrote a good song there and I have enjoyed reading it. TY and TC.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Neva,
i like your poem about Very Sara's Port and I think it is creatively written with a heart in the words. I don't know who Very Sara was but, from reading your poem, I take it she passed away and went to heaven. Your words are complimentary to her in that I sense that Very Sara wrote in an impacting way. Thanks for sharing. TC.
Review of How many  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
hI Titana,
I read your poem 'How Many' and thought you make some valid points in your writing. 'Htow Many' is a question that I doubt will ever find an answer though. Judy Collins writes in her book 'Grace and Sanity' that the best question to ask is, "You have a hurt. How can I help you?" The last two lines of your poem say it all. 'For people to realize that what they say is all they hear." And yet what they say isn't what we should listen to....it's what they DON'T say. Thank you for sharing your creative, sad, truthful poem with the site. TC.
Review of A Day Too Soon  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Ken,
I liked reading your poem entitled, 'A Day Too Soon' and could almost feel the metering of time in the Spenserian Sonnet. I read your poem and thought of life metering yesterday as too soon or tomorrow as too far away. Meanwhile,"Life's bouquet" as you say, grows a bitter-sweet promise that our faith is what planted the seed. I don't think of infinity as a lost dream but a surreal awakening that open the minds eye to every living moment. I like your poem, 'A Day Too Soon' and catch a word play, in the "grandness," as you say. Thank you for sharing it. TC.
Review of Flame of Hope  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Sophy,
I read the poem you wrote for a friend titled 'Flame of Hope' and I like it. I think it's creative and a compassion pillow of words that soften restlessness and make the night possible for dreaming. Your friend is lucky to have a friend like you who obviously feels her or his hurt and wants to offer comfort. The flame of Hope is a poem I read as a message to any reader, including myself, that needs a push in the right direction. The total of your word write sums it all up easily: Don't ever give up! Thank you for sharing your poem with the site. TC.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Tim,
I like your poem, 'The Tide is Turning' and how you write-compare positive thinking to the ocean-waves. It's a creative play with thought and mind, writing affirmations in the orchestra of nature. Play it again and again, Sam. I think positive attitudes and can go a long ways as I believe your poem stretches. TY and TC.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Winnie,
I read your story, 'Unraveled Tapestry, and cried. My condolences to you for the loss of your parents. Your story touched me in many ways because I know all about dementia, nursing homes, and having a mother who is no longer the same. I usually don't even read the short stories submitted here at writing.com. Maybe I'm just too lazy for all the words and reading the poetry is faster. I don't know but I read a paragraph of your story and kept on reading because your writing was prompting me to want to know more. I had no idea your story was unfolding into the same story (kind of, sort of) that my siblings and I are going through right at the moment. We were actually considering a hospice, in fact, agreeing with the nursing facility to bring hospice in. Mom is getting better though and hospice isn't needed. I hate dementia. Anyway, I read a lot of heart and soul into your writing and I have no doubt in my mind about your mother being loved, as was your father. Thank you for sharing your truly touching story. TC and I hope you have a good day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Ken,
Happy National Arbor Day and what a perfect poem for this reader to read on such an occasion. I'm more into freestyle but I like your poem, 'The Crystal Tree.' I interpret it be about watching life extend with the minds eye, blue skies, and crystal trees along with the twists and turns of the wind. I think it's creative writing, how you compare the "dancing crystal drops" to "children at play." My husband hates the rain but I absolutely love walking in it, crazy as I am. Thank you for sharing your poem with the site. Have a great day. TC.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Keaton,
I really like your poem, 'Anarchist Cornflakes.' Once again, you amaze me with your words as I am a fan of your writing. You write so much from the heart, in my opinion, and make the reader think. I don't know much about OCD but I do think it's interesting that you can create the pictures you do with something as simple as a bowl of breakfast cereal! Thank you for sharing your writing with the site. You are one of my favorite writers here at writing.com. TC and have a great day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Brokenshards22,
I read your poem,'Letter to a Friend' and I think it's heartfelt writing. Forgive me if I misread the wording and my interpretations are wrong: A guy has a hard childhood and meets a woman when he's older. Then that poor man is swept away by another woman. The woman he left blames the woman who swept him away. The way I see it, the guy did have a say in things and he made a decision of consciousness to run off with the other lady. I think it's truly sad when a guy has had a bad upbringing but I don't think that means he should be pitied and allowed to be an jerk the rest of his life. I wouldn't even want a guy like that to return to me. Thanks for sharing your poem with the site. Like I say, I think it's heartfelt. Creative. TC
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Harry,
I like your poem, 'A Thunderstorm on a Muggy June Night,' I take it to be free verse and expressive with imagery that opens my eyes to natures fierce mood. Thunderstorm and rain, like "nickles" you say really don't find anyone there to "breathe a sigh" until it goes away. Thanks for sharing. TC.
Review of Ambition  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Vox,
I like your poem, 'Ambition' and I believe your words are creatively written. The imagery you use is quite effective in helping the reader understand, or attempt to understand, a troubled mind. The last line of your poem, to me, says it all: "remember you are you, not it." Thank you for sharing your poem with the site. I read your poem and I think it is very heart felt. TC.
Review of Candy-Coated Eve  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Ken,
I really like your poem, 'Candy Coated Eve.' It's creative and well written. I think the title is great, if not perfect for the setting of your poem. Candy, how sweet it is, becomes Brussels sprouts when it's old and toxic. Eve was and is both, though I really think the apple thing wasn't all her fault! i like the way you word the sentences, leading my thoughts. I wonder just what the words are that Eve whispers, and if the "fall from grace" came from standing too close to the edge, trying to understand Eve's message. As it is, deceiving Adams and Eves, in
my opinion, do have a way of luring hearts close to danger. The edge is scary. Thanks for sharing your poem. Have a great day! TC
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (3.5)
hI Daniel,
Your poem 'Crossing Over (and back again) makes me think about reincarnation, only in a different sense. Like angels who are entertained unaware, not allowed to reveal themselves to the common man, maybe the same is true for us regular homosapians. I like the last 4 lines of your poem the most. TY for sharing. TC.
Review of Inheritance  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hi Fyn,
I like your poem, 'Day 2-' and I think your words offer creative thoughts for the reader to think about. Old memories and treasured belongings can not be replaced and I agree. When we meet our loved ones again, we can feel at ease, knowing we hung on to important items. When is enough enough though? Like you said in your poem, 'heavens memory reaches forward, not back' and its by grace that we are joined together, once again. I have very little, as far as material possessions, that my loved ones left behind. I wish I had more but it never was available. What became of all those priceless treasures? Your lucky if you still have a lot of those things. Most importantly though, to me, are the memories. Thanks for sharing a poem that got me to thinking about my Grandma and Grandpa. TC.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Top of the day to you, Hunters Moon.
Yes, the prodigal has returned!! And yes, it was meant to be a compliment when I told you I remembered your poems from before. This poem I've just read, 'Into the midst of Night' is creative word play. I can almost feel the depression in the person that the poem centers around, how sadness sinks in and nothingness earns favor in the dark. Haven't we all felt the feelings that this poem conveys? Somehow we find the sun. Or, we try to. I feel badly for those who cross the line and find a twisted comfort in the nothingness. Thanks for sharing your well written poem. TC.
Review of Black History  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Jarianna,
I really like the empowering words you have written in your creative poem, 'Black History.' I'd say it's quite amazing you could write like that, in just a few minutes, as you say. No matter what a person's color is, I think this poem speaks determination and strength to the heart and soul, how we should never allow ourselves to be beaten down by adversity, people, places or things. Our heritage and ancestry, at least mine does, strongly requests of us to keep the candle burning. TY and TC
Review of Life Under Water  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi DanielFrancis,
I liked reading your poem, 'Life Under Water' and I think it's creatively written. I think we've all been there and can relate to the words you have written. I think of my own husband, forced to live with an oxygen machine, and the poem you write makes me think of just how valuable breath is, how we may be drowning in our lives sometimes but we fight to live. I know I do. I can't speak for everyone in the world or everyone who reads your poem but I do know what it means to persevere. TY and TC.
Review of Broken Dreams  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Top of the day to you, Hunters Moon,
I have been away from the site for awhile but I've I returned and remember some of your poems from before. This poem, 'Broken Dreams' is creative. I like it. I can visualize the barren branch with a single leaf and see how it symbolizes (to me, anyway) the coldness in ones life, loneliness, and holding on to dreams. Thanks for sharing your words with the site. I like reading poems that make me think. TC.
Review of Live Through This  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Keaton,
'Live through This' is another one of your heartfelt poems, full of thought that writes heartache, and we've all been there in our lives. Though your poem, from my readers perspective, writes feelings that assume others are not able or could never possibly understand. I think you'd be surprised though. It's why I like your poems because your writing really touches what so many of us have felt, at least once in our lives, if not many, many times over. Thanks for sharing it. TC.
Review of Night and Day  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Wolfbane,
I like your poem titled, 'Night and Day.' It's a catchy bunch of words that create a time difference and tells a story. I like the last line, 'The night was always meant to die.' One man rises to the day, another man lays down to sleep. The circle of life gets us right back to the light, eventually. You wrote a good poem there. Thanks for sharing it. TY and TC.
Review of The Dream  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hi Angus,
I like your short story titled 'The Dream' and had a good laugh. I don't think working as a clown for a living would be all that thrilling, really. Maybe the guy in your poem isn't a clown at all though. Maybe he's a dreamer and just wishes that everything he sees coming his in his life could be funnier. He faces the mirror and the reality of it all makes him want to tear his own face off. I think the poem you've written is creative. Thanks for sharing it. TC.
Review of Kitchen table  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi SandyK,
I like the poem you wrote, 'Kitchen Table' and read more into the word "cake" then just cake but everything that revolves around it, the bitter-sweet surrounding of manic like energy leaving the heart and I see a limped winged eagle, just outside the window, where broken love was meant to fly. I love poems about the ocean. Thank you for sharing yours. Have a great day. TC
Review of The Ocean  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Joy,
I like your poem titled 'The Ocean. The words you write are vividly created with emotions that touch the reader. Of course, I can't speak for other readers who take a look at your poem but I felt touched. The ocean is such a giant. I relate to what you write about feeling like a "drop and an unknown shadow" when you stand before her majesty. TC and TY
Review of Cry Wolf  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Daniel,
I like your song, 'Cry Wolf.' It has a nice ring to it. The chorus is nice and I read the words feeling for both the guy and the girl. I don't see the girl ever coming back to him. I don't see her crying wolf, either, because the guy has made himself crystal clear. I guess all he can do is hope. Your song writes a story that I bet a lot of people can relate to. TC.
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