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Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Jay,
I read your poem titled 'A Song to Sing is the Living Clue' and I think it's pretty nice. Creative. Positive. I agree that every day is a restoration of new birth, writing hope on pages and finding hearts to sing. Though your poem is short, it makes a valid point about what living on this earth is all about. Thank you for sharing your poem with the site. Have a great day. TC.
Review of A Day Spent  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi njames51,
I like the poem you wrote. 'A Day Spent' is creative. I like the way you use nature to express heartfelt feelings of love and longing. 'Painting the lilies in a circular vase, drowned in swans' is a really nice visual word play. The entire poem is positive and colorful with the season in writes. Thanks for sharing your poem with the site. TC. Have a great day.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
HI Daniel,
I like your poem titled, 'Through the Laughter' and I read a positive message in the world, how we're all traveling through every sunrise and sunset to finds life's meaning. Your poem creatively reminds me that it's better to go through the journey and be ourselves, not what everyone else expects. You can't please them all. And, besides that, I think all of us change in many ways. Someone might not like you in one phase of your life and love you in the next. Why bother trying to keep up with them. If you live by the words you write in your poem, you are wise beyond words. Thanks for sharing your poem. TC.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Dr. M.C. Gupta,
I like your poem 'My Exposed Heart.' I read the lines of this poem and see someone that has walls up and another person that doesn't. One wants open communication where the rivers flow and the other has a hesitating heart. The hesitate isn't wrong anymore then the open book is. I think the one who hesitates subconsciously blames the open book though. He wants a certain type of person and withdraws himself. Maybe it's better that way. Thanks for sharing your poem with the site. TC.
Review of Walls Around You  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Daniel,
I read your poem titled 'Walls Around You' and I could relate to the words you have written. I think a lot of people could relate to this poem. Walls-closing eyes-dreaming. I like this poem and think it is heartfelt and hopeful. Hopeful because I think the message that is conveyed in this poem is to keep dreaming and pressing on because, as you say, "you must be going somewhere." Thank you for sharing your poem with the site. TC.
Review of Ode to a dream  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Spacer,
I read your poem, 'Ode to a Dream' and I think it's really a heartfelt collection of words. I sense the writer of this poem is trying to connect to something or someone to identify himself with, be it Whitman, or be it a drink. Yet, I also sense a hope in the lines I read that the entire poem searches for and finds it. I sense the hope is found in believing that the hope is found. This is a good freestyle poem and I, personally think, freestyle says a whole heck of a lot more than those dumb A - B - A - B poems do. Thanks for sharing your words. TC.
Review of I Was There  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi The Mad Squid,
I read your poem, 'I was there' and I think it's creative, a little freaky too but I don't mean that in a bad way. I just mean I've never thought of anything being 'there' before God and I wonder what it is. Must be a Phantasm or maybe de ja vu or maybe it's wilder than imagination. AND, maybe it's you. Maybe it's me. Maybe we'll never know and all of our lives are set before us that we already knew. The answer lies within us. Thanks for your creative, thought provoking poem. I like it! TC
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi LocalZero,
I read your song titled 'Nothing Left to Lose' and I didn't read it to be a song about giving up. I think the words are creative and, maybe I'm wrong here but, I sense there is a hidden message. Something about letting go and moving on, not staying in the sameness, and being tired of the same old routine. Thanks for sharing your song with the site. TC.
Review of YOU AND I  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Dr. M.C. Gupta,
I like your poem, 'You and I' and I could feel a heartbeat in the words, resuscitating breath for change and finding resolution in the hope of friendship. The words you write register maturity in words that travel through the lifetime. Finding the courage to move on, after a bad relationship, and not harboring resentment and blame takes a strong person. I read strength in your poem, without regret, and a simple acceptance that the marriage is over. Thanks for sharing your words. TC.
Review of H aiku  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Apondia,
I like the poem you wrote, 'H aiku' and I think it flows creativity into the river of words I read. i picture the winter windows you write about and I can visualize the blue skies and trees filling up with the change of season. I think this poem is about more than nature though. I think it's about the seasons of our life and our hearts that are able to change from coldness to warmer feelings, all in the way we perceive the world around us. Thanks for sharing your poem with the site. TC.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Muddirides,

I like your poem,'Write where it (really) hurts' and I think it truly is creative .. You use excellent imagery in your choice of words and I like the way you put the poem together. Your words make me think and, I supect other readers as well, This is what a good writer can do. You are a good writer. Thank you for sharing your poem with the site. TC.

Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Virtual Outrage,
I read your poem, 'He Who Murdered Me' and picked up some interesting word play in the writing. I agree that the past is apathetic and doesn't care, one way or the other, and I think: Since the past only cut into our lives, why not leave it be and move forward? I've known people who were 'killed by their past' and, yet, hung onto it like seriously ill drug addict, sticking its needle into the veins, looking for a high, chasing it in an old feeling that would never come. How could it, when the past is gone and when is a person able to forgive himself or herself for yesterday? Your poem is creative and heartfelt. Thank you for sharing your writing with the site. TC.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi J.A. Ellison,
'Thoughts by J.A. Ellison' is a thought provoking poem about thoughts and I'm thinking about it right now! The words you write are interesting, how our thoughts have lives and purpose and how we, as the simple people we are, should be kinder to our minds. I think we were born to think and have emotions but that our thinking is the creator of what we build our lives on and what we feel. Your poem is creative and you lead the reader to some interesting ideas. Thanks for sharing your poem with the site. TC.
Review of Awaiting New Year  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi SB Musing,
I like your poem titled 'Awaiting New Year' and it comes right from the horses mouth! i think of that old tv show called, 'MR. ED' and wonder. Horses are such beautiful animals and I like the way you've written a poem to give horses a voice. I read your poem and see the horses as thinking, intelligent animals that are very aware of what goes on around them. This poem is creative and pleasant to read. Thank you for sharing it with the site. TC.
Review of Bleach  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Blue Sheep,
I read your poem' Bleach' and, from the words I read, I think the 'bleach' is doubt itself. Doubt hinders perseverance but I sense the writer of this poem is fighting it, or attempting to overcome his or her self-defined failure. He or she is already a success, I speculate, and pushes too hard, wanting what he\she wants when it's already in possession. Thanks for sharing your poem with the site. It's interesting. TC
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Harry,
I like your poem 'Spirit of America' and I think your words ring truth to the song our country plays. There are red, white, and blue music that has been waving to the the generations of time and your poem reflects the colors to a tee. Red boldness, blue waters of inspiration and white clouds bringing in just the right around of rain for our farmers. I agree that 'love for equality, each true American heart' as you say. Every State on the United States map is a cornerstone and the heart beats stronger. Your poem is inspirational. I liked reading it and thank you. TC.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Harry,
Hello again! i am here to tell you that I have read your poem 'A Humble Wordsmith' and i like it, truly, I do. I think this is the first freestyle poem of yours I have reviewed. All your other poems seem to rhyme. This poem, 'Wordsmith' is creative. You say that you are not all those other things but that what you are: a poet. This is true but I also believe that a poet is a carpenter, building layers of thoughts and creating a house of words for the heart to live in. Sounds corny, I know. The poet, yourself and perhaps even I are painters of our stories, potters that mold our words, and blacksmiths that hammer out our thoughts by night and by day, until we feel our thoughts are perfected. You wrote a good poem there, Harry. Thanks for sharing it. TC and have a nice day!
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Jayanth,
I read your poem, 'The best 30 seconds of my life' and please forgive me if I am wrong. I interpret it to be the last 30 seconds in a man's life as he realizes he is dying and his heart is overflowing with love for the people who mean the most to him. This is a touching poem to me. I think of my own father who passed away, not that long ago, and what thoughts must have been going through his mind. His death wasn't violent in any way, like what you mention. He was medically ill. Your poem-story is well written, sad, and a thought provoker. It makes me realize how much we need to tell the people we love that we love them BEFORE we die and, in fact, every time that we possibly can, as often as time allows us to spend with them. TY and TC.
Review of This, For You  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Jace,
Your poem-song, 'This for You,' is excellent and I'm sure the friend you gave it to agrees. I read positive, heartfelt words in what you have written and I visualize a newly wed couple cherishing the gift you gave them for many years. TY and TC.
Review of Who  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Rayne,
I like your poem, simply titled 'Who' and I think it speaks volumes into the world we live in. I feel this way because I think the masses are having an identity crisis and the singular souls are losing individuality in the push and shove. Who are we? Good question. Who am I? Another good question. Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? Which way do I turn to find the right road? How much time does it take to build a day? I think your poem is creative and makes sense. Thank you for sharing it with the site. TC.
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Bubblegum Jones,
Your poem 'Silent Poetry' is sad and I always feel heartbroken when I hear of a young persons death. Life is so short, even if we live to be 100-years of age, and I hate it when time robs the youth. Your poem is heartfelt and I, too, am "waiting so patiently for the end to come within range." as you say. Personally, I'm not waiting for the end of life or the world but the end of insanity itself. TY and TC.
Review of Behind This Stare  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Keaton,
I really like your poem, 'Behind this Stare' and it reads creativity to me, line for line, as I reflect on the words. I think what I like about your writing so much is that your writing is heartfelt and honest. You don't write A b a b, Roses are red, violets are blue, to bore the reader. I don't even think you care that much what anyone has to say about what you write. Opinion isn't relative to a true writer. That's what I think. Your poem 'Behind This Stare' peels off the mask and shows the real 'home,' as you say, of a mans soul. i THINK everyone feels the way you do or the way your poem writes at times. I know I have. I think of the song, 'Dreamboat Annie' by HEART. The world wears a mask on the face of our crowded population. TY and TC
Review of Stars  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi J.A.,
i liked reading your poem titled 'Stars' and I think it's creative. I like the way you define the stars to be quote - portals to the soul - and agree. You are wise to see that the stars are more than mere objects and to write it in words. Thank you for sharing your poem with the site. I have enjoyed reading it. TC.
Review of Home  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Jarianna,
I like your poem, 'Home' and I think it is creatively written, heartfelt, and memorable of times in a house that wasn't\isn't just a bunch of walls holding people in. I have visuals reading your poem, seeing the mother sing and the siblings fight, the front door opening and closing, as family members come and go, always returning to the circle of life and the place they call home. TY and TC.
Review of Reclaim Love Lost  
Review by Lifeaholic
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Sum1,
'Reclaim Love Lost' is a creative poem, heartfelt, and expressive. The lines, 'I wouldn’t,,,,I Didn’t,,,,,,,,,I couldn’t,,,,,,And I lost.' are honest words and I feel the regret, line for line, how it is when one person is ready for love and the other person is not. The last 3 lines of your poem end the poem in a sad note but a caring note, that the one who lost wants to warn others not to do the same. Good poem. TY and TC.
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