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Review of No! No! Elmer!  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Elmer sounded like he was quite a character. He reminds me of my own cat Gizmo, who is at this very moment curled up in a furry ball right next to my laptop. She is such a bundle of fun who likes to SLEEP on my computer. Did Elmer ever do that lols?

Thanks for sharing with us the memories of your feline companion,

Asha xxxx
Review of Obsolete  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I didn't know what the heck I was letting myself in for when I read this, but I am glad I did! I know this is listed under the Computer section, but perhaps you should add additional tags such as:

Sci Fi and Comedy to this item. I feel this deserves more views than it currently has. I personally feel the rating should be higher than the one I have seen, hence my rating of 5 stars. I've always wanted to write comedy with a touch of science fiction, but your skills in that are much better than mine are!

I especially enjoyed the part as with each generation of robot, the two men weren't satisfied with what they'd produced. I didn't see the end coming and that was a nice funny touch when I got to the end.

Are there any more parts to this, as I feel you could get a novel out of this.
Review of The World  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a good way to state that life can be tough, but with good parts sprinkled throughout, but only if we work for those bits of sunshine that come after the curveballs you mentioned in your poem.

I really enjoyed the way you described the bad occurrences in life as curveballs. You must be a baseball fan to describe them as such. I'm not a fan of baseball, but I understood what you mean to convey.

Well done!
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hey, this is pretty good! I began to read this as soon as I spotted the title, thinking that this upload would be a great item to read. I really enjoyed the way Chuck explained the rules to Kat. Just think of all the fun you could have with those rules and the things Soul Crusaders are allowed to do.

Asha xxx
Rated: E | (5.0)
I thought this poem was reminiscent of the famous Lewis Carrol. I always remember that fantastic work of his: Alice in Wonderland. The way you wrote this is perfect an so in the style of the way he penned his verses in that book.

Are you sure you aren't related to Lewis Carrol in some way or you are rather lucky to have a fantastic gift for writing!
Review of day 5 oct nano  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This sounds like a novel I would want to read. I like strong female characters as I believe I can learn from them. Is this story multi generational in nature? Just thought I would ask, as you did mention a forty year time frame? Just one more query? Do you have chapters uploaded so I can read them.

I'm definitely interested in reading your NaNo novel.

Asha xxxx
Review of Fear, Why?  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I often say the same thing or think the same way. You've done a rather fine job of describing the way the emotion of fear can cause a person to shut down and become not quite themselves.

I've learned to try and live with fear, then it becomes bearable.

Thank you for uploading this,

Asha xxx
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I knew from the title that this would be funny and I was right. I have never laughed so hard as I did after reading this. I wouldn't want a life partner like Alison, thats for sure. I do hope you plan on turning this into a novel. Even if you don't, thanks for uploading this.

I enjoyed it.

Signing off cheesily,

Asha xxx
Review of Mother Eirith  
for entry "The N'ermine.
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
First thing to say is congratulations for completing this novel. 160 k words, phew! I hope your fingers didn't fall off after all of that typing! I do have oner thing to mention.

Try spacing apart the paragraphs, this will make it easier on the eyes of the reader. I do have bad eyesight anyway, but that huge block of text made my eyes water slightly!

Apart from that, no major complaints.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is definitely a well thought out message, one that is clearly displayed in both the Psalm and the story of Anna. The comparison between the way a tree and a person can both grow and develop is an excellent way to portray a message.

This works for me. Thanks for imparting the message that anyone can mature from a tiny seed, and grow into something wonderful.

All it takes is hard work.
Review of Growing Old  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This poem is fantastic and definitely brings to mind the aging process. This kind of reminds me of the song: 'Senior Moments' that you can find on youtube. Does this poem take the mickey out of that process we all must face?

This a good way of putting across the point of aging and a funny way of doing it. You did it rather well. I especially liked the part about updating the memory.

Unfortunately, human brains can't be upgraded like computers!
Review of Shadow Amends  
for entry "The Finding
Rated: E | (4.0)
This has huge potential and I enjoyed reading this. I thought it was fantastic to find a novel from the point of view of the dragon. I was enticed into reading this by the mention of a broken pact, and what the dragons might undertake to find out what occurred to their brethren under the hands of the humans they pledged to guide. If you ever do return to WDC, note that you have a potential reader for your novel.

Asha xxx
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
It is a shame that you haven't been online since 2010. This would be a great continuation for the Labyrinth movie. I believe the voice belonged to Jareth and his urgings to enter her aunt's room was a guise to bring her back to his realm. Using another version of the book Sarah had as a teenager is interesting. I would love to see what is contained in the 13th chapter of that little red book!

Asha xxx
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
From what I was able to read through, this has a lot of potential. But I had to reading part of the way through the chapters as the text appeared to be one long upload.

Perhaps if you go back to edit mode and space out more of the paragraphs, plus make the point size of the font a little bit bigger, it will be easier to read. Apart from that, no complaint from me!
Review of Beef Stew  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow, what a good laugh and a looong limerick! I won't say what I thought was in the stew, incase youngsters read this review! The butler seems to be a right idiot, despite being in charge of the staff.

The cook seems to be a down right shifty character, rather well written. This is a finely crafted item. Thanks for sharing this.
for entry "Prologue
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Before I review, I'll just add you and your novel to my favourites tab so I can receive notifications when an update is uploaded as this shows a lot of promise. What really stood out for me is the way you have portrayed the dragons, especially the one called Rohkr.

Plus, more than one race of dragons? I'll carry on reading to find out more!

Asha xxxx
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I too, know what it is like to live in poverty and go through a childhood like yours. My dad was a drunk most of the time and when I started work, I often had to use my wages to purchase food for my younger siblings. I couldn't let them go hungry due to the fact that my dad poured his wages down his throat. I've suffered like you have, but not nearly as severe as you.

I too, had a friend in the form of a four pawed person. My cat Twizzel. She taught me so much and I miss her every day, but still remember the lessons I've learned from her. I'm fully grown now and seem to have acquired another four legged friend, a tortoiseshell cat called Gizmo. She accepts me and all my odd quirks, just like a true friend should!
Rated: E | (5.0)
:D I really enjoyed this! Anything with dragons in it, I am a sucker for. Even poetry. Thanks for writing this, I loved the flow of words and wordplay. I could clearly imagine all that you put down on paper, computer screen, bread and bacon!

Just one question, well two really.

Can you turn this into a story and the other question:

Would you love a bacon sammich?

Asha xxx
Review of CONQUEST  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a very well written piece and has just proven to be rather inspirational for me. The analogy of using a mountain and a man was a very good touch. Mountains are often seen as untouchable, but with perseverance, anything can be overcome. I hope I feel that way when I complete my first manuscript.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Asha xxx
Review of Hands  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hands are strange things aren't they? I believe hands were given to us to help us do with our life what we want to do. As I am a writer, I hope one day my fate will ensure I am writing all the time. We can do many things with these hands of ours, but I believe the best THING we can do with them is to help each other. As it was inherent within your poem, old hands can teach new hands through experience!

Thank for sharing this creative piece with us all here on WDC!

Asha xxx
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem is fantastic and reminds me of when I first laid eyes on that small bundle of fur, my now six year old tortoiseshell cat Gizmo. She does and has done, all the things mentioned in the verses of your poem!

To this day, I don't catch her drinking out of the toilet as due to bleach being thrown down it, I keep the lid down, I DO spot her taking a drink out of the dishwater. Some of the things our feline friends get up to are sometimes daft and mystifying, but all part of their charm.

And as for your cat choosing you, I've always believed cats are born knowing the human they belong to. Your lovely tom was lucky enough to find you and be loved for what he is.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow this looks rather interesting! I have an urge to research and perhaps write in this genre. Just one question, are dragons allowed in Steampunk? I have an idea for a novel for this genre!

Anyway thanks for putting out knowledge about this new field of fantasy/scifi and the Victorian Era. I'm always looking for new stuff and it found me!
Review of A Tale of Honor  
Rated: E | (5.0)
And finally we see the main female MC herself and I must say what a character she is turning out to be! She seems to have just as much nobility, fire and strength of spirit as the bondmate I have read about in your novel thus far.

What drew me to her even more is the fact she had the courage and foresight to look past the old ways and ancient laws/ideals of her people to see what other races could offer her people.

I hope to see more of this amazing female MC as the novel goes on. Thanks for uploading this.
Review of Sometimes Love Is  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I don't normally go for romance novels as the ones passed to me by my mother and nan were so badly written, even the back of a cereal packet was considered a better read. After perusing the opening paragraphs, this chapter possesses far more substance than the nutritional information on the back of the Weetabix I have for breakfast every morning!

Jamie seems to be a rather stable man, home from the army and out to collect an inheritance. And as for the young lady, I hope she plays hard to get, as any woman should! xD

I nearly put in this review a word I believed was misused, until it sprang on me, this has been written in American English.

I'm placing this on an alert so I can read further.

Thanks for uploading this.
Rated: E | (5.0)
You know what, I felt the same way when I try to learn German. I have had some rather funny looks from native speakers when I try to chat to them. It is nice to know that I'm not the only one who this has happened to. I didn't see any errors or mistakes so well done! I might, if I manage to learn BSL - British Sign Language, put my trials and tribulations here on WDC!

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