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Review of Chocolate Kisses  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love the sentimentality of this poem! I can see kids tackling Grandma with faces covered in chocolate, laughing and marking her face up with chocolate. Great job! The imagery, rhythm and flow of this poem work really well together. Keep up the wonderful writing!

B.M. Ray
Review of Legacy  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow, Ken. What a beautiful, hauntingly sad tribute to Columbine High School. This brought back a lot for me - my cousin's fiance was one of the young men killed in that senseless tragedy. You really expressed the pain felt in this...and very well. Keep up the wonderful writing!

B.M. Ray
Review of Thankful  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really enjoyed reading this. I could actually hear it as if someone was singing this. It was a beautiful way to pay tribute to your mom. I saw no reason to change it - and I believe your mom would be really proud of the man you have become! Keep up the wonderful writing!

B.M. Ray
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was beautifully written. I could feel the pain in your words. I could see an image of a war-torn country or city. Rhythm, flow and rhyme all work together very well to paint an image with your words. Keep up the wonderful writing and I will keep reading!

B.M. Ray
Review of Dear Me,  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love the way you wrote this letter to yourself about 2017. You were honest. You made it clear that while 2017 wouldn't be perfect, it would be a good year. I love that! You sprinkled in comments to build your self esteem and made sure to include your writing goals, your personal goals, and a current summary of what is going on in your life. Great job. Keep up the great writing!

B.M. Ray
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, writeaway !

I just finished reading your item, "The World How It Seems and would like to share the following humble thoughts.

What I liked:

An honest yet elegant way to describe the reactions of others when a Christian suffers from depression.


I saw nothing that I could offer suggestions on...this was beautiful.


Your rhythm, flow and rhyme all work together to form a beautiful poem about how the world tends to look at those who suffer from depression - especially if we are Christians.


I did not see any weaknesses in this poem that need to be addressed.

Overall Impression:

This poem shows great insight into what it's like as a Christian to suffer from depression. As a person who falls into that category, it was easy for me to relate to the emotions of this poem. I really like the ending....and it's true...we are not alone, we are in the arms of God. Great job!!!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back! Thank you for sharing!

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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, Prof Moriarty !

I just finished reading your item, "Letter from a Worried Wife and would like to share the following humble thoughts.

What I liked:

I love the way this letter is clear and concise. You convey the emotion of being rejected.


My only suggestion would be at the end of the letter, add an extra line to space between your last point and the final paragraph of the letter.


Your letter was well-written, albeit humorous at the idea of writing to the SMs regarding lowering the enticing nature of WDC. Your concerns were well-spoken and understandable. I really enjoyed reading this.


No obvious weaknesses noted.

Overall Impression:

I loved reading this - I believe many spouses of writers on WDC probably feel the same way....but hey, where would we be without WDC and SMs??

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back! Thank you for sharing!

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Review of Twilight's Fall  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I think you did very well on this poem. Your words give feeling, and I love that.

I only have one suggestion...and it may just be the way I am reading this poem.

First stanza, last line....I think if you changed it to read:

"fragrant and oh so sweet."

I believe it will flow just a bit better and make this poem perfect. I am no expert, but when I read it aloud to myself, for some reason, my mind kept inserting the word "oh."

Keep up the wonderful writing!

B.M. Ray
Review of Coffee Shop  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h !

I just finished reading your item, "Coffee Shop and would like to share the following humble thoughts.

What I liked:

This is a very well-written scene. The descriptions you provide make it easy for me to picture the scene and the daydreaming she is apparently doing.


I would (and this may be just my personal preference,) like to see more description of the coffee shop she was in - was it a Starbucks? Or was it a little "mom-and-pop" shop with red vinyl chairs?


Your colors you chose to use to describe the coffee in her cup, the clouds in her mind are great. As well, I love your introduction of a world within a world. It truly fits this story. Paragraph spacing, punctuation, spelling and word usage all worked well together and did not distract from my reading of this.


Like I mentioned above, a description of the coffee shop she was in might help the reader transition from the clouds of her mind back into reality. Maybe even a description of her companion would help in this matter as well.

Overall Impression:

As a writer who often goes off into my own world when writing or looking for inspiration, I could truly relate to her being in her own world. And I like the fact that your character seems to be be looking for an answer to something. Great job on this! I really enjoyed it.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back! Thank you for sharing!

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Review of Emily's Steer  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, Cub-bee !

I just finished reading your item, "Emily's Steer and would like to share the following humble thoughts.

What I liked:

I love the emotion in this story. I also love the way you describe what you started to wish for but then stopped - and gave the reasons why.


My only suggestions would be to add descriptions of what Emily looked like. It's hard to picture the scene without knowing what she looked like.


There is raw emotion in this. I love the way you describe the relationship Emily had with Moses, and the relationship Moses had with the cats. It adds realism.


As I mentioned above, the only weakness I see is that there is no description of what Emily looked like.

Overall Impression:

This is a short story that is well-written with no grammatical, punctuation or spelling issues that take away from the story. There is raw emotion in this, as well as wisdom in the idea of the wishes. Great job!

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back! Thank you for sharing!

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Review of Annie  
Rated: E | (1.0)
Hello, carlton607 !

I just finished reading your item, "Annie and would like to share the following humble thoughts.

What I liked:

I like this story in the fact that it describes the panic a woman feels when she is frightened. Your descriptive words make it easier to picture things you mention in the story.


Go through and re-read this. Double check your spelling. Also, try to find a way to tie in all of the topics together...Annie liking to knit socks, but what does that have to do with the rest of the story? And some background into what was making Annie so panicked would go along way, as well ad the reason between such a strong bond between her and Buster.


Some of your descriptions were pretty good...blonde hair turning brown - I could picture that. You did well in showing Annie's fright and terror. Your paragraph spacing made it easy to read through.


I noticed that there was a difficulty flowing smoothly from one subject to another - one paragraph didn't lead into the next. This made it a difficult read and it was difficult to follow your line of thinking.

Overall Impression:

As this was a contest entry for a bad story, I must say that you did adhere to that very well. This has the potential to be an interesting story with a bit of work.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back! Thank you for sharing!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, 🌕 HuntersMoon !

I just finished reading your item, "Christmas Is Over / 141 Words and would like to share the following humble thoughts.

What I liked:

Your imagery is great. I can actually picture the scene of everything relating to Christmas being packed away out of sight.


The only thing I saw was the word bible....I've always seen it capitalized...not sure if you meant to leave it lower case or not.


Beautiful rhythm and flow. Scenery is very strong. And the comment of not on Tax Day kinda made me chuckle.


Like I said, the only thing I saw was whether or not to capitalize the word Bible.

Overall Impression:

I love this. It made me chuckle. It also made me wonder why we don't keep Christmas all year round.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back! Thank you for sharing!

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Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, Gabriel M !

I just finished reading your item, "Children Raising Children and would like to share the following humble thoughts.

What I liked:

The honesty of this story - the hardships seen through the eyes of a child born to teenage parents really got my interest up in this story. I love the fact that you mention the expectations set forth by Disney and Nickelodeon...and how those expectations were not what you experienced, due in part to the young age of your parents.


My biggest suggestion would be to add an empty line between paragraphs to make it easier to read....it's easier on the eyes. Also, when using dialogue, it's easier for me to read it if it is separated into its own paragraph, along with facial expressions or actions that directly follow. See my example below:

"That's not true!" She yelled as she stormed away.


The greatest strength this piece has is the raw emotion behind what you have written...from the perspective of a child who was raised by parents who were too young when they had their children.


Again, paragraph spacing and separation of dialogue and actions/expressions that directly follow as I showed in the example above, would really help this as far as structure and flow.

Overall Impression:

I really enjoyed reading this from a different perspective. I, too, was a teenage parent. Now that I am older, I wish I had waited until I was in my mid-to-late twenties before having children, to give me the opportunity to grow up a bit more and be prepared a little better for parenthood. You really show from the child's perspective how young parents can sometimes influence their children by their immaturity...and even later on, how they can redeem themselves by pushing their children to be better people and parents..to make better choices than they did.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me back! Thank you for sharing!

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Review of My Father's Hands  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a beautiful tribute to your father. The rhythm and flow worked very well together. I really felt the love in this poem. Keep up the wonderful writing!

B.M. Ray
Review of Crazy in Love  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was beautiful - and you are right in your intro - even those who are ill can love! Great job! I really enjoyed this! I didn't see any issues with rhythm or flow. Keep writing!

B.M. Ray
Review of January 1, 2017  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
"I all that I meet, all year, far and near."

This sentence didn't make sense to me. Was wondering if you meant to say "In all that I meet, all year, far and near."

Other than that, the flow and rhythm and rhyme of this poem work very well. I enjoyed reading this, and you impart a very important lesson of January 1 being only a date, and what's important is what we do with the spirit of the new year.

Keep up the wonderful writing,

B.M. Ray
Review of Tickle Torture  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
The rhythm and flow of this poem work beautifully together with the rhyme. I remember those days of being tortured by my brothers...Fond memories now that I am older. Keep up the wonderful writing!

B.M. Ray
Review of The Jester  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is sad and tragic. It drew me in - I wanted to keep reading. Your imagery, your thoughts painted a picture in my mind. Wonderfully written. Thank you for sharing!

B.M. Ray
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was beautiful! I love the ending. Rhythm, flow and rhyme all worked together to make this an easy poem to read. And, I'm sure we can all relate to having to get a gift for someone we deem less than desirable. I love the way this shows how God can work through our circumstances to restore what we thought was lost forever. Keep up the great writing!

B.M. Ray
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this! I believe this may be one of the best ones I've read yet. Rhythm and flow are perfect. Rhyme works really well. I could actually picture the scene as if I was the one looking out the windowpane. Keep up all the wonderful writing! As long as you write, I will read!

B.M. Ray
Review of Missing  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is sad. I could feel the despair as I read this. Rhythm and flow seem to go together really well. Great job. Keep up writing!

B.M. Ray
for entry "Dear Me (2017)
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I love this! You have so much planned out and even a plan on how you will accomplish those goals! Great job!

B.M. Ray
Review of The Toymaker  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I could actually picture this scene taking place. You did very well on this, and you paint a beautiful picture with your words. I enjoyed this piece, and did not see anything that needed to be addressed or that distracted from this writing. Keep up the great writing!

B.M. Ray
Review of Among The Poplars  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was beautiful! I could really picture the scene and feel the air as I read through this. The rhythm and flow were perfect (as usual with your poetry.) You painted a beautiful picture with your words, and I could see the poplars. Great job and keep writing! I look forward to reading more!

B.M. Ray
Review of Letter To GOD  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this! This was well written. I saw no grammatical, punctuation or spelling issues that would distract from the message of this. Your heartfelt prayers are so well thought out and I know that God heard your heart when you wrote this. God bless you, thank you for sharing and keep up the wonderful writing!
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