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1,115 Public Reviews Given
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Versatile: I'm good at reviewing different types of writing in different ways. Honest: While I do my best to be honest and encouraging in reviews, I don't omit things. If I tell you I like something about a piece, you can trust that I'm not just saying it. All-Inclusive/Well-Rounded: I look for the good and bad in writing. I'll give you an overall opinion as well as the highlights and what needs worked on.
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Giving feedback within set parameters. If you're looking to receive opinions on something specific, let me know and that's what I'll focus on when giving a review.
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Horror - all time favorite. Science Fiction and Fantasy are tied in a close second.
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Romance. (Exceptions: Dark erotica intrigues me if it's, you know, dark.) I will happily read and review romance pieces, but I might be a little tougher on it than on other genres.
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Review of The Water Ran Red  
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)


*Dragon2* DISCLAIMER *Dragon2*

I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.


Hey Wolfbane,

Loved the poem - as always. I particularly liked the topic of this one. I can't claim any sort of expertise on this particular battle - but I do spend a lot of my free time studying other events from around the same time, which is perhaps part of what I liked about this one.

One quick note

Aside from that, which is a pretty small detail all in all, I thought it was great. It was very easy to picture, it was historically accurate as far as I could tell, it was emotional, and it was a great way to pay tribute to the brave soldiers who lost their lives during the invasion. It was really beautiful and you did a good job with it.



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)


*Dragon2* DISCLAIMER *Dragon2*

I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.


Hey Wolfbane,

Found this one in the request thread so I figured I'd review it. If you ever get tired of me giving you so many reviews all you have to do is let me know.

In the meantime, I'm going to go ahead and give you my thoughts on this piece. There were a lot of individual aspects that I like, but the tone seemed kind of inconsistent.

It starts off very vague like it's more about poetry and creating mental imagery - and then when it gets to the more adult content (very steamy and well written, btw) it was sort of blindsiding.

What I would actually suggest for this one would be to adapt it into two separate things. Have one vague sort of PG13 piece that's about mental imagery and the power of words and description that sort of sets up a scene. Then maybe have a second piece for the content described in the third stanza and if you feel comfortable - take that opportunity to expand some on that scene, which was probably my favorite part of the poem - even if I didn't think it fit the tone as well.

As always, these are just my personal opinions on the piece. Although it wasn't my favorite for tone continuity reasons, I enjoyed each of the stanzas individually for their own merits.

Am looking forward to reading some more of your port. I saw another one of your pieces in the request thread as well, so you can be expecting at least one more review from me today. Keep up the great work!



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)


*Dragon2* DISCLAIMER *Dragon2*

I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



I found this in the review request forum and thought I'd drop by to give my notes. Overall I thought it was pretty interesting, and I definitely don't think your style is juvenile (which I noticed was something you asked about.)

I thought the dialogue-only aspect was pretty interesting, and the couple wondering if they're the only people alive in the world made for an interesting premise as well.

Two really quick suggestions for you; do a basic edit and focus a little more on telling a complete story. There were a couple typos and such that could be edited out, and I also think that it would be a stronger piece overall if you focused a little more on a story with the conversation. It would be good to find out who Suzy and maybe elaborate on that a little more - because it piqued my interested but then didn't really follow through.

Overall though, I think it was pretty good. I'd be happy to read more from you at any time.



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cat Voleur
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)



I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



Hello Angus

I'm doing my last couple reviews for the PDG Rockin' Review Academy and one of the things was to give an in depth review of someone with a yellow case or higher, and I immediately thought of you. When I got to your portfolio I thought you had switched out one your highlighted items and replaced it with "The Black Cape And Top Hat which I just finished and thoroughly enjoyed (although I think I did prefer "Weeeeeen! and it was sad to see it moved.)


*Paw* Characters:

I really enjoyed both of your characters. For such a short piece you did a great job establishing both their individual personalities and their dynamic as a couple - which it's always nice to see (especially outside of the romance genre, where such things need to take priority.)


*Paw* Plot:

I thought the idea behind this was very interesting from the beginning, there was enough exposition to give the reader an idea of where it was going - and then you took it in a very different direction during the big reveal. Not a lot of people can pull that off, but it worked here, making this a very surreal and memorable story.


*Paw* Backstory:

I really liked not only how the events of Ben's dream/memory were described, but how you worked it into the story as a sort of flashback instead of having it come out through the conversation that sort of introduces the section. It was a clever way to go about it and it allowed you to go into a bit more detail about what he witnessed in a way that still felt natural.


*Paw* Pacing:

I saw this was a contest entry - so I'm assuming that there was a word count limit. Taking that into consideration I don't think you could have done much better working in everything that you needed to. The piece (to me) did feel rushed though, particularly at the end. It left a lot of questions unanswered and although that's sometimes very effective (especially in horror fiction) it made this story a little too open for my liking.



In conclusion, I liked the idea a lot and the set up was absolutely perfect. I think the ending was a bit confusing (at least it was for me) but it's obvious that there are some very chilling and fascinating ideas behind it. The unique story concept is something that I think would support a longer story - should you be interest in doing a version that doesn't need to fit contest requirements. In any case, confusion aside I enjoyed it a lot and as always, I look forward to reading more by you.



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cat Voleur
Rated: ASR | (4.0)



I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



Hello Michael Scott ,

I just finished reading "The Battle of Graywolf and thought it was pretty good. It's definitely the sort of piece that could support expansion. In fact, I think it will probably be better as a longer piece than it is in it's current form and you can expand more on the plot, setting and characters. It definitely feels more like an excerpt than an entire story, and I could easily see this being written as an entire book.


*Paw* Descriptive Language:

One thing that I really enjoyed was that your writing was very descriptive. That's very important for stories, especially for stories that don't take place in a contemporary setting. Here are some of the lines that caught my eye in particular:


*Paw* Characters:

We don't get to see much of the characters - and only two are mentioned by name, but it seems like they'd be interesting once you expand upon them. You captured a very villainous attitude for Marcus and a sense of righteousness for Tirannius - and these are things that I'd certainly like to see in more depth.



*Paw* Basic Edit:

This is something that I almost always suggest for new pieces because it always helps. Do a basic edit to smooth over some phrasing, scan for typos and take a look at the formatting continuity. I didn't notice any glaring errors or grammatical mistakes, but there were a couple lines that didn't read as smoothly as the others and there was one inconsistency in your formatting.


*Paw* Plot

You mentioned in the description that this piece was written more for practice, and that there is an expansion of the idea yet to come. I'm sure that if you follow through your plan of carrying out the story this will get taken care of, but as of right now the story doesn't make a lot of sense. It reads like an excerpt of a much longer project - but doesn't make for the best stand alone piece. The ideas are there, but the backstory isn't. There are far too many questions without answers for it to be a satisfying read.



To wrap this up, I think as a practice piece it's good. As a starting point for a longer story - it's great. As a stand alone sample it leaves something to be desired, but I think once you expand on the ideas here you're going to have something great. I'd be very interested to see what you do with this and what it's like when it's finished.



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.0)


*Bat1* DISCLAIMER *Bat1*

I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



Hello Maryann- summer travel ,

I just finished reading "Field Trip to Earth and overall I really liked it. I chose this one because I really enjoy sci-fi things and the premise sounded very interesting and overall it was executed really well.

So, let's get into it a little more.



As I mentioned, I chose this piece out of your portfolio because I found the premise so interesting. I really like it when science fiction includes earth from the point of view of someone who isn't a native - and you did a really great job finding an alien voice for you character and giving the impression that there are major differences between their home planet and earth.

The idea of having the items itself be a transmission that Pam is sending to someone not on the trip was also very clever because it allowed you to explain certain elements of the story without it seeming overly out of place.


This ties in closely to my last note, but I really enjoyed how you set up the situation and explained what was going on. It wasn't overdone, but a clear impression of the story's premise is established early on and quite effectively.


You did a good job explaining things that to your reader are of course ordinary earth things from an outside perspective, which shows your talent at capturing the voice of an alien. There was one section in particular that I think illustrates that perfectly:




My first suggestion would be that you consider renaming characters. One thing that I really enjoyed about this piece (which I mentioned up above) was the implication of differences between humans and whatever alien species Pam is. This is demonstrated beautifully in the section I quoted up above - when it's heavily implied that the aliens are very different than humans in terms of physiology. I think what would have made these differences a little more believable would have been selecting names for your characters that aren't common names on earth.

(Not a huge issue, just something to consider that I think would go a long way toward building the desired world.)


It's really easy to over-explain things in science fiction, which isn't good, but the premise of your story and the tone with which it's written open it up for explanations that could allow the reader to get little glimpses into Pam's home life. That's something that I know I personally would be interested and would add a little extra depth to the story. A good example would be the following:



To wrap this up, this has been yet another amazing story. I think this one more than the last two I've reviewed from you has a little room for improvement and expansion, but it's still an amazing premise, it tells a neat story, and there are so many unique elements. I'd love to see you run with some of the ideas that are touched upon in this base - that's something I'd be very interested in reading.

I've really enjoyed giving you some reviews today and seeing some of the things in your portfolio. I'd be happy to read more from you at any time!



*Flowerw* This is a review from "WdC Kind Hearts *Flowerw*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Starbucks  
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.5)


*Bat1* DISCLAIMER *Bat1*

I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



Hello Maryann- summer travel

I just finished reading "Starbucks and I thought it was pretty good. I'm not normally a fan of acrostic poems, but I am a huge fan of Starbucks, so I knew I had to read it.



Although this isn't my favorite poetic form of all time, I do think it was clever to use an acrostic when describing a company. That aside, I really liked all the talk of coffee. Drinking coffee is something that a lot of people enjoy and can relate to, and writing about it in the form of a poem instantly reaches a lot of people who are also coffee drinkers. Plus reading about coffee makes people think about coffee, and that's never really a bad thing to be thinking about.


I like that instead of describing the coffee (or the company) directly, you use each line to build up a little atmosphere and set the scene a little. Again, it was easy to relate to and therefore envision a lot of the different elements you were describing - and I think that clear visuals are the key element in poetry.


There were some of the individual lines that just really spoke to me.



*Cat*Revisit the Final Line

I do have one suggestion because there was one tiny thing that bothered me, but I would like to point out that it is 100% personal preference as opposed to objective criticism. I bring it up more so that you have the viewpoint than anything.



Aside from the one tiny thing that didn't personally work for me - I really enjoyed it. It's one of the better acrostics I've read and it made me happy thinking about all that coffee! Looking forward to doing another review for you for your WdC Kind Hearts Spotlight!



*Flowerw* This is a review from "WdC Kind Hearts *Flowerw*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.5)


*Bat1* DISCLAIMER *Bat1*

I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



Hello Maryann- summer travel ,

I found your portfolio through the WdC Kind Hearts Spotlight, and just finished reading "A Friendship Which Could Never Be, which I really enjoyed. I chose it out of the things in highlighted items because I have an obsession with anything dragon-related *Dragon*. I'm glad that it's the first one I chose because I was very impressed with it and thought it was a great read.

So with that, let's get right into the review.


*Cat*The Story:

One thing that I always really like to see in poems is a story. A lot of poets get so caught up in poetic descriptions of things and making everything rhyme that their poems lack a narrative. Your poem was about something and not in an abstract way, you actually managed to explain the events taking place which made it, in my opinion, much more interesting.


Again, I have a complete dragon obsession, but I loved Cheshire. I loved that he was human-friendly and able to form such a fond friendship even though he knew he'd eventually have to go to his own kingdom. I also love that you named him Cheshire - I think that's adorable and a wonderful nod to one of the best fantasy genre pieces of all time. (I also loved the little animated dragon you have at the bottom of the item - he's so adorable.)

*Cat*The Sense of History

You didn't get into the setting a whole lot past informing the readers that there are different kingdoms, but you hinted at the rules enough to give the reader a sense of history and add a sense of realism. I really appreciate this when reading, both in fantasy and poetry.



At the top of the item there's a line of text where it looks like you had an image displayed, but it currently just reads as unavailable. I'm not sure what happened there, but it's something you might want to take a look at when you've got the time.

*Cat*Quotation Marks

Again, this is a pretty minor issue, but you might want to consider putting quotation marks around the first line since it's being spoken by one of your characters. Otherwise it makes it seem like the poem is going to be from her point of view as she's addressing Cheshire, but then seems to change abruptly.


Aside from a couple little nitpicky things, I thought the poem was excellent. You did a great job with the concept, and it's a very emotional little read with some adorable characters. I'm looking forward to reading some more of your work.



*Flowerw* This is a review from "WdC Kind Hearts *Flowerw*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Buzz  
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)


*Dragon2* DISCLAIMER *Dragon2*

I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



I've been trying to get in a little more reviewing since I was offline a couple days and when I saw you had a poem up in the request thread I knew I had to read it.

This had an interesting structure, a good flow and best of all it told an entertaining story - one that I unfortunately found it all too easy to relate to.

There was one thing that sort of threw me off while reading:


Aside from the one little nitpick - I really enjoyed your poem. I always do. What I liked best about this one was the unique use of formatting to express the verbs "slap" and "clap" in the piece, drawing attention to them and making them more prominent. It took me a minute to understand (I should probably have some coffee - it's been a slow morning) but once I got it I thought it was quite clever.

I am hoping to get back to finish reading some more of the things on your portfolio soon. Your poems never disappoint!



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Shadows  
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)


*Dragon2* DISCLAIMER *Dragon2*

I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



I stumbled on this piece sort of by accident, and when I saw how short it was I figured I would read it anyway. I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed it.

It was very short, but also very effective. It managed to be both very vague and very descriptive, which are two story-telling elements that you don't normally see together - but it really worked for this piece. Especially when reading that this was based off of a nightmare. Dreams are often very in-the-moment experiences so there isn't a lot of exposition or premise required past the horrors of what one is currently seeing and going through.

I'd normally talk to you about going through and editing for sentence fragments - but due to the unusual nature of the piece I sort of think that the fragmented sentence structure works in your favor.

I do have one suggestion for you, and it's that you edit the following line:


Aside from that one line, I thought it was excellent. It was uniquely creepy and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I'd be happy to read some of your other work at any time.



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Stumbling Through  
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)


*Dragon2* DISCLAIMER *Dragon2*

I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.


This was definitely interesting. I stumbled across it in the review request thread and it pulled me in with the description. It wasn't at all what I expected, and I'm not entirely sure that I would have put it in the comedy genre, but as I said - I found it to be really interesting.

You very accurately depicted the mundane quality of life, the philosophical views of an introvert, and the common feelings that night-owls are all too often afflicted with. What I liked best about the piece however was without a doubt your writing style.

You have a way of putting words together and describing things that really keeps the reader invested. Although the story wasn't normally the sort of thing that I would normally read or have a lot of interest in, there was no point where I considered stopping because it has a great flow to it.

I'd be very interested to read more of your portfolio based off of this piece. Keep up the good writing!



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)


*Dragon2* DISCLAIMER *Dragon2*

I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.


Hey w0lfbane ,

Yet another amazing poem. This one didn't appeal to me as much on a personal level because the subject matter was not as easy for me to relate to as some of your darker poetry - but I still enjoyed it. You choose some very interesting things to write about and I never quite know to expect when I click on one of your poems. You never disappoint though.

This is a very interesting poetry form. It's not one I'm very familiar with, I'll have to see if I can find some more like it. I'm learning a lot about poetry just from exploring your portfolio.

Really quick, I think there might be a couple typos?

To my surprise the pedals came out to bloom,

I think that should be "petals."

A rope hang down holding onto my swing,

I think that should probable be "hangs down."

Other than that I didn't notice anything off about it. Great work as always *Smile* I look forward to reading more of your work - I've got a bunch of the new stuff on your portfolio on my "To-read" list so you can be expecting to hear from me more.



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of That Feeling  
Review by Cat Voleur
Rated: E | (4.0)



I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



Hello w0lfbane ,

Thanks again for letting me use your poetry to hone my reviewing skills. I just finished reading "That Feeling, which as I'm sure you know is the free verse poem you suggested for me and I enjoyed it quite a bit (though to be honest I'm still partial to your sonnets.)


*Paw* Theme: When people tackle the topic of love in writing, it's usually very one sided. They talk about how wonderful or how terrible it is, and I like that you discussed both. It's never one or the other, it's always both. It's nice to see that reflected in your poem and it gives it a certain amount of believability.

*Paw* Pace: The poem flowed very naturally, you did a good job not getting stuck on any one idea. Even though the poem wasn't structured after a traditional poetry form, it had the same, even pacing of one which was great.


*Paw* Looking at Motifs/Continuity One of the first things that I noticed was all the capitalized words. I'm sure this was done intentionally to draw emphasize the importance of emotion - but I thought I should comment. First of all - that's the sort of thing that drives editors crazy (I know because it's a technique I use sometimes in my writing and well, it drives my editors crazy - especially when I stand behind it.)

The other thing about it is that I think if you're going to do it, it's something that should be spread evenly throughout the piece to make it look a bit more intentional. I think it would look a little neater if you carried the discussion of the emotion all the way through the poem so that not all of the stylistic capitals are right at the beginning.

*Paw* Basic Editing

I didn't notice many typos or spelling errors in this one while I was reading, but it never hurts to go back through and check a few times. The one thing I did notice was that it seemed to be missing some punctuation - though I'm not sure if that was a style choice or accidental. It's just something to look at and consider.


To wrap everything up, I think you did an amazing job. Though I personally didn't enjoy It as much as your sonnets - it was still great to read through. Your poetry is always very unique and enjoyable. I look forward to reading more of it.



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Hush  
Review by Cat Voleur
Rated: E | (4.5)



I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



Hello w0lfbane ,

Thank you for so kindly letting me review your item "Hush for my poetry unit in the "Invalid Item. This lesson is all about teaching non-poet reviewers such as myself how to become more comfortable with poetry terminology, and I feel pretty comfortable giving you reviews (not to mention I always enjoy reading your poems.)


*Paw* Title: This is a pretty small thing, but I had to mention it; I loved the title. You have a whole folder full of wonderful sonnets, but as soon as I saw this one I had to pick it just because it's called Hush. It speaks to me personally because it's the title of one of my favorite movies (and one of my favorite episodes of Buffy-) but I thought it was very clever in how it tied into the story that your poem tells. It's always really nice when a title so accurately reflects the feeling of a poem - and so rarely is it captured that well with a single word. It seems like a really small detail, but it made a big difference, at least to me.

*Paw* Story: One of the things that I really enjoy in poems (and one of the things that I like your poetry so much in particular) is when they tell a story. So many aspiring poets focus on capturing the mood and incorporating various poetic devices that the message of the piece becomes lost - but your poems always have a narrative or story of some sort that I can clearly envision as I'm reading. That appeals strongly to the storyteller in me, and it's something that I really liked in this piece.

*Paw* Pace: I thought the piece was paced very well. It was short, but it didn't feel rushed or anything. It built to a good end and read very steadily.


*Paw* Basic Edit: This is a relatively new poem from you, which probably accounts for the few small errors I found. There are a few typos, a few things misspelled, etc. It's all the kind of stuff that I know gets weeded out eventually, but I know your spellcheck is broken so I thought I'd let you know.


*Paw* Check the Rhyme: I can't rhyme at all - that's one of the reasons I don't personally enjoy writing poetry - it's just too much of a struggle. I've noticed that you use near rhymes throughout the piece which I think is fine overall- but there's one instance where the rhyme just didn't work for me and sounded a bit awkward when read aloud, I thought I should let you know.



In conclusion, I thought it was great. I enjoyed reading it as always. This was a very interesting poem and I enjoyed reviewing it. I'm looking forward to getting to review more of your pieces in the near future.



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)


*Bat1* DISCLAIMER *Bat1*

I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



Hello ruwth ,

I was very honored to get a review request from you for your item: "Talking To Myself.... I wasn't sure what to expect based on your description, but the more I read the more I began to really like the idea of this item and how cleverly you tied the format into the theme. This is, as you pointed out, a very unique item and I can't honestly say I've ever reviewed anything like it. I am however keen on giving it a go.

I'm very excited to dig right into reviewing, but I have taken the liberty to include a quick note about the template being used for your review, since it's in a transitional stage. Feel free to skip it, it's just about formatting - but it's there if you'd like it.

Quick Note About This Template

With that all out of the way, let's get to the good stuff!


*Cat*The Idea: My favorite thing about the item was, without a doubt, it's originality. This was a clever way to log your memories from other campfires and it's not the sort of thing that I see on the site a lot. It was very well done and before I even made it to the bulk of the content I liked a lot of what I was seeing.

*Cat*The Format: This ties into my first comment, but to elaborate a little more, I really enjoyed that you made a campfire item to discuss campfires in. Aside from being clever just in concept, it also worked very well technically speaking. The campfire item aesthetic worked very well for the sort of thing you were trying to do here. The pieces all fit in a very clean, well-presented fashion.

*Cat*The Themes: You're probably going to feel like I'm really fixing on the campfire thing, but I'm going to bring it up again here (seriously - great job! It worked on so many layers.) The whole theme of having a campfire and getting nostalgic, telling stories, sharing memories, it all melds into one great idea - and that's an idea that works very well with your other theme of talking to one's self.

*Cat*The Links: This probably seems like a small detail, but I really appreciate the links being included. I know I'm really bad about linking things here on WdC, but it's always something that I appreciate seeing in items. When you're discussing other things, you link them. It promotes other great items, it offers context, and you've done a good job of making them look very natural in your item.


Before I get into the suggestions, I just want to clarify something. This is normally where I make suggestions to improve areas of the item that I found to be weak or in need of attention. That doesn't really apply here because I didn't find anything wrong with your piece. There was no point while I was reading that I thought "hey, this needs fixed" or "it would sound a lot better some other way." You did a great job, especially considering that you were covering new territory due to the unique nature of the item. You asked in the request for me to cover things that I didn't like, and there wasn't really anything that I disliked.

I also know that you can't really go back and edit items, so all of the suggestions that I have are sort of vague, hypothetical points to consider if you decide to make an item like this again. There was room for improvement, but there wasn't anything wrong, and I feel like it's really important to make that distinction.

*Cat*Consider Taking the Idea Further:By this point, you know how much I love the concept of this item. One thing that would have made me enjoy it a little bit more in execution was for the idea of sitting around a fire with someone being pushed a little bit more.


*Cat*Consider Babbling More: In the spirit of my last note, I also think that the entries themselves could have had a slightly more conversational tone. It would have tied into the campfire theme, the individual entries would have read a bit more like campfire stories, not to mention I think it would have been helpful for you. More than anything, it seems like this was a tool for you to remember good things happening in other campfires. Personal context would not only make the reader relate to you more and care more about the contributions being described, but it would be a good outlet for you, too. I have been known to babble too much in personal items, but it's okay to be a little narcissistic sometimes in your writing. I know that as the reader, I never mind hearing more about the writer's life and opinions - it makes them seem all the more human - which I think would be highly appropriate for an item of this nature.

*Cat*Revisit Theme Continuity The thing that came closest to being an issue for me (and I didn't even really think about it until I started writing this review and picking individual aspects of it apart) was that there seemed to be a little confusion in your theme - which mostly applied to your introduction.



Aside from the small thing I mentioned as part of my last suggestion, I did really like the intro. It was concise while still setting up a good atmosphere and explaining the intention of writing your item. I like that you opened with something someone told you, I think that's a great way to begin an item of an experimental nature such as this. I think it's good that you included the reader in the introduction, it set a good tone and helped spark interest in the rest of the piece.


There's not a lot to say about the item itself that hasn't really been covered with what I liked and what I would have liked to see more of. The premise was great and you did a good job seeing your idea through to completion. It was unique, it was well done, and overall I liked your creation quite a bit.


To wrap this up, I was very pleasantly surprised by your unique idea and the intelligent way it was pulled together. I'd be happy to view more items like this from you, or to see more of your standalone works. This was a pleasure to review, and I hope that my comments were the sort of things you were looking for. Thank you very much for submitting your request - I'd be happy to review more of your work at any time.



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Review of Annie  
Review by Cat Voleur
Rated: E | (1.0)



I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



Hello carlton607 ,

I just finished reading "Annie and I thought it was really entertaining. I'm supposed to be reviewing this as part of my assignment for the "Invalid Item to learn how to give constructive criticism nicely, but I actually really enjoyed this. Knowing that it was written for (and won -congratulations!) a bad story contest just makes me want to applaud your skill at bad story writing. It's harder than it looks and you did so wonderfully.


*Paw* How Organic it Seeemed: One thing that I notice about a lot of stories that are written with the intention of being bad is that they often sound forced. There are frequent mistakes, they're inconsistent, and they lose a lot of the bad-story charm because it's obvious that they're supposed to be bad. Your story was terrible, but it didn't overdo it at any point. The mistakes didn't seem forced and they weren't overly-abundant. If not for the description where you said this won a bad fiction contest, I could easily believe that this was honestly just a bad story - and that's wonderful.

*Paw* Your Opening Line:

It was a stormy and dark night and Annie screamed out loud.

The opening line really pulled me in, of course because it's a variation on the dark and stormy night trope that is seen so often in bad stories, but it was different enough that it was able to pique my interest. It matched the tone of the story very well, and I was not disappointed.

*Paw* Your misuse of words: There are several occasions throughout the story where you've used the wrong word - which given the circumstances I'm sure was intentional. I thought this was absolutely brilliant, and it made me smile each time.


They read very naturally, like they were honest mistakes. Again, I think the key to bad story writing is being unable to tell if it was written bad intentionally or not, and you did such a fantastic job.

*Paw* The Additional Information: Something that I see a lot in genuinely bad writing (which I haven't come across in awhile - the writers on this site are very talented) is the writer putting information into the story where it really doesn't fit. You did a great job slipping in some sentences that seemed very out of place, again, without making it seem like you were trying to hard.



I actually don't have any suggestions. If you had honestly been trying to tell a story with this piece, I'd have a list of things to look at and consider editing, but for what you were trying to do you executed it perfectly. This was one of the best bad stories I've ever read, right up there with some of my bad fiction writing idols. You did great.


To wrap everything up, (well, not everything. I probably could have praised this piece for a long time) I think this was wonderful. It was bad in an entertaining way - which is really all a "bad fiction" entry needs to be. You found a great balance for errors, it seemed natural and it made me laugh more than once. I am doing a terrible job at my assignment ( I'm supposed to be learning about constructive criticism -oops) but I figured you get a lot of corrections for this piece, and probably not enough people telling you what an amazing job you did following the contest.

I'd happily read more bad fiction from you at any time, and I'm more than a little curious to see what your normal fiction is like as well. Keep up the amazing work!



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Little Habits  
Review by Cat Voleur
Rated: E | (3.0)



I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



Hello UndeadViper ,

I just finished reading "Little Habits and I think it has a lot of potential. I feel like I've read something similar to it on reddit or tumblr, but you had your own take and your own style, and it did a good job of holding my interest throughout the entire piece.


*Paw* The Premise: Although the story is not one that's entirely unique, it's one that is pretty versatile and I think you did a great job with making it your own.

*Paw* The Structure: The way that you've structured your story is very effective. There's a little bit of exposition and we slowly learn the severity of the situation, all the while you've worked the "little habits" periodically, letting the audience see how they tie into the scenario being described.

*Paw* The Tension: The piece is paced a bit slow - particularly through the middle, but overall is a quick read. I think that the largest contributing factor to that was how you built the tension up very slowly. It was a very nerve-wracking read, which is always a good thing for horror.


*Paw* Basic Editing: I'm not sure exactly how far along in the editing process you are with this, but I would assume rough draft or early edits. Like with all pieces, it could do with a basic edit. I know my pieces are in constant need of corrections even into the late editing stages. There are a number of typos and grammatical errors throughout this that I'm sure are going to get weeded out in no time, it's just a matter of taking the time to go back and read through everything to make sure that things are spelled properly and that you've used the intended words.

*Paw* Factor in Realism: For the most part I really enjoyed your phrasing and descriptions but there were one or two sections that struck me as improbable while I was reading. It's always good to take a step back from your piece and look at whether or not something has been included because that's what really happened, or if it's been included just because it makes for good imagery.

If you'd like a couple examples, I've included a couple:


*Paw* Elaborate on Setting: My last small suggestion would be to explain a little bit more about the setting. There isn't a lot of character development in this piece which is alright - it gives it a versatile quality that makes it easier to relate to and a little more creepy. It would have been nice to see a little more done with the setting however - and since you've given so much great detail on what your character is going through I think you'd do a really great job establishing where he is exactly.


To sum everything up, I think you've got a really great start to a story here. There are some edits that could be made, but the same could be said about just about any piece. If you ever take the time to work on this one more, I'd be happy to see what the future drafts look like. If you have any questions about anything that I've said or there's something you disagree with, email me. I'd be happy to talk it over.



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cat Voleur
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)



I am not a professional editor or critic. All the opinions in the following review are just that; opinions.



Hello E ,

I just finished reading "Heartbreak and Healing and thought it was very good for what it was. If this were intended as just about any other kind of writing I would have more suggestions for it, but I think you set out exactly what you intended to do and I hope that it helped you sort through some things and help you heal.


*Paw* Your Explanation: One thing that I really enjoyed about this piece was that you explained early on what it was and why you're writing it. When writing personal items such as this people often forget to include that it's not a story and that it's not written purely for entertainment value. Establishing early on that it was something you wrote for yourself let your audience know what they were getting into and prevented them from looking at it critically as a piece of fiction. That was a great call on your part.

*Paw* Your Honesty: This can probably be attributed to the content of your piece but the content really rang true with me. It was easy to relate to and it seems like it comes from a very deep, very honest place. When reading something personal like this, that's something that goes a long way.

*Paw* Your Intention: It seems to me like you had a very good reason for writing this. Writing about these sorts of painful experiences and what we learned from them is a wonderful way to sort through the darker parts in our lives and help with the healing process. I think writing is probably one of the best coping techniques there is.


Due to the nature of the piece, I don't have as many suggestions as I might customarily. You made it pretty clear that you wrote this mostly for yourself, not to be eloquent or to demonstrate your writing. As a reviewer, I want to respect that instead of picking apart the way you did things. I do have one tiny suggestion though, for you to do with what you will.

*Paw* Transition to a Blog: There is absolutely nothing wrong with writing personal things or even sharing them on the internet for people to read. It's something I do all the time. There really isn't even anything wrong with sharing them as static items, if that's what you want to do.

The one reason why I suggest transitioning this piece over to a more traditional blog format is because with a basic account here on WdC, you only get 10 spaces for static items here in your portfolio - and that's not a lot. Before I upgraded, I tried to use all my slots for writing that I really wanted feedback on or that I wanted to have displayed. Even now that I've upgraded my account and have the extra space, I keep all my personal writing in one book-item so it takes up less room in my portfolio.

If you're not worried about using up your 10 items, don't even worry about it. If you decide you do need the space however, you always have the option of doing your personal writing and sorting things out on a more traditional blogging platform and saving your space here for things you'd like reviewed. Like I said though, this is a personal preference of mine, and just something to consider.


To wrap this up I think you wrote a very honest piece that will probably really help with what you're going through. You did a good job stating your intention for anyone who might happen to stumble across it as I did, and it was well-written besides. It's gotten me very curious to see what your creative writing is like and I'd be happy to read more from you at any time.

If you ever need help with something or have something you'd like me to look over, let me know. I'm happy to help in whatever way I can. I hope that writing this out helped, and that you start to feel better soon.



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)


*Dragon2* DISCLAIMER *Dragon2*

I am not a professional editor or critic.

It is never my intention in my reviews to offend the creator or overstep creative boundaries. The opinions given in this review are just that: opinions.

If I ever say anything you disagree with, feel free to let me know, and you always have the option to ignore any and all suggestions given. You can also email me to ask questions, get comment clarification, or voice concerns. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

I'm also happy to re-rate edited items at any time, just write to me and let me know what piece you'd like me to revisit.


Your poems are consistently amazing. You really do have a gift for fitting all those pieces together into poetry forms. It's very impressive.

I didn't like this one quite as much. Part of it's personal the infestation of spiders in my apartment combined with severe allergies has put me in the ER too many times as of late and given me too many scars to enjoy anything about the creepy-crawlies right now.

The other thing (and this is something that is more relevant - I suppose) is that the poem alternates between creepy and not-creepy, nearing a tone that's almost whimsical. It's not bad exactly, but it's a little disconcerting.

you did a great job though, and it was probably the best insect related thing I'm likely to read in the near future. I look forward to finishing my list of things to read so I can get back to the other items on your portfolio.



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Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)


This was a lot of fun. I really like horror movies, and it was pretty interesting to catch all the references that you worked in here and it was enjoyable to read through.

I really liked that you got Nathan Wallace worked in there. I never really think to include him as a movie monster, but Repo! The Genetic Opera is one of my personal favorites so that drew me in pretty early all by itself.

There are a couple instances throughout the poem where it doesn't seem to flow quite as smoothly, or make as much sense from one line to the other.

Aside from that, I think that you did a good job. There were a few horror icons left out that I would have liked to see, but then again, I would have liked to see all of them. It was a neat idea and overall you did pretty great.

I'd be happy so see more of your work at any time!



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Review of Falling Leaves  
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)


*Dragon2* DISCLAIMER *Dragon2*

I am not a professional editor or critic.

It is never my intention in my reviews to offend the creator or overstep creative boundaries. The opinions given in this review are just that: opinions.

If I ever say anything you disagree with, feel free to let me know, and you always have the option to ignore any and all suggestions given. You can also email me to ask questions, get comment clarification, or voice concerns. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

I'm also happy to re-rate edited items at any time, just write to me and let me know what piece you'd like me to revisit.


Hey there,

I found this one in the review requests thread and had to read it. You continue to amaze me, my good sir.

Your poetry really is fantastic. I was almost hesitant to read this one because there seem to be an overabundance of poems about leaves in the fall, but taking the position of one and telling such an inspiring narrative is definitely something new.

The story that the poem told was good, the imagery was amazing and it was great all the way around.

I did notice one small typo in there, in the third stanza you have a "b" that is capitalized - but that was really the only thing. Everything else was perfect, you did a great job. I look forward to getting to more of your items, which hopefully I'll be able to do soon.



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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Untitled 4  
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)


*Bat1* DISCLAIMER *Bat1*

I am not a professional editor or critic.

It is never my intention in my reviews to offend the creator or overstep creative boundaries. The opinions given in this review are just that: opinions.

If I ever say anything you disagree with, feel free to let me know, and you always have the option to ignore any and all suggestions given. You can also email me to ask questions, get comment clarification, or voice concerns. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

I'm also happy to re-rate edited items at any time, just write to me and let me know what piece you'd like me to revisit.



Hello elizjohn ,

I just finished reading "Untitled 4 and thought you did an amazing job with the prompt. I've been following the SCREAMS!!! prompts for a couple weeks now, and I didn't even try to come up with anything for bananas because I had no ideas at all. You really pulled it off, and I hope it was as fun for you to write as it was for me to read.


*Cat*Fitting the Prompt

This was a really tough prompt with a short deadline and a strict word count limit and you did absolutely amazing responding in a way that met all of the criteria. I had no idea what to expect or where you were going when the piece started, but you managed to work everything in - and did it in a way that was extremely satisfying.

*Cat*Descriptions I love descriptions of food in pieces of fiction. I think describing the way that a man eats can tell you a lot about what sort of person he is and what his background might be like. You had very detailed descriptions of the feast that the king was enjoying and by describing that one aspect of the scene you're able to convey to the reader a lot about what sort of person the king is. I could almost taste some of these foods while reading.

To his left were the poultry items: a roast duck glistening in an orange sauce with citrus fruits; on a large, ornate silver platter were chicken quarters that had been cooked over an open flame. The skins were charred but the meat was juicy and tender. To his right were the delights that came from the sea: a beautiful lobter served on a bed of greens with a ramekin of garlic-butter sauce for dipping; a sea bass that had been salted and dried and sprinkled with parsley; in another piece silver serving ware, a bowl that contained a rich and decadent clam chowder stew. Of course, cast all about the table, side dishes abouded: asparagus in cream sauce, roasted root vegetables, rice dishes of wild grains and mushrooms.



I do have a couple suggestions and they're all pretty small things. None of them distracted me too much or hindered my enjoyment of the piece, but they're things to consider if you decide to revisit this piece and do another draft.

*Cat*Editing This is more polished than any of the pieces I've submitted to a 24 hour contest, but there were still one or two typos.

*Cat*Horror For as good as the story was, it wasn't very scary. It was entertaining, which is the more important part, but for a horror contest I would have expected something just a little bit more tense/horrifying.

*Cat* Title Again, this wasn't a big deal, but I think it would have been cool to see this piece with a title - even if it was only a working title.


That's about everything. Aside from those few small things I mentioned that I noticed, I thought this was really great. I have a feeling that if I had come up with a banana entry you would have had me beat by a long shot because this was really amazing. I'm sorry about the nitpicking as well, because I know how irritating that can get when you have pieces up for contests of this nature - but none of my issues were things I think you have to worry about too much because overall you did really fantastic. I look forward to reading some more of your work.



*Flowerw* This is a review from "WdC Kind Hearts *Flowerw*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of "UNGH!"  
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Angus ,

This was another amazing piece. Much like the last story of yours I reviewed, ( "Weeeeeen! ) it has a title that makes you wonder at first, pulls you in, and then is explained in an unexpected and horrifying way.

The one thing that I didn't enjoy quite as much with this piece was that it went very quickly. We've talked enough that you know I always prefer longer stories with more detail, which I understand better than ever is not always possible when doing prompt responses and entering contests. Within the parameters you had, I really don't think you could have done any better, but I can't help but wishing there had been more time to build tension and create atmosphere.

Considering the low word count however, I think that you did a wonderful job squeezing everything in without making it feel overly rushed. You did a great job setting up the hard feelings between Mike and Ben without the end becoming overly obvious. All of the foreshadowing about pharmaceuticals was very cleverly passed off as building toward the fight, and it's not until you get to the end you realize how important it was.

I like that the end was left very open. I of course want to know what happens next, but the fact that we don't really get any glimpse into what Mike's plan is past slipping them the pills keeps the reader wondering about the story a long time after they've finished reading it.

I actually read this one for the first time a couple weeks ago, and am just now getting the chance to review it, so I can honestly let you know that this story has been on my mind along with many of your other pieces. Memorable writing is always quite an achievement, especially when the person who remembers it is the same sort of person who always has their nose in a book (or computer screen in this instance) like me.

I always really enjoy reading your work. I have one other review to do for you this month as part of the WdC Kind Hearts spotlight, but hopefully I'll get the chance after that to do some additional reviews of other things on your portfolio - and hopefully you won't get tired of hearing from me.


If you have any questions about the review I've given you, please feel free to message me, I'm always willing to clarify, talk to people, and discuss items on here.

*Flowerw* This is a review from "WdC Kind Hearts *Flowerw*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello ANN Counselor, Lesbian & Happy

This was another great autobiographical story. Reading through this section of your portfolio is like putting together the pieces of a terribly sad, but beautifully written puzzle.

I'm not sure if this is because of your writing style in general or because of the topics you're writing about, but you have a way of really putting things into context for the reader. Perhaps it's because you're writing about true events, but there's always a sense of reality that lingers after reading one of your stories. Between the detail and the style, I can always feel like there was more happening. You do a good job of bringing across the fact that the people being mentioned in your writing are real people, each with their own separate lives and their own life-long battles with inner demons. It's a lot to take in, but it makes for some very good writing.

This has been my favorite of the pieces I've read from you. I think this one has the best balance of information surrounding the event and description of the event itself. I felt like it stayed the most focused, but it did so without leaving the reader completely in the dark about everything leading up to the event.

What stuck out for me the most reading through this piece was the way you spoke about your mother. You didn't spend too much time discussing what sort of a person she was, but in the brief section where you described her you did a wonderful job leaving your audience with the impression of how amazing she was in those few aspects of her life.

She was brave. She stayed silent. From an early age I knew that my mother was truthful and lived her Christian values. That day I was only thirteen, but I knew that he was wrong, and, also knew that he had been accusing her since he returned from the World War II.

It really was only a couple lines, but they carried a lot of emotional impact in them and they really filled the readers in about how strong your mother was. A lot of people in that situation I think would have confessed to anything whether it was true or not just out of fear and I can't even imagine the sort of strength that it must have taken to keep quiet. Those lines (and the rest of the paragraph) also show what sort of admiration you, as the narrator, must have had for her, and the unwavering faith she had earned from at least one of her children since you never believed your father's accusations.

This was a sad, disturbing story, but you told it from a very mature and very honest place. You handled the topic well, and I hope that the story proved as helpful for you as it was enlightening for your readers.


If you have any questions about the review I've given, feel free to message me, I'm always willing to clarify, talk to people, and discuss items on here.

*Flowerw* This is a review from "WdC Kind Hearts *Flowerw*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Journey  
Review by Cat Voleur
In affiliation with The Rockin' Reviewers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello ponkacheese ,

I really enjoyed your poem.

As someone who is not personally religious, I found that I was still able to really enjoy your work and appreciate your message. It didn't come across as preachy like a lot of spiritual poems I've read in the past do, it was just a nice little piece of writing that I think anyone could really appreciate, regardless of their personal beliefs.

What I liked best about it was its balance. The poem comes across as reassuring, saying there's nothing to fear and is overall a comforting piece, while you still slide phrases in there that would explain what there would be to fear - thus setting up the situation perfectly and also maintain the tone of your writing.

For the journey, by God, we don't fear it,
For the mist is ahead and the twister is near,

The other thing that I really enjoyed about this piece, and what really hit me toward the end, was that "Love" was capitalized in the final line.

Is a welcoming sign of Him,
Who has granted us glorious Love.

It made it more appealing to me on a personal level, and that made me appreciate your message a little bit more. Just that one small thing made it evident how important love is to people - just in a general sense as well as in the instance of the journey.

The one thing that I didn't like about the piece was that it wasn't very clear what was happening. Note that I don't think it's something that needs changed because I think it works for the poem, but the actions and I think the narrative side of this poem are overpowered by the poetic language you've used. It makes the poem read a bit more slowly so that the reader can process all that you've said in each line. This isn't a bad thing from a critical standpoint, but on a personal note, I prefer poems with faster pace and that revolve a little more around the actions taking place in the poem. I'm including it mostly so that you know how it reads and can be aware of it, not because I think it's something that you need to change.

You did a great job setting the mood of the piece, and telling a story with a wonderful sentiment, all without many words. You obviously have a talent for poetry, and I'd be happy to read more from you at any time. *Smile*


If you have any questions about the review I've given you, please feel free to message me, I'm always willing to clarify, talk to people, and discuss items on here.

*Flowerw* This is a review from "WdC Kind Hearts *Flowerw*

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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