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672 Public Reviews Given
673 Total Reviews Given
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Honest, for the most part. Not hurtful, for the most part. In other words I'll try to be straight up but not step on you face while I'm about it. Oh, by the way, this points business confuses me. I don't want to charge for a review. If I have the points in the bank I'll refund you 900. Why I'm required to ask 1000 is past my understanding.
I'm good at...
Not much. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, most of the mechanical stuff. Good eye for composition. I read a lot and I can give you a reader's opinion. Most good reviews are a fresh eye.
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western, sci fi , detective, general or literary fiction
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what, pray tell, is an "item type"?
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stories about kangaroos
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Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
Thank you very much for sharing this part of your life with your readers. It is an important part of life to remember and cherish memories of those who have gone before. When were recall in honesty all of those memories, including the difficult parts, we acknowledge the humanity of those who went before and we who are to follow.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (3.5)
You broke my heart,
And now I'm devastated,
Weeks I've been weeping in silent,
And all because, someone
Had to prove a point.
The noun "silence" would read better; the modifier "silent" leaves the reader searching for an object. The last two lines of the stanza seem petty in comparison to the first three.

The feeling of the poem is the rejection of a willing slave by an imperious and cavalier master.


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Review of Walls Could Talk  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
I enjoyed the poem and thought it was well written and without obvious error. Should I presume the house is symbolic of something other that a structure? If it isn't that is perfectly all right. A Freud said sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. I like the technique of ending with a strong reference to the beginning . Neatly done.

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Review by Dee C
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Great "getting to know you better" scene between Liam and Alison. Interesting scenes like that help to push characterization and plot ahead in a story as log as they remain relevant and that relevance is show later in the story. The beginning of the story is stilted dialogue and exposition that could profit from being read aloud just to see if the writing is vigorous and realistic.
Thanks for sharing

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Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
I'd like to say I perfectly understood what the poet was driving at when he penned this poem, but I didn't. Maybe it was the birds or the stop and shop sign that threw me. It could have been the list of American writers that perched in the middle of the poem like the birds. Let me just say thanks for sharing and good luck.

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Review of Sleepy Hollow  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
Interesting valedictory to the Irving classic tale. I read this with great interest and noted the dark and scary nature of the poem. This contrasted with my memory of the original tale which, If memory serves me, I found lighter and more satirical when I read it. Granted it has been a few decades.
Thanks for sharing.

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Review by Dee C
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Assuming there is a previous story out there that gives more background (meaning one I haven't seen) this story has a confusing beginning. A reader is asked to accept slime people as a given, which is strange but not impossible to accept, and to understand the inside outside relationship of the two girls rather quickly.
Thanks for sharing

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Review by Dee C
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
The plot thickens. Charlie is the master cobbler of the goblin suits or at least the goop that is suit material. Danny is the hostage that compels Charlie to perform his miracles for the wicked cabal. Now we wait for the rescue of Danny and the discovery of the real Gordon. This is a pretty good yarn if the action can be streamlined a little. the reader should be mystified enough to have questions but not confounded so much that rereading is compelled to stay with the plot.

Thanks for sharing


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Review by Dee C
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
When I though the clouds were clearing the rain started. Still weird, in some ways the confusion is cleared up in other ways it gets worse. But, I will be patient and wait to see what happens next. Now as to the logistics of transportation: Mitchell has a truck which he drive to Danny's house with Gordon in the bed. Does Danny drive another vehicle? How does the awakened Gordon/Schuler depart? If Mitchell owns the black truck describes in chapter one why does he need a lift from Gordon? Like I say, confusing to this reader, but weird enough to keep me reading.

Thanks for sharing

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Review by Dee C
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
A good read in that I finished the thing if only to try to puzzle out the dramatis personae. There are three characters, a coach, and a barrista. I think. The story begins with a third person exposition of Gordon Black and gives a very good show not tell impression of this person. Then it gets weird and confusing. Weird is good, but confusing isn't. Gordon wakes up to find he is Mitchell wearing a Gordon suit. So the conscious fist person narrator is now Mitchell. We seem to learn later that Mitchell is a last name, that delay needs to be addressed so we don't slog along looking at Wayne Bruce instead of Bruce Wayne for half a page. As a reader I can easily deal with the physical change that wearing a Gordon suit entail. I need more information about the mental identity transformation.
The lack of apostrophes in the possessive use of names is eye stopping. Black's jock strap not blacks jock strap.
Thanks for sharing

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of In Rememberance  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very sad but none the less enjoyable reading. I come with caution on my part to address this poem that obviously holds for the writer so much emotional investment.

The poem makes good use of the senses: the smell of cider, the sight of flame, the sound of waves, etc. The writer makes the effort to explain memories to the reader. This is a difficult task because the memories are so personal.

Perhaps Arsenic and Old Laces and rear windows reference shared experiences of viewing a play or movie. "Arsenic..." is capitalized, "rear windows" is not, if the reference is indeed Hitchcockian caps might help the reader.

This line:"And that's enough cause that'll do when the pain lessens and the scar heals" stopped my eye because a scar is actually a healed wound. This could be a powerful line.

thanks for sharing

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Number Ten  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
Well, it's funny, so there's that, but is That enough for you? What more would it take to make this poem funny and memorable? I guess the question then is what do memorable children's poems have in common? I know many of the poems I actually remember and could perhaps recite have a song-like quality or a strong and consistent meter. "Twinkle, twinkle little star" comes to mind as song like and "T'was the Night Before Christmas" might be a good example of strong consistent meter.

Thanks for sharing.

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Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (5.0)
A very sympathetic view of a possible future; no dystopian intimations. Clearly Dr. Asimov's Rules are being strictly observed here.

The story moved well. The dialogue was appropriately developed. The characters( within word limits) nicely developed.
Thanks for sharing,
Delmar Cooper

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Review of Longing.  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (5.0)
Pain is to be suffered, wallowed in, and turned into poetry. Beautiful hurting poetry.

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Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (5.0)
Extremely clever of both you and the cat. Enjoyable to the max, thanks for sharing this rib tickler.

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Review of The Baby Sitter  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
I think it would be easier to read with some punctuation. Sometimes writers create unpunctuated text to make a point. They want a reader to assume the narrator does not understand punctuation or they want to create a "voice". No problem, but a little punctuation, even if only in the form of line space breaks would aid the reader in getting through the text.

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Review of Plaid A-Gadabout  
Review by Dee C
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Sheer nonsense and Tomfoolery! There should be more courageous writers willing to accept the mantle. We miss the Lewis Carrols of the world; we miss such courageous writers. To be a writer of any worth you must be willing to stick your neck out and be outrageous.
Thanks for sharing.

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Review by Dee C
Rated: 18+ | (2.0)
I was really confused and probably need to read the story two or three times to get some understanding of the meaning. I'm not going to do that because my job as a reader is to stop reading if I get bored or confused. Your job as a writer is to make sure a reader does not get bored or confused.

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Review of Ravage  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
An entertaining tale. I was daunted by the large block of text tightly single spaced like a stone fortress of closely packed sentences. But, the yarn was good enough to make me try to scale the ramparts. The characters are well drawn and clear to the mind's eye of the reader. I suggest you name the "burly man" who interrupts Conner or at least make it clear in all respects who is speaking during that scene.

Thanks for sharing

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Review of Face Value  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
Well, it was written in a straight line, yet it meandered all over the place. I guess that's an accomplishment in itself. I will take the ending to be the destination. I suppose I am supposed to suppose that, am I not? So I will thus suppose the coin gave the poet the liberty to write about the liberating coinage , or something like that. Sorry, I have confused myself again.

Does the quarter have fig leaves, like a modest Adam? I supposed them to be olive leaves, but I do like a modest proposal.

Thank you for sharing and giving me an opportunity to talk nonsense.

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Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
I have no idea if this solvent is any good or cheaper than commercially available products but that does not matter. What matters is the piece is written in a clear no nonsense manner that anyone can easily understand. If a gun owner wants to try your solution he can do so and get it right the first time.

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Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
Thanks for sharing. Two possible interpretations come to mind as I read. One he has lost her to death and two they are separated for a time for reasons as yet undisclosed. Either possibility is fine, and there is no need for a reader to be certain of anything in the few words the writer has shared. There is a general feeling of seediness and need. Any place seen from a train window presents its worst side, a reverse Potemkin Village.

The second sentence reads, " But I imagine you would be sitting next to me...". I wanted to read. "Yet I imagine you sitting next to me...?. Something about the word "but" seemed out of place. Budapest is romantic, exotic, dangerous and thrilling in its connotations.


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Bo Dockett  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (5.0)
The opening paragraph was excellent. It did the job of intriguing the reader and compelling him to continue into the story. Personally, I didn’t like the first sentence, it gave me the sense that “sorry” was another way of saying “worthless”, and that was not the meaning at all. Perhaps it is just me and my southern cultural bias, for down here “sorry”, when used in the third person, is followed by “son of a bitch”.

The last sentence of everything written above the five asterisk scene break is almost a non-sequitur – it is not a graceful transition from interior monologue to the present sense narrative dialogue that follows the scene break. I can’t prescribe an exact use, but I suggest that in some way the old saw about “death and taxes” would be useful to you at this exact place of transit.


“…as Bo's gut sucked his tongue down the back of his throat.” I agree that an exaggerated physical symptom of psychological stress is need here, but I don’t think this is it.

"Issues?" Bo said on the trailing edge of an unrestrained gulped.” This is not reader acceptable; it is vague, grammatically incorrect and banal. I assume you meant to imply Bo said the word on a rising inflection, like a Valley Girl ( in a manner that implied a question in less than a completely uttered sentence).

“The Tax Auditor looked like an "Auditor." He wore a black suit, white shirt, black tie, and spectacles. He was about the same age as Bo, thirty-something, short blonde hair, and pale skin. Bo hated those bookkeeper types, he felt inferior under their scrutiny.” I like the idea that the auditor could be picked out of a line-up of random occupations by his “uniform” and paleness ( I assume the otherwise useless “blond hair “ reference fit in with the bloodless paleness motif). Suggest use of an adjective with “spectacles" (good word choice BTW), suggest a narrow tie, and “cropped” in conjunction with hair, but only if you want to give a governmental stereotype to this example of “the insolence of office,” to borrow from Hamlet.

“Bo felt a giant fist, slamming into his chest”
“Bo's stomach churned, feeling as if it would release its contents”
The writer has a missed opportunity to be original here. Perhaps in a rewrite?

The rest of the story is a little rushed, possibly to squeeze under a 2000 word maximum, and the ending could use a little more foreshadow, allowing the possibility a reader may have forgotten the opening second paragraph. Some mention, somewhere. Mention might have also been made that Bo had yet- to- be-completed dreams of his own: a subtle, but rememberable mention. Yes, my spell checker underlined “rememberable”, but let it stand.

So far I have been the nitpicker, the fault finder, and the nay sayer, so sorry, but it is after all the job you are paying me the outrageous sum of 1800 points to perform. You should get what you pay for. That being said I will continue to the next part of my critical work – the part where I damn with faint praise.

I don’t know what the actual assignment was that predicated this contest so I will invent one that fits your resulting story – the one you had to pay me to read.
Assignment - In 2000 words or fewer respond in short story form to the following quote from Winston Churchill: “There is nothing more exhilarating than to be shot at without result”

Bo experienced a risk that focused his mind remarkably upon what he has missed much like Scrooge’s final ghost prophesied what SCrooge had yet to miss before the grave - in the manner of Bo’s grandfather. It is plain that it does not matter exactly what his grandfather missed. What matters is that Bo does not miss his own best destiny through inattention.

To write a good story and shoehorn it into the parameters of the artificial constraints of contest is an achievement of dubious value. The best result is the attainment of very best in artificiality. Kudos, this is it.

The great redeemer of contest winners is the rewrite. The rewrite transforms the plastic baby into a real live breathing, squalling, full diapered child. The danger to the rewriter lingering over the success of the contest, is of actually believing the contest has meaning of itself. CONTESTS HAVE NO MEANING, only writing has meaning in our world.

This writing of yours will always be a shallow, entertaining story if it never sheds its contest skin.
The writer has the chance, in rewrite to make it the best shallow, entertaining story a reader can read.

Hope this was helpful, send the money.

NB: I see you have a uniform average of five stars. I won't interrupt that rating, but you know what I think about contest responses.

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Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
Well written piece. Reminds me of Dean Swift's "A Modest Proposal." I assumes the reader is in perfect agreement with the writer's thesis and plunges straight ahead. The reader must accept that if both A and B are equal to C they are equal to each other.

"See, when I say "wolf steak" what I really mean is "werewolf steak". While wolf meat is dry and tough, werewolf meat is juicy and savory. It is very rich in fat and also more nutritious than wolf steak. This comes down to personal preference, but I actually prefer wolf steaks to beef steaks. "

Small potatoes, but I think the gourmet diner should use "werewolf steaks" in the last line for clarity. Also "I am yet to test this theory..." Small typo.

Thanks for sharing this imaginative rendering.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Memoria  
Review by Dee C
Rated: E | (4.0)
Stumbling along - sailing free indulgencies streaming behind like banners. We go from nostalgic memory to nostalgic memory and never touch land, never need to do so we have the power of mind. Thanks for sharing.
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