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Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (4.5)
A wonderful,special telling of a story i've heard since I was a small child. It was my grandfather that passed that pearl of wisdom to me and every time I think of it I see him toothless and sitting in his rocker on the front porch. Thanks for the visit and keeping the story alive. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (4.0)
An interesting and thought provoking article though viewing it strictly from that of an outsider being from a state with far more realistic laws I would have to say that it appears more of Massachusetts government trying to over legislate their citizenry. Thankfully people still have choices of places to go with more respect for their rights and intelligence.
the essay itself was clear and presented the reasoning and points as you saw them without being combative and was truly an informational piece. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of Karen's Upgrade  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I really liked this story. The fact that if you give something awareness and then an aptitude to learn you have set it on the road to life. that he was upgrading her to an older woman is even more fantastic a well done story. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of Just Be Yourself  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
Well being more than a few years removed from the teen angst scene I had a bit of problem connecting with the characters. To be honest Stella came across as the most honest character, her reactions ringing true. Oh on the subject of Stella you mistakenly refer to her as Anna in one spot of the story. Ben works great as a "coming out" character but is a bit two dimensional to actually carry the story. Right now he's just "the gay kid" What you need to do is make the reader see him as Ben who happens to be gay and the story will be a lot stronger. Just a few thoughts that I hope help. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (4.5)
A nicely written poem though to be honest the loss of my sight terrifies me. A writer could do with out so much but to be unable to see the words to know they were transcribed true. That is a hard prospect to face.I take solace in the fact that you found something deeper to replace that. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of To catch a fish  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (4.0)
A very vivid scene with great imagery. this one is well written but I would suggest breaking it into paragraphs to ease the reading of it. When you first open it appears as just a giant box of writing, solid and foreboding. This probably happened when you uploaded. I ran into this myself and had to learn to click the maintain punctuation box under preferences. I really enjoyed spending a bit of time fishing with you. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of Only words  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (4.5)
A well written poem about a subject that is often broached but seldom covered in the electronic vapor called the net. We have different interactions with people over the electrons and into the essence of cyberspace for lack of a better term and it frees something within. Some emotions often become intensified and the world of the physical fades leaving only the world of the mind yet some how it is both more and less than the one we leave behind. A poem that bravely and eloquently reveals it to all eyes. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of Clever Girl  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (5.0)
Perfection. Not since Pippi Longstockings has a girl captivated em so quickly. could see her with hands on hips nodding and taking off for the hose. A wonderful character that deserves far more than a single flash fiction. You have a winner here. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
A wonderful, inspiring and heartwarming tale though if you find time and muse there is much lurking beyond this. the empress may very well be declared mad by her own military, a coup in the works. The scientists might bribed to discredit their leaders findings. So many ways this could progress. If you choose to walk that path let me know I'd love to read , in the meantime gotta say. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of The Curse  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Well have got to say your approach is refreshing and one that more should consider. Considering the general freedom of sexual discourse that is bandied about at schools, internet and every where else this is still a taboo subject to many. Kudos for both speaking out about it and telling your little girl the straight of it. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of The Music Critic  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
A dark and deeply disturbing story for anyone who spends a lot fo time in front of their computer for it shows how fragile our grasp with the world around us is and how easily we can stumble on the long slide to madness. A very vivid and well imagined cautionary tale to be sure. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of The Night People  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (4.5)
A haunting and wonderful tale fearsome in its scope and power. I enjoyed it immensely thanks to the character of Demetria Barker. She is part little girl and part philosopher with the wisdom of the world riding heavily on her shoulders. Lily works great as a narrator but Demetria steals the show as the total package. Loved this one. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of Cultured  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (4.5)
A well done story that I must say brings hope for the genre. A lot of these I read are totally plot driven and in packing so much into a small package they forget to include just why I should care. You managed to not only bring to life but captivate me with your characters. A beautiful and enchanting story that truly deserves an ending(sequel). Good writing, Duke Stone
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow a wonderfully moving story that really cuts tot he heart of so much. True lessons to be learned from that and if taken to heart this world will be a much better place. I enjoyed reading your memories and sharing your desire to pass these insights on to others in your family. If only all could learn that lesson. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of Ed & Mabel  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Wonderful, wonderful story. A fun read with tongue in cheek and hammer in hand. enjoyed it and the characters were well rounded and real. One problem though is that in a few places you called Mable , Edna. I know this sounds like the proverbial picking of nits but it truly does distract the reader and make him have to shift mental gears. Edna is especially confusing as it not only means referring to her in two different names but Ed and Edna are so close as to call for a second read to be sure who is speaking. Other than that though it was perfect. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
But what happens then? A well written story that appeals to me because I suffer from some of, okay, a lot of, the same issues... my port has a half dozen tales running right now as I work on refining, defining and polishing characters of started stories that were somehow never quite finished.
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
A lively and thought provoking bit of randomness that I deduce lead to the later modern literary wonder of "Gator" (a read I really enjoyed as an aside) You do take a down to earth view of the supernatural and its refreshing to read a southern voice. Be well, and good writing, Duke Stone
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (4.0)
An interesting poem that reads as a combination parable and song. Very nice imagery which is strong and clear. The reader is carried along by the stanzas, leading them from one point to the next. Toiling over this poem much as the gardener did his field. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of Her First Time  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Pure and sweet. Words to fire the mind and enflame the soul. The power of this one it tangible and all too real as the reader is pulled into her world willingly and even though neither is described you see them so clearly in the mind's eye. A wonderfully done poem. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of The Prince  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (4.5)
A well done , intelligent and carefully imagined story. You captured the prince well and made him more than a cardboard cut out. A hero in his own right instead of a backdrop. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of Golf.  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (4.0)
A nice, fun little poem there are a couple of word usages that look off to me i.e. to much should be too but can probably chalk it to typos as Lord knows I'm plagued myself. The flow moves well and is lyrical in quality which really makes a poem to me. well done and ... Good writing, Duke Stone
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
A wonderful little poem that is both simple and profound. Words that encourage and astound. Yet as I walk away with my thoughts a whirl. Sensing the loving, caring girl. Who wrote these lines and made these rhymes. But there is only one thought that just won't die. Is she blonde, burnette or red head bye the bye? ...sorry couldn't resist.. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review of Alien Invasion  
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
A offbeat and different story with an ending reminiscent of War of the Worlds. Your characters need a bit of expanding to make them come alive but you're on the right track with your leader. also something to consider, if the aliens knew water was their weakness wouldn't they make suits to protect them much in way we make armor? just some ideas hope they help. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: E | (4.5)
A fun read that delighted me..Having raised Red's in the past I really enjoyed this one. Now if you could have worked in a line about a buff it would be perfect. Had me laughing snickering, giggling and even a chortle or two. Good writing, Duke Stone
Review by Duke Stone
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
A wonderfully imaginative and vividly visualized world. A great little story that works as stand alone as well as part of larger tapestry.This one has a lot going for it and especially the strong characters. You could feel the tension grow and the moods shift between them. A well written and enjoyable story. Good writing, Duke Stone
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