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Review of Glen  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This review is on behalf of the Convention Pirates

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Hi Write-fully Loti

I hope you are enjoying the convention *Smile*

I try and make my reviews both helpful and enjoyable. I hope you enjoy this review! *Bigsmile*

*Star* What I like about this item... *Star*

I always like to start with the positives because I know that you have put a lot of work into this. I also think it's very helpful to point out the best bits in a piece so that you're able to develop your strengths.

*Flower3*Sometimes, he would hoist me or my younger sister onto his bike handles and drive us down the gravel road A very visual picture. I like it when I am able to see what you see.

*Flower3*"How I loved the crackle of the pebbles beneath the tires. I loved this line. It is great to use all your sense in writing a piece. Also this line tells us a lot about the character. Their mood etc.

*Flower3*"was to call home for the next few years This line came as a shock. You tell the story so well it as if the reader is following the journey you took.

*Flower3*I loved all the dialogue. You use it so well to move the story along. I liked the fact that you began with dialogue. When you write it so well it really enhances the piece.

*Flower3* I loved the descriptions in this piece. They are so very important. The small gestures etc. They really add a certain quality to the story.

*Idea* Suggestions... *Idea*

I'm not here to re-write the piece, but if you're editing then these points might help

*Bullet*"ham radiophone What is it? Maybe I am just dumb lol *Wink*

*Bullet*Who is Glen? Do you say? It is an important point.

*Bullet*I thought that this piece was rather rushed. This is a very important story to tell, and whereas you focus on the polio the rest of his life is rushed through at break neck speed. There is so much more we could learn.

If you have time I suggest you try and flesh out the other areas. Maybe even create a few chapters regarding the seperate parts of his life. You must have met him over the years right? It would have been nice to have read about those experiences. What he said? What his kids were like? The things you did together?

*Bullet*Cancer is also a huge illness and although he lost his battle, maybe by sharign some of his experiences others will find courage and hope.

*Cut* Typos/Corrections *Cut*

*Paste*" At 16, he was very athletic and loved to go outside to the log house his dad built on their modest farm and kick the ball around with his older brothers". This is a long awkward sentence. I would consider revising it.

*Paste* I would look at the layout. It needs a little work.

Final Words...

*Cool*I can see you have a talent for telling stories and I love reading about real life events they have so much to teach us.

*Cool*Glen had so much to give and to share with the rest of the world. This was a very inspiring read, that has great potential to be improved.

write on!


Review of Firstborn  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This review is on behalf of the Convention Pirates

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Hi Eliot

I try and make my reviews both helpful and enjoyable. I hope you enjoy this review! *Bigsmile*

*Star* What I like about this item... *Star*

I always like to start with the positives because I know that you have put a lot of work into this. I also think it's very helpful to point out the best bits in a piece so that you're able to develop your strengths.

*Flower3*a fire that will die,
a moon that will darken.
I am not sure what it is about these words, but when I read it to myself they sounded beautiful. Very poetic!

*Flower3*Here again I love your soft, easy flowing style. man that I am--
father, lover, watcher

*Flower3*I loved the fact that you were able to capture so many elements into this piece. You hear things and see things. The piece discuss parenting, and nature. I enjoyed reading all these over lapping elements.

*Idea* Suggestions... *Idea*

I'm not here to re-write the piece, but if you're editing then these points might help

*Bullet*I don't think you mention taste and smell. Maybe bringing these elements into the piece would enhance it.

*Cut* Typos/Corrections *Cut*

*Paste* I didn't spot any *Smile*

Final Words...

*Cool* I think this is a very personal memory, and it is nice that you are able to capture it in this way.

*Cool*I hope such writings are something you can share and enjoy with your kids.

Write On!

Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This review is on behalf of the Convention Pirates

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Hi Eliot

I try and make my reviews both helpful and enjoyable. I hope you enjoy this review! *Bigsmile*

*Star* What I like about this item... *Star*

I always like to start with the positives because I know that you have put a lot of work into this. I also think it's very helpful to point out the best bits in a piece so that you're able to develop your strengths.

*Flower3*It is a very interesting story and it was enjoyable to read.

*Flower3*The details were to the point, and you don't have us going off in some strange direction. It keeps this piece short and to the point. A good thing when you want to keep your readers attention and want them reading to the end!

*Idea* Suggestions... *Idea*

I'm not here to re-write the piece, but if you're editing then these points might help

*Bullet*"She lived alone after my stepfather died, that I knew." One would assume you knew that.

*Bullet*"flew with me to Phoenix to carry out her wish." What was her wish? What did you have to do to make it happen? It seems you have left some gaps out of the beginning of this item. Your mother wanted to move, and you then did what? I am assuming you help her move. But from what I read that was not exactly clear.

*Bullet*I re-read the whole episode when you replay the info. on the radio. I appreciate you trying to keep up the suspense for the reader, but I was lost. I had to read it a few times and even then I was not sure what was going on. I think more details would help. What exactly did you see? And was there nothing else the radio reporter said?

*Bullet* The layout needed work. It is a series of sentences rather than paragraphs.

*Cut* Typos/Corrections *Cut*

*Paste* A well written read, with no mistakes in it (that I spotted *Wink*)

Final Words...

*Cool*Life is amazing. Your conclusion was very interesting. I am amazed that this all happened to a few ordinary folk.

*Cool*I love reading items like this. Non-fiction can be so much more interesting than the stories in our head. What is also funny is that you might relay this story to someone and they could easily mistake it for fiction.

Glad you got out of that sticky situation!

Write On!

Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This review is on behalf of the Convention Pirates

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Hi Eliot

I try and make my reviews both helpful and enjoyable. I hope you enjoy this review! *Bigsmile*

*Star* What I like about this item... *Star*

I always like to start with the positives because I know that you have put a lot of work into this. I also think it's very helpful to point out the best bits in a piece so that you're able to develop your strengths.

*Flower3*I love the vocab you use in this piece. I am always impressed when people can explain themselves so well.

*Flower3*I liked the title. It was different. It immediately caught my attention.

*Flower3*I was surprised to read that you ripped your book apart as you read it. Was this some kind of symbolic gesture? I am guessing that was the case, otherwise you could have just used a bookmark right *Wink*

*Flower3*"I distinctly remember the regret I felt, especially at night in our camp, not being able to hold her and rock her as I had done so often with her brothers. A very touching point. It is details like this that add a new level to this piece. You are able to grab elements of history and travel etc. all in one piece. Nice work!

*Idea* Suggestions... *Idea*

I'm not here to re-write the piece, but if you're editing then these points might help

*Bullet*"It is preserved silently in the dust and the ash and coarsely inhaled by the act of breath." - This is beautifully written almost like poetry. But to me personally it does not mean much. There were lines similar to this dotted around the piece. I find history very complicated and I thought there were times in your piece when you missed the opportunity to make it clearer.

*Cut* Typos/Corrections *Cut*

*Paste* I didn't find any typos. I was very impressed by the quality of your writing.

Final Words...

*Cool*Your conclusion was interesting. I think what you were trying to say is that you have educated your daughter about history, and you have (as I can see from this piece a great appreciation of it) and you want to pass that on to her, whilst sparing her some of the tragedy of it all? That was what I read from it anyway.

*Cool* As I said I have a hard time grasping history but it is good to share the knowledge we have with others and it is interesting that you know so much about it all.

Write On!

Review of Reflections  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I loved this!

It was spot on!

A really good read. It flowed well. It was moving and touching and written with honesty and from the heart.

A really sweet and generous piece. I am sure your husband was touched by these words.

I have just one or two minor suggestions...

'HEART, HAVE REST ASSURED AND FALLEN APART.' I would have heart added to the previous line.

'AND GIVE ALL MY LOVE I HAVE FOR YOU. ' - maybe 'To you' reads better?

Please, please take the caps off this piece. You will get less reviews because of it. Presentation counts for a lot.

Welcome to this great site and this a nice addition to your port.

all the best

Review of Too much  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hi Kari

This piece deserves the awardicon.

It is moving, touching and heart breaking.

I feel for you, I really do.

Growing up is hard enough without having to deal with all this. I hope you find comfort and love else where. May your faith in God help you to be strong and in time I hope your prayers are answered.

Keep praying and stay strong. I can only imagine how hard it is. But do it for yourself.

Wishing you peace


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Review of Crying  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)

I am sure writing this brought back some memories. You describe that time very well. As a reader I was able to see a little of what you went through.

It was an emotional journey and a touching ending.

The rhythm and rhymed worked generally quite well. Although, I personally didn't like the way this line was phrased 'but the tears couldn't come.' I would have written 'but the tears wouldn't come.' or 'the tears failed me'. Just my opinion *Smile*

I liked this line alot 'I went to my room, and huddled on my bed, wrapped in the blanket you made,' - describing physical and mental grief and you also stayed on topic.

all the best

Rated: E | (4.0)
A cool piece. I liked the way you created a place called writing.com that worked really well.

This was an interesting read and I can see you really tried to bring the chracters and the place to life.

Your character is almost like a new kid at school, and this persepective worked really well.


I would suggest updating this piece as Pita is no longer blue and that might get some ppl confused.

Maybe suggest how one changes their handle - it is one of the first thing a member might decide to do after they what everyone else is calling themselves.

If bids for sigs is not always running then I would perhaps link something else.

A nice entertaining read, whilst also being of benefit to newbies.

Write On!

Review of past  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
An awesome read!

I loved this short piece.

It really speaks volumes. Amazing how so few words can convey so much.

'It's how you carry it, how you deal' - I thought how yuo deal should be on a new line.

This is a very helpful and inspiring piece. Thanks for sharing this with us.

How about using a little writingML to jazz it up or even splashing out and getting a header made for it. Ask around, loads of ppl create images.

Also just a tip - if you change the categories and make them more specific then more ppl will find the item. Not many ppl look at appendix.

Write On!

Review of Item Statistics  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

This is a neat and well organised piece.

If knowledge is power, then your Extended Item Statistics are the nuclear reactors of your portfolio. - A cool opening.

'The Daily Views and By Hour sections provide information that will show you how well your promotional tactics are really working. ' This is a really good point and one I have used in the past.

The section with this in it 'Total Views This Month: This is the total views the item received in the current month.' all reads rather flat. A lot of the titles do not need further explaination.

I think this could be edited to offer the most important information. I appreciate you need resources that discuss the tools, but a lot can be worked out from actually going away and using them.

I think it is more effective to explain the complicated parts rather than explain everything.

All the best

Review of "Honey. . ."  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love this! I think a lot of women will find themselves relating to your story.

It was very amusing and very entertaining.

I liked the fact that highlighted words you wanted to stress, but I would suggest using italics and bold, rather than capitals.

A very realistic look at life.

'I'm guessing that after all that buzz int he house,' - typo.

Write On!

Review of Pen To Paper  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi there

Your conclusion seems strange when this is in fact on the web, but I totally understand the point that you are making.

I do miss handwritten letters - e-mails are sooo not the same. People tell you that they will e-mail you this and that, but you would much prefer a hand written note.

Take recipes for example. When they are e-mailed to you, you then have to either print them out or copy them down. Much nicer to see a friend's hand written recipe on your fridge I think.

I myself tend to write my stories straight on to computer, and what with essays needing to be typed etc. I do think that the written word is dying.

You make some good points in this article. It is interesting, and I like the relaxed tone of it.

Perhaps you could include some advantanges and disadvantages of computers. Also, maybe make some moe predictions of how you see the future.

All the best

Review of Empty Nest?  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really enjoyed reading this. It was a very funny read. I am not a mother but I think any adult reading this will find it amusing and can relate to it on some level.

'clothes miraculously get washed (by elves, no doubt)' *Laugh*

You describe home life really well and make some interesting points.

I liked the ending too. I often see that people find it difficult to end comedy pieces, but you have done well.

Just one suggestion would be to have a line break between the paragraphs.

Write On! and Best of luck *Wink*


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Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
I am reviewing this because you posted in "Invalid Item

A really interesting piece. I liked the Dr. and the main character. I thought you created their characters very well. Actually you had a lot of lively characters in this piece. All very different.

I did like the attention to detail in this piece. You compare one thing to another and really help us to see what is going on. However, I personally did feel that at times you over loaded us with descriptions and comparisons. Like at the end with Jordan's eye. Maybe I am wrong though.

This does seem to be a very bizzare story. I liked the setting of the mental hospital. That interested me. I enjoyed reading the scenes between the Dr. and Jack. I thought they were done really well. They interacted well togther.

When he is left alone in his room - that part got a little confusing.

And then the rest - it gets more confusing.

I think that is what you intended, and I think the reader is being challenged to stick with the story to work out what is going on. However, try and explain things now and then and don't leave too much in the dark otherwise we will be put off reading on.

You left the 2nd chapter ending on Jordan. Yet we still don't know enough about Jack. He is the main character and out sympathy should lie with him. If he was taken off then it would have been a better ending. However, I see this is totally a creative process and part of a bigger story. I am just point it out.

I have made some comments as I read through this piece...

down my skin - I would suggest changing it to back. Skin is general, but back is more appropriate I think.

It would be easier to read this if there were line breaks between paragraphs.

as well be eyes closing to look away in disgrace. - not sure about this line. Maybe you should scrap it or think about rephrasing it. You have mentioned elevator like three times in that paragraph and I don't if it a trait of the main chracter to be so observant, but at the moment it looks over the top.

Elevators shut one by one in front of me'

You might want to be more specific about the noise they make. How they travel down the shaft. Do they usually open in unison?

'I hear a squeal to the left. ' he obviously turns to see, but you don't mention this.

I liked this line 'and leans up against the chalk-white wall like he’s been holding it up all along' not only shows what the characters are doing, but how they are relating to one another.

'fluorescent-lit corridor' - nice attention to detail.

'He stares at me and me at him' - He stares at me, and I stare at him.

Instead, he pulls out a notepad and a gnawed-on red pen from the inside pocket of his labcoat. His other hand holds a folding chair. - how does he manage to pull out and hold three items? Does he put the chair down?

'I’m here because I don’t know anybody who’d say otherwise' I would have liked to have seen a better answer from the guy.

'and the other guests' - I like that.

'He says that I’m out of the frying pan… when his pep talk is lost in the roar of others. And then its hush-hush little Jackie; those voices belong to you. ' - this is getting very confusing.

'Three and a half pairs of eyes' - half?

' “My name is Angie. What’s yours?”
“Jack.” ' no need for the introduction he already introduced them.

An interesting piece and I wish you well with completing it. I hope the suggestions help.

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Review of The Darkest Path  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

I have reviewed this for "Invalid Item

“What is life without that which makes it worth living?” - Who says this line?

kissing his wife three times - I would say once unless 3 is some kind of character trait.

I liked the description of him getting to his car. It gives us a taste for the kind of person he is.

He dropped his items into the back seat - the coffee would still be with him right?

He was a middle aged man, roughly 45, who had been married twenty-three years. - perhaps say twenty odd years. If you are not specific about the age then why be about the marriage.

The description of him is thrown in all together. Perhaps bring in little bits here and there. Compare him physically with others, have him brush a hand through his hair etc. Say that it is good that you describe your character. Many forget to do this.

'yet very childlike' - acted very childlike. You already say how he looks.

It would be easier to read this if you had breaks between your paragraphs.

Description is good and you create a very visual picture here. I am still reading..but also wondering is this all necessary. In a longer piece such detail would be good, but it needs to be broken up with action and dialogue. At times this reads like a rushed over view of his entire morning. If it isn't relevant then edit some of it.

'“A day without a kiss is like a day without oxygen' - very touching.

but when he realized how much time had gone by - perhaps say he glanced at the clock.

I am probably being really picky lol *Wink* But he says with such surprise '“It’s finished! I’ve done it!” ' yet didn't he see this reaction coming? He had only be working for a little while. This was not at the end of 24 hrs locked in his lab if you see what I mean.

'the trillions of dollars begging to be made.' I enjoy the style of your writing.

The second part of this story held my attention. A lot happened and we really got to grips with what the story was about.

I feel that you could edit a lot. Perhaps print this out. That might help. I only really understood the point to the story in the last third.

You cover some good scenes - like the accident etc. But everything happens really fast paced. Either slow it down and expand this to some sort of novel. Or if you want to leave this as a short story get to the point quicker. Too many irrelevant details means we don't get to the point until near the end.

I like the idea behind this piece. It is quite clever, and it touches on a very important question. The ending I felt was done very well.

I was just thinking that perhaps you might want to just have this fixed in two time frames - that day and then 15 years later. It is a bit all over the place when you move the story along in a disorganised manner.

When you have a change of scene indicate that with a line break of some sort.

An interesting story, but it needs some work. I hope my suggestions help a little.

All the best


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Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
I thought this started off well. The characters and scences were set out. It was interesting and I wanted to get into the story.

However, is it just me or is there no real story here.

The waiting room and layout of the place did not hold my attention.

Perhaps I have missed some significant part of this story, and if so please tell me and I will look at it again.

and color imaginable - this seemed like a strange comment.

You did hint at the popularity of this Dr. and I think it would have been nice to read more about him.

What did he look like?
What did he and his patient, Linda talk about? They must have had a lot of history.

I did like the ending, I thought that was very fitting, and it brought to a conclusion the chatter at the beginning.

Please don't be put off by the rating. You do write very well, and I could see the potential in this piece.

Write On!

All the best

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Review of The Note  
Rated: E | (4.5)
AHHH what an ending.

It is amazing what you can create a story out of. I am well impressed by this. It really did have a beginning, middle and end.

At first I thought there was going to be something important written on the note, but obviously it was the symbolic nature of the note, and not the message it self that was important.

I really enjoyed your style of writing, and the way you built up the story. It was like you were playing a detective. The little details really brought the story to life and kept the pace moving.

Your writing has a somewhat relaxed, easy going feel to it.

I liked the internal dialogue, and the interaction with your husband. It was amusing and touching.

Did you miss your kids when you were sitting there?

I would just suggest you move the contest link to the bottom because it distracts from your story, even the prompt can be pasted at the end. This is a great story, contest entry or not.

Write On!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
A really cute piece.

It was very visual and I could easily imagine the interaction around the playground.

I loved this line 'a heartbeat drumming fa-ther, fa-ther, fa-ther -'

'unashamedly off-key: twinkle, twinkle, little star…' *Laugh*

My niece and I sing that very badly to her little sister when she is 'kying' *Wink*

This is a really touching piece about the bond between father and son. I am sure your husband enjoyed reading this.

Write On!

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Review of Reunion  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
After looking at this more closely I see the mention of the adoption in these lines

' I'd never seen her before - not even the one time I could have, right after they'd cut me from her stomach, just before they'd taken me away and made us strangers.'

I see that bit now but would have missed it if you hadn't pointed it out.

Still I am confused by the piece. It is probably just me.

Review of What You Wish For  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I love anything to do with tennis and I thought this piece started off really well.

I liked lines like this 'It’s not even like I broke Ralph's racquet in one of those McEnroe tantrums you see out on the courts sometimes'

and 'supposed to replace one's electrolytes (whatever THEY are)'

I think there was an underlying message in this, or perhaps I am reading it that way after reading your other work. But is this about greed.

Your story seems to become a little dark, and I thought the ending didn't work so well here. It is creative but I thought it didn't fit the style of the first half of the piece.

Saying that the main character shows how he is sick of his money through out so there is that consistency.

Again no typos spotted, but I personally thought that the ending would be different.

All the best

Review of Reunion  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
This is an interesting piece - written well. The first line draws the reader in.

But I didn't get what happened.

At first I thought she was the other driver and this business of finger gestures was an incident between two drivers before one of them dies.

Reading on that is not the case. The main character is the unborn child?

I am at a loss to understand what happened. Perhaps if you explain then I might be able to re-rate this.

Sorry I couldn't say anymore.

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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I laughed at the outcome of all of this - go girl! *Smile* FANTASTIC. Power to the people I say

This is a really well written piece. You explain it all really clearly so that we understand the violation.

Again I love your style, and the way in which you tell the story.

'We plug the fax machine into the hallway phone jack and shoo away baby Jonah, who has phone cord radar and is happily reaching for the whole mess.' - I enjoyed bits like this.

I think many people will be able to relate to this.

I tried the link but it didn't work - shame. I am glad you got this mess sorted out. It must have been quite stressful. However, the whole TV crew stuff must have been quite an experience.

Another well written piece. I spotted no typos and the italics worked well in this piece. You make your writing really easy to understand. I am very impressed.

Write On!

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Review of Mindful Medicine  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I loved this piece. Another interesting and dare I say it entertaining read.

You strike up a mixture of highs and lows in this piece and a touch of humour which I think is great.

At first I was going to say that perhaps you not have mentioned your doctor's name in this piece, but as I read on I realised that it was an important part of the story and if he ever read this warm tribte to him I am sure he would be touched.

I am not a mother, but the whole experience does sound quite frightening. I can symapthise with you. I wish they had treated you better. You are so vunerable and it is their job to take care of you, just like those loved ones would have if they knew what to do.

They would not have been making jokes at such an important time.

'chatting about politics and telling jokes and wondering aloud what's for dinner…' I can't believe they did that!

This is a very touching tribute to your Dr. and I am glad there are decent people like this in th world. God willing they will continue practicing and helping many more mothers with their journey.

You stressed on an important point here 'At any rate, none but Dr. Reider ever seemed to quite break through the “this is just another day on the job” mentality.'

I find this in hospitals. It is a shame when there are so many vulnerable and sick people around, staff can not offer a kind word. It is very hard to be in these kind of enviornments and I just wish more staff would have a kind word to say.

I didn't find any typos and this was another very well written piece. I am thinking that perhaps a magazine might be interested in this story. I know a lot of mothers must be able to relate to this. Just a thought.

Write On!

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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I am so glad I read this. It was very helpful to me.

I loved this line 'Small pebbles thrown make waves that travel far'

In Islam giving is stressed upon. Even when you have very little, you have more than someone else. In that way we are all 'rich'.

You are right about the feeling of giving. I don't know why we don't do it more lol.

You have written a really interesting article here. And yes the sprinkler would be seen as extravagant by some standards. I have family in India and they don't have what I have. I try (and should try more) to compare what we have so that I am grateful for all that I have.

you see the times you have focused only inward - inwardly?

Do you think that fear sometimes stops us from giving more?

This piece really made me think.

Write On!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a really nice, well put together piece. I really liked the similarity between this place and a city. You described that really well. And also you are right about getting so much here for free.

You have a great talent and it shows in this piece.

Write On!

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