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Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
My name is GerMac. I am here to do a Power Review of"Then It Is Not Love".

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann

Overall impression:
You lose that which you don't care for, whether it's nature or people.

Content: The flower, river, and moon are discussed in this beautiful poem. If the flower is plucked and not cared for, it dies because it is not loved. The river changes direction and flows into the ocean. You can no longer differentiate the two. It is not love because there the river does not flow. The tree does not give you comfort in the winter. It is lacking summer fruit and shade. There is no love when you cannot experience its comforts. When the moon hides its silvery glow, you are lacking love. When the mistress agonizes over unkept promises and waits for her lover who doesn't show up, love is lacking.

Very effective imagery. Language is well written. Good spelling and mechanics.
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (5.0)

Helpful, thorough information. I would like to be considered for a Ribbon Awardicom in the Newbie Portfolio Project. Thank you for your kind consideration. From GerMac

WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann

Review of Pond Panic  
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
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#1300305 by Maryann

Overall impression:
This piece caught my attention right from the beginning. I found it delightful remembering childhood days and being thankful for all memories, even those that are frightening.

Children raised on the family farm are fortunate in that they have opportunities to learn about the lives of all of the farm animals. Many legends are shared and passed on from parent to child over generations. Special stories about cattle giving birth are passed on, as well as unexpected scary events about hungry snakes on a hot day in Oklahoma.

Very good command of the language. Good logical development makes the story easy to
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (3.5)
WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Overall impression:
Adorable, refreshing detective vignette. I can see a series developing.
from this Mother Goose nursery rhyme.

Who dun it? It seems that the King and Sally have made off with Dumpty's money after they squandered their own fortune. They set up the whole entire ordeal when Humpty fell off the wall. Sally ended up tpoached. It looks as though they now have an heir to the throne. They're in a position to protect their kingdom and their sheckles. Poor old Humpty! Where he stands in his brother's court remains to be seen.

You need to divide your thoughts into paragraphs. Some mechanical problems, especially with sentence structure.

Thank you. I really enjoyed this piece.
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Overall impression:
I relate to this family of wolves easily. They seem almost human.

Dark Stream is proud of his parents, brothers and sisters, and can hardly wait for acceptance. Personification makes the animal behavior seem human, when wolf packs, in reality are vicious wild animals. Have they treed any animal or human beings? Has the author researched undomesticated animal behavior?

Generally, good language and usage. A few little flaws...towards, it's.
Review by GerMac
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Overall impression:
I can easily relate to this family of wolves. Personification makes them seem human, when in reality wolves, especially wolf packs are vicious, wild animals.

The wolves' behavior showing acceptance of Dark Stream could be expanded with effective description. I'd like to hear more about the wolf pack's non-domesticated wild side for honesty's sake. Have they treed any animals or human beings in this scenario? Have you researched this animal's behavior?

'Towards' should be 'toward' (several times) 'It's' should be 'its'. Good language, imagery and description.
Review of The Tear  
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (4.0)
Overall impression:
The poet does a fine job of moving the reader along emotionally, all the while capturing the heart of the reader.

This poem expresses terrific sentiment and emotion. Very nice job of describing passion, heed and sorrow. On a lighter note, affection is shown "tracing my cheek's tender skin".

Language: Plenty of imagery. Good rhyme. Stanza #3 rhythm needs some work. Generally, rhythm is good.
Review of THE DREAM  
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (4.0)
Overall impression:
Even though the poet has lost an old friend of his, the reader enjoys the poet's "throwing the ball or two, as far as his arm could throw" until he awakens and discovers it was only a dream.

The reader experiences sadness right along with the poet. "I gave him a hug and he drifted away"...connotes that the poet fell into deeper slumber. The dream was probably gone by that time.

It takes only a word or two in order to communicate the regret the poet feels at having lost his old friend, the dog. Good rhyme. Good cadence of rhythm.
Review of The Gift  
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Overall impression:
I offer a refuting of this piece. You've heard that "No man is an island."
Man needs acceptance. Are we going to annihilate ourselves through the rejection of reproduction?

Man has a need for acceptance. Human ecology tells us that we are interdependent on each other. This piece insinuates that man can meet all of his own needs. I don't think so. Although Ralph W. Emerson would like to see "self-reliance", many men and women cannot cook for themselves or launder their own clothes, to give a couple of examples.

I agree, rejection of others would bring about freedom, but the idea seems quite impractical. And wait until old age hits you. Even if man is completely self-reliant, illness has a way of humbling you and bringing you to the ground. If you're fortunate enough to have a wife or husband, you will be cared for when you are barely conscious and cannot even put your shoes and socks on.

Language: Well-written standard English and usage.
Review of The Old Lover  
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (3.5)
Overall impression: A jilted heart is painful, especially when she is given nothing. Her heart "is buried under snow".

Content: The woman is not willing to compromise her affections for her prince with another woman that he is spending a lot of time with..."in a sky of another lady."

Language: excellent imagery. Rhythm creates a nice cadence, steadily pulsating. Rhyme is found sprinkled throughout the poem, but only to tastefully add to the cadence. "...in a sky of another lady has shown." ...interesting imagery, vivid description and a memorable to end the poem. "Oppressed tears" ...vivid imagery again. Good job. I enjoyed your poem. Thank you.
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (3.5)
Overall impression:
Short ' sweet piece of wisdom

Free verse makes a lot of sense. It gives dramatic splash to the point of the poem and helps the reader focus on the meaning of the poem. Let your idea flow naturally is what this poem says to me.

I agree. Getting bogged down with rhyme at the end of the line can be very harmful to the poem. Rhyme and poetic techniques within the line can be very effective, eg assonance, alliteration, consonance rhyme.

Thank you. I enjoyed reading your poem. E
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (3.5)
Overall impression: Sammy the mouse knew happiness and hope. He had no malice.

Author did a good job of developing characters. Sammy never gave up hope in his quest to find the perfect gift for his family. I felt like I was stowed away in the attic, watching the story.

Language: Generally good language. Review use of quotations within dialogue. Be consistent in their use. I enjoyed reading your story.
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (1.0)
Overall impression:
Sammy, the little mouse knew happiness and hope only. He had no malice. Children must love this Christmas story.

Sammy was willing to settle for third or fourth story if he thought he could bring happiness to his family. He never gave up hope finding the right gift. He was courageous in his quest. Full of moral fiber too.
The author developed his characters very well. Nice job. I felt like I was stowed away in the attic, watching your story.

Check online for information on the use of quotation marks in dialogue. After reading, edit your piece and be consistent.
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (1.0)
Overall impression:
Where there is hope, there is happiness. Sammy, the little field mouse has no malice, only love and hope.

Sammy would settle for third or fourth choice. He is delighted to find a gift that will make his family happy. Excellent development of characters. I felt I was watching Sammy's adventures from the attic,
Children must love this story!

Very good description and dialogue. You might want to read online about using quotations in dialogue. I notice sometimes you use commas and punctuation in a divided quotation and sometimes you don't.

Thank you. I enjoyed reviewing your piece.
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (1.5)
Overall impression:
If you never give up, you will find what you want. Never give up hope. It is the Lord's time. Just ask Sammy, the little field mouse.

I really enjoyed Sammy's happiness. He could settle for third or fourth choice and find life was perfect because he had a special treat to give the family he loved...the candy cane. This little mouse knew no malice. He knew only love. He had almost nothing but courage. Such moral fiber, Sammy. You're quite a man! You have developed your characters very nicely,

You might want to read online about the use of quotations in dialogue. I notice sometimes you use commas and other punctuation when the sentence is divided by the speaker's name and sometimes you don't. Try editing your piece after you have read the online information. Try to be consistent. Very nice description. I felt like I was stowed away in the attics, watching your story take place.
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (3.5)
Overall impression: Man's developed brain separates him from other members of the animal kingdom, yet he still has primitive instincts.

Content: Animal predators rule the night. Nature can make man humble...a time when man has no earthly concerns.

Language: Very excellent description and imagery.

Thank you. I enjoyed reading your poem. I
Review of song  
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (3.0)
Overall impression:

Content: The poet has to face life alone. He is disoriented and suffers from loneliness and emptiness. He has done the best he can. He thought even a moment together might happen. Even that is a faded hope. Just take one step, he pleads.

Language: Nice imagery...the house built on sand, the clouded path. Rhythm is good, nice use of chorus.
Review of Just A Baby  
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (3.5)
Updating an earlier review. "She trusts too much" captures the essence of this very thoughtful poem. The Baby Hans on to "childhood peace". She models after her parents, trying to figure out how to become an adult. She looks to Mom and Dad to teach her how to develop socially. The poet sees her as too young to enter the adult world and worries about the Baby being exposed to pain and hurt.

My overall impression: I sympathize with many parents who feel this way, but the parent might have to trust the Baby's judgment as the Baby enters this vulnerable time.

Good use of free verse. Rhythm flows naturally. Try to re-word so you are not repeating "she". Thank you. I enjoyed your poem.
Review of Understudy  
Review by GerMac
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
This sounds like infatuated young love,...love of the art form of drama, that is.

Your poem is rich with imagery..."story without a stage, a part without an actress, dusty curtain, cast another man, auditions closed" are pieces of imagery that encourage my mind's eye to enjoy and focus on my interpretation.

The reference to Queen needs more explanation. Is she the Director of your soul?

I thoroughly enjopyed reading your poem. Thank you.
Review of Boredom  
Review by GerMac
Rated: ASR | (3.5)
My mind's eye adored your style of motion and vivid description.. I sat on the edge of my chair the whole reading. Effective use of description and action. You must be a biologist. I liked your sensitivity ...not wanting to dislodge the butterfly on your nose. Delightful reading. Thank you.
Review by GerMac
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Drama building in this detective story, good use of dialogue, well-written, use of language is very professional, reference to specifics lends credibility, such as referring to Catholics and Sister. It seems that the detectives are on the right track. There is hope that the abuser will be caught and good will win out.
Review by GerMac
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Well-written, drama building in this detective story, good dialogues, gives one hope that the abuser will be found and good will win. Specific reference to characters involved, such as Catholics lends credibility. Thank you.
Review of Just A Baby  
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (4.0)
"She trusts too much" ...the essence of this excellent poem. A poem to remember and learn from. Each stanza offers a lesson. Nice use of free verse. Thank you.
Review of In The Night  
Review by GerMac
Rated: E | (2.0)
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\outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 } Heartfelt message. A very sincere statement of a hurting human being. This broken heart obviously needs to be healed. Nice job expressing your feelings. Free verse allows self expression. Try replacing "me" with other referrents part of the time, such as "my being". See what you think of that. Best wishes.
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