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Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

I can honestly say I have never read a Sonnet that has been based on the making of a costume. This fact alone piqued my curiosity to 'want' to read it. *Thumbsup*

The direct rhyme used was stunning and never lost strength as the item continued. You followed the format perfectly. *Thumbsup*

The pace was slow and melodic, which of course worked fantastically considering the theme.

Certain areas are lacking punctuation so if you find it appropriate to do so you may want to take another look at this aspect of your item.

It was interesting, creative and quite simply very different to any sonnet I have ever read.
How could one possibly find fault in that? *Laugh*

Well done and write on!

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Review of Trick or Treat  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

This was an interesting story to say the least!

I have absolutely no idea how the female character managed to keep such composure after receiving a call from the grave. If the tables were turned and it had of been me I can assure you my reaction would not have been so mature. *Laugh*

Jack was an interesting character to watch unfold. His persistent laughter during the call gave this item a lighter mood. His confident manner was amusing to watch.

In general this was throughly entertaining. Witnessing two characters embarking on arguments of the past that should have been long forgotten was amusing. This item was taken to even greater heights of comedic value by the simple fact he called to say Happy Anniversary on what the reader must presume is the incorrect date when they were in fact not even married anymore! *Laugh*

This was well thought out and highly creative. I found it refreshing to read.
How quickly you were able to manipulate the emotions of the reader. From shock at the beginning, to one of curiousity as the call progresses to plain comedy as certain marital issues are raised. I loved it!

There were no visible errors in this item. *Thumbsup*

Write on!

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Review of BEWITCHED  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

This is a great Poem with a high level of description. I like the rhyme although some areas were not as strong as others. For example- The ending of the 1st and second line 'been' and 'winds' does not rhyme together when said out loud. 'Mirror' and 'terror' although they look similar also have the same effect when voiced and do not rhyme. However the rest of the rhyme was perfect and did not skip a beat.

The pace was fast due to tight, compact lines, making your item race to the end. *Thumbsup*

I did happen to notice one error but I base this error on Australian grammar only so it may not apply to you. *Wink*
'Caldron' should be 'cauldron'.

This is a quaint, fun, Poem with strong visualization weaved through-out. It was a pleasure to read.
Well done.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

This is a very informative article. As prices soar we are given more reasons and occasions to splash out on to make sure we don't miss out on the fun. Writing an article to give tips on how to reduce costs is not only welcomed but also appreciated.

Unfortunately Halloween is not celebrated in Australia as other countries have the pleasure of doing. It is an abomination! *Laugh* But if I were to celebrate this occasion I would have no hesitation in referring to your article for tips.

I did notice one small error in your item:
Line 9- 'bad' should be 'bag'.

I am sure many people would be thanking you for writing this article to share your low costs tips.
Well done!

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Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

This is a very visual Poem you have here. There are many scattered descriptive words to urge the reader to 'see' your content. *Thumbsup*

I did happen to notice a large amount of errors you may want to focus on correcting if you are able.
I will point them out to you verse by verse. They are as follows:

1st stanza- You have not capitalized your beginning letter nor have you capitalized your
They both require for it to be done. Your verse is also lacking any general punctuation. Of course it is your choice whether you decide to add it but do know that punctuation has the ability to transform a weak item into a strong one. *Smile*

2nd verse- Again your beginning letter has not been capitalized. 'enthusiasticly' should read as 'enthusiastically'. Please bear in mind I have used Australian grammar. *Wink*

3rd verse- No beginning capitalization has been included. 'simplistiy' should read as 'simplicity'. Your needs to be capitalized. Your second line has an abundance of descriptive words that rock the smoothness of the line. Removal of one or even two words would strengthen the line.

4th verse- Consider dropping either 'outward' or 'towards', you do not need both. One would be sufficent explanation.
3rd line capitalize your
4th line- Remove the from 'develope'.
5th line- 'perserving' should read as 'preserving'.

5th verse- Capitalize your on the first line.
3rd line- Capitalize your . The use of profanity in this verse now means your rating needs to be changed to 18+ so as not to offend younger viewers. *Smile*

6th verse- This verse reads well and only requires the capitalization of your {i's}

7th verse- This verse also reads well and only requires the apropriate captalization. *Thumbsup*

8th verse- Capitalize your {i"s}

There are no visible errors in the following verses except the capitalization of your {i's}
*Remember, when making reference to yourself the used always requires for it to be capitalized. *Smile*

In general this is an enjoyable Poem that just needs a few tweaks here and there for it to read smoother.
Well done and write on!

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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

The title is one we have all become accustomed to seeing from you. Creative, different and unknowingly a direct reference to the content. *Thumbsup*

I found this to have a melodic tone and a romantic yet regretful mood. (my interpretation of course probably differs to your own)

This Poem has no problems in reaching out and pulling the reader into its depths. There are so many emotions weaved through this that it is impossible for the reader to become unfocused on the content. If I didn't know who had written it I would have been certain this was penned by a woman. That is a compliment. *Smile*

Above average wordplay as always. You used your finale to its full advantage and peaked the poem at all the perfect times.

One thing I will point out to you;
The 2nd line of the 3rd stanza does not read smooth. As I am reading it, its not forming properly. It could just be me, but I thought I should bring it to your attention anyway.

Well done. Nothing else can be said except this is a beautiful Poem.
Write on!

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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

I like the title. It is creative and has a good, strong, sound when it is said aloud. *Thumbsup*

Wordplay has always been your strong suit but this is exceptional. The content is enhanced by using many references to colors and weaving an abundance of descriptive words through it. With no effort required the reader is able to get a visual whilst reading.

This Poem is very different to your usual style. It is more direct and you have not left any room for mis-interpretation, usually a trademark of yours. You deliver a clear message to your audience and in turn your ending has become more potent.

My favourite part--I like all of it but if I had to pin point one specific area then it would be,

see the seductress for what she truly is,
and dissolve her in ecstasies of a natant dream.

Well done. This is a clear display of poetic excellence.

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Review of Midnight Storm  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

This is a quaint, little Poem with excellent pace and flow.
The direct rhyme is good and all meshes together well. It sounds great when read out loud.
Each line is compact and to the point. *Thumbsup*

The only suggestion I have for you is to include the appropriate punctuation and capitalize your on the last line of the first stanza.

My fave part--
I watched this ever joyous sight
throughout all hours of the night
she, flashing across the sky
he, laughing, passing by.

*Excellent, simple wordplay*

Well done it was a pleasure to read.
Write on!

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Review of On Fire  
Rated: E | (4.0)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

You show a talent for creative wordplay in this Poem. All of the descriptive words you have chosen to use are in direct relation to your theme. *Thumbsup*

The one down point is the fact this Poem is so short in length. You have cut it too short for your reader to connect with your words. It travels along nicely and with great pace and right when it should be peaking 'bang' you end it without using it to your advantage.

My only suggestion to you is to add some length to allow your reader enough time to connect with it. Use the space needed to draw your reader in, capture their attention and don't let it go.

There were no visible errors in this item. *Thumbsup*
Write on!

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Rated: E | (4.0)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

This is definitely a Poem I can relate to. Often I am trapped in my own thoughts and when I am able to answer one question another one immediately takes its place. I believe it is healthy to contemplate things so long as it does not become obsessive and stop you from enjoying the here and now.

You have expressed your message loud and clear to your audience leaving no room for mis-interpretation. *Thumbsup*

I do have one small suggestion--You have used the word 'shall' far too many times. In a short Poem such as this one, the repetitions take center stage and distract the viewer as they read on. Your Poem would greatly improve if you were to consider removing some of them and replacing them with something similar in nature.

Well done and write on!

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Review of Initials  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

This story is beautiful on so many levels. It has been written with elegance and sophistication and one cannot help but to be swept up and carried away by it.
Although it is a story you have expressed it poetically. Without effort it is easy for the reader to see how much thought has gone into this item. Each word strings together to bring to life a tale filled with overwhelming passion. I can find no fault in your item whatsoever.
*Amazing wordplay!*

There were no visible errors and I have no suggestions for change.
Your item is wonderful the way it is and I look forward to reading more of your writing.
Fantastic! A job well done.

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Review of Understanding  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

This is a display of a situation most people find themselves in at least once in their lives. Not a pretty scenario but a valuable learning experience if you take the time to notice it.

The end was surprising. It was like a fairytale unfolding inside your worst nightmare. If only things actually happen this way but most times they don't especially in a situation like this. You usually wake up to discover gruesome happenings and as the day progresses it becomes worse.

This was an interesting read that took me back to my more gregarious days. It has been written well and I could see no visible errors.
Well done.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positve' review. All comments and suggseions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

Anything based on Vampires draws me in from the beginning. *Thumbsup*

You have used the small space you had to work with very well and efficently. The hypnotic and erotic powers Vampires are believed to possess are displayed vividly in your item with one sole intention focused upon--submission of the prey.

The fact that you set this in a public place shows your creativity. Most vampire stories are set in secluded places shrouded by darkness and the victim is usually rendered useless by terror. Your story was completely opposite making it more enjoyable and refreshing to read.

There were no visible errors. *Thumbsup*
I thoroughly enjoyed reading your item.
Well done and write on!

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Review of The Monster  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

This was an interesting story to say the least.

I like the way you have opened the story. From the first line you have engrossed your readers attention by placing them directly in the middle of the action. This was very well done. *Thumbsup*

The qualities and traits you have incorporated into the wife are done well and it is easy for the reader to pick up on the fact that something strange is going on without having to actually explain it in depth. Her strange robotic way of speaking and lack of emotion help to explain her bizzare actions against her husband.

And then we make our way to the husband--You have poprtrayed this character very well indeed. Anger, confusion, realization, fear...all of these emotions adequately displayed and evenly balanced give your character excellent depth as the victim. You weave them all together well and show your character's transition through them all in vivid detail without any bumps along the way.

The only area of this story that requires some extra attention is the repetitions scattered through-out. Such as your reference to the fact this is in not the man's wife. You make that fact very clear at the beginning and I feel there is no need to further emphasize this in the following content.

In general this is a well written story that is packed full of action and a chain reaction full of emotions. You leave your reader with many questions left to ponder over without leaving them unsatisfied in the finale.
It was a pleasure to read. Write on!

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Review of Spectrum  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kndness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

This is a very 'colorful' Poem. Your descriptive word choices are fantastic and lead your reader through a very well written item. I did happen to notice some minor problems with your punctuation so you may want to take another look at that area. There are no visible errors in your Poem. There is nothing more left to say than congratulations. This is an amazing Poem that clearly displays your talent for writing. It was a pleasure to read.
Write on!

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Review of mannequin  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

I think what you have here is a very good starting point for something much better and more in-depth.
You set a very somber and Eerie tone in this quaint Poem that I find enjoyable.
If this were my item I would not change what you already have because it is an excellent beginning but I would consider adding more length to strengthen the message you wish for your readers to receive.

I have noticed you tend to leave out punctuation in your items which of course is your own personal decision to make but I do suggest you try to incorporate basic capitalization into your work to help smooth out any bumps along the way. Of course this is only a suggestion and only you know what is best for your own creations. *Smile*

Well done. It was a pleasure.

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Review of Family Blood  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

This was a great 55 word story!. I have known many people who are of the belief that stories in this area are easy to write because they are so compact. They often fail to realize how much work goes into creating one of these that is clear and strong, has a specific theme and a story that can be followed whilst also making sure it does not exceed the word count.
You covered all of these areas beautifully and nothing more can be said other than well done! *Thumbsup*

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Review of Untitled  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

I liked this item. Sometimes it is when we are not clearly thinking of certain things to write about, our best items shine through. This is short and simple and straight to the point. How could I not like it? *Laugh*
One suggestion- Capitalize the 'd' in your beginning word.

It was a pleasure. Well done.

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Review of What's Broken  
Rated: E | (3.5)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

I enjoyed this Poem. I was drawn to the dark theme and 'sincerity' within the words but there were many errors in the item that I found distracting. Once this item has been edited the strength of the Poem will increase. *Smile*

The main distraction that kept drawing my focus away from your Poem was the {i's} not being capitalized. When making reference to yourself all {i's} should always be capitalized.
I will point out to you the areas that need some extra focus in order to help you.

First verse.
1st line- Peices should be Pieces.
3rd line needs to be tightened and made more compact.
Over-use of comma punctuation at the end of your lines.

*Note* You then switch your format from verse to two following stanzas. *Note*
In the following stanzas you have again over-used your comma punctuation and as previously mentioned you have not capitalized your {i's}

Last verse.
First letter of your first line requires capitalization as it is your starting point.
'tatoo' should read as tattoo.
5th line- peices should read as pieces.

*Note* Of course only you know what is best for your work. *Note*
I hope my review has been helpful to you. Once the appropriate edits have been applied, if you chose to do so, your Poem will be a sure winner! *Smile*
Well done and all the best.

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Review of The Big Race  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
*Star* I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are extended in kindness and are not intended to offend. *Star*

This story was absolutely hilarious. The entire time I was reading I had to force myself not to skip to the end to find out what the prize was. *Laugh*

I enjoyed the casual way this story was written. The use of the wordplay made this item feel almost 'conversational' rather than narrated.

Vivid descriptions of your characters brought them to life along with some 'ugh' images of them racing for the finish line lol.

The irony of the prize was the icing on the cake. By that stage I was in fits of laughter. It was a brilliant finale!

There were no visible errors in your item.
It was a pleasure to read.

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Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Harry

I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All suggestions and comments are given in kindness. *Smile*

The theme of this Poem is interesting to say the least. I have not read a Poem like this before. It was refreshing to read something out of the ordinary. *Thumbsup*

I love the way you have written this. It is easy to see from the display that this is Poetry but when I read it, it had a very natural quality to it almost as though this were conversation. *Thumbsup*

Your wordplay is impressive in this item. It all co-mingles well and expresses a very clear picture for the reader to connect with although I did find myself getting the creeps when I read it because snakes and I do not mix. *Laugh*

Nevertheless I found this item to be highly creative, fresh and original and very well presented.
It was a pleasure to read.

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Review of Cloud Imaging  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Ms.Magi

I am here to give you a 'Simply Positive' review. All comments and suggestions are given in kindness. *Smile*

Bravo on a fantastic item!

Luckily I am familiar with the Pantoum format so this was a real treat for me to read. I then scroll down and discover you have also included information on the format for people who are not familiar with Pantoum. I loved that you decided to include this because not only is it generous and creative but in doing so you automatically secured a larger audience for your item. Well done! *Thumbsup*

I absolutely adored the wordplay you have used in this item. It is above average and you set a wonderful and vivid picture for your reader to enjoy. It is strong and remains consistent until the very end. *Thumbsup*

It was a pleasure to read your Pantoum. It is one of the better ones I have viewed and I can find absolutely no fault in it whatsoever.
Congratulations. This is Poetic excellence!

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Review of Burnt French Fry  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello C. C. Jones

Interesting lyric you have here. *Smile*
I am particularly impressed with the title. It is different and partially misleading to the content. I did not expect to read what followed. *Thumbsup*

There is one small thing that should be pointed out such as appropriate punctuation. The lack of punctuation does not distract the reader from the quality of the work but does lower the quality from a display point of view.

You have chosen to use an excellent font size. Much easier for your viewer to read and take an interest. *Thumbsup*

The tone of emotion is forlorn with strong undercurrents of depression weaved through the item. As a dark writer I was completely captured by the dark mood of the piece.

I have no suggestions for improvement and only one thing to say.
Way to go!

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello fyn .

I enjoyed the quick pace of this story. It flew by so quickly and before I knew it I had reached the end. It put further emphasis on how abruptly change can occur.

I loved the strong will of the mother. She allowed her daughter to see she was going to miss her and would prefer if she stayed but she did not fall apart in her presence although she was on the inside. *Thumbsup*

The introduction of the dog as a companion was very well done and changed the mood of the item immediately. The revelation at the end in regards to do with the daughter's marriage was a nice surprise I did not see coming.

There were no visible errors in this item and I have no suggestions for improvement.

Well done and write on!

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Review of The Monster  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Diane

I love this story!

It is direct and to the point. A perfect length to keep the attention of a young audience.
My favouite parts were when the parents were using reverse psychology on Mirabelle. I have done this so many times to my own children and it never fails. *Laugh*

There were no visible errors and I have no suggestions for improvement. The item is great as is.
Well done. It was a pleasure to read.

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